Rising America

Chapter 701: Male and female

? "You... are you kidding me?"

The small cafe plays melodious saxophone pure music, and the volume of the music is not high or low, which is very suitable to set off the atmosphere of the whole cafe, so it attracts many men and women with petty bourgeoisie.

Sitting by the window, Kim Hyun-tae was a little surprised and a little surprised looking at Annie whose cheeks in front of him were stained with crimson. At the same time, he felt that this thing was a little weird.

Of course, I don't know how, there was a burst of bitterness in his mouth.

"This joke is not funny at all."

Even though Annie had told him all the truth, she also revealed her identity unintentionally, saying that she had no conspiracy or purpose against him, but Kim Hyun-tae still couldn't believe the facts that Annie said.

Now Kim Hyun Tae's heart is ups and downs, but this is also normal.

After all, most people will not accept it calmly after hearing this.

Besides, how could Kim Hyun-tae think that when he first came to another time and space two years ago, he ‘donated’ the essence several times in exchange for money in order to prevent his daughter from being hungry, and eventually those little tadpoles would be used by Annie.

What's more, the clinic also said very well that it will keep confidential the information of the donors.

Therefore, Kim Hyun Tae never thought that he would be found by Annie.

What surprised Kim Hyun-tae was that after Anne successfully used the things she donated, she not only obtained his personal information, but also used another identity to come to his house as a nanny for half a year.

To be honest, TV dramas and novels are not as good as such.

In particular, Annie is still an out-and-out rich female. In terms of identity and wealth, even the current Jin Xiantai will be thrown out several blocks by her.


Or fate?

Or is it a purposeful conspiracy?

Kim Hyun Tae has no idea about this.

Of course, Jin Xiantai thinks the possibility is too low for conspiracy. After all, what is his own worthy of such a high price for Annie to pursue?

You know, Annie gave birth to twins.

So he just thought it was too bloody, it was so **** that he couldn't believe it, so he could only comfort and hypnotize himself constantly, which was a big joke.

Well, Annie must be joking with herself.

After all, if you say something like this, most people will not believe it.

So Kim Hyun-tae didn't believe it was normal.

Annie, who has been observing Jin Xiantai's reaction, seems to be able to guess Jin Xiantai's psychological state at this moment, and even his little self-deception.

Annie sat opposite Kim Hyun Tae, looking at Kim Hyun Tae with a serious and serious face.

She saw that the expression on Jin Xiantai's face was uncertain, white and red for a while, as if he had opened a big dyeing workshop.

So how could she not understand that at this moment, Jin Xiantai is currently struggling with intense thoughts.

What will happen next?

Annie has no time to worry about this problem for the time being.

But based on what she knows about Kim Hyun Tae, her goal should be achieved 80%.

"You should not have a psychological burden. I said that the reason why I asked you to confess this matter is mainly because I feel that I have overlooked one important point, that is, if there is no complete family, it will be very important for the growth of children. unfavorable."

Annie is very good at talking. She did not use Kim Hyun Tae as the biological father of the babies as the focus of discussing this issue with Kim Hyun Tae. Instead, she used family, shortcomings, and growth as the main themes.

Anne is so smart, she certainly wouldn't be like other women, she has her own routine.

Moreover, the issues she mentioned are not at all flawed.

In other words, isn't Annie reminding Jin Hyun-tae from the side to make him pay attention to the missing link in the future growth of his daughter, Cocoa, because he does not have a mother.

Sure enough, Kim Hyun-tae, who was tangled in his face, suddenly became serious, and his seriousness was mixed with a trace of pain.

Obviously, Kim Hyun-tae should have thought that Coco does not have a mother.

Anni felt a pain in her heart when she noticed the changes in Kim Hyun Tae.

She didn't know how to do it. When she saw Kim Hyun Tae forcibly hiding her pain, Annie also felt very uncomfortable.

[Think of Coco's mother again? 】

Annie guessed silently in her heart.

Thanks to living with Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter for half a year as a nanny, Annie is very clear about how deep Kim Hyun Tae’s affection for Coco’s mother is.

It is impossible to say that Annie is not envious or jealous.

But then again, Annie also knows that she shouldn’t be jealous of a girl who has passed away, but she just can’t help but occasionally have jealous thoughts. Annie, who has always had a strong control, seems to be on this issue. Control is not good.

"Did you think of your wife?"

While feeling distressed for Jin Xiantai, Annie also suppressed the sadness in her heart, and asked very concerned.

Kim Hyun Tae sat up straight, looking at Annie with complicated eyes.

From Annie's blue eyes, Jin Xiantai saw a look full of concern. The concern was very simple, without any conspiracy or purpose, just caring for himself.

