Rising America

Chapter 687: educate children

?Coco rushed out of his room and yelled at his father.

Obviously the little guy wants his father to come forward and ‘save’ his friends out.

Of course, the bear child does not know what kind of trouble his friend is causing, and this matter is not easily solved by his father.

But no matter what, Jin Xiantai is omnipotent in Coco's heart.

Looking at his daughter speechlessly, Jin Xiantai walked over and gently hugged Coco, then walked towards the sofa.

Coco, who was held in his arms by his father, kept kicking his hands and feet. The little guy was angry at this time. Seeing his father ignore his friends, this made Coco very dissatisfied with his father.

It was for this reason that the little guy ran into the room as soon as he got home, then closed the door and ignored his father.

"Let go of me! You are a bad father! You don't save my friends, you are pregnant father."

The little guy vented his dissatisfaction while kicking around.

But it's a pity that although Coco has special powers, he can't get rid of himself.

A certain Chinese urban romance drama is still playing on the TV, but neither Kim Hyun Tae nor Coco are interested. There are more important things to talk about for the father and daughter.

After sitting down on the sofa, Kim Hyun Tae put Coco to his side, and at the same time he turned sideways to look at his daughter, with a serious expression and said: "I didn't care about your friend's affairs, but they are in trouble after all. It’s not small, it’s not that easy to solve. So it’s useless for you to make noises. What you need is to give me time."

The bear child doesn't care so much, she just knows that her friends have been arrested and locked up, and her father didn't get them out, but took herself home.

You know, she promised her friends that her father would solve the trouble they caused.

So Coco felt that he had broken his promise to Wanda and the others.

More importantly, Wanda and the others caused trouble, and in the final analysis it was because of themselves.

Therefore, she didn't solve the troubles caused by her friends because of her. Coco felt that she was very sorry, but she also understood that her ability was limited, so this matter depends on her father.

But his father's attitude was very unclear, which made the little guy a little confused.

So in order for his father to agree, Coco decided to use his own way to make his father submit.

A child is a child, but what can this little guy do.

Usually, it's not all the tricks and tricks that most children will use.

"Dad, just tell me to take care of it, don't tell me what I don't understand is good."

The little guy looked at his father like a little adult and asked.

Kim Hyun Tae is happy with this attitude of Coco.

Why do you say that a kid is so serious? You still use a very adult tone.

But in order to prevent her daughter from continuing to make trouble, Jin Hyun-tae could only calm her daughter and said: "Dad didn't say that I don't care, just that this matter is a bit troublesome. After all, Wanda and the others are your friends, how could my father care about it."

Sure enough, before Kim Hyun-tae's words came to an end, Coco, who was originally stern-faced, suddenly smiled, then stood on the sofa and hugged his father with a grin. At the same time, he changed his adult tone and said coquettishly: "Yeah, I know that Dad won't leave it alone."

Coco's ability to change face is not so strong, and Jin Xiantai admires it very much.

The first second was cloudy, but the next second will be sunny.

"How can you stop being angry with Dad?"

Kim Hyun-tae pretended to ask seriously.

Little Coco hugged his father with a smile on his face, and he slapped his ass.

"How can I be angry with Dad, I won't. I know Dad is very powerful, and I firmly believe that as long as Dad takes care of this matter, Wanda and the others will not be in trouble."

The little guy has a very sweet mouth, and at the same time, I don't forget to mention the little guys in Wanda. How could Jin Xiantai not be able to hear the meaning.

Kim Hyun-tae is actually very confident about Wanda’s siblings.

After all, Li Hong was angry with him and told him that he was just frightening the children, so he didn't worry at all about Wanda's children, Jin Xiantai.

But Coco is not clear about this.

She is very worried that Wang Wanda and the others will be abused in six detention centers.

Coco believes that a lot of bad guys must be locked up somewhere, so Wanda's children are also locked there, and they must be bullied.

In order to prevent his friends from being bullied, Coco worked very hard.

"Coco, do you know what kind of trouble your friends are causing?" Although Jin Xiantai promised to help Coco'save' her friends, he also thought of what Li Hong said, so he I plan to talk to my daughter well, so that she can understand what mistakes she and her friends have made.

After all, this matter can be big or small, and if the Chinese military wants to be more serious, it can stand up.

You said that there are two mutants of the three little kids, and an alien species enters China in this way. It is not impossible to make some conspiracy theories.

Once it reaches this point, the three little kids will definitely not end well.

