Rising America

Chapter 744: Mother's heart



   "You went out during the day and said that you have important things to do, is that this?"


   Kim Hyun-tae with a black line on his face looked at Annie very speechlessly and asked.


   It’s no wonder that Kim Hyun-tae is so speechless, because in his opinion, the so-called important things of people like Annie should be the kind of big business mergers, or even large-scale corporate loans.


   But he didn't expect that Annie went out in the morning to do so-called important things, and in the end she actually got aristocratic status for a few children.


   You said that the aristocratic status can't eat or drink, it's too much for the children.


   This thing just sounds nice, but it's useless.


  Besides, I and Annie are not nobles themselves, even if they spend money to get their noble status back, what can they do?


   In the future, going out with the identity of the nobleman who has spent money to get back, will make people laugh.


   So Kim Hyun-tae can't figure it out at all.


   But after all, Kim Hyun-tae ignored an important factor, that is, Annie, as the mother of the babies, could not treat this issue as rationally as he did.


   It is true that Annie is a strong woman, and a successful capitalist is right.


   But this is the past.


   Since she met Kim Hyun Tae and gave birth to the babies, the change in Annie's mentality has been very different from before.


   In many cases, although she can run her own business as before, she can also manage the enterprises and companies under her name very well, but once the babies are involved, she will turn from rational to irrational.


   It can be said that Annie's irrationality is reflected in many mothers, not her alone.


  Perhaps, this is the price and change of motherhood.


  Otherwise, how could anyone in China say something like [have a child stupid for three years].


   It can be seen from this that this is not unreasonable.


  The reason is the mothers' feelings for their babies.


  As a mother, of course, I hope to give the best things to my babies.


   This problem cannot be changed even if it falls on Annie.


As a huge wealth, she can ensure that her children have no worries about food and clothing, and she has surpassed many babies who have a superior starting point since birth. She is still like many mothers in the world, and wants to give her babies the best possible all.


   Money, status, identity, everything.


   So, I feel sorry for the parents of the world.


   Many times, people who are not parents do not want to give their children the best, but most of the time parents will do what they can. Some things beyond their own ability cannot be given.


   For these things, children should be considerate of parents.


   But there is one thing that parents all over the world give to their children in the same way, that is, the kind of caring for their children and the belief that their children will become a dragon.


   These things are exactly the same whether the parents are powerful or ordinary people.


   So how can Annie be an exception.


   Young people who are not married and childless may not understand this.


   But as long as you get married and have children, you will understand that this is true.


  As Annie's babies, Jin Chenghua and Jin Zhiyu will not have to worry at all financially in the future. It can be said that Annie can fully satisfy all the two brothers' material thirst. The two brothers are born rich and generous.


   Even without Annie, Kim Hyun-tae’s financial resources can fully guarantee this aspect. There is no doubt at all.


   But even then Annie is not satisfied, she hopes her son is a nobleman.


   God knows why she has such a weird idea.


   But it is undeniable that Annie not only thought so, but also put it into action and achieved success, really returning the noble status and title to the children.


   Of course, what needs to be admitted is that there are many aristocrats in Europe in different time and space. These people are very problematic in their lives. They have noble titles and status, and sometimes they can't even afford to eat.


   Therefore, when Annie puts out a lot of dollars in front of them, it is normal for these down-and-out nobles to be persuaded by her.


   But Annie doesn't want any noble status, she also has her own considerations and goals.


   The identity and title of the empty nobles are useful. Those empty nobles are not what Annie wants at all. Her target is the aristocrats who are downright and somewhat nominal.


   "Do you know the Principality of Liechtenstein?"


   Annie didn't care about Kim Hyun Tae's reaction with a black line, her face was full of excitement, and she asked Kim Hyun Tae as if offering a treasure.


   Hilda stood quietly in the corner of the living room, looking at Annie's back with envy eyes. To be honest, she also hoped to be able to sit next to Kim Hyun Tae as a wife and then chat with him like this.


   But the Gene Man girl knows very well that she may not be the same as Annie in her life.


   But Hilda was very open about this, and would not be depressed for a lifetime.


   Because even if I can’t be Kim Hyun Tae’s wife, it’s good to live with Kim Hyun Tae as a maid for a lifetime.


   It is impossible for Kim Hyun-tae to know the thoughts of the genetic girl standing in the corner of the living room very low-key. He is now thinking about why Annie mentioned the Principality of Liechtenstein to himself.


   Hum, he knows the Principality of Liechtenstein, but he doesn't know it so well.


   He also had the Principality of Liechtenstein in his original time and space. It is said that he has delegated administrative and diplomatic rights to Switzerland, and his land is located in a small principality in Switzerland.


There is also such a principality here in different time and space, and its nominal owner, the Grand Duke of Liechtenstein, seems to be awkward. Some time ago there was news that he was bankrupt and owed a large sum of money to the Swiss National Bank The debt is coming.


   Then Annie mentioned Liechtenstein. Could it be that the noble title she gave the children belonged to Liechtenstein?


   Kim Hyun-tae felt a bit clue for a while.


   "You mean the nobility of the babies, from Liechtenstein?"


Annie nodded with a smile on her face, and said excitedly to Kim Hyun Tae: "Yes, the entire Principality of Liechtenstein is owned by the babies. The bankrupt Grand Duke gave the debts and noble status and the land of Liechtenstein. As long as I bear the debts he owes, I will give him a sum of 10 billion dollars in cash..."


   Crazy woman, crazy mother.


   For such a noble status, she actually spent 10 billion US dollars.


   My God!


