Rising America

Chapter 699: Coco's invitation

? "I said these sisters are not ordinary people."

While Oli was beating Fenrir, Coco whispered to her friends.

When Oli, the king of Spartan loli, beat Fenrir, every time she swings a pair of fists, she releases a blue electric glow, which clearly confirms Coco's previous guess.

How can an ordinary little girl have such a strange phenomenon.

Hearing what Coco said, Wanda and Kayla nodded.

And Keira responded by saying: "It's not just that little sister, but the husky dog ​​that was beaten by her is also not ordinary. You can see that it has been beaten for so long without serious injuries. I was already beaten to death."

Indeed, Oli, as the **** of war, is also the king of Sparta. Even though the divine power has not recovered to its heyday because of the relationship that has just awakened from the dusk of the gods, but even so, the power of her every punch is not to be underestimated of.

If ordinary people get such a punch, half their lives will be taken if they don't die.

But Fenrir, the demon wolf who was beaten and screamed by Olie, with the appearance of a husky, looked no different from an ordinary dog. If it were an ordinary dog, it would obviously not be able to survive Olie's fist.

But the fact is that it is still alive. Not only is it alive and there is no slight injury on its body, even if Ollie rained on it with a flashing fist, causing it to be beaten and scream, but it was not injured. .

This can be known from how it is called so full of air.

"Don't fight! Don't fight! I know it's wrong, I really know it's wrong, oooooooo!"

Fenrir, the magic wolf in Norse mythology, was actually beaten and cryed by Olie.

Seeing Fenrir’s tears, the three-headed Hell dog on the side had his mouth widened and looked at his cousin who was crying in an incredible manner.

After all, in the memory of Cerberos, the three-headed dog of hell, his cousin is very powerful, He En is powerful, and a very male charm.

But today it suddenly discovered that it seems that its own cousin is not exactly like that.

Just like now, my cousin... will cry too!

Fenrir, who was beaten and weeping, caused Annie to frown.

She was preparing for a showdown with Kim Hyun Tae. Who knew that the guy who claimed to be Fenrir, the devil wolf, actually released her pressure and interrupted her, so this made Annie very uncomfortable.

You know, she must have the courage to prepare for a showdown with Jin Xiantai.

I originally thought that by letting Ollie clean it up, I could make it honest, but I didn't think that the guy was still crying, and the crying voice made Annie very irritable.

"Oli, let it shut up!"

In the next second, Oli hit Fenrir's mouth with a heavy punch.

Fenrir also heard the bad tone of Annie, so even though Oli was punched again, this guy did not continue to scream and cry.

Obviously, Fenrir is not stupid.

Seeing Fenrir's honesty down, Olie also stopped beating it.

Where is the king of Spartan loli squatting, looking down at Fenrir, who is constantly panting, said in a bad tone: "Learn to be smart in the future, this time you should have a long lesson, if you get annoyed again in the future Master, I will beat you fiercely!"

After speaking, Ollie smiled at Fenrir, showing her big white teeth.

Oli is very beautiful, she is the kind of beautiful and cute girl.

It's just that she smiled at Fenrir so that the gloomy aura ruined her cuteness and made people look like a little devil.

Fenrir, lying on the ground, shivered. It was obvious that it was very afraid of Oli. It also showed from the side that it had been beaten by a little girl. This was definitely not the first time.

"I will definitely remember it, and I will never forget, I promise!"

People have to bow their heads under the eaves. Fenrir may have understood this truth at this time. If a hard top is not obedient, it will not have any good fruit, so the wisest choice is to be soft.

Ollie stared at Fenrir's eyes for a long time, then slowly nodded and stood up.

Fenrir's performance at this time still satisfied her.

At least Fenrir does not always look like [I don't accept it] as it was a few days ago, so this shows that Fenrir is slowly changing.

And this change is what she and the goddess Anne hope to see.

After all, Fenrir was once a member of the Nordic gods, and now they are mixed up with these Olympian gods by mistake, so if Fenrir is not convinced, it will bring trouble and threat to everyone. of.

Fortunately, Annie saw this problem early in the morning, so she divided the soul of the magic wolf Fenrir in the first time and took control of her.

But even in doing so, Fenrir did not surrender, it still seemed a bit rebellious.

In order to conquer this very instinctual demon wolf, Annie deliberately left it hungry and didn't give it anything to eat. Obviously Annie planned to use this method to force her to submit.

Death is not terrible.

