Rising America

Chapter 713: 17th parallel

"General, the frequency of harassing attacks on the North Vietnamese People’s Army has recently increased. This week our patrol and the opposing patrol encountered 79 exchanges of fire on a small scale. At the same time, according to the report from our people who encountered the North Vietnamese patrol, we reported that North Vietnam The soldiers of the patrol team have strong combat effectiveness and they also have very peculiar abilities, so this caused a lot of loss for our patrol team."


The US military base in Binhwa has returned to calm. The North Vietnamese army has besieged the US military base in Binhwa for several months. However, after the powerful supplies of the US military and the secret agreement between the United States and Thailand, a large number of US soldiers used the Thai-Vietnamese border as a springboard. The battle can only be ended without success.


In this campaign, which was initiated by the Vietnamese army and named the "Spring Offensive", the North Vietnamese side was a brilliant success. World War I wiped out the military forces of the five French divisions and defeated those who repelled Italy and Spain. Armed, and also mobilized a large army to surround the Americans who had just joined the war and gave a severe beating.


   Needless to say, the loss of the French in this battle is definitely very heavy.


Greece and Italy were also taken aback by the strength of North Vietnam. Since then, they have become cringe, and all their troops have moved to the rear under the control of the government of Wu Tingyan, the third puppet regime in South Vietnam. Give it to the Americans.


Therefore, the Americans, who joined the war at the request and interest of the French, suddenly became the second leading actor from a supporting role, bearing the responsibilities that should have been borne by the French. It's wonderful.


   Fortunately, the Americans also had their own plans, so they pinched their noses to recognize this big loss, and secretly kept the French to pay as much compensation as possible.


The French military force was completely lost in the'spring offensive' launched by North Vietnam. As a result, the legal forces in the North Vietnamese puppet regime now only have the strength of one division, and the military strength of this division is obviously It is not enough for the erosive situation in Vietnam.


Although the French government intends to re-enlist young people as soldiers in the country to increase the deployment of military forces in Vietnam, protests against the increase of troops have been one after another in the French people. At the same time, a large number of people demanded an end to the Vietnam War. Very burnt.


Not to mention French capable people, mutants, and even vampires have begun to stand up and announce their abandonment of Vietnam. At the same time, French President Dangbei died in the assassination. Therefore, France is now chaotically and can no longer care about Vietnam. .


   And because of the chaos in the French people, countries such as Greece, Italy, and Spain, which had already sent troops, began to retreat and secretly prepare to withdraw their troops.


   It’s not surprising to think about it. The people in France who are now fighting for the presidential position, as well as the support groups behind it, have played the cards and slogans of ending the Vietnam War.


   Therefore, it can be seen from this point that in the future it is impossible to find who the new president will be in power, and the Vietnam War must be withdrawn.


  The French, as the masters, withdrew their troops. Why did Greece, Italy, and Spain, who were originally helpers, continue to support themselves in Vietnam?


   For a time, in addition to the Americans in Vietnam, Greece, Italy, and Spain began to make small calculations in private to prepare for the withdrawal.


   And the Americans who took over full responsibility for military defense on the 17th parallel of North and South Vietnam will inevitably have fewer exchanges with the North Vietnamese army, which means that the Americans are now staring at the pressure of the North Vietnamese army.


   This attitude of the United States has won praise from European countries.


   But in fact, Americans also have their own small abacus.


Since taking over the military defenses of the 17-degree line from Spain, Greece, Italy, and France, the U.S. military has established more than a dozen military bases on the demarcation line, and has begun a massive bombing of the North Vietnamese military area called Operation Rolling Thunder. offensive.


  ’S ‘Rolling Thunder’ bombing operation solved the problem of old military stockpiles for the Americans, allowing the Americans to treat North Vietnam’s land as an ‘ammunition destruction’ field.


And this plan was put forward by Kim Hyun-tae at the time, and was implemented after discussion by the US military and the government. The effect is very good. Both the military and the arms company giants have benefited, even some congressional lords. Also got benefits.


   You must know that after the old arms are consumed in this way, new ones must be purchased, right?


   Besides, the Americans fought in Vietnam, but the French benefited.


   is equivalent to saying that the Americans are mercenaries to the French.


   So, there are French people paying the bill, and the Americans should be smart and make good use of it.


   Such a good thing is not often encountered.


   However, the Americans who took over the military defense of the 17-degree demarcation line also found that the North Vietnamese military pressure they faced was also great, and they were not as optimistic as they thought before joining the war.


