Rising America

Chapter 748: What Annie said

In the evening, Kim Hyun-tae and his party left Beverly with everything ready, and left the mansion in his extended armored Bentley bulletproof car.


   Because I never thought that anyone would come to make trouble, so only the 18 Frost Giants whom Annie had subdued acted as bodyguards and drove them all the way to **** them, and none of the edgings in the mansion were brought out.


   Eighteen frost giants drove six bullet-proof Hummers. They wanted to come to protect them. Even mutants and superpowers would not be pleased to ask for trouble.


   Annie looked down at the economic information published in the evening paper.


  Coco is chatting with Oli. The content is how it hurts and where does it hurt...


Goliya, as always, took a book and read it to Dabao softly. The book she was holding was a cover made by a fruit woman. The title of the book was "Me of the M Physique". The author was an islander. , God knows why Goliath wants to read such a book to Dabao, can it be said that she... Jin Xiantai simply dare not open this brain hole.


   Originally wanted to prevent Goliath from always corrupting her son, but Annie always stopped him, and there was no way to get Jin Xiantai.


   Therefore, he can only pray secretly that his son should not let the little girl named Goliath brainwash him, and finally become a tyrant.


   Fenrir and Cerberos lay aside boredly, the two cousins ​​huddled together and fell asleep.


   Camilla sits in the front passenger seat, driving the car is 47, Hilda is responsible for looking after Fenrir and Cerpolos.


   The street lights on the street outside the window are already on, but there are still a lot of people on the street. In the city of Los Angeles, there are many guys who like to hang out at night.


   neon signs began to flicker, and stylishly dressed men and women took to the streets, adding a bit of color and night charm to Los Angeles.


  Of course, there are not only luxury cars, handsome men, and beauties, but also many homeless people in Los Angeles.


   Even if he is sitting in the car, Kim Hyun-tae can look out the window and there are many such people wandering in the street.


  I can't help it, Kim Hyun Tae thought to himself.


   Is this heaven or hell?


   Many people think that America is heaven.


   But people who really know the United States don’t think so.


   may be the case for the rich.


   For the poor, here is basically the same as hell.


   The car drove into the city, but has not yet entered the Central Avenue, because the traffic is a bit heavy, so the car will always stop and go.


   Fortunately, everyone is not in a hurry. The airport has already been contacted, and private jets will leave as soon as they arrive. This is indeed better than taking a Volkswagen jet.


   "China's economy is taking off, and the future prospects are very good. I think your investment in China is correct. Now I want to invest in China."


   The economic and financial page of the Los Angeles Evening News published a lot of articles about China. After reading it for a while, Annie put down the newspaper and turned around to talk to Jin Xiantai about her opinion.


   Hearing the words, Jin Xiantai nodded slowly.


   "You are right. For a long time in the future, China's economy will grow every year, so investing in China is definitely the right choice at this time."


   Although this is a different time and space, Jin Xiantai is very optimistic about the Chinese economy in a different time and space.


   Apart from anything else, just by expanding the population base ten times, many issues can already be determined.


  Think about it, what a huge market that is.


   It would be unwise for a qualified businessman to not see the China market.


   But Annie smiled bitterly and said to Jin Xiantai: "But it is a bit difficult for me to invest in China, because I have done some things in the past, and maybe China will be wary of my investment."


   Kim Hyun Tae was shocked by Annie's words, and he looked puzzled.


   He didn't know why Annie said that.


   At the same time, Kim Hyun-tae is also very curious, what has Annie done in the past that made her so unconfident in investing in China?


   Soon, after Annie said the reason, Jin Xiantai understood everything in amazement.


Annie said to Kim Hyun-tae with a jealous expression: "I have invested in the establishment of a few funds. It appears that these funds are funded by non-governmental organizations, but in fact, my funds are purposefully funded to some people and let them go. Doing something to subvert China..."


   Well, Kim Hyun Tae is not unfamiliar with such a thing.


  In the original time and space, this kind of thing was reported by a set of imperial courts.


