Rising America

Chapter 728: The plan can't keep up with the changes

Sister Wanda, Kayla, and Ollie each selected their favorite clothes, and finally Coco was responsible for the checkout. The total amount was more than 80,000 soft sister coins. ㈧『ΔΔ㈠中文网*⒈

Everyone continued to wander in the Yansha Mall, and the little guys bought things they liked when they saw them, but they were all gadgets such as toys and accessories, but these things were expensive.

The little guys were very satisfied all afternoon and bought a lot of ‘garbage’ which seemed useless to Kim Hyun-tae, but they couldn’t hold them back, so Kim Hyun-tae didn’t say anything.

When the children were shopping, he listened to Annie teaching himself how to solve certain problems, and he listened very carefully.


Obviously not the solution.

Annie taught Kim Hyun-tae’s solution, but actually ignored it.

But doing so will anger Washington and Langley, so Kim Hyun-tae needs to plan ahead.

To put it simply, if Kim Hyun-tae comes to him for this kind of thing and does not cooperate, he will be in trouble in the future. To avoid such problems, Kim Hyun-tae needs powerful friends from the parliament and a huge network of connections. Up.

Old George alone is not enough.

And how can we have friends and relationships in Congress?

It's very simple, just throw a lot of money.

Of course, throwing a lot of money is not about bribery, but to find some purpose to support the other party, just like he is now supporting little George.

As long as these relationships and friends do not cooperate with Washington and Langley in the future, then they will have to weigh in to find trouble.

From Annie, Kim Hyun-tae was another lesson and learned a lot of useful things.

Next, while exchanging this aspect with Annie, Jin Xiantai left Yansha Mall and began to wander around in Yanjing City. It was not until the evening everyone had a Sichuan hot pot meal before returning home.

After returning home, the little guys hurried into the room. Annie took Oli and Golia to take a bath for Dabao Erbao to coax the child to sleep. Kim Hyuntae went into the study and sat down, alone in his head. Organized his thoughts.

Annie's reminder that he had to treat it with caution, especially the negative thing that Annie mentioned, which made Jin Xiantai take care of it.

Just like what Annie said, what if Washington and Langley really find him and ask him to set up some funds like Jp to do things to subvert China?

Does he refuse or cooperate?

It is true that Jin Xiantai does not have a sense of belonging to Huaxia, but it is still a bit unacceptable for him to subvert Huaxia.

But if you don't cooperate, the other party will definitely trouble yourself.

Annie has already made a prediction about this.

Don't think I have encountered such a thing yet, but who can guarantee the future!

At least Kim Hyun-tae thinks it is very likely to happen.

And in this matter, it was obvious that Old George couldn't help much.

So Annie was right. She needs friends and a larger network. The mentality of the small citizens like before has to change as much as possible.


Jin Xiantai sighed long while sitting in the study.

To be honest, he really didn't want to face such a thing.

He wanted to live that kind of plain, carefree life and life.

But Kim Hyun-tae also knows that with the wealth he currently holds and the small status in the United States, it is impossible to live such a life.

God knows how many people are staring at themselves behind their backs, trying to break them down.

Among other things, the net under the name is enough to make many people think about it.

So I had to plan ahead.

Thanks to Anne’s reminder, I have always ignored such problems.

This woman is too kind to herself, is she... Jin Hyun Tae feels a little weird.

Jin Xiantai didn't know that Annie loved him. He believed those excuses that Annie said, thinking that she was really only because of the relationship between the two babies that she would find himself to prepare a pseudo-family with him.

It can be seen that Jin Xiantai is really insensitive to certain things.

It's no wonder the girls say he is wood, this is really not wronged at all.

He didn't want to think about it, if it wasn't for loving him, why should Annie worry so much about his affairs.

------split line------

January 25

Los Angeles International Airport

Jin Xiantai and his party hurried back to the United States. A sudden incident caused his wish to celebrate the Spring Festival in China to be in vain, so he was not allowed to leave China with his daughter, Coco, and Annie.

Without taking the special passage, Jin Xiantai and his party came directly to the waiting hall.

When Kim Hyun-tae and his party appeared, the media reporters who had been waiting here crowded around and blocked the waiting hall in half.

Jin Xiantai saw Qiao An, she was instructing the net security to control the scene, and she also saw Jin Xiantai and Annie.

"Mr. William, the clown burger, William's fried chicken, Yoshinoya beef rice, and Ajisen ramen under the name of Yum Sang fast food chain have all experienced food poisoning after meals. Therefore, there are rumors that Yum Yum does not meet the hygiene standards and purchases low-priced products. Expired meat, is this true?"

"Mr. William, I heard that the customers of the fast food chain under your daughter's name who have eaten food poisoning are now preparing to jointly prosecute. Do you have anything to say about this matter?"

"After the food poisoning incident, net under your name has been vigorously denying some comments from the outside world. Do you want to use the media channels under your name to confuse the truth?"

"The families of food poisoning patients are preparing to file a claim against you. It is rumored that there is a huge compensation application of US$300 million and a lawsuit has been filed in the Los Angeles District Court. Do you have anything to say about this?"

