Rising America

Chapter 700: 2 babies are yours

? "You said you created an organization, and you want Oli to join your organization?"

After Coco came to Annie and his father, he told Annie directly what he wanted.

When Annie heard the little guy's intentions, she was a little dumbfounded.

Coco nodded seriously: "Yes, my organization has too few people, so I hope to add some members. These sisters have more power than ordinary people, which just meets my requirements for recruiting members."

Little Coco still cares about the organization he created.

It's just that there are too few members, and Coco is also very worried about this.

She has not thought about assimilation as adults, and she is unwilling to assimilate with older children, so the target is placed on children.

It's just a pity that Coco doesn't know many children, and most of them are ordinary children.

Cocoa does not want to recruit ordinary children, because ordinary children do not seem to have much fighting power in her opinion, so she feels that she has the same superpowers as herself, or alien children such as mutants, vampires, werewolves, and even Kayla are eligible to join the organization conditions of.

But the question is where there are so many such children.

So this has always been a headache for Cocoa and his friends.

But all this seems to be solved today.

There are 300 Spartan Loli and 18 Greek Scholar Loli, which makes 318 in total.

If these young ladies can join their own organization, then Hydra will surely increase in strength, and in the future, she can lead everyone to mess around... Oh, it should be for justice.


Without waiting for Annie to speak, the father Kim Hyun Tae spoke up.

In Kim Hyun-tae's eyes, this is nothing short of her daughter.

What kind of organization did a little **** kid who was just two years old have created? What is this nonsense?

It's a big joke besides the nonsense.

"Dad, how do you say that I am fooling?", Ke Ke was very unconvinced and retorted loudly to his father, "I am not fooling at all, I am fighting people in the future...", when it came to this. Coco paused for a while, and quickly changed his words, "I am here to maintain world peace and justice."

protect the world's peace?

Still uphold justice?

Kim Hyun-tae looked at his daughter, the corners of his eyes flickering.

As Coco's father, what kind of virtue his daughter is, Kim Hyun-tae still doesn't know.

Bullshit maintains world peace and justice.

The little guy just said that she missed her mouth. She just wanted to bring more people when she fights with others in the future.

As for the so-called maintenance of world peace and justice, all these are all excuses for the little guy.

Kim Hyun Tae saw through the nature of the little guy at a glance.

"Why doesn't Dad know you have such a sense of justice?"

Kim Hyun-tae is very ridiculing cocoa.

Facing the couple's complaints, Coco continued to maintain the appearance of justice on his face and responded: "Because I am a girl with a strong sense of justice!"

Okay, Kim Hyun Tae had to admit that his daughter has a thick skin.

At this time, Annie opened her mouth to make a round. She didn't want to waste time on this issue. After all, she had more important things to talk to Jin Xiantai.

"Oli, since Coco wants you to join her organization, then you can join."

In order to get rid of the kid, Annie asked Oli to agree to Coco.

Ollie looked at Annie in confusion, and asked in surprise: "Master, you are not mistaken!"

Annie looked at Oli very seriously and said, "Of course there is nothing wrong with it. If you ask you to join, you can join. Are you not obedient?"

Oli could feel that if she kept asking, she might have to be beaten.

So she wisely chose to shut up.

Although there are a hundred unwillings in her heart, since Annie has spoken, what can she do?

Turning her head to look at Coco, who was extremely happy, Oli sighed in her heart.

[I will be such a kid's subordinate in the future, my God! 】

Annie said to Jin Xiantae: "Let's go out and talk, I have something to tell you, very important."

Just talked to Annie for a while, and the content was nothing more than how Anne lived after leaving herself and Cocoa. And Annie didn't say that she gave birth to two sons to Kim Hyun Tae, so Kim Hyun Tae's impression of Annie is still in the period when she was a babysitter for herself.

[Perhaps she has something embarrassing and needs help? 】

Seeing that Annie was so mysterious, and when she had to find a place to talk to herself, Jin Xiantai made a guess on her own.

He felt that Annie was a single mother after all, so it was normal to encounter some difficulties, and in order to take care of some face, obviously she did not want to speak in front of the children.

The considerate Jin Xiantai nodded: "That's OK, let's go out and find a place."

"Coco, you are waiting for Dad at home, Dad and Aunt Annie go out." Before leaving with Annie, Jin Xiantai turned around and asked her daughter to stay at home and play.

Of course, Jin Xiantai will not forget to let Andrew take care of his daughter.

There are quite a few cafes in Nanluoguxiang. After leaving home, Jin Xiantai took Annie to find a cafe and sat down by the window, and ordered two cups of coffee and a few snacks.

People coming and going on the small street outside the window seemed very lively.

It was already dusk, and the flow of people on Nanluoguxiang in different time and space was still so dense.

"Did you encounter any difficulties?"

