Rising America

Chapter 754: The rise of Selena?

Carter is miserable.


   He was skinned alive, even after Harry peeled off his skin, he was still alive, which proved that Harley Quinn was very clever, but Carter was rather unlucky.


   Most people don’t understand the pain.


   Of course, his immortality and such a living suffering is also what Selena meant.


   The girl just wants him to live and suffer, not to let him die so easily.


   If you shoot someone you have a crush on, then you have to pay a price.


  Especially, the people Carter and the others attacked were not only the people he had a crush on, he was also the protector of the children of San Juan, the idol of all the children of San Juan, the prince charming, the guardian knight, the big brother...


   After Carter’s affairs were settled, it became much easier because of Andrew's lead.


   The leaders of Sinaloa and Zetas were caught by them and followed the same pattern. They cut their bodies into pieces with cruel living humans, and watched as they were thrown into the dissolving liquid.


Soon after, on a viaduct bridge on the US-Mexico southern border highway, people found a guy who had been skinned, a guy without a head and limbs, and a guy with liquids. Blue plastic bucket.


   I don’t know who used a rope to tie these corpses and blue buckets and hang them there.


In addition, someone posted a very detailed message on it, telling the person who was found to be hung there, and even left a very surprising message [San Juan Knights Death Team, Harry yours truly】.


  Leaving a message is a manifestation of the crazy nature of Harley the Harlequin, and it is also an act of Selena.


  The reason for not playing the cia and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s signs, but using the name of [San Juan Knights], there is also Selena's own consideration.


  Because she felt that she was avenging William, it was better to use the name "San Juan Knights" that their San Juan children used originally.


   As for Harry, of course she is happy to leave her name so that the world can know herself.


  Only Matt felt that the girls were too high-profile, but because of their personality, he didn't say much.


   And Frost would not object even more.


   Andrew did not oppose Selena, and even encouraged Selena to take the opportunity to plan to establish her own power in Mexico. He was willing to provide weapons and supplies.


   In a word, because the leaders of the three established organizations have been killed, then there will definitely be chaos and battles for leadership within a certain period of time.


  Although drug trafficking is not very good, this stuff is really profitable.


   And with money, you can do a lot of things.


   will be able to help my young master even more.


   Seriously, Selena is very tempted.


   Especially Harley Quinn also supported Andrew's proposal and volunteered to stay.


   Harry himself is a crazy girl, and Andrew’s proposal is very in line with her taste. She doesn’t like a plain life, but turbulence and chaos are her favorites.


   If she can kill people from time to time in the chaos and turmoil, ha ha ha, it would be even more wonderful.


  Neither Matt nor Frost said anything, only Harry cooperated with Andrew to persuade Selena.


"Young Master will have a lot of enemies in the future, so we need to have such a power to help the Young Master better. This time the incident has proved my words, I think you should also understand that this is not the case. ."


   Andrew is very cunning, he knows what Selena cares about most, who is the person she cares about most in her heart, so he knows how to say that so he can talk about Selena.


   There are so many vehicles along the border that you can hardly see it at a glance.


   Selena stopped the car on the side of the road, turned her head and watched the traffic flow on the road, her face changed.


   Andrew's meaning is very clear to her. This is for her to establish a black power in Mexico, and the benefits are self-evident.


   It’s just that there are some things that make Selena very scrupulous, that is, once she wants to get involved in this area, she must deal with drugs, which is the reason for her scruples.


   It is true that she sold this thing in the past to make a living.


   But that is forced by life, I have to do it.


   If there is a choice, who would take such a path.


  The children in San Juan are different from those drug dealers. Selena sold this stuff for the sake of her children’s tuition or clothes, not for her own selfish desires.


   The starting point is different from that of many drug dealers.


   "Do you have any scruples? Let's talk about it and listen."


   Andrew noticed that Selena was scrupulous, so he asked.


   Although Andrew can also be like Frost, to spy on Selena's thinking, and then know what she is struggling with, but he doesn't want to do that.


   After all, he was beaten by Kim Hyun Tae at the beginning, so knowing that using this ability on his own people is very annoying.


   So, Andrew would not do this kind of dishonest thing to Selena, he would rather choose a ‘troublesome’ way, and use communication to inquire about Selena’s concerns.


   "I don't want to involve those who hurt people."


   Selena told the truth, she didn't hide anything from Andrew.


   For Kim Hyun Tae's butler Andrew, Selena still trusts them, and perhaps for girls, everyone around Kim Hyun Tae is trustworthy.


   And for the sake of Kim Hyun Tae, Andrew also personally ran to Mexico, obviously he is not a confidant and what is it.


