Rising America

Chapter 710: This is really my son

The results of the paternity test have come out.

Jin Hyun-tae held the paternity test sheet with his hands trembling lightly, as if a light slip was very heavy.

The results of this paternity test show that it is clear that he, Jin Xiantai, is the biological father of the two babies.

The data result of 99.99999% has proved everything.

"Dad, father, show me the appraisal list, show me."

Little Coco held his little hand high beside Jin Xiantai, raising his head and begging him constantly.

God knows what this kid wants to do, and she doesn't understand it.

After handing over the list to his daughter, Jin Xiantai walked to Oli and Goliath who were holding the baby, and then squatted down and stretched out his arms to take the babies from the arms of the two little girls.

This is my son.

Looking left and looking again, Jin Xiantai's mood at this moment is very complicated.

I don't know if it was because of being held by the father, the two little babies danced and looked very excited.

"You are so happy to be held by your father."

At this time, Annie came to Kim Hyun Tae and stood by his side, and took a little baby from Kim Hyun Tae to help Kim Hyun Tae share the burden.

"It seems that the little guy likes you very much, after all, you are their father."

Assuring the big treasure in her arms, Annie smiled and reached out and clicked on the little guy's nose, then turned her head and said to Jin Xiantai.

Kim Hyun-tae was in a complicated mood and didn't know how to respond to Annie.

Fortunately, Annie is very considerate, knowing that Kim Hyuntae must be in a complicated mood now, so she is not so dull and unable to think about Kim Hyuntae's performance.

Besides, Annie felt that she shouldn't be ten years older than Kim Hyun-tae, so she should be a little more open-minded, not so small.

You know, Jin Xiantai is now a 17-year-old boy.

[Ha ha ha, is this an old cow eating tender grass? 】

Annie, who was holding Dabao, suddenly had a very embarrassing thought.

But then she thought that she had never held the hand of a Dalian boy in her life, had never talked about a relationship, and became a mother of two children, she couldn't help feeling that her life was a bit of a failure.

Even when she gave birth, she was still pure.

Alas, I don't even know what a man is like. This is really... Thinking of these, Annie couldn't help but shook her head and smiled bitterly.

Fortunately, she thought that she had asked Jin Xiantai to agree to a ‘fake marriage’, and then she could live with Jin Xiantai in an upright manner, and all of these worries suddenly disappeared.

In Annie, as long as she has the status of a wife, plus the ability to live together, as long as Jin Xiantai has feelings for herself for a long time, the development of substantial relationships will be a matter of course.

Even those who fall in love can start at that time.

After all, there are also things in this world of [getting in the car before making up the ticket], so it’s okay for the husband and the child to get married and fall in love.

Of course, there must be a prerequisite for this, that is, only one party is willing.

Obviously, Annie loves Kim Hyun Tae very much, and she is willing to do so, so there is no difficulty in this matter.

After all, this kind of thing is generally unwilling to girls, and it is very unreasonable.

But this matter was placed on Annie, but it had to make people feel normal.

Who made her and Kim Hyun Tae's intersection in itself weird?

In any case, now Annie's Long March has finally taken the first step, and the start is still very good.

The baby in her arms is more than half a year old, and their mother, Annie, takes good care of him, so the baby looks chubby and cute.

Coupled with the fact that the little guys are still mixed and have strong European and American characteristics, this makes the baby's cuteness even more enhanced.

Of course, the babies are not without Asian descent.

After all, the baby's biological father, Jin Xiantai, is an out-and-out Chinese descent.

The babies have blue eyes and fair skin. At first glance, they are no different from European and American babies, but their hair color is pure black, and their white skin is different from that of Europeans and Americans, but tends to The characteristic between Asian yellow skin and European and American white skin is that the skin color is whiter than Asian but darker than that of European and American.

But anyway, the two little babies are really cute.

Otherwise, why do people always say that mixed-race babies are the cutest? This is well explained by the two brothers Chenghua and Zhiyu.

Because the baby is half a year old, it is not as wrinkled and ugly as it was just born. The baby who has been slightly opened a little has the embryonic form of a handsome boy.

The Erbao, who was held by Kim Hyun Tae, kept watching Kim Hyun Tae clucking happily. It was obvious that the little guy liked Kim Hyun Tae and his temperament was a bit optimistic.

Infected by the little guy's low voice, Jin Xiantai's heart is no longer so tangled.

After all, no matter what, the little baby also has its own blood gene flowing through it.

Perhaps Annie’s research was thorough and she was right. For Jin Xiantai, who has the traditional moral values ​​of Chinese men in his bones, he can’t be a scumbag and pretend not to care about the child with his own blood in his body.

Regarding this, I have to say that Annie is very accurate.

And now Kim Hyun Tae is in such a state.

