Rising America

Chapter 770: Over 5% ratings

"Excuse me, what gives you the courage to stand up and stop the atrocities?"


   In the TV screen, the film crew hiding aside came forward in due course to tell everyone that this was a show, and took the little Asian girl to start an interview.


   "Does this require courage? Men should not bully women. It has nothing to do with my age. When we see such a thing, we should not think about it. We should stand up."


   The words of the little girl made many viewers in front of the TV cheer in their hearts.


  The film crew in charge of culture asked again: "Then you are not afraid? You must know that the actor we invited is very strong."


The actor beside    raised his hand, revealing his biceps, and then grinned at the little girl kindly.


   The little girl curled her lips, and the audience in front of the TV made her laugh. Everyone thought this little Asian girl was very interesting.


   Of course, this natural reaction of the child proved that the girl was not an actor, but a real passerby.


   After all, if a girl were an actor, she would not have such a childish reaction.


   "I have already called the police, so why be afraid? I believe the police officers will clean up this guy."


   Oh, the confidence comes from here.


   The actor put on a weird look of collapse.


   In the ensuing question, the little girl revealed her identity.


   Chinese, a sixth grader in a public elementary school in Los Angeles, and his family are going to San Francisco to support the Chinese demonstration there. The idol is William King, the pride of the Chinese, and the person I hate is Annie, because she is going to be William's wife.


   In the end, the film crew complimented the little girl, and this short paragraph ends.


A film crew member stood in front of the camera and said to the audience on the TV screen: "The show will continue, but we have to change the location. At the same time, the female victim will become more beautiful and more sympathetic. ..."


   Various reasons, good reasons and settings were finished, the screen turned, and according to the subtitles, everyone found that the actor and a new actress appeared in a luxuriously furnished place.


   Because of the subtitles, TV viewers quickly figured out where the actors and actresses are.


   When the audience in front of the TV knew where the actors and actresses were, they suddenly became excited.


   A high-end dining place frequented by Hollywood stars in Los Angeles. It is rumored that there are always male and female celebrities here.




   I wonder if I will meet a star this time?


   And what kind of reaction will the celebrities have when they see a ‘violent’ incident in their dining place?


Ha ha!


   While lamenting that CNN is brave and daring to cheat others, the audience is really attracted by this show.


   It is not without reason to say "What would you do" cheating.


  The reason is very simple. Some people's reactions will be complained, especially when he is on TV.


   If by any chance friends who are familiar with know about the ‘coward’ reactions that they were photographed, for the consequences...


   As for whether this relationship will cause trouble to the "What Would You Do" program group, Kim Hyun Tae and Qiao An didn't care at all.


   Tony has long organized lawyers to be prepared to deal with legal issues at any time.


   Jin Xiantai and Qiao An are not afraid of the lawsuit.


   As long as this show can bring huge benefits, then everything is worth it.


   "Suzong sent a fax saying that he was very interested in our program "What would you do", and asked whether to accept the title?"


   Listening to the report, Qiao Ann has a big smile on his face.


   She knew that the show was a success.


   The broadcast of "What Will You Do" is not over yet, but some sensitive guys have already started contacting CNN, so it won't be long before more people ask about related matters.


   Qiao An, who has a clear judgment on this, said to his subordinates: "We have no intention of responding to this aspect for the time being, and asked them how much they are willing to pay for this."


   "Has the ratings come out?"


   Although the show is not over yet, Qiao An is already desperate to know the ratings.


   A guy with glasses was very excited to respond to Qiao An: "The current ratings are 3.2%."


   The U.S. has a population of 4.6 billion in different time and space. There are more than a dozen large-scale TV media on the east and west coasts of Central China, which is not even counted as the numerous small private TV media.


   So now it has 3.2% ratings, no wonder it makes people so excited.


   This shows that there are more than 100 million families watching this program during this time period, and if the expansion is calculated according to the family, that is a population of 5.6 billion.


   Therefore, the value of the program of "What Would You Do" has become relatively high.


   Sutong’s response was indeed quick, but Joan was not a fool.


   How can she not know the benefit is maximized.


   And she will not be mentally disabled to agree to speed now.


   In a word, Xiao Qian will stay by my side.


   "What Will You Do" is still on the air, and it has reached the most critical stage. The actor began to'violent' the beautiful actress.


   The actress has long blonde hair in a supple cape. She is only 19 years old and has a very literary temperament, which echoes the expectations and fantasies of American girls.


