Rising America

Chapter 703: New discoveries about Annie

? At that time, China’s New Year’s Day had just passed, and walking on the streets could still feel a strong festive atmosphere. Every store was hung with red lanterns that symbolize the prosperous fire, and auspicious songs from the stars of Xiangjiang and Nanyue were played.

"The holiday atmosphere here is really good. I think it's even more lively than Christmas in the United States. I really like this kind of festival in China."

Jin Xiantai and Annie left the cafe, and the two slowly walked side by side on the street, walking through the feasting streets, while Annie was very interested in everything about Yanjing, acting like a little girl.

Jin Xiantai is chic and handsome, with a height of close to 1.9 meters, while Annie is elegant and beautiful. The height of more than 1.7 meters is not short, so he and she became a beautiful street scene in an instant, attracting the attention of many pedestrians.

Both of them wore black British-style woolen coats, and this very well-fitting attire made them even more dazzling.

So many pedestrians mistakenly believe that the two of them are models of that modeling agency shopping.

Regarding the attention of street pedestrians, both Jin Xiantai and Annie were calm, especially Annie was very calm.

With a faint smile on Kim Hyun Tae's face, he looked at Annie like a little girl.

Even though he looks like a 17-year-old boy, he has the soul of an old man who is about to 45 years old, so even the 27-year-old Annie really seems to him to be a ‘little girl’.

"The New Year is about to pass in half a month. For Chinese people, the New Year is the most important holiday of the year, so it is normal for you to feel that the festive atmosphere is strong."

Kim Hyun-tae wandered the streets with Annie while chatting with her.

Originally, Annie planned to go to the movies, but after leaving the cafe, Annie changed her mind and said that she was going to go shopping on the street.

What can Kim Hyun Tae say about this.

All he can do is stay with Annie as much as possible.

The two slowly walked westward along the street. The antique shops on both sides of the street attracted Anne. Whenever she passed a shop selling gadgets, Anne would take Jin Xiantai in and take a look.

There are many Yanjing-style restaurants in the whole street, which are mixed with some shops selling antique paintings and small accessories with local characteristics, and it is these shops that Annie visits.

After studying Huaxia culture for more than a year, Annie is not half-understanding about Huaxia's things now, and she has also developed a keen interest in Huaxia's old objects, and she has also begun to collect.

Of course, with Anne's wealth, it is easy to play collecting.

It's just that she didn't have much research on Huaxia Antiques, so some of the things she bought back in the United States were of little value.

After all, there are a lot of knockoffs in Chinatown in New York, and Annie doesn't understand, so how can she not be deceived.

But even if she was deceived, Annie was still interested.

Now that she came to China for the first time, how could she not buy something she liked.

This time, Annie took a fancy to a piece of Hetian jade, and after asking about the price, she started to talk about the price tug of war with the boss.

The Hetian jade jewelry she fancy is a baby collar with gold inlaid jade, so she plans to buy three in one go to give to her two babies and one for Cocoa.

The boss offered 1.2 million yuan, and three yuan gave a discount of 100,000 yuan and 3.5 million yuan.

Perhaps she knew that Huaxia could bargain for shopping, so Annie fought with the owner of this jade jewelry store.

It stands to reason that 3.5 million soft sister coins are just a little more than 400,000 U.S. dollars. Such a price can be fully paid by Annie. You must know that sometimes she can eat tens of thousands of dollars for a meal.

So what does this little money mean to her.

But Annie looks like she likes bargaining, maybe this is the nature of a woman.

In fact, more money and less money is not the key, the key is that Annie gets a lot of fun in bargaining.

She has never worried about money since she was a child, and she has never asked about the price when she buys things. As for bargaining, this kind of thing has never happened before.

But after learning Chinese culture, Annie, who went to New York’s Chinatown from time to time, began to slowly learn the skill of bargaining, and fell in love with it.

Of course, most of the time in the United States, Annie still behaves as before, going out to eat, drink and buy things without asking prices or bargaining. After all, she needs to pay attention to her identity.

But as long as she has the opportunity and time, she will go to Chinatown to enjoy herself.

And as time went by, Annie felt more and more that bargaining was a very fun thing.

Speaking in Mandarin with a hint of Northeast flavor, Annie began to count the flaws in the three Hetian jade-inlaid gold collars in front of her. Jin Xiantai found that the boss who spoke with a strong Beijing accent turned blue.

"What the **** is this? If you look at it, just this ragged thing will sell for 3.5 million. Do you think I was squeezed out of my forehead, or do you think I am like a silly bi..."

"This girl, what I pay attention to in my business is honesty. The Hetian jade I sell is genuine at a fair price, and the quality is absolutely upper-level. It will never be as bad as you said. I didn't overstate the price of 3.5 million. "

"Don't fool me, 2.8 million. If you sell me sincerely, you will write a check, or I will change another one."