Although the two little babies appeared suddenly and Jin Xiantai knew nothing about it, he still accepted this fact in a very short time.

Especially when the results of the paternity test came out, even if Jin Xiantai felt a little bit more estranged in his heart, he still accepted the babies.

Of course, many of these are influenced by Annie's words. Babies need a father and a complete family, and Coco also needs a normalized home, a mother who loves her.

"Your mother found you 300 wives. You don't have to worry about finances. I think you will have a headache because of too many wives in the future."

Kim Hyun-tae, who was in a good mood, ridiculed the Er Bao in his arms.


Er Bao continued to smirk, obviously he did not understand what Jin Xiantai was saying.

Er Bao kicked his little foot twice, and then stretched out his little hand and waved it, making Kim Hyun Tae to be more handsome.

Annie, who was holding the big treasure, saw that Jin Xiantai was so happy, and she also showed a bright smile. Obviously, Jin Xiantai's reaction made her happy, which also shows that Jin Xiantai slowly accepted the babies, which is a good thing.

At the same time, it also proved that his judgment was correct from the side. As a Chinese descent, Jin Xiantai would not refuse the babies with the Jin blood gene flowing in his body.

You should know that Annie has studied Eastern culture and customs, so she knows very well what kind of moral concepts Chinese Americans have.

However, it is still necessary to say that Annie is lucky, and she has not encountered any scumbag among the Chinese.

There are many scumbags, whether they are American Chinese or Chinese. These guys use their crotch to think about problems, use their lower body to determine their own thinking and behavior patterns, and they don’t recognize people when they put on their pants. There are also many people.

Although Anne’s identity and wealth can make scums pretend to be with her, is there really happiness in living with such scumbags?

Fortunately, Kim Hyun Tae is not such a person, so Anne's luck is really good.

Jin Xiantai is not the kind of personality that likes someone, and he doesn't use his lower body to determine his own thinking and behavior patterns. Therefore, he is not a little bit stronger than those scumbags.

However, it is precisely because Jin Xiantai is such a person, which also brought Annie a small worry and dissatisfaction.

After all, Jin Xiantai only pretends to have a woman in his heart, and this woman has passed away, but Jin Xiantai still remembers her. He is a long-term relationship, but it will also make people feel a bit deadheaded.

Of course, such an infatuated Kim Hyun-tae, in the eyes of many women, is an out-and-out good man. After all, that woman does not want a man like Kim Hyun-tae to love herself, even if she is no longer alive, she will continue to love herself. .

It's just that this kind of infatuation has become a source of pain for the women or girls who like him.

Annie is like this, Demi is like this, and the same is true for Yang Weiwei. Even Hui Ni, who is far away in the United States, has a headache for the overly infatuated Jin Xiantai.

Even Demi said that she would prefer Kim Hyun Tae to be a playboy.

"Hahahaha! I have two younger brothers in the future, and my Hydra can add two more members, wowhahahahaha!"

The warm and peaceful atmosphere was suddenly interrupted by a childish voice.

Coco stood there with a list of paternity test results and laughed. The little guy was happy that he had two younger brothers, and was even more excited that two family members of the Hydra he created would join in the future.

For Cocoa, she felt very impressed that two younger brothers were able to enter the Hydra.

Even the little guy still imagined that in the future, when her younger brothers grow up, she can take them to fight, and fight whoever wants to fight. In short, three people go up and fight together... no longer need to be alone.

It is said that Coco's fantasy is the most correct to describe it as having two dog legs.

Poor Chenghuabao and Zhiyubao still don't know how deep a ditch will be taken by their strange sister in the future.

Ollie was standing by Cocoa with a flushed face. She was older than Coco in no matter how old she was. If you count the actual age, the grandmother who made Cocoa grandma would have a lot of money, but at this moment this Spartan loli The king, the **** of samurai of the Olympus God of War, was very twitchy, which was not in line with his usual bold and unrestrained manner.

The fingers of both hands were constantly playing with the corners of his sportswear~lightnovelpub.net~ After struggling with the expression for a long time, the king of Spartan loli spoke to Coco: "Sister-in-law, don’t object in the future. I will marry your brother."

Hearing this, Coco turned his head and looked at Oli with a bouncing look and said: "As long as you are obedient and help me fight, then I will not object to you marrying my brother, and you want to join our Hydra ."

"Okay! From now on you let me hit whoever I hit! Hydra, I'll join!"

Oli's answer was very happy, not just fighting, she actually likes fighting, so this is not a difficult thing for her.

As for what Hydra to join, this is not even a problem.

In short, there is no objection to her marrying Erbao in the future.


I can become the wife of the God of War, I just think about it and make Ollie ashamed. Don’t stop... (To be continued.) u