Rising America

Chapter 752: Selena's small team

A former tourist resort in Mexico, where gangs are rampant and public security problems are now prominent, and they can no longer attract tourists to the coastline villa area of ​​the southern suburbs of Tijuana, a small team that looks like tourists has appeared.


   There are men and women in this small team. The men are handsome and the women are also young and beautiful.


   It’s just that, in this city where there are as many as 600 shootings every day and 300 people are killed every day, there are still tourists. This is a strange thing.


   Therefore, when they appeared, the secretive people in the villa area noticed them, and there were also gunshots that targeted these men and women.


   You must know that in this coastal villa area built in the southern suburbs of Tihua, there is a very unusual person living here. Carter, the leader of the three largest drug trafficking organizations in Mexico, the Gulf, lives here.


   So although the villa area seems to have nothing, in fact there are gunmen and armed men hidden in the dark.


   "We were aimed at thirteen blocking guns, heads, do you want to continue to the target?"


   A handsome man with out of focus in the team whispered a 17- to 8-year-old girl beside him.


   The girl asked did not make a sound, but the girl next to the girl laughed and said: "Matt, are you telling us that you are afraid?"


  'S eyes were out of focus, and the handsome young man called Matt immediately responded to the girl's mocking of himself: "Harry, shut your mouth, I'm just for the safety of the boss."


   The girl in Matt's mouth, Harry, is a bit offbeat.


   A white lace corset and a pair of white lace panties, although it sets off the girl's **** figure, it also makes people look really seductive, but it also makes people feel a little strange.


   After all, if you wear such a attire at home, it doesn’t matter, but it’s a bit embarrassing to walk out like this.


   The girl’s blonde hair is still highlighted with pink, her mouth is smeared with thick crimson lipstick, and she has deep black eye shadows.


   Therefore, the girl who was originally beautiful and well-built, with this dress, looks like a sperm patient.


"Cut, if you're afraid, just say it's afraid. We won't laugh at you. I still take care of the disabled. So if you are afraid, stay here. I will accompany my head to meet the leader of the Gulf. "


   Matt took a deep breath, calmed his anger, and then stopped talking about the girl named Harry, because he knew that he would continue to pester Harry and he would not win her, and in the end he would just find his own guilt.


   The last girl who wore a white wedding dress raised her hand to cover her mouth with a smile on her face, apparently laughing at the quarrel between Matt and Harry.


   Harry turned his head and glared at the girl, then said to her viciously: "What a smile, do you think it is funny? Be careful to get angry. I will goug your eyeballs and step on them."


   These remarks are very vicious and scary.


   Cooperate with Harry's hideous appearance, not to mention that there is no deterrent.


   It’s just that the girl was not frightened by Harry. Instead, she let go of her hand covering her mouth and said to Harry grinningly: "You are not such a person, why do you always pretend to be vicious and vicious?"


   As soon as the girl's voice fell, Harry screamed like a kitten stepped on its tail.


   "Frost, you are peeping at my thoughts again, right, damn, don't you know that you respect *rights!"


   "Don't bother you, I suddenly felt that it was my mistake to absorb you into S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., especially since you became my subordinates, which is really a headache."


The girl who had been silent and was the leader by Matt finally spoke, and when she opened her mouth, Harry was honest, and Frost, the wedding dress girl who wanted to continue teasing Harry, closed her mouth. .


   "Boss Selena, she always spy on other people's thoughts, she doesn't respect others at all. This is not a good thing, after all, who can keep secrets."


   Harry leaned closer to Selena, whispering in her ear.


   While talking, Harry watched Selena's reaction.


   "In case you have any pink thoughts spied by her..."


Frost interrupted Harry at this time: "This is my ability. I don't want to spy on other people's thoughts, but I can't control this ability, but I can guarantee that even if I spy on others' thoughts, I usually keep it secret. ."


   Harry looked back at Frost, then curled his lips, with an expression of ‘I don’t believe you can keep a secret’.


   Then she rolled her eyes and decided to spoof Frost.


   "Boss, borrow the photos in your wallet to use."


   Although she didn't know what Harry was going to do, Selena took out her wallet.


   After taking the wallet, Harry pulled out a photo from the wallet. It was a photo of Kim Hyun Tae and Selena.


   deeply imprinted Kim Hyun Tae's appearance in his mind, Harry used his hypnotic ability, and then suddenly raised his head and shouted at Frost.


"look at me!"


   Frost raised his head and met Harry's gaze.


   For an instant, all kinds of heavy and indescribable scenes impacted Frost's consciousness and flushed Frost's face.


   "You disgusting woman!" The girl yelled at Harry angrily.


   After forcibly stopping his ability, Frost got rid of the embarrassment, but her panting and shy appearance made people look at her.


Harry returned his wallet to Selena, and turned his head to look at Frost with a very awkward expression: "This is your punishment for spying on her human consciousness at will. Although I am not a superpower or a mutant, I There is still a way to deal with you, a rookie."


   "Can you stop making trouble, you are surrounded by threats, don't you know where we are?"


  As the only male in the small group, Matt couldn't help it.