   The mid-level U.S. military class does not know it. In fact, the top U.S. military has long anticipated that it is impossible for the United States to win this war.


   But since they know they can’t win, why should the Americans insist instead of withdrawing like Greece, Spain, Italy and France?




   Although the United States cannot win the final victory in the war, as long as the Americans stay in Vietnam for one day, it will have great benefits and interests for the United States.


  This interest has nothing to do with economics, but a military interest.


  According to the idea provided by Jin Xiantai, the U.S. military can use Vietnam to train troops, experiment with new weapons, and clean up stocks of ammunition, which is a good thing with multiple birds.


   The army needs actual combat, and the weapons need actual combat inspection. Needless to say, the old stock of ammunition needs to be destroyed by itself, and if it is destroyed, it will cost a lot of money.


   But all the problems can be solved in Vietnam.


   So even though they knew they had to face the military pressure of North Vietnam alone, the Americans still gritted their teeth and continued to hold on.


   As for how many young Americans will lose their lives in Vietnam because of the joint interests of the military and the high-level government, as well as the arms giants... Hehe, no one thinks about it.


   The hearts of capitalists and politicians are black. Human lives are just cold numbers for these people. How could they care?


  Furthermore, these people can reap huge benefits for themselves on Vietnam's military issues, so they don't care how many people will die.


   Of course, Annie and Kim Hyun Tae both gained their own benefits after the United States participated in the Vietnam War.


   Needless to say, Annie. Jin Xiantai alone obtained a large order for military vehicles because of the proposal, which enabled him to have stable sales of the Hummer.


   The list of 400,000 Hummers is just one of the benefits, and the rest include medicines for tropical diseases, the right to interview Vietnamese news, and so on.


   Not to mention that Jin Xiantai has entered the military's eyes, and with the help of old George, Jin Xiantai has entered the hearts of many high-level military officials and has been focused on by observation.


   How else could he successfully enter the West Point Military Academy.


   Obviously, the generals in power in the United States have tacitly supported Old George in training him.


   After all, Kim Hyun-tae showed a very radical side of himself, very much for the taste of military generals, and the United States at that time also needed hawkish rich men like Kim Hyun-tae to identify with him.


   You need to know that having a good relationship with the hawks is not bad for the hawks, right?


   At the very least, I can get a lot of money from Kim Hyun-tae in the future, and I don’t want to go to the Congress to engage in some secret military projects, right?


   "Has Hulk come back?"


   After listening to his report, General Patton put down his cigar and asked.


  An officer holding a confidential folder responded: "Lieutenant Colonel Hulk has not returned."


General Patton, the top commander of the Binhua base, looked down at the map on the desktop and said to the surrounding officers: “I have reason to believe that the North Vietnamese army has recruited capable and mutants. We need to tell the Pentagon about this matter. Take countermeasures as soon as possible. After all, my soldiers are ordinary people. If the North Vietnamese army allows capable or mutants to attack us, then this is not something we can resist."


   Before General Patton had finished speaking, an officer standing beside him asked: "General, can we ask the Pentagon to also start recruiting capable people and mutants?"


   The words of this officer with the rank of colonel made everyone's eyes bright.


   That's right, if North Vietnam did this, why couldn't they do the same.


   You need to know that there are a lot of capable people and mutants in the United States, and there are many powerful existences. If such an existence can come to North Vietnam, the pressure on the American military here will be much less.


   At the very least, it can also deter the existence of North Vietnam in this respect, making it only possible to fight a conventional war with the United States.


Patton glanced at the officers in front of him, then sighed and said: "I didn't want to do this, but the things inside are very complicated. The small-scale use of capable people and mutants may not be a big deal~lightnovelpub.net ~But once it is used by the army on a large scale, it will cause a lot of trouble, so the Pentagon will not do this."


   "General, what shall we do if the North Vietnamese army does this?"


   "Yes, General, so we are too passive."


   "Five days ago, a 36-man patrol of our patrol encountered North Vietnamese capable personnel, and eventually all of them were wiped out. This is an obvious signal that North Vietnamese has begun to target us capable personnel or mutant soldiers."


   "Don't be afraid, we still have Hulk and the members of the Hulk Lieutenant Colonel, so we don't have to be too afraid of the North Vietnamese side of the over-restricted battle!"


   "I know Hulk is very strong, and the players under his command are also very good, but after all, the number of the Hulk squad is too small, which is a very obvious disadvantage."


   For a while, the officers around General Patton yelled at each other.


   When General Patton saw such a scene, he sighed again in his heart. (To be continued.)