Rising America

Chapter 753: Lynching of girls

The residence of the leader of the Gulf Cartel "Carter" is the largest in this villa area, almost half the area of ​​the entire villa area, and there are even watchtowers on the walls with high grids. There are also guards with guns and live ammunition.


   But because "Carter" lives here, the public security in this area is very good. Regardless of the prominent public security problems in the entire city of Tijuana, kidnappings, extortion and killing are endless, but no criminals dare to hit this place.


  The reason is very simple. The leader of the Gulf Cartel organization ‘Carter’ lives here.


  As long as anyone with short eyes dared to provoke the residents here, then there is only one way to wait for such a person, and that is to be brutally killed.


  Basically, Carter cares more about his own face, so the wealthy Tijuana people with whom he is his neighbors have benefited in a different way.


   Of course, this is just the surface.


  Privately, these rich people pay a lot of protection fees to ‘Carter’ every month, both for themselves and for their own enterprises, and it is this way that they can sit back and relax.


At the same time,'Carter' also got to know more senior officials through the network of these rich people, and corroded these people with a lot of money, making them turn a blind eye to what the Gulf organization did. eye.


   It can be said that in Tijuana, Carter is the uncrowned king of the entire city, as long as he orders many people to work for him.


   Mexico and the United States have a long border, but it is precisely because of that border that makes Mexico and the United States more like hell.


   Due to the domestic economic recession in Mexico in recent years, the high unemployment rate of the domestic population, and the increase in the number of poor people, more and more middle-aged people have joined the black# gang to discuss life.


   Therefore, this has also caused the black # road problem, which has become a big deal in Mexico, and it is very troublesome to deal with.


   Originally, the three major drug trafficking organizations in Mexico were only minor roles, playing the role of a small coffee who transported ‘goods’ to the United States for Colombians.


   But under the stimulus of huge profits, the Mexicans left the Colombians and started to go it alone, and completely controlled the US-Mexico passage. The Colombians had no temper at all.


   After several years of business, Mexico’s strength and wealth have become completely different from the past.


  The Gulf Cartel organization is also one of the gainers and one of the biggest gainers. It is as famous as ‘Sinaloa’ and ‘Zetas’ and is the top three drug trafficking organizations in Mexico.


And these three organizations can be said to control the entire South America’s “white flour” trade with the United States. Even the once rampant Colombians now have to look at their faces. They make as many as a few net profits each year. Hundreds of billions of dollars.


   In recent years, the ‘ice’ popular in the United States in different time and space is said to have been invented by the Mexicans, and this new type of drug # has brought considerable influence to the United States.


   So much money is made, but unfortunately it is not visible, so the money cannot be consumed normally at all, which is also a big problem.


   Maybe some people think that if you have money, you can’t spend it?


   Yes, banknotes of unknown origin are really not used.


   That's why money laundering is a career.


   Generally speaking, there are several types of money laundering, and banks will also be involved in serving drug dealers.


   Of course, the rake is also very powerful.


  Mexican drug dealers are very smart. They don't want to be cut by the hateful bank capitalists, so they found a different way and partnered to open a large fast food chain in the United States.


   In this way, with a small price and paying a ‘little tax’ to the US government, all black money has a serious source.


   It’s just that no one thought that such a good money laundering tool would now be destroyed.


   So according to the nature of the Mexican drug dealers, how could they be indifferent.


   Of course, what they hate more is the person who manages the money laundering tools for them, that is, Gonzalez.


   Recently, a lot of new drug trafficking organizations in Mexico have emerged, which has put a lot of pressure on established organizations. In order to compete for territory and control the ‘channel’ between the United States and Mexico, Mexico has become very chaotic.


   At the same time, in order to win the support of former political allies, the old organizations here are spending money like water, and a lot of funds are needed for this ‘battlefield’.


  Politicians will not accept black money.


   Only the kind of money that can withstand scrutiny will those nasty politicians ask for it.


  If it were in the past, of course, there is no problem, but now it is really difficult for the three established organizations.


   It is for this reason that Kim Hyun-tae received the video from the drug dealers.


   Although it seems that the drug lords are a little bit mentally disabled to do this, as long as you understand some of the reasons behind, all of this has a reasonable explanation.


   The drug lords believed that after the attack, Jin Xiantae saw their power and should be afraid of them. Therefore, they released a little kindness, thinking that there should be a large degree of possibility that Jin Xiantai would submit.


   But this judgment is really wrong.


