Rising America

Chapter 736: trap

The park, also known as Pershing Park, is a public facility in the commercial area of ​​downtown Los Angeles. It has a baseball area, a basketball area, and even a roller skating area. In the summer, there are also open-air concerts, so many Los Angeles Local residents like to come here to relax.


   And today, this place is about to lead to a ‘war’, which is something people would never expect to come here to relax and relax.


There are many children playing baseball on the baseball field. Outside the baseball field, the children’s family members are watching. Whenever the children play a good ball, they will cheer excitedly, like playing baseball. All of the children are professional players, playing professional baseball.


   Of course, not everyone outside the baseball field is watching the children.


   There is a group of guys dressed up as gang members. They are gathered around a barbecue area 50 meters away from the baseball field. A group of people whispered and talked about something.


   These people are black and not local residents.


   One of the guys who seems to be the boss, weighs more than 200 kilograms, and has a black braid hairstyle, a thick gold necklace around his neck, and a dazzling platinum ring on his fingers.


   Bear Bear, from San Juan North, Los Angeles.


  In San Juan, this guy has a gang with hundreds of people, and he is considered a sub-power in the local area. He sells ‘white flour’ and gambling.


   But how did these guys show up in Los Angeles?


   "Boss, William's daughter has been fooled."


   A skinny young black man approached Barto, raised his mobile phone and reported the news to Barto excitedly.


   The oily chubby face finally became calm, and Barto's face also bloomed with a hideous smile.


   "Brothers, we are about to succeed. As long as we can catch that little girl, we can all make a fortune. William is very rich."


   When Barto the bear opened his mouth, he aroused the excitement of the surrounding gangs.


  At the same time, it can be heard from their words, it seems that they came to Los Angeles with a different purpose, and the purpose is not simple.


   Yes, Barto and the others came to Los Angeles for the purpose of kidnapping Cocoa.


   Then use cocoa to force Jin Xiantai to pay a huge ransom.


   This matter has been planned by Barto for more than a year.


   It can be said that from the time when Kim Hyun Tae became famous, Barto the bear had this plan.


   It’s just that this guy hasn’t found a chance for a while, so he has dragged on till now.


   But now this thing has finally turned around, and Barto the bear sees an opportunity.


  He asked his subordinates to use the Internet to deliberately leave a message on Cocoa Facebook, and then slowly let Cocoa be fooled and then a logical appointment.


   Its purpose is to attract cocoa.


   When they had an appointment with Cocoa, Barto and the others pretended to be children and told them not to let Cocoa wear a bodyguard. The children used the child's way to solve this excuse to fool Cocoa.


  Don't say it, Coco is really fooled.


   It’s just that although Coco didn’t bring bodyguards, and only the old butler Andrew, who was in his sixties, followed him, there were still 300 Spartan loli guarding her.


   These people are much better than the bodyguards.


   Obviously he doesn't understand these bears Barto.


   "Head! The little girl is here."


   The thin, thin black young man logged on to the Facebook page of his mobile phone, and there was a message from Coco.


  This message is Coco asking if they are still on the baseball field.


   So the thin young man hurriedly told Barto the bear.


   Bator looked at the screen of the phone, then grinned and said, "Ask who she brought? In a child's tone."


After instructing Qianshou's subordinates, Barto patted his fat palms and calmed down the surrounding subordinates before saying to them: "The goal has appeared, everyone is ready to prepare, don't let this go. Little girl, she is very valuable."


   "Don't worry, boss, how could we let her go."


   "That is, boss, don't worry, no one and money can't make it."


   "Boss Barto, can her father really pay the ransom?"


   "Will William the Madman retaliate against us?"


   For a while, Barto’s subordinates asked a lot of questions.


Bartoo calmed everyone down, and then responded: "William was once a lunatic, but he is also a man of flesh and blood, so there is nothing terrifying. The media said that his wealth is tens of billions of dollars, so we let him Paying a ransom of 20 billion dollars should be fine. He cares about his daughter very much. As for whether we will be retaliated against?"


   Barto paused when he said this, and then his smile became incredibly hideous.


   "With money, are we still afraid of him getting revenge? Besides, the weapons in our hands are not vegetarian, unless you are all women who don't have the crotch, or why should we be afraid of William!"




   There was a small commotion among the black people.


   They learned that after the boss actually tied Cocoa, he would demand a ransom of 20 billion U.S. dollars for Kim Hyun Tae.


   my goodness!


   This number is really a lot.


Barto looked around at his men and slowly said: "After success, each person will be 100 million US dollars! At that time, everyone will go wherever they want. In the future, they will never have to mix with them. I won't die by fate."


   Bartok knows very well what is the most appropriate way to motivate his subordinates at this time.


   For people like them, what is more appropriate than monetary incentives?


   is obviously not there.


   The promised 100 million dollars per person is enough to make these guys kill their lives.


   Of course, after success, Barto will fulfill his promise, hehe, that's hard to say.