   It's just that he didn't expect that this kind of problem also appeared on the other side of time and space, and one of the participants also had this woman next to him.


   Of course, I didn't expect to return, but Kim Hyun Tae didn't think it was weird.


   "Well, if you have done such a thing, then investing in Huaxia will indeed have trouble."


   After Kim Hyun-tae knew the reason, he said something sincerely.


Annie also had a frowning expression, and said to Kim Hyun-tae: "Really I regret it. I have no chance to look at such a big market. I am very unwilling. Coupled with your relationship, I regret it even more. To die, after all, I need to consider your attitude and feelings, so I hope you don’t hate me because I have done such things."


   In fact, Annie is not reconciled to not being able to invest in China because of this. The most important point is that she is afraid that Jin Xiantai will hate her because of this.


   This is also the reason why Annie told Kim Hyun Tae.


   Rather than being known by Jin Xiantai in the future, it is better to say it by yourself now, so as not to let Jin Xiantai hate him.


  Although Jin Xiantai is an ‘abc’, he is of Chinese descent after all, so he has to consider how Jin Xiantai feels.


   It can be seen from this that Annie really cares about Kim Hyun Tae.


   And what can Kim Hyun Tae say about this.


   He was not in this time and space five years ago. It was two years ago that he and his daughter appeared in this time and space.


   The atmosphere seemed a bit depressed, but fortunately, Kim Hyun-tae changed the subject, which broke the embarrassing atmosphere.


   "Are there many other fund organizations like this?"


   Annie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, because she found that Kim Hyun-tae looked lifeless, which could not help but relieve Annie from being so nervous.


"Many, hundreds of large and small funds under the name of jp and DuPont are still doing such things. I heard that a fund under the name of jp, under the name of a human rights organization, is supporting a private organization in China Southern. It is doing things in the name of protecting labor. This private China organization will help the laborers to fight against the factory owner and has achieved considerable results."


   Kim Hyun-tae doesn’t understand it. It sounds pretty good, but what conspiracy is there?


   After all, listening to Annie's meaning, there must be a conspiracy in it, otherwise jp would not have done it.


   It’s just that Kim Hyun-tae really misses it.


   "It sounds like there is nothing wrong with defending the interests of workers and helping them fight for their own interests." Therefore, Jin Xiantai, who was very puzzled, looked at Annie and said.


Annie laughed self-deprecatingly: "As long as it is involved with the CIA, there can be no fair and honest things behind it, and now it seems that this organization is right to safeguard the interests of workers, and it has done nothing to harm ordinary workers. That's right, but in fact, the ultimate goal of jp to support this organization is to have a certain influence and voice. As long as it has influence and voice, then this organization will be useful at critical times."




   So that's it!


   Kim Hyun Tae, who was originally very ignorant, suddenly realized.


   It turns out that what people want is not that kind of small interest, it can be said to be very big.


  The shock brought about by influence and the right to speak must not be ignored.


   Jin Hyun-tae, who has experienced another spatio-temporal network big v, and rumors flying all over the sky, and no bottom line to hype the navy overwhelming era, is very clear about the consequences of the rise of such a supported organization.


   It's no wonder that jp will support it without asking for a return.


   Besides, supporting such an organization will not cost much at all.


   can be said to be a small investment and a big return.


"There are also some foundations haunting Southeast Asia. They used money and various methods to corrupt China’s unsteady people through the Internet and let them serve themselves. I heard that DuPont’s funds successfully spent a mere 5,000. At the expense of U.S. dollars, I obtained an important piece of information about the Southwest Military Research Institute of China through the Internet..."


   Jin Xiantai listened to the secrets that Annie revealed to him, he just felt a little sad in his heart.


   Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, there are such things in different time and space.


   "Are you still doing such a thing today?"


   Kim Hyun Tae suddenly asked.


Annie shook her head and said: "I have quit a long time ago. Actually, I have no interest in politics. My main interest is in business. At first, I only did it for a while to avoid crimes. In the end, I quit. come out."


