Rising America

Chapter 745: Evidence made China explode

   In the afternoon, Old Nord and Andrew returned to the mansion from the outside, and everything Jin Xiantai ordered them to do was done.


   Annie also learned what happened to Cocoa after she went out to do errands when the old Nord mentioned it.


  As for the fact that Coco was designed by others and almost became a meat ticket, Annie seemed very excited and angry.


   Therefore, Jin Xiantai is in favor of sending people like Barto to prison and then spending money to find prison forces to solve them.


   Even Yu Annie felt that Jin Xiantai’s approach was a bit weak. She believed that people like Barto should be dealt with with more cruel methods, so that they can best deter others.


   It's like a big deal, a five-horse carnage... Anyway, it's cruel and bloody.


"Evidence has been submitted to the police station. With these evidence, those guys can't escape this time. Now the police have applied for an arrest warrant to prosecute those smashed on charges of attempted kidnapping, and the Los Angeles court will open the court in the shortest time. Trial."


   After returning from the police station, Old Nord told Kim Hyun-tae about the attitude of the police and the police's handling of Barto and them after the evidence was submitted.


   Kim Hyun-tae is quite satisfied with this result. As long as the police can prosecute Barto and them, as long as the police can bring Barto and them to jail, then the rest will be easy.


   Andrew came back after the old Nord, and he didn’t know what method he used. He actually got in touch with one of the biggest black forces in the U.S., and also met with the other’s boss.


   But thinking about Andrew's tricks, it's not worth all the fuss.


   So Kim Hyun-tae won't explore how Andrew did this, and won't have to inquire about it.


   The process is not important to Kim Hyun Tae, as long as the result is what he hopes it will be.


   So, why would Kim Hyun-tae go to the roots and ask the bottom?


"Master, the people from the Aryan Brotherhood are willing to cooperate with me. I met each other in my own name, and the other party promised that as long as I can put out 60 million US dollars, then as long as Bartoh is sentenced and begins to serve the sentence, no matter He is in that prison and everyone from the Aryan Brotherhood will take care of him."


   Andrew is very shrewd. He actually found a member of the Aryan Brotherhood, Jin Xiantai's current enemy, and reached an agreement with the other party in his own name. There was no mention of Jin Xiantai.


  The Aryan Brotherhood, who was in the unknown, really thought that Andrew was just an old man with Barto, and he was fooled if he was ignorant.


   The 60 million dollar price tag is nothing for Kim Hyun Tae.


   In terms of the wealth he has now, this is nothing but a trifle.


   As long as it can cost 60 million US dollars to kill Barto in prison, it is worth it to Kim Hyun Tae.


   Especially because of Andrew's operation, this matter has nothing to do with him. Even after Barto was killed, no one can contact him, so this matter is simply wonderful.


   When Andrew told Kim Hyun-tae about this, Annie and Old Nord were nearby. Kim Hyun-tae didn't mean to let Andrew avoid them at all. Obviously, he already trusted Anne and Old Nord.


   And for Kim Hyun Tae was talking about this matter with Andrew and did not avoid herself, Annie was also very happy, but it was a trivial matter, Annie was very moved.


   "I changed my appearance when I was in contact with people from the Aryan Brotherhood. I can guarantee that even if something goes wrong, no one will contact you, Master."


   Andrew is getting smarter.


   Annie admired Andrew for doing this.


   At the same time, I feel relieved that there is such a housekeeper beside Kim Hyun Tae.


Old Nord and Andrew have done their confession, so Barto can put it aside for now. After all, small chores like Barto don’t need Jin Hyun-tae to take it seriously. Right now, Jin Xian-tae has something to deal with. The child is much more important than Barto.


In the spacious living room, Annie and Kim Hyun-tae are sitting on the same sofa. Old Nord and Andrew are sitting on the single sofas on both sides. News programs are still playing on the LCD TV in the front, but from this moment on The topic shifted to the'food poisoning' incident.


First of all, Kim Hyun-tae said, "Let’s let go of the miscellaneous things first. Right now we have more important things to solve. Public opinion from the outside world is becoming more and more unfavorable to me. Then I think it’s time for the evidence to be let go. Is it?"


  Because there is Andrew, a butler who is like a horror, Kim Hyun-tae has grasped the driving force behind the ‘food poisoning’ incident and the video evidence of the people behind the scenes in a very short time.


   Of course, getting this kind of evidence is not without cost.


