Rising America

Chapter 778: You have racial talent, I have... ahem

"What would you do? 》The first episode of the three-hour long opening film ends.

Although the first episode has been broadcasted, the enthusiasm of people and the topics caused by the program have not ended with it.

On the Internet, in reality, there is a discussion about "What would you do?" ”, and everyone’s topic is also around the core question of the first episode, ‘when you encounter men commit violence against women, what will you do? ’.

Ten thousand people have ten thousand Hamlet, this sentence is not without reason.

This problem does not come from nothing. In real American society in different time and space, many people are likely to encounter such a situation.

It’s also common for European and American men to beat women after drinking, or bully their girlfriends and wives.

Especially in the first episode, the performance of Chinese and African Americans tested with such a hypothetical situation has aroused heated discussion among Americans.

Afro-descendant’s bystander attitude, and even most of the schadenfreude, are presented on the TV screen, and because the angle of the camera is used, there is no possibility of “fake”, and the real picture is basically The consensus of all the audience.

"What will you do?" The performance and reaction of African Americans in "What would you do?" is normal. I believe people who know them will agree with me. I dare say that this show is not exaggerated or fake at all, but is very real. With all this, praise!"

"I agree with the remarks upstairs. The neighborhood where I live is only one street away from the African-American community. Therefore, I can see many strange things happening in the African-American community every day. I can tell everyone responsibly, " What would you do? The African-American reaction shown in "is absolutely the most real, and even in reality you will encounter even more weird performances."

"What will you do?" The performance of African Americans in "What will you do?" makes people feel that the three views are broken, but you can't be dissatisfied with the cnn that produced this show, because cnn did not discredit the Africans in any way, and it was useless. Exaggeration and falsification are used to present false content to everyone. As a dark-skinned person, I must admit that this is all true, but I am still very uncomfortable..."

"Guys upstairs, let's not always discuss things around African Americans. Who knows what virtues they are? Anyone who has lived in the United States for a few years will know it well, right?

But what I want to say is, through "What would you do?" "This is a novel show, and I suddenly discovered that the Chinese community who had not dealt much with it in the past actually had a bright side, which I never knew.

Therefore, I want to thank this program for making me aware of the unknown side of Chinese Americans, and also allowing me to have a new understanding of the Chinese friends around me. "

That's right, Lao Hei has something to discuss.

What kind of virtues they are, no one in the United States knows.

The old blacks who have the affirmation law protection can be said to be synonymous with the American "pests" in different time and space. Although there are some elites in this group, and they are integrated into the mainstream society as a whole, most of the old blacks are not like them. It was those elite compatriots who worked so hard.

The proliferation of black community gangs, prominent public security issues, etc., these are all known things in different times and space.

There are not even three cases in the United States, two of which involve black criminals. This shows that the black community...haha.

There are too many such things, and there is nothing to be surprised.

In short, white people do not go to communities where black people live. In their opinion, it is very dangerous. Of course, this is also a fact.

The main reason why Brooklyn, New York is a taboo place for some people is because there are a large number of black Africans living in this area.

Why Washington cannot solve the security problem is because there are a large number of African-Americans living there.

The reason for the collapse of the legal system in satellite cities around Detroit is also because of black African Americans.

There are many such places.

Therefore, there is no need for everyone to discuss sincerity.

On the contrary, the performance of Chinese Americans is very surprising, and different from the stereotyped impression that Chinese Americans usually give everyone, it shows an amazing side.

It is true that the Chinese did not fight against the perpetrators and chose to intervene very gently, but what does it matter?

In any case, compared to watching the noisy old blacks, the Chinese willing to stand up is enough to show that they are much better than the old blacks.

You know, "What would you do? "In the first episode, most people of African descent watch the excitement, and there are even people making noises.

Even the old black people will judge whether they want to stand up based on the appearance of the woman who has been violently violated and the strength of the perpetrator.

But the Chinese are not the same. Most of the Chinese bystanders in the test will stand up in an old-fashioned appearance, and act as a buffer between the violent male and the victimized woman, even if they encounter Kong Wu's powerful and fierce appearance. The Chinese actor will also come forward.

And in the test, there was also a Chinese elder who was used to prevent actors from infringing on actresses.

What is the impression that Chinese Americans usually give you?