   It is inaccurate that Annie said she has no interest in politics. It should be said that she is not so passionate.


   The difference between her and jp and DuPont is that the two forces are very keen on politics and like to tinker with these things the most.


   But Annie is obviously more interested in making money.


   It’s just that everything reversed after meeting Kim Hyun Tae.


   Annie, who didn't care much about politics, is now slowly paying attention to politics because she hopes that the man she likes, Jin Xiantai, can become a true member of the American elite in the future.


   If you want to be a member of this class, how can you not care about politics?


   "The CIA had a new idea a few days ago, saying that it can destroy China's economy and make a lot of money, and this matter has already begun to act."


   People at the level of Annie can know a lot of information that ordinary people don't know.


   Kim Hyun-tae is not surprised at all about this.


   "Oh, what is it?"


"I heard that it was a means of fraud, and they also studied Huaxia’s laws and found loopholes in it. Therefore, they found that this method can also make Huaxia people feel insecure and make criminals more arrogant. It can even destroy China's social harmony and change people's moral values..."


   At this moment, Jin Xiantai is full of grief and anger.


   To tell the truth, the Huaxia where he lived in his previous life was full of telecommunications fraud, and most of the scammers were born on the treasure island, and they led some coastal guys who didn't care for their own interests.


   But there is actually the CIA dominating it, which surprised Kim Hyun-tae.


   But I'm terrified of thinking about it.


   "Perhaps you have a suitable opportunity to talk to your friends in China."


  Anne suddenly said something to Kim Hyun Tae.


   What is she going to do?


   Sell out the national interests of the United States, don’t you fear death?


   Seeing Jin Xiantai looking at herself in surprise and surprise, Annie said quietly: "Your roots are in China after all."


   This sentence seems to be nothing at first, but it has a deep meaning after careful consideration.


   This is Kim Hyun Tae did not think much.


   "I will try to mention it if I have the opportunity."


   He just regarded Annie as a woman who has a good impression of China, but he didn't think so much.


   "If you tell me this, don't you worry that I will spread it?"


   After responding to Annie, Kim Hyun-tae suddenly asked.


   Annie smiled faintly, and said: "You won't do this, because you are not that kind of person, and I trust you very much. I am your wife, am I not."


  The convoy turned from a passage at a highway intersection, and they were about to arrive at the airport.


   At this moment, a lot of armed men suddenly appeared on both sides of the road, and some even carried rgp, and these men opened fire at Jin Xiantai and the others without hesitation.




   The rgp fired by the other party hit the side of the Bentley directly, turning the vibrating side body of the whole car up, and then the bullet fell on the body like rain.


   "Protect Cocoa and baby! Tell Tius to kill the attackers and leave one or two to survive. I want to know who attacked us!"


   When the car turned sideways, Annie grabbed Kim Hyun-tae, which did not hurt Kim Hyun-tae.


   Thanks to the armored car, the car is very heavy. The rap didn't overturn the car at all, but it regained stability after being lifted by the powerful shock wave.


   was suddenly attacked, which made Annie very upset.


   As Annie's order was passed on, eighteen frost giants walked out of the Humvee under a rain of bullets, leaving a shadow in the armed men's surprise, and launched a massacre on them.


Bullets are useless to these Frost Giants~lightnovelpub.net~ These attackers who are just ordinary people, after the Frost Giants shot, they can only watch their companions being slaughtered, or they are being angry. Tear in half.


   There were a lot of attackers, about forty or fifty people, each wearing a body armor with fully automatic weapons, and even rgp.


   But even so, they did not succeed.


   Because they don't even know how many powerful existences there are around the target they attacked, and these existences are simply beyond their ability to deal with.


   Facing the attack, Coco didn't seem afraid at all.


   Instead, the little guy put his face on the cracked bulletproof glass and looked out. When she saw the frost giants "hand tearing attackers", she kept yelling.


   "Dad, more enjoyable than Hollywood blockbusters!"


  Ps: The author reminds everyone to be very vigilant about certain things. The imperialists will never die. (To be continued.)