Rising America

Chapter 73: Critically injured

   "You will be fine, hold on! You must hold on! William, did you hear what I said, hold on."

   Yang Weiwei cried into tears, her appearance is not reserved at all.

   The harsh sound of police sirens circling over the academy, police in uniform? As the inspector entered and exited the college, dozens of police cars completely blocked the college gate.

   Kim Hyun-tae was shot three times, but he eventually subdued the boy Benny, but he himself fell into a coma because of the blood loss from the shot.

   For the boy Benny, Kim Hyun-tae had no hatred in his heart, because he knew that Benny was also a victim, but he chose a more extreme way.

   For such a young man, Jin Xiantai can't hate him, even if the other party wants to kill him at the last moment.

   This is not to say that Jin Xiantai is a good old man, but that he is looking at this matter with the mentality of an adult.

   [Shooting at St. Monica College] This is an explosive news event that has spread all over the United States. Countless media sent reporters to the college.

   Kim Hyun Tae, who was unconscious, lay on a stretcher, and hurriedly got into an ambulance accompanied by several medical staff.

   At this moment, Jin Xiantai had lost consciousness, and Yang Weiwei did not open his eyes no matter how much Yang Weiwei called.

   Yang Weiwei, who was crying and crying, wanted to follow, but was stopped by the medical staff, so she could only watch the ambulance close the door, completely blocking her view.

   The little girl’s mind is full of the scene of Kim Hyun-tae blocking her in front of her, pushing away her at the last moment.

   So the more she thought about it, the more tears gushed out.

   To be honest, she and Kim Hyun-tae are just classmates, and Kim Hyun-tae only joined the class yesterday, and he didn’t say many words.

   But it's such a transfer student who transfers to the class, he can actually fight for himself.

   In the face of danger, a boy can do this. Basically, few girls are not moved.

   Yang Weiwei is no exception.

   This kind of 16.7-year-old girl, who doesn't give birth to this kind of rush feeling in his heart.

   Imagine how many boys or even men can do this step in the face of this danger?

   It’s not good to say that some men even leave the girl and run away.

   Benny has been subdued and handcuffed. How many strong policemen are he? Cha was escorted into the police car. Benny was covered with a black hood. The police car was surrounded by reporters who learned the news first and then rushed to the college.

   Benny sitting in the police car is like a puppet, sitting motionless there.

   He knew that his future life was completely finished.

   "Police officer! Why did the murderer shoot his classmate with a gun?"

   "Excuse me, where did the murderer get his gun?"

   "Police officer, do you have anything to say?"

   The reporters who rushed over blocked the water surrounding the police car escorting Benny.

   "Please give in. Before the investigation is clear, there is no comment!"

   This kind of official language, of course, cannot satisfy these media people. They hope to get the hottest information.

   The front of the teaching building of the college has been surrounded by a barrier. Dozens of police officers are looking down carefully for objects or traces that may be used as evidence in the case.

   Some of the high school students began to call their family members to report their safety, while some of the girls cried and cried together.

   The teachers also continued to comfort the students around me at this time.

  Seriously, such a thing happened in the college, and the teacher felt bad.

   Nathan, the little bully, was killed by Benny on the spot. Several boys who bullied and insulted him with Nathan were also shot and wounded by Benny. The injuries were mild or severe.

   It can be said that Benny came to the academy with a gun and had a very clear goal, which was to kill Nathan.

   It's just that after completing his purpose of revenge, Benny may have some confusion in his thoughts, coupled with fear and fear, leading him to decide to expand the scope of the killing.

   At this time, Benny's mental state is basically not normal.

   Until they met Jin Xiantai and Yang Weiwei, Benny's killing was stopped.

   It can be said that Jin Xiantai has saved a lot of people indirectly, otherwise God knows how many students Benny will hurt next.

   It's just that Jin Xiantai paid a price in blood for this.

   As for whether the price is worth it or not, everyone has different values ​​and measurement standards, so it is difficult to draw conclusions.

   The ambulance carrying Kim Hyun Tae left the college smoothly under a police car. At this time, Kim Hyun Tae was in very bad condition.

   He has fallen into a deep coma, and at the same time his blood pressure and heartbeat have begun to fluctuate, which is a very dangerous sign.

The medical staff accompanied by    began to give him first aid to alleviate this dangerous state as much as possible.

While Kim Hyun-tae was lying in the ambulance and was on his way to the hospital for first aid, a video was uploaded to this time and space, the largest and most popular video site in Europe and America,'TU', and received a lot of clicks and views in a short time .