Low-key does not like publicity, always likes to play in my own small circle of Chinese descent, and does not have much contact with people of other ethnic groups, the entire ethnic group feels very closed.

Therefore, the outside world does not know the whole group of Chinese descent so well.

It also gave everyone a selfish impression of Chinese Americans, taking care of themselves no matter what, and at the same time being timid and afraid of death.

But now, this concept seems to need to be changed.

"What would you do? None of the ethnic Chinese in the show showed the reaction that people under this impression would have.

Based on this, it can be concluded that the ethnic Chinese are not at all the same group as the general public thinks.

On the contrary, the Chinese are also very humorous, at the same time they are very family-oriented, and they will give their girlfriends a hearty meal...In short, they have many advantages that other ethnic men do not have.

Although Chinese men are not so romantic, they are very loyal to their marriage.

Compared to Italian men who are playboys, French men who use romance as an excuse, American men who never grow up like children, Chinese men are simply the top templates for good husbands.

Of course, women of Chinese descent also have many advantages.

In short, these advantages of Chinese Americans were not known in the past.

Nowadays, because of a program on the Internet, these points are slowly exploded by people who are familiar with Chinese people or have Chinese boyfriends and girlfriends around them, so they are known to the public.

In the past, even if these words were spoken, no one would believe them, and they would even be abused and vilified. Some people would even say that they were made up indiscriminately. Such things have not happened before.

But this time it was different.

First of all, the Chinese in "What would you do?" "The performance in "gives people an amazing feeling, and then people who understand the Chinese descent say some of the advantages of the Chinese descent, which is easy for people to accept.

After all, the Chinese Americans performed very well in the show.

Some people say that media public opinion is useless, and they know about gossip celebrity scandals all day long, or they are just spreading rumors and causing trouble.

But who can think of "What would you do? "In this program, all the performances of Chinese Americans, and everything that is presented to the audience in front of the TV, are actually purposeful.

Although Kim Hyun-tae is still a noob for the use of public opinion media, he is not a fool.

So of course he would not really think that way like an idiot who says "the media is useless".

And Jin Xiantai is deeply aware that cnn is used well, and its effect does not even have to be worse than that of real weapons, and it also kills invisible.

This time, he was just trying his skills.

Everything has been proven now, and the result is still very gratifying.

The overall impression of the Chinese-American group is slowly being reversed. Other ethnic groups in the United States have also begun to change their inherently bad views and perceptions of Chinese Americans.

In short, this is pretty good.

Of course, there are some very stubborn individuals or groups with racial discrimination. Don't expect them to change, because it is impossible to expect such people to change.

In short, everything is developing in a direction that is beneficial to the Chinese. As long as the Chinese group can make good use of this situation, it is not impossible to reverse the overall bad impression inherent in the Chinese in one fell swoop.

The opportunity arises ~lightnovelpub.net~ Whether you can grasp this depends on the overall Chinese.

Anyway, Jin Xiantai is worthy of the Chinese Americans in different time and space. He has done everything that should be done. He can do nothing about the rest. After all, he is not the father of Chinese Americans.

"What I said upstairs is correct. I found that I really want to get to know my Chinese friends again, because of the program "What would you do?" I also found out that I am really not that way with Chinese friends. I understand, but I don’t know their advantages."

"What is good about the Chinese? Is their bed# skill as superb as our African Americans? Is their little Jiji bigger than ours? You know these are our racial talents, and those yellow-skinned monkeys are in these aspects...hahahaha! "

There are more funny than everywhere, but more online.

Therefore, the disharmonious voice came out, and as soon as he stepped out, he came up with a very awkward topic, focusing on some aspects of the Chinese lower body, and this was really irrefutable.

Just as the person who said these words expressed, Lao Hei does have a racial talent bonus... so...

"You hurry up and die, do you really think the Chinese are like you said? Let me slap you in the face, and there will be slaps!"

But then someone put forward different opinions and refuted the arrogant guy. At the same time, in order to prove his own words, the refutation also sent pictures to prove it.

The curious people clicked in and looked at the pictures one by one without making a sound.


Is someone's nickname for nothing?

Scaring you!

Most importantly, he is an authentic Chinese...

ps: After four days of hospitalization, my daughter finally relieved her symptoms. She doesn't have to repeatedly burn to 39 degrees six or seven times a day! Long live!

But the cost is really a lot! I was shivering when the hospital bill came out (to be continued.)