Rising America

Chapter 751: Hope to cooperate?

"Sir, can you talk about the impact of the video on you? Is it the same as the evidence shows that you were all recruited by burrito and meat dog for the purpose of discrediting the Yum!


   A large number of media reporters gathered outside a ward in the inpatient department of Laila Public Hospital in Los Angeles.


   In the ‘food poisoning’ incident of the Baisheng restaurant chain, 56 ‘victims’ were all placed in this place. Therefore, this place inevitably attracted media reporters.


   The media reporters are very sensitive. After China exposed the video evidence, it immediately made the local media in the United States, especially in Los Angeles, crazy, and the CNN media reporters became more active.


   Over the past period of time, cnn has been criticized by the outside world without a complete body, so when the video broke out and public opinion changed, of course, cnn media people who had been suppressing had to take this opportunity to start fighting back.


   Gonzalez and Ted have disappeared. God knows where these two guys went. Maybe they hid when they attacked Kim Hyun Tae.


   It can be seen that the two are still very smart.


At this moment, the reporter blocked in the ward to ask questions is a middle-aged Mexican man. His family is all the'victims' of the'food poisoning' incident. People have been sympathetic to these days, but now all this There have been changes.


"I don't know what you mean by this. It is obvious that I was food poisoned after eating clown burgers. Many media have also investigated and there is conclusive evidence that there is a problem with the purchase of clown burgers. They purchased cheap ones. The raw meat that was about to rot was made into mince and then sold to us..."


How to respond to what the media said? In fact, these people have long been told and kept in mind. Therefore, when the media reporters asked him, they could respond perfectly, and could not hear a little bit. Flaws.


   It is a pity that these people in the ward are not aware of the fact that the situation outside has changed, and it is not the time it was earlier.


   "Sir, the police have arrested the buyer of Clown Burger, and after careful interrogation, the other party has confessed that he is a member of the ‘Commercial Assassin’ alliance and has accepted the instruction to deliberately cause problems in the procurement process. The purpose is to cooperate..."


The video on Huaxia’s side was exposed, and the American media immediately reprinted the report. At the same time, driven by Annie and George, the Los Angeles police also began to dispatch some people mentioned by the commercial assassin member Bob in the video to the police. Bureau and interrogated these people.


   Finally, the police finally got a confession.


Those who were captured as mentioned by Bob in the video were all members of the "Commercial Assassins" alliance. They played the role of the ghost of Yum in the "Food Poisoning" incident, and their role was to make Yum into trouble and face some problems from time to time. Cannot explain.


   Before the video was released by China, these people can be said to be very successful.


  Purchasing rotten and deteriorating raw meat, even if the buyer will be caught, after all, the outside world will put the board on Yum, and Yum really has no way to excuse this kind of thing.


   It's just that no one thought of the original one-sided public opinion situation, but after a video broke out on Huaxia, it was reversed.


"Half an hour ago, William King, his daughter Coco, and his fiancée Annie were attacked by militants. The militants even used rgp, a powerful weapon. According to the police report, the attack was reported by the catering tycoon Gonzal Reis and Ted are related, so what do you think about this matter?"


   There is no way to hide the fact that Kim Hyun Tae and his party were attacked.


   So in a short period of time, basically this matter spread throughout the United States.


  Think about it, too, I dare to do this in broad daylight. The target is still two rich people. If you think about it, those rich people on Wall Street will feel very uncomfortable in their hearts.


   And the Los Angeles police are also very hardworking. When they took over the only living mouth of the attackers, they smoothly opened the breach from him and got his confession.


   Of course, although the method and process of obtaining a confession is a bit difficult to tell, after all, it is enough to let the other party speak.


   As for the assailants who were killed so many, the frost giants who followed Annie as bodyguards did not cause much trouble.


   After all, they are bodyguards. When the employer encounters an attack, it is normal for them to fight back and kill the attacker, isn't it?


  The Mexican middle-aged man lying on the hospital bed looked very ugly. He lifted the quilt to cover his face, which made the media reporters around the hospital very speechless.


   The doctors and nurses squeezed in and somehow persuaded the media reporters out.


   When the media reporters left the ward, the Mexican middle-aged man reopened the quilt with a stinky face, and at the same time the expression on his face became uncertain.


   From what the reporters said just now, he also heard something wrong.


   So this made him feel a little worried.


   To tell the truth, he is indeed an actor found by the Ink-Eihei# gang, but he really ate a burger made from spoiled and rotten raw meat, and all the adverse reactions are real.


