Rising America

Chapter 722: Will they... be back?

The extended bullet-proof Bentley armored vehicle that Kim Hyun-tae brought from the United States has a lot of space, and it does not appear crowded even if a large number of people sit in it. ㈧㈠Chinese website⒈

The Bentley with the license plate of the US Embassy in Yanjing slowly drove south from the street.

Originally, Jin Jianshe planned to find a five-star restaurant for lunch, but Jin Xiantai and Annie felt that it would be better to find a Northeast restaurant to eat Northeastern cuisine, especially when Annie planned to try authentic sauerkraut noodles, so Jin Jianshe went with Annie. Meaning, let the driver 47 go to cBd, because he knows there is a very authentic Northeast restaurant there.

It is said that Annie arrogantly studied Chinese culture, and after working as a nanny for half a year in Jin Xiantai, she fell in love with Dongbei cuisine. Therefore, even if she left Jin Xiantai and his daughter and returned to New York, she also hired a Chinese chef to cook Northeastern cuisine for herself. eat.

In particular, what Annie likes to eat is Baobao Rou, Di Sanxian, and Sauerkraut Stewed Noodles. Basically, she has to order these three dishes as long as Annie is free.

Where Li Hong was sitting and talking with Oli constantly, the content of the two talks certainly couldn't be hidden from everyone, so the information that Oli revealed suddenly attracted everyone.

Of course, this does not include Annie and Old Nord, and Goliath.

Six bullet-proof Hummers followed the Bentley, and the 18 frost giants who became Anne’s men sat on the Hummer. These Norse mythological giants changed their heights and followed Anne as bodyguards.

"How many era civilizations are there in human beings? Which one is the Gundaya?"

Li Hong asked questions like a curious baby, and asked Oli many questions.

At the same time, she also took out a notebook and wrote down all the information Oli had said one by one, preparing to take it back to study and study.

"I didn't say that we are humans in the First Civilization Era. Our civilization is a civilization of ability and possesses a strong power. That's why we were misunderstood as a god."

Ollie shook the wine bottle in her hand and found that the wine in it was empty, so she turned to look at Annie with a look that pleased her owner's puppy, and pleaded with Annie: "Mother, no wine. "

Oli called Annie her mother-in-law, which made both Jin Jianshe and Li Hong a black line, and even Jin Xiantai grinned very hard to laugh or cry.

On the other hand, Annie was the old god, and she was very indifferent to the surprised eyes of the big guys around and the weird reactions.

"I'll buy it for you later when I get to the place."

"Long live mother-in-law."

After receiving Anne's response, Oli cheered.

Drinking is the most important thing for Oli. Nothing can be compared with fine wine.

"How many era civilizations are there so far, and what is each civilization like?"

The amount of information that Oli revealed was huge, and Li Hong felt that her brain was not enough.

But even so, Li Hong still didn't want to turn over this opportunity to get a lot of this kind of information, so she continued to ask.

"There are six in total, and now the civilization you live in is the sixth, but today's civilization focuses on technology, and individual strength is much weaker than the previous five eras."

Oli gently patted the sleeping Erbao with one hand while answering Li Hong's question.

"The first era I'm in is the Gendaya civilization. Even ordinary people in that era of civilization have abilities, but this ability is strong or weak. Now you are in the so-called capable people or mutants in the sixth civilization era. In fact, there is such a gene, which is why they become mutants and capable people.

The Second Age civilization is scum. They study the so-called food all day long. They are only interested in how they eat well. Their combat effectiveness is not reliable at all, so I don’t bother to talk about them.

The Third Age civilization is a bit interesting. It belongs to the biochemical civilization. Today's werewolves and vampires are the products of that civilization era, even sorcerers and black magicians.

You have a record of it in the Fourth Age, but this record is classified in myths and legends. I remember that the royal city of this civilization seems to be called Atlantis. The people of this civilization belong to the civilization of light and created it The weapon of war "angels" and the weapon of darkness "demons" basically inherited the technical means of the previous civilization, but the human beings of this civilization are also inferior in their individual combat effectiveness and are considered scum.

We fought the war with the Arthurian Protoss for four epochs, and we fell asleep in this epoch, so I don’t understand the fifth civilization. In short, the fifth civilization has disappeared, and now you have entered the sixth era. Civilization, technological civilization. "

The information revealed in the content that Oli said is nothing to her personally, but Jin Jianshe and Li Hong, who are listeners, don't think so.

In short, the information revealed by Oli for the two of them was beyond shock.

At this time, Li Hong took a deep breath and asked Oli: "What do you think of our Eastern gods? Are they also Gendayas?"

