Rising America

Chapter 716: It's better to tell the truth

[I am very happy, I found the other half of my life, I feel that I am a lucky woman, and I can’t wait to live a happy life without shame, I am getting married! 】

Annie posted such a dynamic message on her Facebook account, and also added a selfie of herself and Kim Hyun Tae. In the photo, not only she and Kim Hyun Tae, but also Coco and the two little babies. ┡Fiction Δ

As soon as this dynamic news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of the American news media.

Unlike celebrities and bright people, Annie's name is really much higher than that of these news media, and it is not one level at all.

As a woman with outstanding appearance, noble and elegant temperament, and also holding a huge wealth, Annie has always been the focus of attention in the high-level circle.

After all, if anyone is able to marry her, it would be a modest statement to fight for thirty years less.

For a while, the major news media in the United States secretly speculated whether the content revealed by Anne Bo's dynamic news is really the same?

In particular, what makes people feel the best is that the figure of Kim Hyun Tae also appeared in the photo.

With the words and photos on Annie's Facebook, all this seems to be explaining to people.

A 27-year-old woman wants to be with a 17-year-old boy?

And both parties have huge wealth, which is very attractive.

More importantly, how can Anne, who has always been single, have two babies by her side?

In short, there are too many things that people need to explore and gossip.

Fortunately, Annibu had already obtained the consent of Kim Hyuntae before this Facebook newsletter, so Anni was already ready to deal with the following matters.

The spokesperson of the Whiston Group headquarters held a press conference and announced in front of all the American media that Miss Anne Whiston, the boss of the Whiston Group, was going to get married, and the target was Jin Xiantai.

When this news was circulated by the media, the entire United States was boiling.

Especially those young girls began to attack Annie frequently on Facebook.

The net headquarters under Kim Hyun-tae’s name has also been receiving calls from major US media for interviews, and this has caused a mess.

What ordinary people see is a strange thing about a big woman and a little boy getting married, but for higher-level people, what they see is a strong alliance, which is not 1 plus 1 equals 2. So simple.

Of course, why Annie chose Jin Xiantai, what happened to the two babies around Annie, and how the two met, these are the key questions for everyone to start gossip exploration.

It is a pity that for the time being, it is impossible to have an answer to this question.

"Boss, are the reports in the media true?"

A high-level executive on the net called Jin Xiantai's private number. After the call was connected, the other party asked about the matter.

"It's true, I'm going to marry Annie."

Kim Hyun-tae who got on the phone was a little bit dumbfounded, but he still responded and told him that it was true.

The man on the phone was silent for a while, and then complained to Jin Xiantai: "Boss, you should tell your home media about this in private. It is a pity that net is not the first to get this news."

Yes, it's not unreasonable that this guy complained.

Kim Hyun Tae is obviously not a media tycoon yet, and he is an unqualified boss.

As long as he is a qualified boss, such things must be notified to his own media and spread through his own media channels.

Hearing that Jin Xiantai smiled bitterly, he himself admitted that he was not a qualified boss, so this net executive was right to complain.

"I was negligent."

"Boss, you have to leave the interview to us. You can't accept interviews from other media. You must know that you are the owner of net."

What can Jin Xiantai say in the face of this request.

But he had to ask Annie what he meant, at least it was a respect.

"I need to talk to Annie to see, wait for me."

After finishing talking, Kim Hyun-tae turned to look at Annie, who was holding the baby beside him, and asked: "net said to give us an interview, what do you mean?"

Annie blinked her big eyes and looked at the handsome little man in front of her. In his eyes, Annie saw respect and care, which made her feel warm.

"We always have to face this matter, but it is not good to be handed over to other media by the boss of net, and it is also beneficial to net, so why not do it."

"So you agree?" Kim Hyun Tae asked.

Annie nodded: "Agree."

"If you are embarrassed, just forget it, I think you don't like being exposed in the media."

Jin Xiantai's thoughts are also very delicate. He thought of the major media in the United States in different time and space, and it can be said that there are very few reports on Annie.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai guessed that Annie should be the kind of person who doesn't like exposure.

So even if Annie agrees to herself now, in order not to embarrass Annie, Jin Xiantai still needs to confirm again.

Annie smiled sweetly at Jin Xiantai. She could feel Jin Xiantai's delicate heart, which made her feel very warm and warm.

“It’s okay. It’s the past and now is now. People will change.” Annie said with a sweet smile looking at Kim Hyun Tae, “And I want to tell you a little secret. Although I didn’t like media exposure in the past, I will But I need to be exposed by the media a lot, because I am preparing to participate in the autumn election for the Brooklyn District Councillor in New York."