It's not enough to lose your life, but it will be troublesome after all, isn't it?

"Dad, what do you mean?"

Coco looked at his father very puzzled.

Jin Xiantai looked at his daughter sternly and said, "Do you know that because of your phone call, your friends have violated China's laws?"

Coco shook her head, she really didn't know.

Jin Xiantai went on to say, "They are invading the airspace of other countries. It is very bad in nature and will even cause the outbreak of war. Did you know?" Jin Xiantai scared his daughter half-truth.


Doesn’t it mean that you don’t have a passport, which can cause war?

Coco widened his eyes and looked at his father in surprise.

Obviously the little guy couldn't believe what he said to his father.

Staring seriously at his daughter's eyes, Kim Hyun Tae's expression was very serious.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not talking nonsense, it's true."

Immediately, Kim Hyun-tae explained some of these truths to his daughter, so Coco gradually understood what kind of troubles Wanda brothers and sisters and Kaila got into with a phone call.

Listening to his father's explanation, the expression on Coco's face became uneasy.

Obviously, the little guy has understood and understood these things that she had not understood.

It turned out that she thought it wasn't serious.

But after her father's explanation, she knew how serious the matter was.

After finally explaining the seriousness to his daughter, Kim Hyun-tae asked Coco here: "Now do you know how serious and troublesome this is?"

Little Coco at this time is no longer so calm.

And there was a flustered look on her little face.

"Ah, is this so serious? Will you be shot?"

Knowing how serious the things committed by his friends were, Coco felt very uneasy in his heart.

After all, it involves the fact that China's airspace has been violated, and then listening to my father said that it is likely to cause war, so the little guy is really scared.

After seeing his daughter being frightened, Kim Hyun-tae was comforted a bit in his heart.

At least this shows that the daughter is not so lawless, after knowing the seriousness of the matter, she is still a little afraid.

Jin Xiantai, who was holding back a smile, responded to his daughter: “It’s hard to say, after all, this matter is very bad. We mainly have to look at the attitude of the Chinese military and see if they want to deal with your friends seriously. If so, I think. I obviously can't help it."

Kim Hyun-tae is not a lie to Coco, but an out-and-out truth.

You know, Kim Hyun-tae seems to be a little domineering, but that is also in the United States.

He Jin Xiantai in Huaxia is a fart.

But even in the United States, Kim Hyun Tae is just a rich man, and his relationship is just like Old George.

Compared to the real elites in the United States, he is far, far behind.

So how can he influence the Chinese military?

If the Huaxia military really wants to run the three little kids, Wanda Sister and Brother and Kayla, Jin Xiantai would have no choice.

Although he knew Jin Jianshe and Li Hong from Huaxia, he didn't think that Li Hong and Jin Jianshe could make the Huaxia military save face.

What's more, the trouble caused by the three bear kids is not small at all.

As Kim Hyun Tae said, it is not impossible to cause war.

Thanks to the young age of the three children, it would be hard to say if this is done in an American plane.

Now, looking at the fact that all major domestic news media in China have not reported this incident, and the United States has not responded to this, it can be seen that Wanda and the others will not be treated like China.

If Huaxia were to make a big mess, it would certainly not be so light and windy. All the media would have taken turns to make a lot of noise.

Similarly, the media in the United States will not be idle.

But Coco obviously doesn't understand these things, so it's not surprising to be frightened by his father.

"What can I do?" Coco asked his father uneasyly, "I don't want Wanda and the others to be shot, dad you must find a way."

Looking at her nervous daughter~lightnovelpub.net~, Jin Xiantai's face was tight, and at the same time she held back a smile in her heart.

"Coco, do you know that you were wrong now? Do you know that it is because of your own relationship that you have put your friends in this danger?"

This is an opportunity to educate Cocoa, and Kim Hyun Tae doesn't want to just waste it.

Coco lowered his head by his father's question. After a while, he nodded and responded to his father with a mosquito hum: "Yes, I know it was wrong."

"Then you will be fooling around in the future?"

Kim Hyun Tae asked again.

Coco wrapped his hands around the corners of his clothes, "No, I won't do it again."

Then Jin Xiantai said to his daughter: "I will go to see Wanda and the others tomorrow, and my father will definitely try to get them back."

PS: [Daughter finally stopped vomiting, but she would have a fever in the middle of the night. During the National Day, my wife and I accompanied the child to the hospital. I was very uncomfortable watching the child become sick. 】(~^~)