Rising America

Chapter 709: Inside story

[According to the latest news from South Korea’s largest shipping company, Hanjin Shipping, that in order to increase its international shipping capacity, they will entrust South Korea’s largest shipping cargo ship builder, Hantong Heavy Industries, to build 15oo large-scale freighters.

This move is considered by outside commentators that this is a big move by Hanjin Shipping to compete for market share in the international shipping market. Countries where traditional shipping companies such as Greece, Italy, and the United Kingdom have gathered have expressed concern.

According to reports from Hantong Heavy Industry, after the completion of the freighter that the company is responsible for, it can increase the reloading capacity of the original 11ooo container by 5ooo containers, the increase rate is 5o%, and the net tonnage is 78oooo tons. 】

Kim Hyun-tae, who was waiting for the test result at the paternity test center, saw the news from the LCD TV hanging on the opposite wall, and then turned his head and glanced at Annie, who was very calm on her face. He found that Annie saw the news. After the news, he did not show much excitement.

After Kim Hyun Tae and Annie contacted this time, Annie confessed everything she had to him, including the fact that she has become the American ship king and the female tycoon of the port.

Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae is very clear about the impact of the news broadcast on the LCD TV on Annie.

The maritime industry in different time and space can be said to be the coexistence of all powers.

Among them, the most powerful are the shipping companies in the four countries of the United Kingdom, Italy, Greece, and South Korea. The United States is in fifth place, and the rest are taken from other countries.

The shipping market share is mainly covered by the top four, and US shipping companies only account for 7%.

Now Anne has relied on the huge funds plundered from Japan through the "Plaza Agreement" and integrated companies that have divided Europe. After turning her focus back to the United States, Annie has entered the shipping industry and almost monopolized the United States with the support of huge funds. Ports and shipping companies have also bought many shipyards. Obviously, this is a big move in shipping.

So how could Hanjin Shipping’s move have no effect on Annie.

Whether it is air or sea freight, this is a very lucrative business.

There is nothing wrong with Annie investing in this field.

To know that the different time and space are ten times larger than the other time and space, the relative cargo transportation becomes particularly important.

Although there are 6 more convenient ways to import and export commodities between countries, it takes too long after all. On the contrary, air and sea transportation can greatly shorten the time at certain times, so a very large market has emerged.

It can be said that Anne did not blindly choose to divide European companies and return to the United States to invest in ports and terminals and the shipping industry.

She carefully analyzed the prospects of this industry before entering this industry, but it was not a brain fever or impulse.

"Hanjin Shipping is going to forcibly compete for the international market share of shipping. I can expect that after the completion of 15oo cargo ships, they will start a price war and compete for freighters with extremely low shipping prices."

A piece of news made Annie see a lot of things.

Annie withdrew her gaze, Xiu Xiantai couldn't help but warmed her heart when she looked at her with concern, and then she opened her mouth to tell Jin Xiantai the hidden secrets behind this news.

Hearing that, Jin Xiantai asked Annie: "Does this affect you?"

A smile appeared on Annie's face, and she was very happy that Kim Hyun-tae cared about herself. This was a good sign in her opinion. It would be chilling if he ignored her.

But Annie didn't want Jin Xiantai to worry too much about herself, she could handle this kind of thing.


Han Jinhai calculates a fart!

This big company that claims to have a 3o% share of international shipping is really nothing in Annie's eyes.

"There is a little impact, but the problem is not big. The main purpose of Hanjin Shipping is not only to compete for the share of international shipping, but also to hit my Whiston Shipping Company."

Kim Hyun Tae was stunned when she heard Annie say this.

He was a little confused.

If Hanjin Shipping wants to compete for market share in the international shipping market, it will be the enemy of all shipping companies. However, Annie mentioned that one of the two main purposes is to target her, which is a little bit unreasonable.

Seeing Jin Xiantai's confused look, Annie decided to explain to him the inside story, and by the way, she also gave him a lesson.

“Conservative Party members secretly contacted South Korean politicians, and then the South Korean government invested in increased support for Hantong Heavy Industries. At the same time, it also invested 1.2 billion U.S. dollars in holdings in Hanjin Shipping. On the surface, the money was from the South Korean government. , But according to the information I got, it was actually money contributed by the Conservative Party supporters in the United States."

These secrets are definitely not available to ordinary people. When Annie revealed this secret, Jin Xiantai was in shock.

To be honest, after two years of influence in different time and space, he already knew that many things were not as simple as they seemed on the surface, but the things Annie said made him feel that he was still too simple.