   Andrew smiled after listening to Selena's heartfelt heartfelt feelings, and said to the girl: "If you don't want to touch those transactions, you can't touch them. You can use another method to make money and maintain the organization. I think it's good to charge tolls."


   Andrew turned his gaze to the outside of the car and set his sights on the huge traffic.


   "Look at these cars that are going to the U.S., God knows how many vehicles are carrying drugs, and Tijuana is especially important here. As long as you can control this place, then I don't think it is a big problem to charge tolls."


   He proposed a different idea.


Harry echoed and persuaded: "Boss, Andrew was right when he appeared. Since you don’t want to be involved in drug # goods trading, then we can control the tolls here. As long as the operation goes smoothly, there will be great profits. , As for some friction or something, you don’t need to worry about it, just leave it to me to deal with it."


   Harry left Gotham and followed Selena, but in her bones she still hopes that everyday life is full of craziness, excitement and blood.


   As Harry himself mentioned, if Selena agrees to Andrew's proposal and prepares to control the passage of Mexico from Tijuana to the United States, it will inevitably cause a **** storm.




   Harry couldn't help getting excited when he thought of this.


   Even the excitement made her body tremble with excitement.


   She is just a small role in Gotham. It would be a wonderful thing if she can make a name for herself in Tejuana.


   Harry, Queen of Tijuana.


  Haha, this name sounds very good.


  Although she still has a Selena on her head, what does it matter?


   All those who were dissatisfied were killed. Anyone who dared to resist herself was put to death. She must prove that she was more scary than a clown. This was also her dream.


   Many people think she is obsessed with clowns.




  How can I be obsessed with that guy.


   In fact, what she seeks is to surpass the clown and become more famous than the clown.


   (The clown girl in different time and space is not obsessed with clowns)


   But it depends on whether she can tell Selena and let her take it to herself.


   So Harry spared no effort to support Andrew and helped him persuade Selena.


Andrew added a fire at this time: "S.H.I.E.L.D. is very short of money. As far as I know, many of Fury’s plans are subject to financial difficulties. I think if you propose to him, Fury will support you in doing this. My son. And through this matter, you can further consolidate your position in SHIELD, and you can better help the young master in the future.


   The fire is just right.


   Selena was really moved.


   "What you said is true? Or is it your own guess?"


   Selena's eyes gradually became firm, and then looked at Andrew and asked.


   Andrew smiled: "You should also know that I am not an ordinary person, so it is not difficult to get some information in this area."


  Selena nodded slowly: "In order to help William, even if this thing is dirty, I am willing to do it, so should I discuss it with Fury?"


   Selena’s saying so is tantamount to telling everyone that she agrees to Andrew’s suggestion and is ready to play something big in Tijuana.


Andrew replied in a serious manner: "Of course you have to talk to Fury. After all, he is your immediate boss. You should tell him if he is reasonable and reasonable, so that in the future someone will give you a scapegoat and you will not be alone. pressure."


   Andrew is very bad, dare to believe that he intends to let Fury take the blame.


   But Andrew knew very well that even if Fury knew that he was going to be in the wrong, he would still agree to let Selena get it in Mexico.


   The reason is very simple, SHIELD is short of money.


   Although the funds in the United States are abundant now, the annual budget is so large. The major secret experimental institutions compete fiercely, and Ferry is quite the oldest.


   Colonel Stryker competed the most for funds and had a military background, so Fury couldn't compete at all.


   Regardless of the fact that SHIELD is affiliated with the CIA, it is actually two departments with the CIA, and they are not affiliated with each other. Therefore, the CIA will not help SHIELD in terms of increasing budget funds.


   Then in order to have funds to carry out S.H.I.E.L.D. business, Fury needs to have sources of funds.


   Normally, Fury will visit major companies, where to get some financial assistance.


   Companies such as Stark Industries and Osborne Industries have a very good relationship with Fury~lightnovelpub.net~ because they are the sponsors.


   But the money is not much. For many experiments and projects of SHIELD, it is far from enough.


   Therefore, if Selena said that there are channels for making money, she would not care if the money was dirty if she wanted to come to Fury.


   "Okay! I will contact Director Fury now, hoping to get his support as you have guessed."


   Harry took the opportunity to intervene: "Boss, don't forget to bring me this matter."


Andrew took out a bottle of green potion from his coat pocket, then smiled and said to Harry: "Little girl, you are still an ordinary person, I think you should strengthen yourself a little so that you can better serve Celine. Na is here to help, so I plan to give you this bottle of potion. It can make you stronger. It contains genes from a hapless mutant named Wolverine. This guy is still in history. Colonel Trek is locked in a secret laboratory, but there is no doubt that he is very capable."


   Andrew looks like a big bad wolf with a wagging tail, and Little Red Riding Hood is a nervous-looking Harley Harley... (to be continued.)