Rising America

Chapter 698: Is this husky your cousin?

"Listen to the cry?"

Wang! Barking!

"Hehe, a very obedient dog."

It is ridiculously squinting to tease the Husky in front of him.

The Hell three-headed dog returned to Fenrir with Coco and a few little kids, and at the same time brought back a large pot of fresh and expensive beef.

Because of the food, Fenrir obediently followed Coco's orders and played a few rolls on the ground, and also learned a few dog barks... The cleverness it showed made several children very excited.

I was so hungry, Fenrir didn't pay attention to any facelessness at this time, anyway, if he stuttered.

Before he was hungry and wanted to go to Xiang to eat, but now he can have beef to eat by lowering his temper, and Fenrir should know what choice he should make.

Unless... it really wants to eat Xiang.

A large pot of fresh beef, about fifty kilograms, was finally satisfied with cocoa, and Fenrir could have a big meal.

Showing the attitude of a hungry dog ​​flying, Fenrir attacked the beef.

The three-headed dog from **** said to this cousin: "Cousin, eat slowly. Don't worry about it. There is not enough food. My master is very rich."

Fenrir's eating is too bad, so the three-headed **** dog had to remind him, but Fenrir, who was so hungry, could have so much scruples at this moment.

Haha, let's talk about it when I'm full now.

"This is Kobe beef, which is very expensive."

Seeing Fenrir who was gorging himself, he ignored him, the three-headed **** dog persuaded him and then murmured, obviously, Fenrir's eating method made Cerberos a bit violent.

But Coco squatted down very coolly, raised his hand and patted the head in the middle of the three-headed dog of the hell, smiled and looked at the gobbled Fenrir, and said to the three-headed dog of the hell: "It's okay, it eats so happy. I saw it and liked it very much. But why is your cousin a husky? If you are a pug, your cousin should be a pug? The worst is also a Shar Pei. But why is it a husky? ?"

Obviously, Little Coco was full of curiosity about the fact that Cerberus in the form of a pug can have a cousin in the form of a husky.

Perhaps at this moment, Cocoa had already opened a big brain hole in his mind, filling up the love and hatred of the dog family by himself.

"My cousin is a wolf, not a dog."

Cerberos responded carefully to his little master.


Coco knocked Cerberus' head in the middle, and then looked down at this wretched pug: "Do you think I'm too young to cheat? Your cousin is obviously a husky, why do you say It's a wolf? And it just called out clearly, right?"

I didn't tell lies, my cousin is indeed a wolf, or a famous demon wolf!

Cerberus felt wronged because it was telling the truth, without a trace of lies or deception.

And Fenrir barked like a dog just now, and Cerberus himself didn't know if it was good.

It's all right now, the little master is angry, and he was beaten again. This is really wronged.

I groaned for myself in my heart. In order to avoid being subjected to Coco’s abuse, Cerberus quickly defended: "Master, master, don’t hit me. I told the truth. My cousin is indeed a demon. Wolf. As you who inherited the Godhead of the Underworld, you can find the answer in the ancient memory sealed by the Godhead. My cousin's name is Fenrir, the Nordic magic wolf Fenrir."

Fenrir, who lay down in front of the big iron basin and gobbled it down, looked back at his cousin from time to time while eating, and found that his cousin was too rubbish.

It actually bowed its knees to a little girl like this, and it almost humiliated the family.


When I was full, I was teaching that little girl!

Fenrir made a decision silently in his heart.

"Does your cousin speak? Just like you."

Cerberus insisted that his cousin was a wolf, but his appearance was as good as a husky, so this also aroused the curiosity of Wanda and Kayla.

And considering the characteristics of the three-headed dog in hell, the three children wanted to know whether this cousin of Cerberus could communicate with himself in words, just like him.

Therefore, Kayla couldn't help but interrupted and asked at this moment.

Cerberus nodded to Kayla: "Of course, my cousin, like me, can communicate normally with mortals in mortal language."

At this time, Coco was searching for information about Fenrir using her godhead, and she wanted to confirm whether Cerberus' cousin was a dog or a wolf.

So Cocoa seemed very quiet at this time.

"Your name is Fenrir?"

Kayla asked tentatively at Fenrir who ate beef.

Well! Delicious, so delicious!

My cousin said what kind of Kobe beef this is. Although I don't understand why this beef is called Kobe beef, the taste of beef is really fragrant.

Fenrir, who was eating wildly, eating, and especially eating. At this moment, he heard Kayla shouting at him, so he looked back at Kayla with blue dog eyes, and then responded with a disdainful tone: "Mortal, don't be right. The gods are disrespectful, you will be unlucky to be careful. How can you question that the gods can’t speak?"