   But at least now Barto needs to give such a promise to excite these subordinates, and then do it with him.


   After all, for ordinary people, 100 million US dollars is really a lot.


   As long as they can get the money, and then leave the United States to go to other countries, such as Mexico, Canada, Brazil and other countries, 100 million US dollars can completely make them spend their lives comfortably.


   Of course, it's not okay to eat, drink, and gamble.


   More importantly, Barto has a saying that makes everyone very tempted.


  Gang# faction life seems to be very beautiful, but everyone understands that it’s just that if you are drunk today, you might die tomorrow.


  If there is a chance to escape from this life and have a certain amount of wealth, then who can stay unmoved.


   Even the bearded Bartoll intends to make a sum of money, and then get out of this day, let alone other low-level gang# members.


   You know, Barto the bear is still the boss, he has no more wealth in his hands than the little guys, but even people like him don't plan to continue to mess around.


   [I am waiting for you at the baseball stadium! Seeing that your message is so arrogant, did you bring an adult? 】


   [Asshole, children’s matters are of course solved in a child's way, how can I be so boring! 】


  Okay, so I'm sure that no adults will follow.


   If there were only bear kids, she basically didn't run away.


   Gou Xiong Bartoh everyone has a gun, and it's easy to deal with Mao children.


   Besides, in their opinion, how daring the kid is, it will definitely scare her to **** her out when the gun comes out, so all that is left is to ask William for a ransom.


   Hehe, these guys are really simple.


   "Boss, look!"


   Bateau’s men are scattered around the baseball field. At first glance, they look like family members of children playing baseball in the baseball field, but they have not attracted much attention.


   No one would have thought that these guys would kidnap children soon.


   Barto, who was sitting at the barbecue area, looked in the direction of his fingers, and saw a little girl wearing a dark purple sports jacket, who was bringing a lot of little girls toward the baseball field aggressively.




   Bateau couldn't help but laughed.


   "This little girl didn't really come to fight, right? She actually brought a lot of little girls to help."


   After careful observation, Barto found that there were really no adults around Coco, only a large group of six or seven-year-old girls, he was finally completely relieved.


   Hey, it's much simpler without an adult.


  Even if Coco brought a lot of little girls as helpers, what does it matter?


   They have dozens of adults, can't even a bunch of six or seven-year-old girls be cleaned up?


   So, Oli and the others weren't caught by Barto at all.


   Ke Bator knows that these six or seven-year-old girls who seem innocuous are the most terrifying people.


Oli and the others are wearing big red Panta sports hooded suits, and they are wearing Panta series high-top canvas shoes. Since the 300 loli dresses are all the same, they are very attractive when they appear. It has attracted the attention and attention of many people.


   Hundred red was a little purple from it, and Xiao Keke brought his helpers to the edge of the baseball field, and then looked into the baseball field that was playing.


   The people around looked at Coco and Oli curiously, and their faces were full of curiosity and inquiry.


   Especially what makes people feel strange is that everyone finds that these little girls are full of enthusiasm. Their cute, beautiful and delicate faces also show a fierce appearance that people can just pretend.


  Because of their young age, even though Coco and Oli tried to put on a fierce face, they just made people think they were cute after seeing them, and they didn't make people think they were fierce.


   I have to say, the girl is too cute, which is really a bit ‘sad’, because it makes people not afraid of themselves.


   did not find the target, Coco frowned.


   Ollie and other little girls stood behind Coco flexing their hands one by one, waiting for Coco to find the target and they could do it.


   "You are Jin, did you make an appointment with the black boy?"


   Just as Coco frowned and was about to continue to observe, a very unpleasant voice suddenly sounded from behind them.


   The girls turned their heads one after another, and saw a skinny young black man walking towards her side, and behind the black man was a fat pig-like guy.


   At the same time, some of the black guys scattered around began to casually surround themselves.


"who are you!"


   Coco asked curiously.


   "I'm the black boy, the one you asked for!"


   The thin and thin young man didn't have a formal punch with Coco and smiled trivially and then said his identity.


   "I was cheated!"


  Coco suddenly reacted at this moment.


   The fat black man behind the thin young man laughed and said, "Yes, you were cheated. We are the one who is going to fight with you. How about? Are you scared!"




   There is no word ‘scared’ in Kumako’s dictionary!


"beat him!"


  Coco rolled up his sleeves~lightnovelpub.net~ Then he greeted Oli and the others behind him.


   The little girls like Oli, who had been flexing their muscles and very impatiently, were able to live there peacefully after hearing the gesture of the action.




   "Sisters, do it!"


   After speaking, Oli was the first to rush out, the target was the arrogant Barto.


   Barto, who was laughing wildly arrogantly, thought that the bear kid must be afraid now and don't want it. How could it be that it would be such a result.


   No, shouldn't children be scared to pee?


   Then Barto saw a little girl flying up and jumping towards herself, and at the same time waving her small fist.


   Then... Barto didn’t know how the following things developed, because he was knocked out... (To be continued.)