   Ten billion dollars can do a lot of things, okay?


   Even if it is used for charity, it can make many people who are struggling on the poverty line feel better, but she used it to buy aristocratic status.


   No, I seem to have overlooked a little bit.


   It seems that Annie said that the Grand Duke not only gave her the status of nobility, but also the land of Liechtenstein...




   At the thought of this, Kim Hyun-tae couldn't help but gasped.


   If this is the case, then 10 billion US dollars is really good.


   even said that not only did it not lose, but it also made a profit.


   Is it just that the Liechtenstein Grand Guild is so stupid?


   Kim Hyun Tae thinks it’s a little too possible.


   So he put away his confused thoughts and asked Annie: "You mean, that guy even transferred the land of Liechtenstein to you?"


   Annie smiled and nodded: "Yes, Liechtenstein's 824 square kilometers of land now belongs to Chenghua and Zhiyu. The two little guys are now the owners of Liechtenstein."


   Oh my mother!


   10 billion in cash, plus an unknown amount of debt, in exchange for the title of nobility and the ownership of 824 square kilometers of land, how do you look at the deal?


   "Is that guy's brain flooded?" Kim Hyun-tae said this in surprise.


   Indeed, the former Grand Duke of Liechtenstein was a bit silly to do this.


  No matter how the land in Switzerland is, it can't be worth only 10 billion US dollars, you know, it is 824 square kilometers of land.


   Kim Hyun Tae is a little puzzled.


   But Annie explained it a little bit. After listening to Annie’s explanation, Kim Hyun-tae also understood.


  Liechtenstein has an area of ​​824 square kilometers, but two-thirds of the land is high mountains and hills. The remaining land area is mostly lakes bordering Switzerland, and only a little is plain.


   Therefore, the land in Liechtenstein is not very valuable.


   is worthless in the eyes of the original grandduke at least.


   This guy owed the Swiss National Bank a foreign debt of 360 billion U.S. dollars. This money really killed him and couldn't change it.


At the same time, before he inherited the position of Grand Duke, the economy was not very good from his father's area. He just barely maintained the dignity of the nobleman. On the outside, it looks very glamorous, but in fact, it is not impossible to eat pickles at home. .


   Moreover, Liechtenstein is his in name, but he has no management power for the more than 30,000 residents in the Principality. Therefore, he only has a name, and the actual management power lies with the Swiss government.


Now someone is willing to repay him as much as 360 billion U.S. dollars in debt, and he is also willing to give him as much as 10 billion U.S. dollars in cash, and all he needs to do is to transfer his title and give up all the mess. You say Yuanda What does the guild do?


   Is it a beggar holding the title of Grand Duke, or is it going to be chic with 10 billion dollars?


   Faced with such a situation, many people have different choices.


   But the grand prince chose what was best for him, and that was to take Annie's 10 billion US dollars, and from then on to spend a lot of time. In short, he didn't want to hold the noble status and live a life of eating pickles.


   At this moment, Kim Hyun Tae was completely sluggish.


  The debt of 360 billion U.S. dollars was taken over by Annie. He really didn't know what to say.


Is    worth it?


   Kim Hyun Tae wanted to ask Annie this question very much.


   But for mother Anne, this issue cannot be analyzed from a rational perspective.


   "I want to move all the aborigines of Liechtenstein, and I also hope that Liechtenstein can leave the Swiss administration and have real independent judicial power and management power. This aspect will cost a lot..."


   Annie was still talking to Kim Hyun Tae about her plans and plans for Liechtenstein.


   She didn't even see Kim Hyun Tae's dumbfounded look.


  【Is this a prodigal wife? 】


   Looking at the irrational Annie, Jin Xiantai suddenly flashed such a thought in his heart.


   But then Kim Hyun Tae threw this idea out of his mind again, because he felt that it was unreasonable to say that Annie was a prodigal wife. After all, Annie was spending her own money, and he had nothing to do with Kim Hyun Tae.


   At the same time, the benefit is that the babies who are related to him get it. He doesn't suffer from Jin Xiantai no matter what.


   Kim Hyun Tae is very entangled about this.


"Where is Coco, I have a plan. She has always told me to be a little princess. Therefore, the status of aristocracy in Liechtenstein is not suitable for her. I have a plan here. I want to discuss with you. I plan to let Coco be a real Princess, how about we plan to establish a country for her?"


   While talking, Annie mentioned Cocoa.


   Jin Xiantai was not only dumbfounded, but also felt that his thinking could not keep up with Annie.


  Establish a country! ?


   Are you kidding me?


   Today is not April Fool's Day either!


   Jin Xiantai's heart was filled with storms.


   Even he couldn't help but yelled at Annie to make her sober.


But Annie looks very serious, not like a joke at all~lightnovelpub.net~ As Coco’s mother, I don’t want to treat Coco badly, although she is not my own, but I promise you that I will treat her It's like a child, so what I want to give her must be better than Chenghua and Zhiyu. "


   Annie's expression is extremely serious and serious.


   Kim Hyun-tae doesn’t know if he should be moved or cry...


Annie took out a map of the world from her pocket. After unfolding, she said in a certain place in Africa and Central Asia: "This place is controversial and belongs to three things. If you operate it properly, the success rate is very high. If this place is No, there are many islands. We can buy them. Coco will really be a princess, or even a king, but it depends on Coco’s own attitude. We have to ask for her opinion. ."


   Kim Hyun Tae couldn't help it anymore when he heard this.


"you are serious?"


   Annie blinked and responded: "Of course, do you think that my mother is joking in order to fulfill my daughter's dream?" (To be continued.)