Rising America

Chapter 685: Little man?

After Keira, Pietro, who underwent the'interrogation', was very brave and even fearless, but his performance made him seem naive and ridiculous, and Li Hong, who was originally stern, almost broke. .

Fortunately, Li Hong is better, so he didn't laugh on the spot.

But even so, Li Hong endured very hard.

Pietro looked at Li Hong with a cowhide look, with a ‘what can you do to me’ imposing manner, making this little boy look a little bit awkward.

On Huaxia's side, a bearish character like Pietro must be slapped by his family. Fortunately, he is an American in different time and space, so he is relatively lucky.

But it is precisely because of this reason that he has such a broken personality, isn't it?

[The kid who owes you]

Li Hong forcibly suppressed a smile, maintaining a serious expression on his face, while silently thinking in his own heart.

Pietro gritted his neck, making people look like a proud **** waiting to fight.

For such a bear boy, Li Hong decided that he had to clean him up. How arrogant is a little kid?

Sitting on the bench, Wanda sighed in his heart when he saw his brother's performance.

Although the little girl knows that her brother usually behaves very well, she really doesn't know it will be so.

As the saying goes, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Now that their children have fallen into the hands of others, you said that Pietro is so awesome.

Moreover, this is still not the United States in China, don't you understand, would you be very disadvantaged if you hold it in this way?

Obviously Wanda is very unoptimistic about what will happen to his brother next.

The United States in different time and space also has a lot of smears against China, and the media will describe China as very dark. It is normal for the two countries to be hostile under ideology, but of course Wanda, as a child, will believe it.

After all, kids still can’t distinguish between true and false in media information, which is sometimes difficult even for adults, let alone Wanda who is less than 7 years old.

Therefore, Wanda silently thought in his heart [How will that fierce woman treat her second brother next time? Use the torture described in the film and television series? Or use other cruel methods? ], Wanda's brains were opened for a while.

In the United States in different time and space, there are many film and television dramas describing the dark side of China, so the little kids have also come into contact with it a lot.

Usually, in American TV dramas, movies, and literary novels in different time and space, Hua Xia is described as extremely dark, even extreme to hell.

Especially in the government's violent agencies, people will receive inhuman treatment after entering.

This is also the case, that's why Kayla is so scared, and Wanda is uneasy and honest, behaving very differently from usual.

But Pietro is as two and arrogant as ever.

However, Li Hong saw that Pietro was actually only a foreigner.

Compared with Pietro's sister Wanda, Li Hong's observation ability is very keen.

She found that despite the little boy in front of her showing a fearless look, but the little boy's legs were trembling all the time, which obviously proved that the little boy's heart was not like what he had shown at this moment.

Li Hongtong's heart rose, and the corner of her mouth smirked slightly, she was going to tease Pietro.

You know, Pietro's performance just now was a challenge to her.


This is absolutely unbearable!

The fingers of the left hand on the desk tapped the desk lightly. Li Hong held back his smile and continued to look at Pietro with a very sullen expression: "You are challenging me, you think I dare not How is it to you?"

Pietro, who pretends to be calm and brave, was actually almost scared to pee when he heard Li Hong say this, but considering that he was so brave just now, wouldn't it be embarrassing to be counseled now?

Therefore, Pietro decided that he must be tough to the end.

Of course, Pietro also regretted it very much. He regretted what tough guy he had just played.

If you were honestly like Kayla, and answered all questions with Li Hong, wouldn't it be like this.

In short, pretending is better than not pretending, and you will be struck by lightning in a while.

After gritting his teeth, Pietro stubbornly continued to maintain that indifferent appearance, and at the same time responded to Li Hong in a tone and tone that he considered to be a tough guy: "Don't scare me, tell you, I'm not afraid at all! I'm a man. !"

Don't look at what Pitro said is very heroic, but in fact he has a reduced version of himself in his heart, and he is kneeling and crying at this moment.

[Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. 】

But from Pietro's face, you can't see his psychological activity at this time, because he behaves too...manly.

Of course, no matter how brave Pitro looked on his face, his trembling legs really betrayed him.

Maybe it was because of pretending to be a tough guy too into the show, which caused Pietro to not find this flaw at all. I have to say that this bear kid is really strange.

Li Hong is also very bad. She sneered at Pietro, then frightened Pietro and said: "It seems you don't know where you are, so I have to introduce you to it."