   Not to mention that Kim Hyun-tae is not in Mexico at all, he is in America.


   Even if Jin Xiantai wears to Mexico, but there are so many powerful presences around him, how can those people threaten Jin Xiantai.


   The drug dealers just knew that Jin Xiantai was an ordinary person, but they never thought that none of the people around him was simple, so they really took this step wrong.


   And since they supported Gonzalez's attack on Kim Hyun Tae, their own destiny has now been frozen.


   And the first unlucky person is the Gulf Cartel organization and its leader "Pickup".


   Speaking of the title of "Picart", there are still some reasons.


   It is said that the leader "Carter" likes to cruelly peel the skin while the enemy is alive, so he has such a nickname.


   And compared to Kim Hyun Tae's "Big Bird", Carter's "Skin" is indeed a bit scary.


   But today, Carter wants to enjoy being peeled off by others.


Selena and her party entered Carter’s villa without any obstacles. Along the way, they found that the armed guards in Carter’s villa had lost their breath of life, and turned into corpses lying in twos and threes in the garden of the villa. Inside.


   This made Selena and the others, who thought they needed a fight, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


   After all, there is no need to do it, which is a good thing after all.


   It was Andrew who killed these armed guards, and it was just a piece of cake for him to achieve this level.


   smoothly walked into the villa mansion. After some searching, Selena and the others caught Carter in the cellar in the basement.


   Carter is more than fifty years old, a typical Mexican, he can see that as the leader of a large organization, he has been very pampered in these years, so he has a big belly in vain and fat.


  Looking at Carter's appearance, it is really difficult to associate him with the leader of the drug cartel, especially when he thinks of his nickname "Pickling".


   Carter did not resist, although he had a gun in his hand.


   In front of Frost, a mutant that belongs to the mind control category, Carter can't resist, right.


   "Head, it was he who made the attack plan and teamed up with ‘Sinaloa and Zetas’ to send armed men. That’s right. I saw this memory in his mind."


   Without even interrogation, Frost can get the information he wants.


  Selena is also a straightforward person, not verbose at all.


   Now that the answer has been definitively obtained, there is no need to ask anything.


   "Harry, or Matt are you coming?"


   The next thing is very simple, and that is execution.


   Selena can kill Carter with one shot, but she doesn't want this guy to die so easily.


   William (Kim Hyun Tae), whom he has a crush on, was attacked by them. This is something that Selena cannot tolerate.


   A girl born in the San Juan Orphanage has also had the experience of going out and fighting with everyone, so she also knows how to do it, which is the cruelest to the enemy.


   After all, what the San Juan children dealt with was the gangsters themselves. If they can't be more ruthless and evil than these guys, then how can they survive?


   Therefore, it can be said that Selena is not a delicate **** the surface, and is even more different from a girl in an ordinary family.


   Daredevil Matt is obviously not for this.


   Although Carter is a big badass, Matt is still very unaccustomed to letting him use cruel methods to deal with this guy.


   So, Harry Harley took over this matter.


   "Don't worry, head, leave this guy to me, I will show you that peeling can be very artistic, and I will let this guy know what despair is."


   Harry's eyes sparkled with weird brilliance, apparently very excited about skinning Carter by hand.


   deserves to be a woman who is as famous as the Gotham lunatic clown. In fact, her bones are cruel and bloody, and even abnormal.


   It's just strange, why did Harley Harley join SHIELD and become Selena's subordinate?


   And isn’t she obsessed with clowns?


   This question is really confusing.


   Carter is controlled by Frost, but his consciousness is clear.


   Harry took out a cowhide parcel like magic, then walked to Carter and slowly spread it under his feet, revealing the metallic luster inside the cowhide parcel, which made people look at the various knives that could not help but fight a cold war.


   Touching a knife gently like a lover's body, Harry's neurotic smile made Carter very scared~lightnovelpub.net~ Brush!


   Harry drew out a sharp knife for surgery, then put it to his mouth and licked it with his tongue, a cruel and crazy expression on his face, stood up and walked towards Carter.


   "Baby, I will make an artwork on you. You are a lucky guy."




   Carter was controlled by his body, so he could only make a ‘huh huh’ movement and struggled hard.


   What a pity, no matter how much he wants to struggle, his body just doesn't listen to control.


   Andrew didn't know when he had an extra camera in his hand and pointed it at Carter.


   Obviously, he actually wanted to film the whole process of Harry torturing Carter.


   When Harry's knife cut Carter's skin, Carter's eyes were red... (To be continued.)