There was a mess, and the words with various signs were piled up in front of Jin Xiantai. The reporters asked various questions, and they all hoped to get some responses from Jin Xiantai.

Kim Hyun Tae's face was a bit ugly.

Of course, anyone who encounters such a thing will not look better than Jin Xiantai.

Suddenly, food poisoning occurred under the four brands of the Yum! fast food chain that was linked to her daughter's name, which caused a big sensation in the United States.

After all, there are dozens of people with food poisoning, and there are different age groups, so it is impossible not to attract public attention.

However, Kim Hyun-tae knew that this incident was food poisoning on the surface, and the reason was in the procurement process and hygiene management of fast food restaurants, but it was not the case at all.

Annie once reminded Kim Hyun Tae that the four fast food brands he had created had seriously affected the voices of burritos and southern hot dog fast food chains, so the two fast food chains united and prepared to get him.

Capitalists want to play tricks to defeat their opponents, but they do everything they want.

But Kim Hyun-tae never expected that they would adopt such methods and methods.

You know, this is a bad thing. Not only will his reputation be completely destroyed, it will even affect all his business.

It was precisely because of the seriousness of the matter that Jin Xiantai gave up spending the Spring Festival in China and hurried back to the United States with Annie, her daughter and the babies.

Facing the "long guns and short guns" in front of the reporters and the questions of the reporters, Kim Hyun-tae swept the people with a stern face and then said: "This is someone who is setting up! I have reason to believe that this is someone using shamelessly. Framed by the means!"

"Mr. William, do you have any evidence? Those 56 food poisoners don't think so, and I believe that no one will have such a great ability, and at the same time 56 people will be poisoned..."

A reporter immediately refuted Kim Hyun Tae.

Annie pulled Jin Xiantai a bit, and whispered to him: "Don't pay attention to these reporters. Anything you say will be caught by them. What we have to do now is to leave here as soon as possible. Just leave these reporters to Qiao An. Let's go back and find a way."

Kim Hyun Tae nodded, he knew that Annie was right.

Entangling theories with journalists is fruitless.

Therefore, leaving here is the right choice.

But everyone wants to leave there so easily.

Jin Xiantai regretted it a little bit. If he knew that, he shouldn't have walked through the waiting hall, but should take a bus directly from the airport.

But the matter is over, he has no choice.

At this time, Annie greeted JoAnn and came to her, confessing to her: "Stop these guys, I'll take William away first, don't talk nonsense."

After confessing to Qiao'an, Annie turned her head to look at Oli and Goliath: "Take care of your baby and don't let your baby be harassed. If necessary, use your abilities a little bit."

Goliya nodded her head ladylikely, while Oli grinned and raised her hand to chuckle the joints. Obviously, anyone who blocked her way might end up badly, this violent little girl.

After the confession, Annie hugged Coco in her arms, and then she took Jin Xiantai's arm with one hand and started walking forward with him.

The reporters blocked the way one after another, and they wouldn't let Jin Xiantai leave so easily.

At this time, eighteen frost giants were on the court.

These guys came forward and formed a small circle, isolating the reporters.

The immense strength made it impossible for the reporters to continue to contain them, they could only watch Kim Hyun Tae and the others leave unharmed.

A joke, can these reporters block the human wall built by the frost giants?

After walking out of the airport and getting in the car that had been parked there long ago, a group of people left quickly.

Jin Xiantai who got in the car looked very ugly.

Annie reached out and grabbed Jin Xiantai's hand tightly, and comforted him: "It's not that bad yet, what we have to do now is to quickly find evidence."

That’s right, but it’s not that easy to find evidence, is it?

At this time, Andrew said something that made Kim Hyun Tae's eyes bright.

"Master, don't forget that I still have me. Don't say this is artificial, even if it is not artificial, I can make them artificial."


But it's not, why did I forget Andrew.

If this guy makes a move, it won't be too simple to find evidence.

In any case, people are also the highest-level civilized beings in a certain time and space.

"Are you sure?"

Kim Hyun Tae asked, looking up into Andrew's eyes.

Andrew sat in his seat, smiled and bowed slightly to Jin Hyun Tae: "Leave it to me, it can be solved in an hour."

Annie and Old Nord looked sideways.

Evidence can be obtained in an hour, this cowhide is too big, right?

The identity of Andrew, Annie and Old Nord are still unclear.

Therefore, she and her old housekeeper felt that the housekeeper who seemed to be Kim Hyun Tae was bragging.

Andri sighed in his heart~lightnovelpub.net~ Alas, the energy of monitoring the spacecraft will be wasted again. 】

Immediately he released his brain waves, contacted the surveillance spacecraft brain that is absorbing and transforming energy near the sun, and let it turn on the time flow function to find the evidence for himself and convert it into video.

This is not the first time Andrew has done such a thing.

That's how Andri produced the evidence of Pavlovich and his son.

Now Master Pavlovich has been secretly executed.

So now Andrew uses this technique again, so it is not too easy to obtain some evidence or something, OK?

It is precisely because of this technology that Andrew is so confident.

Get it in an hour!

Ha ha! (To be continued.)