Oli looked at Li Hong suspiciously. Although she didn’t know why Li Hong asked, she nodded and said, “Yes, our Gendayas are a single race, but there are not so many divisions in the current society. Ethnicity, although many of us look different, we still belong to the same Gandaya people."

Li Hong immediately asked: "Do you know the gods in our Eastern myths and legends, that is, the Gandaya people?"

Oli tilted her head and thought: "I don't know."

Ollie shook her head at last.

Li Hong was a little disappointed.

But when Li Hong was disappointed, Oli went on to say: "Although I don’t know people in the Eastern Theater, I have heard of a gossip from the Eastern Theater, saying that it’s the niece of the Supreme Commander of the Eastern Theater and the Second Civilization. An ordinary person fell in love and gave birth to a child. This is a big deal. It seems that her son is called Yang Jian, who is very good when he grows up..."

Um, Yang Jian, a famous person in myths and legends.

The credibility of the information revealed by Oli has improved a lot.

These things Oli said sounded too fascinating, but everyone couldn't treat them as imaginary stories. After all, these things Oli said were what she had experienced in her time, rather than imaginary things.

"You said you know Yang Jian!?"

Jin Jianshe couldn't help but interjected and asked.

Ollie shook her head: "I didn't say that I knew him, I said that I had heard his gossip, that is, some rumors in the Eastern Theater."

"What's going on in the war zone?"

This time it was Jin Xiantai's turn to intervene in asking.

These things Oli said made everyone sound a little weird.

Not only Li Hong, Jin Jianshe, and Jin Hyun Tae were interested, but also Andrew, Coco and her three friends.

Coco, his friends Wanda, sister and brother, and Kayla, all stared at Oli with a gossip look. The little boys felt that they had heard a very powerful message.

Andrew's face was full of playfulness. From Olie's words, he heard the information about the earth explosion and alien wars in ancient times, and analyzed the fact that this was a war between two individual evolutionary civilizations.

Interesting, it's so interesting.

I don’t know if the so-called Arthurian Protoss will come to the earth. If they can continue to come to the earth, then I can meet them, so that my earth life will not be so boring.

Andrew is not afraid of the war at all. On the contrary, he hopes that there will be a war exploding, because he feels that at least his life has become a little more fun, instead of being as boring as the stagnant water like now.

At the same time, as a higher civilization being in another plane world, Andrew also wants to know what the confidence of the Arthurian Protoss is, and he dares to claim that he is such a master of the multiverse 13.

This is so funny.

As a Namek star Andrew expressed his dissatisfaction.

Well, even if he is a primary school student, it still means that the Namekians have some attitude towards this.

You know, it's right that the Namekians love peace, but as the overlord of another plane of time and space, Namek also established its status through early wars.

It's true that individual evolution is strong, but it's not necessarily weak when the technology reaches its limit.

Arthur Protoss...hehe.

In short, Andrew is very disdainful.

To be honest, even for gods like Oli, Andrew didn't think there was anything scary about them.

Of course, this is what Andrew can have such confidence.

As an ordinary person, or a low-level alien civilization, he would not be as confident as Andrew when facing Oli or even a powerful mutant.

"The battle is divided into two parts. It is the Eastern and Western theaters. Don't you understand this? We built the portal around the Arthurian Protoss after the war against the Arthurian Protoss invasion."


Another message appeared, and it successfully attracted everyone's attention.

"Didn't the Arthurian Protoss invade from space? They don't have a spaceship?"

This is a question that Cocoa cannot help asking.

Olie glanced at Coco, and when the question was about her future elder sister, Olie suddenly smiled ridiculously, and it was self-evident to please.

Immediately Oli explained to Coco: "Of course not, the power of the Arthurian Protoss is very weird. Their invasion was never carried out by spacecraft, but through a portal. The portal of the Western Theater was at Stonehenge in England, and the portal of the Eastern was at China. Shennongjia, this is the place where the main Arthurian protoss army descends. There are still some small teleporters around the world, such as the place that you have become Easter Island..."

Li Hong felt that the information that Oli had revealed was terrible~lightnovelpub.net~ She needed to organize the information and report it to her superiors.

"Have you defeated the Arthurian Protoss?"

Li Hong asked.

This question made Oli's face collapsed, and everyone's heart sank when seeing Oli showing such affection.

Immediately I heard Oli say: "We were defeated because there were traitors inside, but we also destroyed the portal of Arthur Protoss, making them fall short..."

When I went, there was a traitor.

So what do these traitors call... ball rape?

Li Hong asked again: "Will the Arthur Protoss come back?"

Faced with this question, Ollie’s face became extremely serious: "It will come back. This is the junction to the multiverse plane. If the Arthurian tribe wants to invade the multiverse plane, it must occupy this place. , Use it as a springboard and base." (To be continued.)