Rising America

Chapter 714: Struggling friends

? Vietnam has light rain in early January. Although it is located in the subtropical region, the temperature is still a bit low in this season. In addition, the continuous light rain is very humid, and the taste of staying here is not so pleasant. Tian Lai Novels


   It might be good if they don’t go out and stay in a dry home, but as American soldiers, they need to perform military tasks assigned to them by their superiors in this cold and humid dense jungle full of danger.


   I don't know how many soldiers will lose their lives silently in the dense jungle.


   So, almost no one likes to be assigned tasks, especially in this terrible place in Vietnam.


   This is also the consensus of the US soldiers at Binhua Base.


   But in many cases, some things are not transferred by personal will.


   Of course, this does not mean everyone, some people are weird like to be assigned as many tasks as possible, for example, Hulk.


   Hulk now has the rank of lieutenant colonel and is considered an intermediate officer.


   He was a young man from an orphanage who joined the army as a big soldier. It was a miracle to be promoted to lieutenant colonel in just a few months.


   You must know that if the U.S. military in different time and space needs to be promoted, that also depends on seniority.


   It's not that you will be promoted if you have a lot of credit. If you have not been in the army for enough years, even if you have made great credits, you won't be successful.


   Then, under such a strict system, how did Hulk miraculously become a lieutenant colonel from a big soldier?


   Speaking of it, although the system exists, there are loopholes for people to exploit.


Not to mention that Hulk is still Kim Hyun-tae’s'good friend', plus he hugged General Patton’s thigh, and Andrew’s plan behind him, that’s why Hulk has such a miracle, which makes Binhua base here. I don't know how many big soldiers died in envy.


   Of course, although Hulk said that being promoted is a miracle, his achievements are also real.


   Therefore, there are many people who envy him at Binhua US military base, but there are few people who are jealous of him.


   As a lieutenant colonel, Hulk leads a small team of more than 20 people, and he himself is the leader of this team.


   To be fair, as a Lieutenant Colonel Hulk, if he leads the army, it is impossible for him to be directly under the team with so few people, but his team is not an ordinary team.


  Hulk suddenly gained a powerful force in the North Vietnamese army a few days ago. He didn't know what luck he had, he was able to control the Law of Thunder.


And the day before yesterday, a North Vietnamese capable assassination team, in the assassination of Binhua’s highest military officer, General Patton, killed 16 capable opponents in one fell swoop with its own strength, thereby establishing its solidity in the army. status.


   Others don't know, but Hulk knows very well that what he has acquired is the ancient Nordic god, known as the king of the gods, the godhead of the thunder dominating Odin, so he has the powerful power to control the law of thunder.


   As for why the Godhead of Odin can be so favored?


   Ha ha, Hulk is a little confused.


   And he would never understand that the godhood and power of Odin he inherited was also the blessing of Annie, who opened the sleeping place of the gods.


It is said that Annie found the sleeping place of the gods, many of the gods of the gods were inherited by Anne, and some of them were inherited by her two babies, the old butler, Nod. Only a few gods were scattered around the world. Among them are the godheads of Zeus and Odin.


   The godhead of Zeus was inherited by Selena, otherwise how could the little girl clean up Thor and make Thor feel familiar with his power.


   The law of power of Olympus, Thor as Asgard is unlikely to be unfamiliar, knowing that they are enemies.


   Of course, familiar, familiar, Zeus inherited by Selena, it is not known whether Thor is familiar with Zeus.


   After all, after the Nordic gods awakened from the sleeping place, it stands to reason that Thor’s godhood was inherited by Annie.


   But now there is a Thor from Asgard, so this thing is really messy.


   And Selena’s side matters first.


  It is said that Odin’s godhead was inherited by Hulk.


   I don't know if the Godhead of Odin chose Hulk because he is also one eye.


   Yes, Hulk is blind in his right eye.


   And Odin seems to be one-eyed.


Of course, Hulk, who inherited the Godhead of Odin, didn’t know that there was an Odin in a world called Asgard... so no one could figure out what it was. Is the Hulk who inherited the godhood of Odin after the dusk of the gods is orthodox, or the king of Asgard in a certain world, Odin, is orthodox.


   Since this matter involves the theory of multiverse planes, this issue is obviously beyond discussion.


  At the same time, because Hulk didn't know this matter, of course he wouldn't bother or have a headache about it.


The sky is drizzling, and the air is full of humid and cold breath. The dense green vegetation has greatly affected people’s vision. Hulk lying in the half-human tall grass should also pay attention to poisonous snakes and poisonous spiders. And also pay attention to the surrounding movement, so he may not be so relaxed.


Hulk killed the North Vietnamese assassination team a few days ago, and left a half-dead alive in the end. After some harsh torture, Hulk obtained an important piece of information, that is, in the last few days, a North Vietnamese The high official will come to the front line to inspect and pass through here.


   Therefore, after Hulk got the consent of General Patton, he decided to retaliate against the North Vietnamese.


   After all, the North Vietnam sent people to assassinate General Patton. If Patton does not make a little counterattack, it will not only embarrass the Americans, but also make North Vietnam think that the Americans are a soft persimmon and easy to bully.


  Hulk is the best candidate for revenge.


   At the same time, in order to increase the success rate, Hulk brought out more than 20 mutants of his team. It was obvious that Hulk was bound to win.


   Hulk also has a man lying next to him, wearing a US military uniform with an Asian face.