Pietro's second-class characteristics broke out again, and as soon as Li Hong's voice fell, he answered, "No matter where it is, I am not afraid, because I! Yes! Man! Son! Han!"

Keira, who had been sobbing, raised her head and looked at Pietro's back. The little girl felt that Pietro was going to be unlucky.

Pietro's sister Wanda also felt sad for her younger brother. She felt that her younger brother had simply broken the sky.

Li Hong nodded, "Well, I like a tough guy like you. There are 365 kinds of torture instruments and criminal laws. You don't have to be too many. As long as you can survive the three, I will release you all."

After saying that, Li Hong rushed to the subordinate who was guarding the door to give a gesture, the subordinate turned around and walked out, and after a while he walked back again with a few scary-looking instruments of torture.

Cang Dang!

The instrument of torture was thrown under Pitro's small bench, and Pitro almost didn't jump up, but because his hands and feet had quantum shackles, obviously he couldn't do this.

Li Hong said in a timely manner: "You choose one."

Dense beads of sweat ooze from the tough guy Pietro's forehead, and the bear children dare not look at the torture instruments.

Li Hong was very patient and waited for Pietro to speak after speaking.

Pitro is complicated and tangled in his heart at this moment.

It is contradictory whether he continues to pretend to be a tough guy or to be soft.

When things have reached this point, even Pietro is very second, but it can be seen that there is obviously no benefit to continuing to pretend to be a tough guy.

Continue to pretend to be a tough guy, then he will have to taste the power of those terrible torture instruments. As for what kind of harm these torture instruments will bring to him, this can be imagined even with the ass.

Pitro suddenly felt that he was still young, the world was so beautiful, and he still had a lot of food that he hadn't eaten...

Although it is shameful to serve soft, at least it can keep oneself from being hurt.

Wanda, who had been sitting on the bench at this time, yelled at Pitro: "Pitro, you idiot, what kind of tough guy do you pretend at this time? Have you suffered so much to recognize reality?"

The elder sister's roar woke up Pietro, and at the same time allowed the bear kid to find a step to retreat from this embarrassing time.

So Pitro quickly said loudly to Li Hong: "For the sake of my sister's face, I won't be as knowledgeable as you. After all, I want to listen to my sister."

The bear kid used such a funny excuse, and his nonsense actually didn't even believe Pietro himself.

Listen to your sister?

Haha, when did he hear his sister Wanda.

This is a **** of a life.

At least Wanda rolled his eyes after hearing what his younger brother Pietro said.

Of course, Li Hong had no intention of exposing the bear child's lies. Since the "tough guy" has been softened, why should she continue to tease.

Place of birth, Los Angeles.


SHIELD file number 99808

Sex: Male】

Age [five years old]

Pitro, who had been softened, confessed his information honestly, and he no longer looked like his previous rags.

After seeing that his brother became honest, Wanda was really relieved.

The girl didn't want her brother to be tortured by those horrible instruments of torture.

Among other things, Pietro's small body, it is estimated that there is no way to survive the torture.

Li Hong pretended to take notes on the notebook, and asked such a sentence or two from time to time. The soft bear child was very cooperative.

"Your father and mother are ordinary people?"

Li Hong asked casually.

Li Hong is no stranger to mutants.

Because there are also many mutants on Huaxia's side, Li Hong is in charge of these six places, and he doesn't deal less with Huaxi mutants.

Therefore, for the mutant bear child from the United States, she did not find anything surprising.

And there is no other meaning in asking casually.

Pietro stumbled and responded: "My father and mother are also mutants, and my father is very famous."

Hearing that Li Hong came so little interested.

It is said that there are many famous mutants. Among them, there are half and half of the good guys and half of the bad guys. Li Hong is very curious about Pietro’s famous father?

Could it be from the bad guys?

"My father is nicknamed Magneto. I think you should have heard his name. He is the hero of the mutant group~lightnovelpub.net~ Magneto?

Li Hong froze, saying that she was no stranger to the name Magneto, because this guy had done a great thing.

"You said your father is Magneto?"

Li Hong was really shocked.

Pitro looked at Li Hong, who looked disbelief, and felt that she must have been frightened by her father's reputation, so the bear child began to cry again.

Pride appeared on his face, and the look of cowhide was back.

"Yes, my father is Magneto, are you scared!"

"Your father was suspected of commercial fraud 20 years ago. We have never caught him. We didn't expect you to be his son, hahahaha!"

Before Pitro shook for five seconds, Li Hong stunned the bear child with a word. (To be continued.)