Kim Hyun Tae spoke first.

He thought that Annie had encountered difficulties in life.

Annie, who was sitting across from Jin Xiantai, froze for a moment, and immediately showed a dumbfounded look. A pair of blue eyes stared at Jin Xiantai, making Jin Xiantai a little uneasy.

[He thought it was...]


Annie took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly.

"I gave birth to two boys."

After exhaling the foul air in her chest, Annie finally opened her mouth and stepped into the subject.

Kim Hyun-tae didn’t understand what Annie said to him. He looked blank and puzzled, but he didn’t gossiping to ask some questions that he didn’t dare to ask. Instead, he followed Annie’s words and responded: "Congratulations, congratulations Congratulations on having two lovely babies."

"It must be very hard to bring the two children together? I have to make money outside and take care of the two children." At this moment, Jin Xiantai is almost certain that Annie is in trouble, and it is financially.

It's just that Annie hasn't mentioned it yet, and Kim Hyun-tae can't talk about it.

And Kim Hyun-tae has decided that as long as Annie speaks, there is no problem in helping her as far as she can.

However, Annie spoke again, but Jin Xiantai's whole body was bad.

“It’s really hard for a person to bring two children, but it’s not the main problem. What I’m struggling with is that the children will grow up, but they don’t have a father. This is a big pity for the children, even for them. Growth will have an impact.

So I thought about going to the final decision, or find the children's father to showdown, and strive to give the children a complete family, and after making this decision, I found you. "

Why are you looking for me?

Kim Hyun-tae was at a loss, but still felt a little inexplicable.

According to Jin Xiantai's idea, whoever enlarges your belly, you are looking for.

Get me dry!

I am not the father of a child.

Annie looked at Kim Hyun-tae with a strange expression on his face and smiled bitterly: "Do you think I am looking for you a little bit strange?"

Kim Hyun Tae was a little embarrassed, but he nodded and admitted that he had this idea.

Annie continued to laugh this bitterly, and stared at Kim Hyun Tae with her blue eyes, with a serious expression and said to him, "Actually, you are the father of my child. This is the real reason why I came to you."

Kim Hyun Tae's expression changed as soon as Annie said this.

[What does this girl mean? Do you want to frame me! 】

At this time, the first thought that came to Jin Xiantai's mind was whether Annie had any conspiracy or purpose.

Yes, it is conspiracy and purpose!

It is normal for Kim Hyun-tae to think like this. Annie only worked as a babysitter for her for half a year, and she was already pregnant when she came to be a babysitter.

So now Annie says the child belongs to him, and Kim Hyun-tae feels something is wrong with this.

In addition, he is now considered a rich man.

During my visit to China in the summer, I also encountered such things as confession.

So it's no wonder that Kim Hyun Tae wants to be crooked.

Thinking about Kim Hyun-tae whose expression was getting colder, his face also started to turn bad when he watched Annie.

"What do you mean! Did you come into contact with me for another purpose?"

These two sentences can highlight that Kim Hyun-tae's impression of Annie is beginning to deteriorate.

"I don't understand why you say that. You also know that I and you are only acquaintances. You need to give me an explanation."

Seeing that Jin Xiantai became very cold, the bitter expression on Annie's face became more intense. She also knew that Jin Xiantai had obviously misunderstood something, and even regarded her as a woman with a different purpose.

Fortunately, since Annie was preparing for the showdown with Kim Hyun Tae, she had anticipated that such a situation might occur, because she had not panicked with this expectation.

After taking a deep breath again and letting her fast beating heart slowly calm down, Annie continued to Jin Xiantai: "Don't think about it, I didn't come with any conspiracy or purpose."

Jin Xiantai sat opposite Anne with a sullen face, looked at Anne with cold eyes, and didn't mean to interrupt him.

He wants to hear what Annie is going to say~lightnovelpub.net~ and also wants to see what the ultimate goal of this ‘disgusting’ woman is.

Jin Xiantai had already regarded Annie as that kind of ‘disgusting’ woman because he had made up some things on his own. To be honest, Annie was a little wronged, and at the same time it was really a big misunderstanding.

As if knowing what Jin Xiantai was thinking at this moment, Annie didn't have any complaints about Jin Xiantai who looked at her coldly.

Anyway, as long as this matter is made clear and the misunderstanding is resolved, it will eventually become better.

"You donated sperm two years ago, and I happened to use the sperm you donated..." As Annie slowly said all the reasons, Jin Xiantai's facial expression began to loosen.

Especially when Annie mentioned her identity inadvertently, and the wealth she possessed was not inferior to that of Jin Xiantai, Jin Xiantai was completely stunned.

Looking at Kim Hyun-tae, who was sitting across from her and stupidly, Annie suddenly felt that this little man who made her dreams had a lovely side too. (To be continued.)