   Could it be the translation of the South Vietnamese puppet regime?


   In fact, this is not the case. This Asian-looking man was actually a confidential secretary of North Vietnam, but by coincidence, he was captured by Hulk, and then he was afraid of surrendering the Americans.


   Now, this guy named Ruan Chengzhi has completely taken refuge in the Americans and has become Hulk’s number one dogleg. At the same time, he has joined Hulk’s ‘Slayer’ team and has become a member of the team.


Such a guy can join Hulk’s squad. Obviously he can definitely not come in as an ordinary person. You must know that Hulk, the squad named "Slayers" by General Patton, has members with special abilities. Mutant or capable person.


  The purpose of forming is to fight against the capable people of North Vietnam.


   So how can ordinary people become players at will.


   Therefore, the former North Vietnamese confidential secretary, Ruan Chengzhi, who has now surrendered to the Americans, is obviously also a mutant, or a capable person.


   "Master Hulk, we have been in ambush here for 38 hours, but the target has not yet appeared. Could it be that guy who gave us false information?"


   Ruan Chengzhi’s ability to communicate with plants, another simple explanation is that he can communicate with plants, which is regarded as a kind of plant ability.


   But this kind of ability is a bit tasteless, after all, he can only communicate with plants, but he can't let plants attack the enemy like other plant type abilities or mutants.


   Therefore, Ruan Chengzhi learned about everything within 30 kilometers of the nearby area through communication with plants. After confirming that the target did not appear, he quietly expressed his doubts towards Hulk, who continued to be patiently lying on his side.


Wen Yan Huoke sneered and said to Ruan Chengzhi: "That guy dare not deceive me. If he dares to deceive me, he will face the **** of a dozen big wolf dogs, and the whole process will be filmed. I don't believe that he likes this kind of thing."


   Ruan Chengzhi shuddered, being raped by a dozen big wolf dogs, even thinking about it, feels terrible.


   Especially a big man was raped by a dozen wolves...So as long as it is not abnormal, normal people will never like it.


   I thought I was subdued by this threat.


   Ruan Chengzhi thought of himself.


   Hulk saw Ruan Chengzhi shivering, and a mocking smile appeared on his face. He didn't think much of this dogleg Hulk, and he himself was a captive surrendered person, so Hulk looked down on it even more.


   More importantly, after this guy named Ruan Chengzhi surrendered, he was very cruel to all the North Vietnamese prisoners, as if he was going to prove his loyalty to the Americans in this way. This made Hulk very unacceptable.


   But after all, Ruan Chengzhi was the one who surrendered, and General Patton also secretly told himself that he was a little better to Ruan Cheng, so Hulk never treated Ruan Chengzhi, but in his heart he despised Ruan Chengzhi to the extreme.


   Fortunately, Ruan Chengzhi has a thick-skinned face. Although he knows that Hulk looks down on himself, he doesn't care at all.


  In addition, he had been cleaned up by Hulk, so Ruan Chengzhi was very afraid of Hulk, and when he had nothing to do, he wandered around Hulk and got into dog-legs.


   I don’t know if Ruan Chengzhi has the m attribute, otherwise how could he be so cheap!


   "Wait patiently, I believe the information will not be fake."


   Hulk continued to be silent after speaking, lying motionless like a stone, he has good endurance and patience.


   Seeing Hulk like this, Ruan Chengzhi had no choice but to learn how to say nothing.


   At this time, Ruan Chengzhi received a wave of information from the plants around him. A group of military vehicles appeared along the forest path. According to the plant’s description of himself, it was very consistent with the intelligence information.


Therefore, Ruan Chengzhi held back his excitement and reported to Huokehui: "Head, the target has appeared. There are two military trucks carrying soldiers to **** them. The target is a Soviet-made military jeep. As far as I know, you can ride this Only the higher-ranking officers from the north were in the car, and it seems that the guy really didn't tell lies."


After hearing the target appear, Hulk’s cold face eased a lot, and he was in a good mood and whispered to Ruan Chengzhi, “That guy didn’t dare to lie to me, otherwise he would not only be fooled by the big wolf dog, When filming, I will forcibly castrate him, and then send him to Thailand's lowest-level brothel to pick up guests..."


   Hearing this, Ruan Chengzhi smiled wryly~lightnovelpub.net~ After all, if he hadn't surrendered at the beginning, but had chosen to fight Hulk, maybe he would really be fooled by Hulk.


  唔, I am afraid of thinking about this now.


Hulk said to Ruan Chengzhi at this time: "You have no fighting power. Don't do anything when the target arrives at our ambush for a while. This time I want to make a big contribution. Don't pull me back. If you hinder me... ...." Hulk's eyes were dark, and Ruan Chengzhi wanted to pee a bit.


   Ruan Chengzhi's combat effectiveness is a scum, in order to prevent him from rushing out and making trouble, Hulk had to remind him seriously of this issue. It was not how much Hulk cared about Ruan Chengzhi, but worried that Ruan Chengzhi would drag him back.


   You must know that Hulk is devoted to the military in order to become a senior officer and then help his ‘boss’ Kim Hyun Tae. Therefore, anyone who hinders him on his way to advancement will be treated as an enemy and killed by him.


   Feeling the threat of Hulk, the trembling Ruan Chengzhi nodded: "Don't worry, head, I know how many catties I have." (To be continued.)