The taste of Annie's stubble from the northeast, Jin Xiantai's eyelids kept twitching. God knows if the teacher who taught her Chinese is from Northeast Nagada, or if Annie speaks, the smell is so dark.

In particular, Jin Xiantai opened his eyes to the fact that Annie not only learned how to bargain, but even used the skill of'I will leave if the price is not met' very mature.

To be honest, if it weren't for her blonde appearance, it would really make people mistakenly think that she is an authentic Chinese.

In the end, three pieces of Hetian jade inlaid gold collars were sold for 2.8 million.

Annie was satisfied again and felt that she had won a major victory. After writing out the check and handing it to the boss, she walked to Jin Xiantai with a smile and started showing off with Hetian Yu.

But Kim Hyun Tae felt that the boss who seemed to be in pain was the one who won.

Don't look at the boss selling three pieces of jade ornaments for 2.8 million soft sister coins, making the expression as if you have lost a lot of money, in fact, how happy she is in her heart.

However, Kim Hyun-tae will not expose this matter, after all, whether it is Annie or the boss, they both get what they need.

Annie had fun from it, and the boss made money.

Besides, Annie is not bad for money.

So why do you need to expose it yourself.

As the saying goes, people are hard to dismantle.

At the same time, Kim Hyun-tae also noticed that Annie seemed to be very pitiful.

As Annie, who holds huge wealth, she can only find pleasure in bargaining, which shows how serious and boring her life is.

"Give these two pieces to my babies, and this piece to cocoa. I have seen from the book that the children and elders in ancient China would give them jade or gold collars, but I think gold is too tacky. , Jade is very good, not to mention this is still gold inlaid with jade."

Seeing that Annie was so happy, Jin Xiantai didn't want to say anything to hit Annie, but Annie had bought things for her daughter Coco, so she couldn't help but buy it.

It's just that Jin Xiantai didn't know what to buy to give to his two children who hadn't met.

The two left the jade jewelry shop and went to the street. Andrew and Nord, who had come from home, greeted them respectively.

Annie handed the packaging bag containing Hetian jade to the old Nord, and then said to the old butler: "Contact the American news media and tell them that I am getting married."

Hearing what my lady said, Old Nord was not surprised at all. After all, as a confidant, Old Nord still knew what Miss was thinking.

Slightly bowed in response, and then glanced at Kim Hyun Tae who was standing next to Annie. Old Nord asked, "Apart from the news media, do you want to contact the venue for the wedding? I wonder if you are going to hold a Chinese wedding or a Western one, Miss. If it’s Western-style, do you find a church?"

That's right, the old Nord thinks that the scale of his wife's marriage cannot be small.

That's why he asked.

Kim Hyun Tae, who was standing next to Annie, blinked, intending to talk about his thoughts and opinions, but Annie stopped him before he could speak.

Just listen to Annie telling Old Nord: "It doesn’t have to be so troublesome, just notify the media. Holding a wedding is just a form. I don’t want to do it so big. I only need to invite some acquaintances and friends. We don’t have to be like ordinary people. "

Obviously, Annie didn't seem to have too many scenes, she wanted to do it on a small scale.

My lady said so, what can old Nord say.

Therefore, he could only respond again, remembering Anne's words in his heart and proceeding according to Anne's intention.

Andrew was confused when he heard it, obviously he still didn't understand what was going on.

But Andrew vaguely felt that this matter had something to do with Young Master Kim Hyun Tae.

Therefore, while Annie was confessing to Old Nord, he whispered to Kim Hyun-tae: "Master, who is Miss Anne going to marry?"

Kim Hyun-tae responded with a little embarrassment in a low voice: "I, Annie intends to get married with me."

fake marriage?

Andrew immediately understood.

Without waiting for Andrew's gossip questioning, Kim Hyun-tae explained to Andrew himself about the reasons why he agreed to give Annie a fake marriage~lightnovelpub.net~ When Andrew knew the cause and effect, a weird smile flashed across his face. .

As for the question of whether Annie's two babies were the seeds of Kim Hyun-tae, Andrew couldn't be clearest.

And Kim Hyun Tae can be with Annie, he also thinks it is very suitable.

Of course, Andrew felt a little worse if it was just a fake marriage.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Jin Xiantai fakes marriage with Annie first, then he is slowly creating opportunities for Annie to break the chance of Jin Xiantai's mental defense.

Anyway, there is a woman in name beside Kim Hyun-tae, and Andrew still likes it very much.

"Congratulations, master. Then what do you say to the lady about this matter?"

After listening to Kim Hyun Tae's recount, Andrew first congratulated Kim Hyun Tae, and then asked a very important question.

Yes, what did Coco say over there? (To be continued.)