Rising America

Chapter 688: Demi and Ayumi

?【Nissin Ramen, your good partner! 】


"It's over, it's over!"

After the director wearing a forward hat and brown sunglasses greeted, the actors suddenly broke away from the tense working state, and each became very relaxed.

The productions began to get busy. Some small characters began to flock to the director, and began to get close to the director. Those girls who thought they were pretty, often played against the director who was over sixty years old. Point, obviously don't mind some unspoken rules or something.

However, for these people who came to flatter, the director was obviously not interested. When the assistant beside him frowned when he saw it, he blocked the little characters.

The director got up and walked towards the heroine in the commercial filmed today.

Under the envious gaze of those little people, the director came to the ad heroine, raised his hand and took off his brown sunglasses.

Due to the distance, no one can see that when the director faced the heroine, a strange flattery appeared on his face.

Otherwise, it would definitely scare a large number of people.

The director is very famous in different time and space, even internationally.

In fact, he is not an advertising director, but a film director, and every film he shoots is very popular, coupled with his international influence, so he was touted as Japan's film master by Time and Space Japan.

God knows how such a well-known director with international influence took over such a commercial shooting.

"Ms. Ayumi, today the commercial is over. Your performance is perfect. I can't find any mistakes or flaws. At the same time, I found that you should enter the entertainment industry because you have great potential."

This great director of different time and space in Japan, in the face of the heroine of the advertisement, is extremely flattering and puts his attitude very low.

It's just that the girl named Ayumi doesn't seem to have a cold with the director at all.

"I have no interest in the entertainment industry. The reason why I agreed to shoot the commercial is just to help my friends."

While the girl said this to the director, she walked towards the passage next to the studio.

When the girl expressed no interest in the entertainment industry, the director was not disappointed at all. Instead, he continued to lower his posture and said to the girl: "In this case, I won't talk about this, although it is a pity, please After I go back, I tell Miss Demi that I will ask her to take care of her next movie and help her when it comes to the US market."

The girl named Ayumi nodded: "Don't worry, Nissin Ramen has 50% of William's shares. Miss Demi and him are good friends again, so I don't think the problem is big."

"Trouble you!"

The director bowed to Ayumi at a 90 degree angle.

Unfortunately, the girl named Ayumi never looked at him again, and just disappeared in the corner of the passage beside the studio.

And this girl is no one else. It is Ayumi, a friend and classmate of Jin Xiantai who came to Japan when his neighbor Demi lived in Santa Monica.

In August, Demi created instant noodles, an instant food at Alitime and Space. Once the instant noodles were launched, they quickly gained the attention of the Japanese, and sales were extremely hot from the beginning.

Jin Xiantai would never have imagined that the fast food that had been popular in another time and space would have been tampered with in another time and space.

The name [Nissin Foods] created by Demi now has the same name as that of another time and space, which is really weird.

Of course, Demi is not without her consideration.

After all, her factories are all established in Japan, so it is understandable to give a name acceptable to the Japanese.

Japanese people in different time and space also like to eat ramen. There are large and small ramen shops in various places in the country, so how much ramen is liked by Japanese people.

Therefore, it is not surprising that such a simple and fast ramen is quickly accepted by the Japanese.

In particular, the emergence of instant noodles is welcomed by major Japanese companies.

Since instant noodles were introduced, white-collar workers in major companies have even shortened their lunch time and spent more time in the company.

I have to say that the capitalists are really black-hearted, especially the Japanese capitalists.

At the same time, because instant noodles are cheap, this also benefits the bottom group in Japan.

Although Japan is a highly developed capitalist society, it looks pretty good on the surface, but in fact, in corners where the sun is not exposed to sunlight, there are also families who have had a meal without taking a meal.

And this kind of family accounts for 8% of the population in Japan with a population of 1.1 billion.

Coupled with the fact that Americans cut off Japanese meat last year, many Japanese companies went bankrupt, so the number of poor families began to soar, which caused the Japanese government a very headache.

For these poor groups, the government cannot just let it go, but the Japanese government does not want to waste too much money for assistance. After all, it costs money.

The emergence of instant noodles suddenly gave hope to the Japanese government, which has been troubled by this.

A normal ramen shop basically costs 800 yen for a bowl of ramen.

But instant noodles are only 350 yen.

A bag of instant noodles does not seem to be much, but it can also make people full without starving.

Although it is impossible to eat this stuff every day, it is okay to eat a few occasionally.

I don't know what the Japanese government thinks. Anyway, Demi's instant noodles have entered the Japanese government's procurement and entered the list of welfare foods distributed to poor families.

This is a big deal that is accounted for every month, just like a pie in the sky.