Annie told Jin Xiantai of this plan, and she was going to enter politics.

Hearing what Annie said, Jin Xiantai was really shocked, which surprised him.

But soon Jin Xiantai returned to normal, because he thought that Anne was so rich and it seemed normal to be in politics.

The rich, especially the rich in the United States, are weird about being in politics.

So Jin Xiantai didn't think much about it, and quickly accepted Annie's plan.

"Well, if you say that, you will really have to deal with the media a lot in the future."

Annie responded with a smile to Jin Xiantai: "Don't worry, I will only be interviewed by net in the future. This is called fat water not flowing into outsiders' fields."

I have to say that Annie, who is studying Chinese culture, now uses a bit of vocabulary.

After confirming Anne’s attitude again and again, Kim Hyun-tae picked up the phone again and said to the other end of the phone: "There is no problem with the interview. Just tell me after you confirm the time. And you can also release my news to the outside world, don’t let The outside media and the public have speculated wildly."

The person on the other end of the phone was obviously very excited, probably because Kim Hyun Tae and Annie agreed to interview this matter.

"Okay, boss!"

Net as his own media, Jin Xiantai has nothing to worry about.

At least it's impossible to make up such a thing, unless those guys want to be laid off and lose their jobs.

"Boss, there are two little babies in the photo posted on Miss Anne's Facebook..."

"The baby is my own birth. You should send this news to the outside world as soon as possible. Don't let the outside world make random speculation and analysis. I don't want any slander and rumors."

"Then... Boss, what do we say to the outside world?"

Yes, this requires a reasonable reason.

Kim Hyun-tae said that the two babies belonged to him, which is really hard to believe.

You know, there is a ten-year gap between him and Annie.

Jin Xiantai talks with his subordinates on the hands-free, so Annie can hear it clearly.

When Kim Hyun Tae was in deep thought, in order to inevitably make Kim Hyun Tae unconscious and cause unnecessary trouble, Annie had to speak at this time.

"To be honest, how did I use the two babies that your little tadpole had at the time, and then became interested in you through the tadpoles, and fell in love with each other, all of this can be announced."

Annie is still brave and brave, and doesn't care what kind of comments the outside world will have on this matter.

Kim Hyun-tae hurriedly said to Annie: "Is this bad? Will it affect your reputation?"

Annie smiled: "No, it's good to tell the truth, cheating will make people disgusting. And don't you think that our acquaintance like this fits the public's gossip appetite? Or what do you want to say?"

The way Annie intends is to tell the truth.

Even if it sounds weird, but at least honest.

Kim Hyun-tae thought for a while: "Let's find an excuse? Just say that you and I have known each other a long time ago, and then have a relationship." He thinks this is a good excuse, at least it sounds more acceptable than the truth.

But in Annie's eyes, Kim Hyun-tae still seemed too young and naive to do so.

If you really follow Kim Hyun Tae's will, then it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble.

"So according to your statement, how old did you know me? You are still a minor, but I am an adult."

Annie was a little bit dumbfounded, but Jin Xiantai was thinking about herself after all, so she was also very moved.

And Kim Hyun Tae was silenced by Annie's question.

Yes, according to my own opinion, didn't you know Annie at about 15 years old?

And he is not a minor at that age.

Annie continued to say to Kim Hyuntae: "If you tell the outside world what you want, people from the Child Protection Association will find me, and countless lawyers will organize to sue me."

At this point, Annie paused.

"Well, it is estimated that I will be accused of inducing underage boys to have a relationship. And there is a high possibility that I will be locked up. Do you want to see such a thing happen?"

Isn't it?

Kim Hyun-tae was taken aback by the possibility that Annie said~lightnovelpub.net~ After seeing Kim Hyun-tae was taken aback, Annie snickered in her heart and had the idea to tease him.

"Yeah, Shiji Mo, Lian#童#恋,玩#弄# Boy's Annie, tsk tsk, these names will all fall on me, and you are the tender grass that is gnawed by the old cow in people's eyes, poor egg , When you don’t get it, there will be a big sister, auntie or something that loves you..."

Listening to Annie's words, there was a black line at Jin Xiantai.

To be honest, he found that Anne's noble and elegant surface actually hides the attribute of black belly.

Women, you deserve to be a creature that even has a headache for God.

Kim Hyun-tae knew that he hadn't thought well, so he opened his mouth openly: "Let's...let's tell the truth."

Seeing Kim Hyun Tae's appearance, Annie raised her hand to cover her mouth and laughed ‘chuckle’... (To be continued.)