Fenrir was really talking, which made Kyla very excited.

A husky speaks human words, is this style very strange?

In particular, this husky still claims to be a god, and there is a little threatening charm inside and outside...

"Wow! Huskies can really talk, and there is no barrier to communication."

Kaila excitedly turned her head and said to Wanda sister and brother, then quickly turned to look at Fenrir and said, "Are you a male dog or a female dog?"


Fenrir squirted the beef out of his mouth, and he thought the little girl was a bit silly.

Cousin Cerberos clearly said that he is a cousin, how can you still ask if you are a male or a female? It's not obvious!

Of course, Fenrir was a little angry that he was a wolf, not a dog!

What is a male dog and a female dog!

This is an insult to myself!

No, I want to be angry, I want to be angry, I want to show these little kids a little bit more power.

But since they have given themselves so many delicious beef portions, it's fine to scare them.

Thinking of this, Fenrir released the breath of the gods and demons in his body.

Suddenly, an immense momentum of letting the Buddha come from the wilderness filled the entire courtyard. This aura was mixed with huge and depressing negative energy that can produce fear, but anyone with weak willpower will have hallucinations or even go crazy. .

[Humph! The kid knows he's scared. 】

Fenrir was very proud to think in his heart, and then he wanted to take back the devilish energy.

Annie glanced at the corner where Fenrir and the children were, and then Oli, the king of Spartan loli, who had been following Annie, walked over with a stern face.

Fenrir didn't check the reaction of Coco and the others, but he felt that the little kids must be scared to pee now, and for him, eating beef is most important right now.

But he did not expect that before he continued to eat delicious beef, his forehead would be severely smashed.

This suddenly made Fenrir dizzy and his eyes were dark, so Xuan didn't let it faint like this.

"Who! Who beat me! Give me rough!"

Because Fenrir had eaten something, now Fenrir has recovered some strength, so after being hit by someone, it exploded its hair immediately, stood up abruptly, grinned and turned menacingly and asked.

But when the person who beat it answered, Fenrilton was slumped, and he no longer looked like his previous aggressiveness.

Ollie looked at Fenrir with a sneer, squeezing the knuckles, "I beat you, what do you want?" After that, Ollie waved her fist.

Ooo... Ooo... Fenrir lowered the dog's head silently, then turned around with his tail between him, and was about to ignore him and intend to go by.

Unfortunately, Oli did not give it a chance.

The fierce King of Sparta reached out and grabbed Fenrir's tail, forcefully rounded it up for a few laps in the air, and then hit the ground fiercely.


Cerberus closed his eyes, and he could understand the pain of his cousin at this moment.

To be honest, anyone who gets hit on the ground for a few rounds like this will not feel good.

"It's okay, what are you showing off? Just you have domain coercion? You didn't see the master talking to people over there, you disturbed the master by doing this, know? Bastard!"

Fenrir was thrown into a three-way loss, and could only lie there with cramps.

But even if it was so miserable, King Spartan still didn't plan to let it go.

The little girl jumped in one step, raised her fist and pounded at Fenrir like raindrops. Suddenly, the dull pounding sound of'Boom Boom Boom' could be heard all over the yard. It can be seen that Oli did not release the water and hit Fenrir very hard. .

Ooo... I was wrong... Ooo... I was wrong!

Fenrir was beaten and screamed like a dog, and he kept admitting his mistakes. At this time, Fenrir looked like a demon wolf.

Fenrir was beaten, but Coco looked up at the excitement, anyway, she didn't think it was a big deal.

Sister Wanda and Kayla felt a little unbearable, but they did not stop.

Ollie has always been very upset with Fenrir of the Nordic gods. This time she has the opportunity to clean up Fenrir's. After all, the Olympian gods and the Nordic gods are in a hostile relationship~lightnovelpub.net ~So Fenrir has now fallen into the hands of these people from the Olympus gods. It would be a **** to get through this day.

Especially this guy also annoyed Annie, so how could Annie not clean it up.

Of course, Anne wouldn't do it herself to clean up Fenrir, and it was Olie that did it.

"I was wrong! Really wrong! I am not showing off, I just want to scare people." With all his strength, Fenrir defended himself loudly.

It hurts so much that Oli hit it, so Fenrir could only do so in order not to let herself be beaten to death.

As for why it does not resist.

Because it does not dare, once it resists, the punishment it will suffer will be even more serious.

This shows that it is not the first time Fenrir has been beaten by Olie like this... (to be continued.) 8