Annie saw that the expression on Kim Hyun Tae’s face changed drastically, but she continued: “One of the reasons why those capitals who support the Conservative Party will do this because they are also interested in the huge benefits that the shipping industry can bring. It is very strong, not to mention that this will bring a base for the Conservative Party to obtain funds. If it was me, I would do it."

Kim Hyun Tae calmed down his thoughts, and silently analyzed the inside story that Annie had said, and guessed the plans of the Conservative Party.

Annie felt that after Jin Xiantai had begun to think, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly. She knew that Jin Xiantai's brain had begun to turn, and after the initial shock, he began to think about something behind this incident.

Anne was very satisfied with Kim Hyun Tae's reaction and performance.

"The second reason is to hit me. The reason why I say this is not without reason. I support the Radical Party's old George camp. Now the Conservative Party has suffered heavy losses. It is possible to say that they do not hate me.

And I turned the business focus of the Whiston family back to the United States, giving up everything in Europe, which is equivalent to starting again in the United States, so it made them feel that it was an opportunity to hit me.

They can’t do anything about ports and docks, but they have the opportunity in the shipping industry. At the same time, they will affect the business of Whiston, which is the center of gravity, through shipping. As long as they can succeed, the radical party will lose an important financial supporter and source. "

Annie said lightly, but Kim Hyun-tae had a solemn expression.

Although it doesn't sound very complicated, if it weren't for Annie to say it herself, who would have thought that there would be such a secret thing behind a news item.

The targets of the hostile political camp are not just political opponents, but also people who provide funds for the hostile camp, such as capitalists like Anne.

Annie sneered at this time and said to Kim Hyun-tae: "They thought I bought 90% of the U.S. port terminal and invested a lot of money in shipbuilding, so now I must have a big funding gap, even Misappropriating the savings deposits of bank depositors, so they think this is an opportunity to break me. I can only say that they are naive."

Indeed, after Anne's divestiture of the European business, it was equivalent to putting everything on the US side, and those who did not know thought that Anne had used a large sum of money to do all this again. .

But in fact, the docks, ports and shipbuilding factories that Annie currently owns are all traded for her European business. Although she has to pay a little more, it is only a small amount.

Besides, she also made a fortune in Japan, so it is not as speculated by the outside world at all. She must have misappropriated the savings of the Huiston Bank depositors.

You should know that a large part of the money that Annie earned from Japan was secretly buying the high-interest national debt launched by the United States this year, and the remaining part was all the gold bought in the underground vault of the Swiss headquarters of Whiston Bank.

It can be said that Annie has no financial problems at all.

But outsiders don’t understand these things.

Especially those in the Conservative Party camp, they do not understand.

So this creates an illusion, it seems that Annie has made such a big deal. It looks very beautiful, but in fact it is already under great economic pressure.

But in fact, Annie didn't have any financial pressure at all, not at all.

Apart from other things, her national debt with an annual interest rate of up to 2o% is a good asset. The US$800 billion national debt is only a year of interest paid by the US government to him, which is a full US$16oo. What situation can't deal with with money?

Of course, this treasury bank was used for the Vietnam War, so it was classified as a very confidential one. The losing Conservatives didn’t know that it was normal. After all, those who control secrets and important government departments are radical. Party people.

Even if the national debt is not well exposed, the $4.5 billion worth of gold in the underground vault of the Swiss headquarters of Whiston Bank is not vegetarian.

"Are there financial difficulties? I still have some idle funds on hand."

Although knowing that his money is a drop in the bucket for Annie, Kim Hyun-tae still offered to help ~lightnovelpub.net~ Annie smiled and shook her head: "No, thank you, I have plenty of funds."

Although she rejected Kim Hyun Tae's kindness, Annie still felt very heartwarming.

For Annie, who was affected by the mysterious energy in Jin Xiantae, and who loved him almost as a brain-dead, he liked and moved any relationship he had with him.

"Then what are you going to do?"

After being rejected by Annie, Kim Hyun-tae did not continue to stalk her, because he could see that Annie was not strong or embarrassed, obviously she had her own cards and confidence.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai did not continue to insist.

Annie smiled and said to Kim Hyun-tae: "I plan to dispose of the poorly-qualified port and port, and at the same time create an illusion for the enemy to convince them that I really have financial problems. This is a matter of killing two birds with one stone. There are so many ports and terminals, but not all terminals and ports make money.” (To be continued.) 8