   Indeed, they are now in a very dangerous environment. They should be nervous and alert.


   After all, no one knows when and where a bullet will be shot.


   But Harry and Frost, even their boss Selena, didn't seem to feel the danger around them at all.


   My God!


   We are not really here for sightseeing, OK!


   Being a serious person, Matt is very helpless to his fellows who are always convulsed. He feels that there are no normal people in this team except for himself, including his leader Selena.


   Harry is a squeaky voice, he is very nervous when he does things, and is still a big tease.


   Although Frost doesn't talk much, he is a **** and likes to peek into other people's thoughts.


   The seemingly normal boss Selena is actually different from ordinary people.


   This is true, how could I be told to join S.H.I.E.L.D., and then I was assigned to this small team.


   Matt is very regretful now.


   "Head, why aren't we leaving?"


   Selena, who led the team, suddenly stopped.


   Harry asked very curiously.


   Frost seemed to care about everything.


   Matt is very nervous about the gunmen around him, for fear that the gunmen will shoot.


   "Wait for someone."


   Selena’s response was very simple.


   Waiting for someone?


  Who is waiting for?


   Harry was confused when he heard the words.


   But soon the answer appeared.


   Matt suddenly noticed that the gunmen hiding in the surroundings had disappeared, and they disappeared so suddenly, he felt very surprised.


   Wearing a tuxedo, a small top hat, and a civilized stick in his hand, it looks like an elegant old man dressed in the seventeenth and eighteenth century appeared in front of everyone.


   "Andrew Butler."


   The old man appeared out of thin air, and Selena greeted him the first time.


   The old man smiled after seeing Selena.


   "Haha, girl, now you're not bad, you have all your subordinates."


   Andrew's gaze scanned the girls behind Selena, and Matt was ignored by him.


   Hum, just pay attention to beautiful girls, boys can be ignored.


  唔, the two girls are in good shape and very hot!


   also looks very pretty.


   For Harry and Frost's image, Andry is very satisfied.


   Suddenly, a consciousness invaded his mind.


  The racial talent is Andrew, who is mind-conscious, and he is most sensitive to this aspect.


  唔, interesting little girl, is the ability to spy on the conscious thinking of others?


   Ha ha, this is similar to my racial talent, but it's much worse than our Namek.


   Andrew stopped a little, and planted a very unscrupulous seed deep in Frost's consciousness without a trace, and then cut off Frost's little invisible hands that spied on his own thinking.


   After Frost realized that his thinking was hindered, she knew that the old man in front of her was not something she could spy at will, and she didn't know at all, she had already learned the Tao, but when the time was right, she would...


   Andrew also came here to do errands. The target was Mexican drug dealers just like Selena, so he notified Selena to join forces to do this.


   Of course, Selena will not object to this.


   "Head, who is he?"


   Seeing Selena know Andrew, Harry asked curiously.


   Frost and Matt also looked curious.


   "William King's butler."


   William King?


   Matt and Harry looked curious, honestly he and she didn't know Kim Hyun Tae.


   Only Frost's eyes opened wide for a moment, and he looked very surprised.


   "William King, an outstanding young man in Los Angeles, is his butler?"


   Frost's reaction was a bit big.


   Selena nodded.


   With Selena's admission, Frost immediately became like a nympho.


   "Gosh, he is the lover of my dreams."


   The black line at the end of Selena, she didn't know that William, whom she liked secretly, was actually her dream lover, which made her feel awkward.


   Andrew smiled slyly, and then said: "First, do serious things. I have relieved the surrounding threats. Let's grab Carter and talk."


   After talking, Andrew rushed to Frost, who looked like a nymphomaniac, and said, "My young master is going to get married."


  Although I knew about this for a long time, when I said it from Andrew's mouth, it still made Selena's face go dark.


   On the other hand, Frost continued to respond with an idiotic expression: "It doesn't matter if you get married, I can be his mistress..."


   Something's wrong, it's really something wrong. With Frost's character, she would say such things. At most, she just thought about it in her heart.


   That's right, Frost, the girl, is a sorrowful person who likes to spy on others' thinking.


   Andrew snapped his fingers.


   Then Frost returned to normal and looked confused.


   "What are you doing looking at me like this?"


   Frost was puzzled when he realized that his companions looked at him with strange expressions.


Harry smiled and said to her: "You just said to be the mistress of William King~lightnovelpub.net~ and you said that you are proficient in 18 postures, and you can cooperate with any heavy mouth, but who is William King? Make Meng Sao so impulsive." Harry took out his mobile phone after finishing talking. She actually took a video just now...


   Be a mistress?


   Looks like I can do it too.


   The abnormal Frost's remarks seemed to open a door to Selena, allowing her to understand a lot of thoughts she had been struggling with.


   "Let's do business first."


   Squeezing the Qi Nian in her heart, Selena greeted her companions and walked towards the target building of the trip.


   Harry, Matt, and Frost hurriedly followed.


   Andrew walked behind the crowd with a smile, thinking to himself [Frost? A young mutant girl with great potential, maybe you can push her to the young master's side for a try, maybe it will let the young master untie the knot. 】(To be continued.)