After taking a deep breath, Jin Xiantai was silent for a long time before he said, "Why are you telling me about this? It stands to reason that you and I are people from two worlds. You and I are like two people who have no intersection with each other. Parallel lines, you can also take your children to live your life, there is no need..."

Before Kim Hyun-tae had finished speaking, she was interrupted by Annie. She put her hands on the coffee table in front of her, leaning forward slightly, staring at Kim Hyun-tae with blue eyes: "I said, I want to give the children a complete home. , I don’t want to lose the important role of father in the growth of children."

At the same time, Annie silently added in her heart, [There is also that I love you very much, although there is no reason for love, but I love you. 】It's just that she can't say such things to Jin Xiantai.

After all, she said that Jin Xiantai would not believe it.

Kim Hyun Tae's expression is extremely complicated. He probably knew what Annie meant, but he just wanted to organize a family with himself. Otherwise, why would Annie ask herself to confess this matter?

It might not be so troublesome to change this thing to other men.

Annie is beautiful, rich, and has a high status. I don't know how many men dream of wanting her to organize a family.

But Jin Xiantai is different. He still pretends to have his dead wife in his heart. This is a difficult time.

However, Jin Xiantai also admitted that Annie was right. Without a father, this would have a great impact on the growth of the child.

At the same time, this also made Jin Xiantai think of his daughter Coco.

The thought of her daughter is also gradually growing up, so she without a mother, many aspects of life will start to become troublesome.

Although Kim Hyun-tae can give cocoa a material guarantee, money cannot replace maternal love and the feelings that other mothers can bring to their children.

So Kim Hyun Tae, who understood Annie's plan, was really shaken.

Annie noticed the slightest wave in Jin Xiantai's heart, and she took advantage of the situation to continue: "I get along well with Coco, you should know this. But as a girl, as she grows up, she has a lot of knowledge. Your father can teach her, so Coco also needs a mother, and I like Coco very much. I can promise to give her the best education and give her everything I can give."

Annie didn't talk nonsense about this, she really liked Coco.

Anne likes the strange cocoa very much, and she is sincere to Coco. After all, she is affected by the mysterious energy in Jin Xiantai. Annie is already in love with Jin Xiantai, so she loves Coco Annie too.

Annie's meaning is already obvious. She wants to organize a family with Kim Hyun Tae and create a complete home for their children.

If you really want to say what purpose Annie has, maybe this is her purpose.

Of course, Annie is not unselfish.

Her selfish intention is to use this method to make herself the nominal wife of Kim Hyun Tae.

At least, this can satisfy her little wish a little bit.

You know she has thought about Jin Xiantai for a long time.

Since the birth of the two babies, the spring dreams that had ceased to occur, recently began to violently invade her again.

So Annie eagerly hopes to stay with Kim Hyun Tae.

Because she found that as long as she stayed with Jin Xiantai, that kind of shameful spring dream would never reappear, which was really strange.

Jin Xiantai slowly shook the coffee cup in his hand, turning the liquid in the cup into rippling circles, and began to slowly consider the meaning that Annie didn't say clearly, but he already understood.

At this time Annie also waited patiently for Jin Xiantai's response, and did not say anything further.

Annie also understands the truth that haste is not good, so she needs to let Kim Hyun Tae think about it for herself, and then make a decision.

[Then should I agree to her? 】

Kim Hyun Tae began to seriously consider this matter.

To be honest, there is no harm in this matter to him, and there are many advantages.

And her daughter and Annie get along well, and Annie treats her daughter Coco very well, plus Annie is obviously not for her wealth, so there will be no conspiracy.

A complete family alas.

Kim Hyun Tae didn't think much about himself, he was basically thinking about his daughter Coco.

I have to say ~lightnovelpub.net~ Annie's entry point is correct.

She knew that there would be no place for a woman in Jin Xiantai's heart. Even she could not compare with the wife he missed, but Coco was an important relative that Jin Xiantai could not ignore.

As long as the child is mentioned, it implies that Cocoa is a motherless child, then Jin Xiantai has to carefully consider his proposal.

Besides, this matter now involves not only Cocoa, but also two other little babies with the blood of Jin Xiantai.

Huaxia people value their descendants very much.

Annie has been studying Chinese culture for the past year and a half. She has learned both the good and the bad. It is precisely because of this that Annie is still a little confident in letting Jin Xiantai submit.

After a long time, Jin Xiantai finally spoke.

Gently putting the coffee in his hand aside, Jin Xiantai stared at Annie with a complex expression: "You and I are too different in age...Are you not afraid of defamatory remarks that might appear from the outside world?" (To be continued. )