So don’t look at Demi’s [Nissin Foods] as just a newly established company, but its income is really not low, with tens of millions of dollars in net income every month.

And this is only Japan.

As time goes by, when instant noodles become popular and popular in Southeast Asia, that is the most profitable time. Now it is just the beginning.

But even so, the net income of tens of millions of dollars a month is enough to cover all kinds of expenses.

As a result, Demi even became Japan's youngest entrepreneur star in 2016, and was heavily reported by Asahi TV.

It seems that this girl is a rising star in the Japanese business world.

Ayumi walked into a room on the corner. At the door, two large black bodyguards wearing black sunglasses did not squint.

Close the door, Ayumi saw Demi sitting on the sofa in the corner of the room.

"Don't let me do this kind of thing in the future, I'm embarrassed about it."

While complaining to her friend Demi, Ayumi walked to the dressing table and sat down, and then began to slowly remove her makeup.

It has been a year since Demi came to Japan, and has gradually integrated into the Japanese cultural atmosphere, becoming a girl who is not a mainstream faction trend in Japan.

Black lace skirt, black and white striped stockings, big-toed leather shoes, all kinds of weird metal accessories, and even she has spotted pink on her blonde hair.

It seems that Demi is no different from the trendy girls on the streets of Harajuku.

Fortunately, Demi hasn't changed as weird as Shibuya's black hottie, which is more gratifying.

When Ayumi complained, Demi stood up and walked towards her grinningly, and stopped behind Ayumi, placing her hands on Ayumi's shoulders.

"Hee hee, you are my good friend, and your body is still such a good figure, who I am not looking for in this advertisement? After all, I hope this advertisement is attractive, right?"

While speaking, Demi slowly slid his hands on Ayumi's shoulders, sliding in and covering Ayumi's chest very trivially.

Ayumi suddenly jumped up from her seat like a blown-up cat, and spit out Demi's grin: "Do you want my **** to attract you? You are mine." Please don’t forget this, my friend."

Facing the exploded Ayumi Demi was not afraid at all, but continued to maintain that hippie smile, which made Ayumi roll her eyes angrily.

"Hey, the biggest characteristic of your body is your breasts. Actually, there is nothing to embarrass you. You should face your own characteristics. You don't know how much I envy you."

Demi is obviously a bit shameless, of course this is the case in front of Ayumi. Demi is usually a lady.


Ayumi's face flushed, and she didn't know if she was angry or because she was shy.

"Quickly remove our makeup, let's not worry about this, okay?" Demi walked over with a smile, took Ayumi's hand and pressed her back to the seat, and began to help her comb her head.

For Demi, who was slowly becoming a little wretched, Ayumi could only helplessly accept this fact, after all, she could not change Demi.

"Now the instant noodle sales are very good, and everything is on the right track, the advertisement is also filmed, the next thing is nothing more than advertising, and this obviously won't be a problem, after all, Asahi TV belongs to William."

After making a fuss, Ayumi and Demi talked about serious matters.

Demi helped her comb her hair behind Ayumi. After hearing the words, he thought about it and responded: "You are right, advertising is not a problem. In addition to Asahi TV, TV stations like this and some local stations also signed me. I signed an advertising contract, so I will be free for a long time in the future."

Ayumi unbuttoned her shoulder, "Huh! Ask me to help you shoot the commercial, don't you plan to give me some benefit?" The girl deliberately asked her friend.

When Demi heard this, she whispered in Ayumi's ear: "I won't be so stingy. I plan to take you on a trip tomorrow. Shall we go to China for fun?"

Just as Ayumi wanted to say something, suddenly the room lights flickered, as if the current was unstable, and the atmosphere was a bit scary.

And Ayumi and Demi stopped their movements~lightnovelpub.net~ The two girls looked around quickly, and the clothes worn by the two of them faded away, and replaced them with very Simple armor.

"The breath of Tianjin God, it seems we are going to have a little trouble."

Ayumi looks a little scary at this moment. The girl has changed a lot from the waist. Her lower body and legs disappeared, replaced by a snake-like lower body with scales. At the same time, there are four more on her back. Arms, the hands of each arm hold a weird weapon.

Ayumi, who had become the six-armed snake girl, warned her good friend Demi beside her, and began to be very nervous.

And Demi, dressed up by Harajuku Ryu, has also undergone a surprising change, which makes her look very different in normal times.

Mouth Jie! Mouth Jie! Mouth Jie!

Eerie laughter echoed all around, and then a huge grimace composed of black mist appeared in the sight of the two girls.

"The girl's taste is so sweet, I really like it. Well, there is also a strong ghost taste..." (to be continued.)