Rising America

Chapter 756: Need to change

"Howard is about to defeat the Stark Industries founded by his father and Obadier."


   After the signing of the share transfer agreement, Annie transferred the money on the spot, and then Howard left happily, while Obadiah looked bad.


   After Howard and Stark left, Kim Hyun-tae, who was lying on the hospital bed pretending to be, sighed and said this to Annie.


  Anne raised the bed very intimately to make Kim Hyun Tae feel a little more comfortable, and then replied: "His invincible family has nothing to do with us. Anyway, it is not you and my home who are defeated."


   is such a remark, but Jin Xiantai feels very worthless for Howard’s father.


   Of course, Howard is not for nothing.


   It’s just that you are thinking about being a technical house, which is a big problem.


   After all, you are the leader of a large heavy industry company, not the kind of dead house researcher. Wouldn't he have completely distorted the focus of his identity?


Annie picked up an orange and started peeling it, and then said to Kim Hyun-tae: "There is news from the police station that the guys involved in the kidnapping of Coco are going to be sued for attempted kidnapping. Tony said that the minimum sentence can be 12 years, and there is no accident. , They will all be sentenced to serving sentences in Cario Prison."


   The minimum is 12 years and the maximum is. Annie did not say, and Kim Hyun-tae did not ask.


   After all, it's the same whether you ask or not. Anyway, Kim Hyun Tae didn't intend to let Barto and the others live in prison, and it is impossible for them to come back.


   The reason why lynching was not used is because Kim Hyun Tae planned to kill Barto and them in prison.


   It's not that Jin Xiantai is too ruthless, but Barto and the others are trying to kidnap Coco, and Coco is definitely Jin Xiantai's inverse scale, which he cannot tolerate. <>


   So how could Kim Hyun Tae make Batol and the others feel better.


   Annie cut the orange very carefully, and then handed it into Jin Xiantai's mouth piece by piece.


  Oranges from Los Angeles are very sweet and have plenty of juice.


   Kim Hyun-tae chewed and swallowed, and his mouth was full of the aroma of oranges.


   It’s not surprising to know in advance where these guys will serve their sentences.


  For people like Annie or Kim Hyun Tae, this kind of thing is normal.


   The judge who presided over Barto and the others was a friend of George, and I heard that he wanted to seek the position of a city council member as a judge, so...for rich people like Annie and Kim Hyun Tae, how could he not agree with him?


   Besides, Annie didn't make him do anything difficult.


   is nothing more than sending dozens of scumbags to a certain prison to serve their sentences. This is a breeze for the judge.


   "Andrew has done it in Cario Prison. As long as these guys go there to serve their sentences, I promise these guys will have a good life every day."


   Kim Hyun-tae couldn't help but get a little excited when he thought of the bad guys who were going to kidnap their daughters and were about to welcome their new lives.


   Annie started to cut apples for Kim Hyun Tae after she finished feeding Kim Hyun Tae the oranges.


   "Did you get through the joints of the guards from Cario Prison?" Anne asked Kim Hyun Tae, who was carefully cutting the apple.


   Indeed, it is not enough to just get the power of the prisoners in prison. The prison guards also need to get through this joint. In the end, they can be seamless, and finally Barto and the others can truly enjoy prison life. <>


Hearing that, Jin Xiantai nodded: "From the warden to the prison guard Andrew, it is only 2 million dollars. They will turn a blind eye to what happened to Barto and others, and also Will find reasonable excuses after Barto and them are finished."


   After hearing Kim Hyun Tae’s answer, Annie stopped worrying about it.


  Because this thing was done very well, at least Andrew didn't miss anything.


   The apples were cut into small petals and placed in a small tray. Finally, Annie thoughtfully inserted a small plastic fork on the apple petals.


   "Can you have some apples?"


   Kim Hyun Tae shook his head: "I just finished eating oranges, let's eat it later."


Annie put the tray on the side again, picked up the TV remote control and turned on the TV, and talked to Jin Xiantai: "Now there are many demonstrations organized by the Chinese in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, mainly for us. There were discriminatory remarks in the video evidence, and the Chinese demonstrations angered many other ethnic groups. Among them, Mexicans and some white radical groups claimed to retaliate against the demonstrating Chinese. Therefore, I heard that this rumor made Many Chinese are panicked."


   There are advertisements on TV, and Kim Hyun Tae has a very ugly look on his face.


   Although he does not have a strong sense of belonging to any country in different time and space, it does not mean that as a Chinese, he will be indifferent when he hears about this.


   Especially Kim Hyun Tae is very clear that since he and his daughter Coco live in the United States in a different time and space, as a member of Chinese descent, he must not stay out of this matter.


   Kim Hyun Tae's expression is a bit gloomy, and he is also angry as a Chinese.


"The Chinese have always been too honest, so they are always regarded as good bullies. <>", Jin Xiantai lifted the quilt, "Let cnn make a special report to criticize those racial remarks. , And at the same time, in my own name, donated 10 million US dollars to the Los Angeles Police Department. At the same time, I expressed my concerns about the Chinese people. I think the police department should have expressed it."