   After all, it is necessary to make people believe in all this, and sometimes it is always necessary to pay something, right?


There was no problem at all. Every link made people unable to see the flaws, and it succeeded in getting Yum into trouble. All he and his companions had to do was to lie on the side of the hospital and talk to some media every day. Words, and when the court opens, he can get a huge sum of money.


   But the words of the media reporters today made him realize that something is wrong.


   In fact, he was not the only person who was worried and noticed that something was wrong. Basically, the other 55 ‘victims’ living in this hospital all had such concerns.


   picked up the remote control beside the bed and turned on the TV.


  Middle-aged Mexican man decided to look for clues in the news.


[Gonzales, the suspect in the William King attack, said according to the latest news that he and his family have just passed the US-Mexico border checkpoint. Since the US police do not have law enforcement powers in Mexico, the arrest of Gonzalez needs to contact the Mexican side. There are some negotiations, but no one can guarantee that Gonzalez will stay in Mexico. 】


   [Twenty minutes ago, a Texas police spokesperson announced that they had captured another suspect on a farm, the former hot dog fast food chain tycoon Ted, and had taken it back to the police station for questioning. 】


   Gonzalez ran away and ran to Mexico.


  This is the end of the matter. God knows how the Mexican drug trafficking families will treat him.


   And Ted has been caught and the police are interrogating him.


  Middle-aged Mexican men immediately confirmed the fact that they are also very dangerous.


   After all, he and his family are still underprivileged in the United States. The reason why he came to be a ‘victim’ is the pressure and threats of the 墨意黑# to help, and there is also the temptation of huge compensation.


  As a bitter American Mexican black household, he, like many people, also dreams of making a fortune one day.


but now……


   turned over and got out of bed, he walked to the window and looked around, then opened the door of the ward and walked out to another ward.


   His wife and two children are next door.


   "Let's go quickly, things seem to have been exposed. If we don't go anymore, we will be in trouble."


   Coming to his wife’s ward, the Mexican middle-aged man walked to his wife’s bed, opened his wife’s quilt, and then said to her anxiously.


   It's a pity, even if he reacts so quickly, it's still too late.


A large number of Los Angeles police officers have taken over the hospital, especially around the ward where the victims of the food poisoning incident are placed, and a large number of police forces have been deployed. Then, faced with the blockade of layers of police, how can he and his family leave easily? It.


------split line------


   In a private hospital in Los Angeles, Jin Xiantai was placed in a luxurious ward.


   Although he didn't suffer any harm in the attack, Annie still asked him to act and declared to the outside world that Kim Hyun Tae was injured, but she didn't say so clearly about the injury.


   Lying on a comfortable hospital bed in a hospital gown, Kim Hyun-tae is watching a video message sent by an anonymous person with his mobile phone, while Anne is sitting next to Kim Hyun-tae’s bed, she is also watching with Kim Hyun-tae.


In the video, a man and a woman plus two little boys kneeling on the ground. All four people have their hands tied behind their backs. Several guys with black hoods are behind the family. One of them is facing the camera and talking. .


  【This is a gift, I hope it can offset the anger in your heart. The reason why I showed you this video is just to tell you our goodwill, I hope you can make the right choice, and we hope to cooperate with you. 】


   The inner softness of the following video is very **** and cannot be described.


   Kim Hyun-tae looked a little bit to vomit.


   But Annie looked silently from the beginning to the end, which made Jin Xiantai admire the five-body cast.


   "The Gonzalez family is over. He took himself and his family to hell, but I don't feel sorry for him."


   After the video was played, Annie told Kim Hyun-tae with a faint expression about the identity of the family in the video. It turned out that it was Gonzalez, his wife and two children.


   Then who killed them with that cruel method?


   And what does it mean by ‘goodwill’ and ‘hope for cooperation’ in the video?


   For these Kim Hyun Tae is a bit inexplicable~lightnovelpub.net~ Fortunately, Annie gave the answer.


   "It seems that they want to use you to launder money, and feel that after this attack, you will be afraid of them, that you must be afraid of them, that's why they are so confident."


   The Mexican forces behind Gonzales.


   Kim Hyun-tae understood when Annie said this.


Immediately, Annie sneered and said: "These scumbags are too worthy of themselves, who do they think they are?" After that, Annie looked down at Kim Hyun Tae who was lying on the hospital bed, "Leave this to me. , Don’t pay attention to these people, I think they will call you soon."


   It’s just that Annie didn’t know that, in fact, someone launched revenge in Mexico faster than her. (To be continued.)