Rising America

Chapter 749: You have to accept and get used to these

   After the Frost Giants surrendered to Annie, they all turned into the height of a normal person, but even so, they all reached a height of more than two meters one by one, and they looked very strong one by one.


  Although they have a strong body and look clumsy, they are actually not slow at all if they start their hands.


  A series of afterimages flashed on a messy street. The eighteen frost giants completely defeated the attackers and killed most of them in less than 30 seconds.


   If it hadn't been for Annie to confess in advance that she wanted to stay alive, then these frost giants would obviously kill all the attackers.


   Kim Hyun-tae’s Bentley was slammed into a pit on the side. The windows were also covered with cracked lines. The wheels also burst due to the attack. In short, the car looked very miserable.


   But because this Bentley was specially made, it also added outer armor and bullet-proof glass, so even under the strong firepower of the attackers in the early stage, Jin Xiantai and Coco were protected, but the attackers did not succeed.


   If they were in a regular vehicle, it would be hard to say.


   Of course, considering that these women and girls like Annie are not ordinary people, even if Kim Hyun-tae is in an ordinary vehicle, it is difficult for these attackers to come.


Due to the attack, the entire road was blocked in front and rear vehicles. Many strange car owners stopped in the distance and called 911 with a panic expression and told them that there had just been a gunfight. And hope the police will come soon.


   As for Kim Hyun Tae and the others, these people don't have the guts at all.


   The Bentley is scrapped.


   After the crisis was resolved, Kim Hyun Tae got out of the car holding his daughter Coco.


Oli and Goliya respectively held Dabao and Erbao in their arms with solemn expressions, instead of keeping the little ones in the stroller. Obviously these two little girls thought that they would continue to let the two babies stay in the same car. It’s a bit unsafe, so it’s safest to hold it in your own arms.


   Annie's pretty face was green, and she could see that she was on the verge of rage now, but she had been enduring it.


   But it is understandable to think about it. It is not only Annie, whoever encounters such a thing will be angry.


   You need to know that if most of you are not ordinary people, you might have been killed by the attackers just now.


   Wearing a suit, a white shirt, a black tie, and black sunglasses, the looking cool Frost Giant Tius walked towards Annie, dragging a half-dead fellow in his hand.


   "Master, left alive."




   Tius threw the half-dead guy in front of Annie. This guy was smashed. Jin Xiantai clearly saw that he was thrown off by the smash, showing how hard he fell.


   There is no sympathy for the mortal Tius. As a family of giants who used to be aloof, mortals are not even ants in their eyes, so he does not care about the feelings of mortals.


   If it hadn't been for Anne to confess to stay alive, then this half-dead hapless guy wouldn't survive at all.


   By looking at the fate of his friends around him, it is easy to draw a conclusion.


On both sides of the secondary road leading to the airport, there are half-person-height bushes and many trees planted. At this moment, some of the branches of these trees are hanging with human half-cut bodies or stumps. Broken arm, the road is covered with slimy blood, and colorful internal organs. In short, it looks disgusting and disgusting.


The Frost Giants are powerful, and these attackers have no power to fight back in front of them. The Frost Giants’ methods are very cruel. They basically grab one and tear it in half, which is almost comparable. The degree of tearing the devil.


   God knows how the frost giants fight, how can it be so cruel and disgusting.


   Andrew, who was next to Kim Hyun Tae, had a sad expression. Now the limelight has been robbed by the Frost Giants. There is no chance for Andrew to perform. This makes Andrew a little unhappy in his heart.


   For this sudden attack, Andrew was not afraid or worried at all, even if the other party used it.


   My energy shields are all ready, but how come you were wiped out so quickly? Originally, I wanted to wait until the critical moment to debut, you scumbags are too disappointing.


   Andrew, who had no chance to show off, secretly complained in his heart.


   I really don’t know how the attackers would react if they knew Andrew’s thoughts if they were alive.


The assailant who was thrown in front of Annie had a bald head and was wearing a black bulletproof vest. The bare skin that can be seen is tattooed, and their previous attacks did not resemble the kind of trained professionals. .


   Annie glanced at this guy, and basically had a judgment.


   reached out and tore off the guy's bulletproof vest. Annie saw the tattoo on the other's chest, and she was even more sure of her judgment.


   At this time, Andrew walked over and said to Annie: "Zeta, Gulf, Family, Aryan Brotherhood, these attackers are all from these four black forces organizations."


   Compared with Annie, Andrew can confirm this more accurately and quickly.


   Thanks to the talent of the Namek, Andrew can connect to the Internet through his own thoughts at will to find the answers he wants.


   "Did Gonzalez and Ted choose this method to save the defeat."


   Actually, it is unnecessary for Andrew to say, when Annie saw the expression, she already knew what kind of involvement was behind the attack and some people.


   The sound of police sirens came from a distance, and it was obvious that the police were rushing here.


   Ten minutes have passed from the time of the attack to the sound of the police siren, and the speed of the police is pretty good.


   "William, we can't leave for now."


   Annie turned around and came to Kim Hyun Tae, smiled bitterly and said to him.