   Annie nodded. It is a good idea to donate money to the police station.


   But this method is a temporary solution, not a permanent cure. After all, the police cannot see all ethnic Chinese in 24 hours and ensure the safety of everyone.


   Therefore those racists will always find opportunities to do something.


So Annie reminded Kim Hyun-tae: “Taking a serious approach is indeed a way, but it is impossible to finally solve this problem. As you said, the Chinese are very tolerant, but this also creates the impression that the Chinese are bullies. I think you should stand up and call on the ethnic Chinese to take up a gun to defend their rights."


   Let me stand up and call everyone to take up arms?


   Annie's thoughts made Kim Hyun-tae look surprised.


   That’s right, Annie is the idea. She hopes that Jin Xiantai can stand up as a representative of the Chinese community and say what she said to him.


   The reason why Annie wants Jin Xiantai to do this is mainly because Annie hopes that Jin Xiantai can become a flag of Chinese descent and become an iconic figure of Chinese descent in the United States. Through this matter, he will get the recognition of the Chinese community.


   In this way, Kim Hyun Tae's future path will be much easier.


   After all, on the American side, it is impossible for anyone to ignore the division and belonging of ethnic groups.


   You don’t see the United States. There are groups and organizations of every ethnic group. They exist for no reason.


Earlier, the Mexicans were also a group that was oppressed, but these Mexicans stubbornly walked out of their own way, telling the world with **** and cruel revenge that they must pay a heavy price to bully them. In this way The established status of their group in the United States makes no one dare to bully them at will.


   Of course, with the rise of the Mexican Americans, the security problems in the United States have also become prominent.


   Basically, the Italian black#gang gradually declined, the black#gang# faction slowly decayed in internal strife, and the ink-e-hei#gang became in full swing, carrying the banner of the different time and space American gang# faction and appeared in front of the world.


   As for the ethnic Chinese... Well, it's not good to say, I can't get it at all.


Although there are gang# organizations in the Chinese ethnic group, there is no way to compare with Mexican, old black, Italian, Irish, and other organizations. Even Chinese organizations will only bully and squeeze their compatriots. Disgusting.


   Even Southeast Asian ethnic groups such as Vietnam and Indonesia have begun to ride on the heads of Chinese people to dominate. The Asian representatives are Japanese forces who are not afraid of death, and Koreans who provoke me to dare to fight.


   Jin Xiantai also felt a little helpless about the living conditions of the Chinese in different time and space.


   But this is true after all, but he can only accept it silently.


  Who dares to say anything about other ethnic demonstrations!


  The demonstrations by the Chinese descent have caused other ethnic groups to speak out.


   It can be seen from this point that no one is afraid of Chinese people.


   But Annie's words made Kim Hyun Tae's eyes bright.


   Yes, even the United States in a different time and space supports the people's legal possession of guns.


  Everyone is the same head, with guns in their hands, who will be afraid of it then!


   The main problem is that some Chinese thinking needs to be reversed, and they can't be so honest.


   Of course, more importantly, those organizations in the Chinese community should not always think of bullying their own people, but should also fight against other ethnic groups.


   What's the point of always bullying yourself?


   This is also the point that makes Kim Hyun Tae most uncomfortable.


   When he and his daughter first came to the U.S., they learned about those people and were charged a $30 protection fee.


   Looking back now, these people are really full of slots.


   Especially when I heard about bullying myself, these guys are more cruel than outsiders, and it's almost impossible to look directly at them.


   can't do it!


   This situation needs to be changed. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm


   Therefore, Jin Xiantai nodded slowly: "You are right, Chinese people need to release a voice to the outside world, tell everyone that we are not good to bully, whoever dares to bully us will have to pay the price of blood."


   As soon as Kim Hyun Tae's voice fell, Annie continued to speak to Kim Hyun Tae.


"DuPont, Citi, jp and Italian gangs are all related. Many things that people of their status are inconvenient to deal with will be left to these people. So no one is clean in this world, including myself. .


   Usually, if I have trouble here, I will contact the Jewish organization, so you should have your own power to deal with the trouble. "


   Annie was tempted by Kim Hyun Tae, and she said that Kim Hyun Tae was very moved.


   After seeing Kim Hyun-tae's enthusiasm, Annie recommended to Kim Hyun-tae: “I have a Chinese-American organization here that can recommend it to you. If it is suitable, you can provide financial support. In the future, it may not be a help. Of course, you do not need to come forward in person.”


   "What organization?" Kim Hyun Tae couldn't help but asked curiously.


   Immediately Annie replied: "The members of the organization are mostly the [Hua'an Gang] composed of new immigrants from China Mainland in recent years. I wonder if you have heard of it?"




   I'm still Tang Bohu!


   Regarding the name of this organization, it really makes Kim Hyun-tae complain in my heart... (To be continued.)