Responsible for monitoring Andrew, and also protecting Andri’s personal safety, and also mastering and controlling the Namec’s super-tech spacecraft Intellectual Brain. It worked hard to absorb the stored energy by the sun. Let’s take a look at this matter. The child was almost exhausted, so I had to start all over again.


   Reverse the time flow and obtain the corresponding video and video. It seems that this technology is not a big deal, but it is actually a very energy-consuming thing.


   Just about these, Kim Hyun-tae is not clear at all.


When Kim Hyun-tae’s voice landed, Annie answered: “Since we have evidence, let’s take it out. It’s not good for you if it drags on for a long time, and it’s not a matter of reversing the plot. It’s ideal for the evidence to burst out from there, it just needs to be calculated."


   Annie's meaning is very clear, she is very supportive of exposing the evidence she has now.


   Like what she said, this matter is now very unfavorable to Kim Hyun-tae. Although it means that it is aimed at the Yum Hyun-tae restaurant chain, it actually has a bad side to Kim Hyun-tae’s personal reputation.


   But the explosion of evidence is also a technical job.


   This is something that needs to be considered.


   "Then what do you think?"


   Kim Hyun-tae understood what Annie meant after a little thought, so he asked about what Annie meant.


When Annie saw Kim Hyun-tae asking for her opinion, she responded without even thinking: “The evidence is not good enough to be exposed by cnn, and even any American media is not suitable. I think I want to maximize this matter. Influence, then it is most suitable to choose foreign media."


   Kim Hyun-tae's eyes lit up when Annie said this, and she praised Annie in his heart.


   Indeed, if the evidence is exposed by foreign media and then transferred back to the United States, then it is definitely more shocking to present the evidence than yourself.


   Even if the evidence was exposed on cnn, some people might not believe that it is false.


   and left it to other American media for exposure, who can guarantee that they will not delete or delete it, and come up with something that makes people very imaginative.


   Therefore, finding a reliable foreign TV media to expose it is the most ideal way.


   "Where do you want to choose the TV media?"


   After praising Annie silently in her heart, Jin Xiantai asked Annie again.


   Annie smiled sweetly at Jin Xiantai, and said, "A set for China."


   When Annie said the name of the foreign TV station she had chosen, not only Kim Hyun-tae was taken aback, but even Old Nord and Andrew looked surprised.


   But soon, the three of them thought of Annie's profound meaning and guessed why Annie chose the Huaxia set to expose the evidence.


   China and the United States are two countries with different ideologies, and even in terms of their camp, they are still two countries with a hostile relationship.


   Then, if the evidence is handed over to Huaxia to explode, the United States will have to treat it with caution.


  The joint Kim Hyun-tae quickly thought clearly, and couldn't help but admire Annie's choice, and admired her vision and thinking very much.


   At the very least, Jin Xiantai felt that he would not have thought of handing over the evidence to Huaxia to explode, which shows that there is still a big gap between his thinking and Annie.


"Okay, just do it like that. I gave Qiao An several plans for cnn programs during the day, but if the trouble of'food poisoning' is not dealt with, those plans will not help even if they are implemented. It worked, so I decided to solve this problem as soon as possible."


  Through the ‘food poisoning’ incident, some behind-the-scenes promoters gradually shifted public opinion from Yum to Kim Hyun Tae himself, which also brought great negative effects to cnn.


Therefore, if the trouble of'food poisoning' is not dealt with properly, cnn will even produce programs such as "The Voice of America" ​​and "What Will You Do" according to Kim Hyun Tae's plan. UU reads www.uukanshu.com and "Breaking Bad". "This TV series will not get any ratings even if you want to, and it will even attract advertisers.


   Kim Hyun Tae obviously didn't want to see such a thing.


   So the best solution is to quickly resolve the ‘food poisoning’ incident, tell the public the truth about the matter, and get rid of the current negative public opinion completely.


   At the same time, I can also start making the movie "King of the Sea" to fulfill my promise to Coco to let her be the protagonist.


   He doesn't want to be a dishonest father, to be a dumb person where his daughter is.


   "It's not easy for us to come forward on this matter, so who can we find to give the evidence to China?"


   Old Nord interjected at this moment and said something.


Just as Annie and Kim Hyun-tae were about to say'self,' Andrew said quickly: "Leave it to me, I am the most suitable person. I will use an anonymous method to hand the evidence to China. ." (To be continued.)