   Jin Xiantai nodded. He also knew that he had encountered such a thing. There was obviously no way to go back to West Point today.


   "The forces behind Gonzalez and Ted have taken action."


   Before the police arrived, Annie told Kim Hyun Tae the identity of the attacker.


   Hearing this, Jin Xiantai sighed in his heart.


   Seriously, if possible, Kim Hyun Tae really doesn't want to get involved with people like drug lord or something.


   But now that people have already taken action against themselves, and at first glance, there is no room at all, as if they are killing themselves, then Jin Xiantai no longer has many scruples.


  Seriously, if it weren't for Anne and the others, this time, myself and my daughter would be really bad luck.


   He really wanted to know whether he would die, but the other party even wanted his own daughter's life, which made Jin Xiantai unable to stand it.


   "I don't care what I do next, but the danger must be resolved. I don't want this situation to reappear in the future, nor do I want to live in fear every day."


   Kim Hyun Tae’s remarks are understood by everyone.


   Andrew immediately said: "I can provide the detailed address here."


Annie raised her hand and summoned Tius, the leader of the Frost Giant. After the brawny came over, Annie said to Tius: "The Andrew Butler will provide you with a detailed address. Give me the address and kill all the targets on the address!"


   Tius did not appear embarrassed, his face was very calm, as if it were a very simple little thing.


   "Okay, master."


   Then Andrew tilted his head and motioned Tius to walk aside with him.


   "Gonzalez and Ted were forced to go to nowhere. We had no chance of turning them over through the video evidence released by China, so they jumped the wall and resorted to such a method."


   When Tius and Andrew walked aside, Annie talked with Kim Hyuntae.


   Kim Hyun Tae basically knew what Annie said.


   After all, he is not an idiot, how could he not even see this problem.


   Because of this, when Annie said that, Kim Hyun-tae had a cold expression on his daughter's face and said: "Since they have chosen this method, they have to pay for it."


   Annie nodded: "You need to get used to this kind of thing. Business is like a battlefield. It's not just talk about it. In many cases, business competition is often accompanied by killing in the dark, so some people say that capital is bloody."


   Kim Hyun Tae's cold expression faded, replaced by a wry smile.


   "What? There will be more and more things like this in the future?"


   Jin Xiantai felt that he was too innocent before, and he had no idea that capital would be so bloody.


   Annie stared at Kim Hyun Tae with a sullen face for a long time, and finally she couldn't help but laughed out loud.


   It can't be said that Annie's mentality is very strong. She has just been attacked, and she actually laughed.


   If you are a normal girl or a woman, it’s normal to want to have soft legs, and it’s not impossible to even scare you into urine.


   But Annie can still laugh, which shows that her heart is really strong.


"I have experienced attacks like this since I was 5 years old, and in my 27-year-old life experience, there were 13 attacks, both large and small, and each attack was related to a business competition. The most recent Once it was an arms purchase contract for the Iran-Iraq War. My competitor, the DuPont family, even sent a team of 130 capable mercenaries to attack me in Iraq."


   Annie's own experience really shocked him from Kim Hyun Tae's view, but Annie's tone of mentioning these things was very indifferent, as if there was nothing remarkable.


   "Humph! The DuPont family would do this kind of thing. Their ancestors started with arms. During the Civil War, they used this method to kill their opponents, and then they became a northern arms supplier and made a fortune."


   When this matter was mentioned, Annie looked disdainful.


But when the conversation changed, Annie revealed her shortcomings: "But our Whiston family is not very glorious, and the reason why I will tell you this is to tell you to accept and get used to everything in the capital world as soon as possible, otherwise You won’t be left with any scum that will be eaten."


   Kim Hyun Tae knew that Annie meant something, so he asked: "What do you want me to do?"


   Annie's meaning Jin Xiantai understands and understands it. He knows that Annie is right.


   The capital world is dirty, cruel, and bloody. It is far from ordinary people looking so glamorous outside the circle. In private, all of them are very shabby. This is especially the worst for Western capital.


  Of course, these guys are very savvy one by one, usually they will pack themselves up, philanthropists, caring people are wrapped in layers of halo, and when they turn around, they become very tall.


But all this is just superficial ~lightnovelpub.net~Tius, they did it, but they need to leave some traces of you. This is also a signal to the outside world. You need to prove that you are not easy to mess with, so that you can make some Fear of the guy who is ready to move! You can't always make them think you are a bully. "


   Saying that I went to Annie for my own good, how could Kim Hyun Tae not understand this.


   Thinking that since I have come to a different time and space, and slowly stepped into the capital circle, then give up some naive ideas, after all, I can't always make people feel bullied, which will bring a lot of trouble.


   Jin Hyun Tae nodded, "No problem!"


   After seeing Kim Hyun Tae agrees, Annie has a bright smile on her face. She is obviously very happy that Kim Hyun Tae has made a wise choice.


"People on Wall Street have long wanted to target you. You are a big cake for those on Wall Street who cannibalize people without spitting out bones. But after this time, I think those guys will have to weigh themselves." to be continued.