   Like the previous ordinary-looking actress, this beautiful actress was also painted with a lifelike wound. There were bruises on the corners of her eyes and cheeks, and she looked pitiful.


  The actor is a rich man who pretends to like violence this time.


   Then, this time someone will stand up to stop his atrocities and save the girl?


   Especially in the screen of the monitor, there are several Hollywood male and female stars in the lens range, so it becomes more attractive.


   And one of the male Hollywood movie stars is mostly a tough guy.


   At the same time, it is not only these male and female Hollywood stars, but the Los Angeles City Councillor George Jr. also entered the picture. Obviously he was here for lunch.




  Star, politician!


   Yo, it's great fun!


   If they react indifferently, hehe!


   "You female cousin! Don't pretend to be weak all day long, this really makes me feel sick!"


  The male actor started his performance.


   Luxurious dining occasion, his voice is very loud, and successfully attracted the attention of celebrities and George.


   Well, this is a good start.


   The lens stretched and zoomed, flashing from the faces of the stars and George, allowing the audience in front of the TV to clearly see their expressions and reactions.


   Although the male and female stars showed disgust on their faces, they didn't say anything.


  The violence began to escalate.


   The actor, like the last time, walked up to the beautiful actress, stretched out his hands and grabbed her arms and shook them vigorously.


   There is still no movement on the celebrity side, although the disgusting look on the faces of the male and female celebrities is clear.


   Soon, the stars got up one after another.


   The audience in front of the TV thought that these big stars would take action to stop the violence, but the next second made everyone disappointed.


   The stars called the waiter, check out and leave...


   Only little George got up with an angry look, walked quickly to the actor's side, slammed his fist without saying a word, and hit the actor's face severely.


   And the audience in front of the TV also heard the first word that George had said after hitting the actor.


   "Don't bully a woman. If you are a man, just challenge me. The place is outside!"


   Little George is on fire!


   is really hot!


   Because of his righteous action, he immediately won the favor of many audiences, especially female audiences.


   But no one knew that George was also acting.


   Because he had been notified by Kim Hyun Tae a long time ago that there was such a show.


   But George’s acting is very good, and no one sees any flaws.


   And because of his good acting, he also gained a huge political power for himself. Although there is nothing to see now, who is sure in the future.


   Angry Man Representative George!


   Mr. George, Friends of Women!


   Good Texas man George!


   Hmm, little George's limelight began to grow stronger.


   Of course, the young George will not admit that he knows the show, let alone talk about what he and Kim Hyun Tae have discussed behind the scenes.


   In short, he was a guest at the time. It was out of anger that he punched that punch because he looked down on the guy who bullied the woman!


   Little George speaks beautifully, and his acting is also Oscar.


   And he is very grateful to Kim Hyun Tae for being able to win this folk Oscar award, and at the same time he has gained a huge political potential.


   "The ratings are 5%. When Mr. George Jr., the president, hit that punch, the ratings rose to 5%!"


   Everyone on CNN has a look of ecstasy on their faces, because everyone knows that the show was successful, and it was successful without any moisture.


   There is no doubt that this success will bring great benefits and benefits to everyone.




  What rewards will the boss give?


  Cash or vacation?




   Come whatever it is!




   Qiao An smiled and clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.


"This show is very successful, and I promise that I will not treat you badly, but I also hope that everyone can clearly realize that the success of this show is mainly based on the BOSS's planned copywriting. We can't think of it without his copywriting. Such a show."


   Qiao Ann's words calmed everyone down a lot.


   And no one can refute what Qiao An said.


   Indeed, there is no copywriter from Kim Hyun Tae~lightnovelpub.net~ They can't imagine making a show like "What Would You Do".


   So Qiao Ann was right, and it was impossible to refute it.


   is really what she said.


   But everyone's enthusiasm has not diminished, after all, Qiao An said that the reward will not be less.


  This shows that even if they don't have the credit, they still have toiled.


At this time, a high-level executive next to Qiao An worriedly asked Qiao An: "Those Hollywood stars did not react very well. Obviously they caused trouble for themselves, but I am worried that they will use this to sue CNN, using portrait rights as an excuse. ..."


   This high-level worry is not unreasonable, his worry is likely to happen.


   But what he can think of, in fact, Kim Hyun-tae had thought of it a long time ago, and there is a solution.


   Qiao An smiled and responded to the other party: "Don't worry about this aspect, Mr. Tony Stark will help us handle it." (To be continued.)