Rising America

Chapter 686: My friend is still locked up

"Impossible! My father is the hero of mutants. He used to be a fighter who fought for the equal status of mutants. It is absolutely impossible for you to be a fraudster!"

After the initial shock, Pietro angrily yelled at Li Hong.

Although his father is a man who is afraid of his wife, he is also Pitro's hero anyway.

But now someone tells him that his father is not a hero, but a scammer. How can you say Pietro is not excited.

Not only Pitro was excited, but Wanda, who had always been quiet, became like his younger brother.

"You bad woman, you're telling lies, our father won't be a scammer!" Wanda's voice rang before Pietro's voice fell. "Although he is afraid of his wife, is stingy, and is told by his mother all day that he has no ability to make money, it is a fact that he is a great hero."

Looking at the two angry little boys, Li Hong gave a chuckle.

Li Hong really knows what kind of person this Magneto in Different Time and Space is like.

After all, Magneto is the strong one among the mutants, and the destructive power is also very powerful, so as China's intelligence department, how could it not collect his various information intelligence.

Therefore, for the existence of various information such as Magneto, China has also done a detailed collection and preparation of files.

As for the real reason behind Magneto's fame in the first battle, Li Hong is very clear.

So she faced the two excited little kids and said: "I didn't lie, your father is really a scammer. Back then, he used the method of "MLM" to deceive many middle-aged and elderly people by selling health products in southern China. Human."

If Jin Xiantai heard Li Hong's words on the scene, he would definitely spit it out if he wanted to.

Who would have thought that the famous Magneto King Eisenhardt had actually done MLM sales of health care products in other time and space.

Wanda and Pietro really couldn't refute the fact that their father was selling health products in China, because they forget that the two little guys often hear their father mention this. Obviously Magneto is very proud of this experience.

Because according to Magneto, he is the first pot of gold earned by Li in this business.

The two little guys also believed in this.

But now some people say that what the father implemented was a fraud, which is a bit subverting the cognition of the two bear children.

"You must be lying, I don't believe it!"

Pietro shouted at Li Hong again.

But Wanda fell silent.

Compared to her younger brother, this smart girl felt that her own tease could really do such a thing than her father. Therefore, under the influence of this uncertain factor, Wanda became honest again. No longer seemed so excited.

At this time, only Pietro still insisted that Li Hong was telling lies.

Originally there was no ill will towards Wanda's sister and brother Li Hong, but when she knew that these two bear children were the children of Magneto, Li Hong was a little upset.

Magneto used the MLM method to sell health care products in China Southern, which really pitted many Chinese people. Even his original method is still betting, and it is used by many bad guys who want to get something for nothing. The kind-hearted people have suffered greatly.

"I didn't lie. Your father used products that were not worth a mere one-yuan soft sister coin, pretended to be high-end products, and induced exaggerated and intimidating psychological hints..." Li Hong slowly said what Magneto did. After those things, Pietro gradually became silent like his sister.

Kayla stopped sobbing at this time, listening to Li Hong's story about fifteen years ago in amazement.

The little Krypton girl didn't expect that her two good friend fathers would have done such a thing.

As a kindergarten friend, Kayla is no stranger to Magneto.

After all, every time you pick up two bear children, Magneto is the father of Magneto, so of course Kayla will never have seen it.

------split line------

"Kayla will be punished if she makes a mistake. She has to take responsibility for her actions. As for what she will end up with, we don’t care about it. So let’s do it. My love and I have another experiment. If you do, China has the result, please let us know."

Toot toot!

Jin Xiantai put down the phone with a tangled look, and he couldn't accept the words of Kayla's mother on the phone.

That's right, the person who spoke with Jin Xiantai just now is the mother of the little Krypton girl Kayla, and this mother is also from a distant Krypton.

It can be said that Kayla's family are all aliens.

Her parents, her brother.

It’s just that Kim Hyun-tae did not expect that this alien mother from Krypton would say that to the daughter who was “captured”.

This is even more exotic than Magneto, OK?

[Haha, did all the strange flowers meet me? 】

Kim Hyun Tae put down the phone and got up from the sofa, and at the same time he could not help but complain in silence.

Well, even if he feels helpless and weird, the fate of the three bear children now depends on him.

After all, the three children came to China because of their daughter, Coco. As for now, I have entered six places in the'gate'.

Fortunately, Li Hong ‘closed’ the three children just to frighten the bear children, and it’s not really what to do with them. This is not to worry Jin Xiantai too much.