Fenrir was really not afraid of death earlier.

But I don't know how, after it was hungry by Annie for a few days, this guy suddenly noticed that his mentality seemed to slowly change.

Especially when hunger permeates one's consciousness and body, the famous northern European magic wolf will have fear and anxiety.

So far, it still has the idea of ​​eating Xiang Xiang.

This is terrible!

Fenrir couldn't figure out why this happened.

Coupled with encountering his funny cousin Hell Three-headed Dog, and being affected by this guy's remarks, the demon wolf who has always thought he is diao completely bowed his head.

Anyway, it doesn't want to try the taste of being hungry, it is really uncomfortable.

At the same time, it doesn't want to be beaten by others.

After all, it is not cheap and likes to be beaten.

At this moment, Fenrir's mind kept flashing the words of the Three-Headed Hell Dog who had comforted him, and the more he chewed, the more reasonable it felt.

What does it matter if it is soft?

Life has to pass, I can still live.

If the thought is clear, of course the horns will not be drilled.

Of course, Fenrir was thrown aside by such things as face.

Fenrir’s inner activities are not well known, and of course no one pays attention to its inner struggles and changes. In the eyes of Coco’s four little kids, Fenrir is nothing extraordinary, at best it is a talking husky. That's it.

This is even more true for Oli, Fenrir is just a once brilliant ‘dog’.

Therefore, the four little kids and a newly awakened loli no longer pay attention to Fenrir. At this time, the only one who can pay attention to Fenrir is the three-headed dog of Hell, which is Fenrir’s funny Cousin.

Seeing Oli standing up, after stopping to beat Fenrir, Coco walked over and extended his right hand to Oli.

"Hello, I am Coco, can I invite you to join my organization?"

Children speak in a straightforward manner, and they don't like to whistle around like adults.

Oli looked at Coco in surprise, and didn't know how she should respond to Coco for a while.

After all, she is not familiar with Cocoa.

But when Coco spoke to her with a kind smile, Olie couldn't be cold.

Fortunately, she learned a lot of current etiquette with Annie, so she also stretched out her hand and shook Cocoa.

Regarding the etiquette of interpersonal communication in modern society, Annie has often taught these awakened ancient little loli, in order to worry that they will cause jokes in modern society.

Perhaps it is because they are ‘gods’, so Spartan loli are very smart and learn modern etiquette quickly, which makes Annie a lot of worry.

But when Annie wanted to go further, she suddenly discovered that these Spartan loli were not interested in any other cultural knowledge except gun knowledge.

"Little girl, I don't know you very well? I think you invite me to join your organization, is it a bit abrupt?"

After Oli and Coco shook their hands gently, they quickly withdrew their hands, and then stood in place with doubts, incomprehension, and surprises responding to Coco.

The so-called Spartan girls like Ollie seem to be around seven or eight years old, and judging from their appearance, they are indeed older than Coco's four children.

So, it's not wrong for Oli to call Coco a "little girl".

In the face of Oli’s response, Coco kept a kind smile on her face and said, “I don’t feel abrupt, I think you have powerful strength and are very suitable to join my organization.”

Coco was very excited by the power that Oli had shown before. The kid felt that the Hydra organization should let people like Oli join in, and only then would it become stronger.

At least when you go out to fight with people in the future, you don't have to worry about losing it at all, right?

Ollie looked at Coco and shook her head dumbfoundedly: "Sorry, I have no interest in joining your organization. I'm sorry, I'm going back to the master."

Oli didn't want to communicate with Coco anymore, obviously Oli didn't think much of a two-year-old kid like Coco.

"Master? Are you talking about Aunt Anne?"

Oli said that obviously was to reject Coco's invitation, but Coco was not angry when faced with such rejection.

Especially about the relationship between Ollie and Annie~lightnovelpub.net~ she also asked tentatively.

But unlike Coco, Pietro was very upset with Oli, who refused Coco's invitation.

"Cut, what's so great."

Pietro whispered.

Wanda punched his brother severely, and gave him a glance, obviously this was warning Pietro not to cause trouble.

Faced with the older sister's warning, Pietro was of course honest, but his eyes were still so unhappy when he looked at Oli.

Oli nodded at Coco at this time: "Yes, my master is Lord Anne."

After getting an affirmative answer from Oli, Coco's face suddenly became bright.

"Haha, that's easy, I just ask Aunt Anne to agree."

After speaking, Coco walked towards Annie who was talking to his father. (To be continued.)