   I don’t know who uploaded this video. The content happened to be the Santa Monica College shooting.

   The quality of the video was very good, and the shooting crew did not shake at all. From when Kim Hyun Tae and Yang Weiwei met Benny, until Kim Hyun Tae was shot three times, everything was filmed.

   Countless people who have watched this video have admired Kim Hyun-tae’s move to block the girl for the first time.

   Especially the girls who saw this video were overwhelmed by Kim Hyun Tae's behavior.

   In the end, after Benny pulled the trigger and the gun jammed, Jin Xiantai promptly pushed Yang Weiwei away, and chose to rush over to subdue Benny, which touched the hearts of countless girls watching the video.

   Gunshots sounded!

In the video, Kim Hyun-tae paused after the gunshot sounded, and then he strenuously punched Benny in the head, knocked him over with just one punch, and fainted, and then quickly snapped Benny’s gun in his hand. Come out and throw it away.

   Kim Hyun Tae, who had done all this, shook his body in the video. He turned back vigorously and shouted at the students hiding in the distance, and then he fell.

   Through the video, everyone can clearly see that Kim Hyun-tae’s chest is covered with blood and blood is sprayed continuously.

   Obviously, he was shot!

   The video is played to this point and the screen ends.

   People who use their smart phones or surf the Internet at home all mentioned it in their throats.

   Everyone is worried about the Asian boy in the video.

   No one knows how he is now.

   stood in front of the girl and confronted the deadly gun, pushed the girl away at the critical moment and pounced on the murderous gunman. This heroic behavior instantly won everyone's favor and grabbed everyone's hearts.

   Suddenly, the amount of online searches for the [Santa Monica High School Shooting] has increased dramatically, especially regarding the personal information of Kim Hyun-tae who came forward in this shooting, which exceeded hundreds of millions.

   Since the media reporters did not get any useful information from the police, they set their sights on the students of the college.

"William is a hero. Compared to him, I think I'm like a clown. I just know how to run away. Now I think I was too cowardly. If I could be brave at that moment, maybe... I hope William can survive. , He is a hero, he is my idol."

"William? He is a very handsome Asian boy. I handed him a small note in the morning, hoping to have a very romantic date with him. Who knew this would happen, but he was really manly. I think I am in love with him."

"William, he has a big bird. Legend has it that he got his signature, and his bird can grow to be that big in the future. But now I think his courage is something we need to admire and possess. Yes, I'm starting to worship him now."

   "I don't want anything now, just hope he can wake up, he is really too manly, he is the hero of the academy!"

   The above are just the remarks made by reporters interviewing a small number of students.

   But most of the students have a common point of view, that is, William is already their idol and exists like a hero.

   Well, many girls say they fall in love with him.

  The bear kids in the junior high school uniformly told reporters that they adore William, especially the hero with a ‘big bird’, which deserves their admiration and respect.

   As for the bear kids in the elementary school, they only have one word when facing the camera, ‘cool! So the reporters simply ignored the elementary school.

   Of course, the reporters also obtained some personal information about Kim Hyun Tae through various channels.

For example, Kim Hyun Tae is an orphan, dropped out of school a year ago, published the now popular novel "A Song of Ice and Fire", and the popular "William Fairy Tales", UU reading www.uukanshu.com and the relative sales are not bad The good "Lord of the Rings" is a relatively successful young writer.

   At the same time, Kim Hyun Tae also has a daughter who is less than one year old.

An imperfect teenager, a fairly successful teenage writer, an underage father, and a hero who wrestles with gunmen with his bare hands, and one who dared to stand up and stand in front of the girl when facing the gun. real man.

   If these information burst out, are you afraid that they won’t attract attention!

   What does imperfection matter!

   No one in this world is perfect.

   There are some flaws, so people can get more recognition, right?

   Therefore, the reporters who have grasped this information have started to get busy, and based on the information they have obtained, they began to write correspondence.

   It won’t be long before everything about Kim Hyun Tae will spread throughout the United States and even...

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   The door of the operating room was pushed open heavily, and the doctors who had prepared for a long time began to operate on Kim Hyun Tae immediately after he was sent to the operating room.

   After all, Jin Xiantai was shot three times in the body. Now his situation is very bad. It is very dangerous for him to delay a little time.

   The operating room is very quiet. Except for the sound of the instrument for measuring heartbeat and blood pressure, only the sound of the surgical instruments in the hands of doctors colliding.

   Kim Hyun Tae, who is being rescued and has fallen into a deep coma, has fallen into a plausible dream. In this dream, he seems to have seen his long-forgotten wife...

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