Sweeping his gaze in the direction of the bedroom, Coco still closed the door, without any intention of opening the door.

Withdrawing his gaze, Jin Xiantai shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Andrew walked over and whispered to Jin Hyuntae, "Ms. Li Hong called just now, but you didn’t get through because Master Li was on the phone. Finally, she contacted me and asked me to tell you, someone from the military. Having found her, she also explained about the three children. The Chinese military does not intend to pursue this matter. After all, they are only three children."

The heart that Kim Hyun Tae had been hanging on, finally let go after Andrew finished speaking.

What he worries about has always been the attitude of the Chinese military.

After all, what the three bear kids did was really bad.

Going bigger, it can even cause a war between the two countries.

Once such a situation occurs, the three bear children will be extremely sinful.

At the same time, Coco, the initiator of this incident, will also be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

Relieved, Jin Xiantai turned around in the living room a few times, then walked back to the sofa, sat down, and turned on the TV.

However, although the TV was turned on, Jin Xiantai's thoughts were not on the TV program.

Andrew saw that Kim Hyun-tae still had something on his mind, so he didn't leave, but went to stand quietly behind Kim Hyun-tae.

"She said that the Yinfu school has been resolved, do you think there will be any tricks in this matter?"

He looked on the TV screen as if he was watching a program on TV, but in fact, Jin Hyun Tae's thoughts were no longer there.

He doesn't need to worry about the three little kids.

Li Hong obviously couldn't fool him in this matter.

Besides, the three bear children are not worth fighting for China here, right.

But the Yinfu school thing is a thorn in Jin Xiantai's heart.

Indeed, Li Hong said that the Yinfu Sect had been resolved and all members had been killed by her.

But because he didn't see it with his own eyes, Kim Hyun-tae was always a little bit worried.

After all, this matter involves the so-called monk, and Jin Xiantai dare not take it lightly.

We must know that he has read many online novels in his previous life. Although the descriptions of monks in those novels are too exaggerated, it is certain that they are better than ordinary people.

Especially there are mutants, superpowers, vampires, and werewolves on the other side.

If there is a fish that slips through the net of the Yinfu school of gadgets, won't the future be a big threat to the daughter?

You know, the cause of the incident was Coco, and it was 47 who followed him to kill the Yinfu school disciples, so how could Jin Xiantai not worry about this.

He was afraid that Li Hong would not handle it cleanly.

When Andrew heard this, he immediately understood what Jin Xiantai meant and also understood his concerns.

Therefore, Andrew said with relief: "Ms. Li Hong shouldn't be joking about that."

Jin Xiantai sat on the sofa and looked back at Andrew with disbelief, and said to him: "The monks are very big beings. They have the power to overwhelm the sun, the moon and the stars, but now they can be modernized. Killed by weapons, I always find it a little weird about this."

Andrew smiled and responded to Jin Xiantai: "Master, in fact, you are a little bit horny. Ms. Li Hong once said that this world is now in the Age of Doom. If we replace it with the name of our Namek, that is what this world provides for the monks. The energy is not much, even exhausted, so how strong are the monks in this environment? Without energy supplement, I don't think these people are how dangerous."

Andrew's explanation is very popular, anyone can easily understand it after listening, so Kim Hyun Tae is no exception.

What should be feared by the monks in the Age of the End of Dharma? This is what Andrew means.

And this alien elementary school student from another plane didn't think that monks would really be that powerful.

According to the law of energy strength and weakness he now knows, no matter how strong it is, it must have a degree, right?

So Andrew didn't pay much attention to ~lightnovelpub.net~ but Kim Hyun Tae was different from Andrew. He was very cautious on the issue of monks and would not underestimate them.

After all, Andrew is an alien. It is normal for the monk that he doesn't catch a cold. Jin Xiantai can't force him to look down on the monk, so he can only respond with a wry smile.

"I am worried that there will be fish that slip through the net. I am afraid that Li Hong has not dealt with it. In fact, this is what worries me the most." Without wanting to entangle Andrew with useless things, Jin Xiantai pulled the topic center back.

After hearing this, Andrew thought for a while, shrugged helplessly and said to Jin Xiantai: "I have nothing to do with this, we can only trust Ms. Li Hong."

That's right, besides believing in Li Hong, what can Jin Xiantai do now.

At this moment, the closed door of the bedroom suddenly opened, and Coco ran out of it.

The little guy ran to his father, pinched his waist with both hands and shouted at his father: "You still want to chat, my friends are still locked up, but they were caught for me!" (To be continued.)