Rising America

Chapter 780: Who gave him confidence?

The French have persisted in Vietnam for decades, and they have given a lot of young people's precious lives and money for this. For this reason, the domestic livelihood and economic problems have been so serious that they finally can't hold on.

Originally, the former President Dangbei wanted to continue to insist, but he was assassinated by a mutant, and he was killed for this.

With the death of Dangbei, the question of whether to continue to send troops to Vietnam and mobilize young people in the country to join the army was put on hold.

The position of President when Pei was established after his death has also become a target for the parties in France to fight for, and no one in Vietnam can take care of it.

And when fighting for the presidency, every French party and government organization used to withdraw from Vietnam to free France from the Vietnam War and this mud group as a campaign slogan.

Therefore, when the chaos on the French side finally returned to stability, and a guy called "Huo Ru" was selected according to the Chinese translation, the withdrawal of troops from Vietnam became a problem that guy had to face.

Of course, the arms tycoons in France must be reluctant, but these people can't stand the end of the Vietnam War by all French citizens, and the opposition from mutants and superpowers, even the vampire and werewolf groups. Willing to continue this war.

If the people of the French Fire Group continue to promote France to continue this war, then what happened to Dangbei will happen to each of them, which is absolutely true.

So for the sake of their own lives, the French fire tycoons no longer jump up and down, and they are regarded as resigning to the current situation in France.

Besides, they have made huge profits for decades. What does it matter if they end.

After all, the French war in Vietnam has been fought for decades, right?

Therefore, the French arms dealers have long made a lot of money.

But Annie doesn't care about these things. What she cares about is what benefits she can get if the United States continues to fight in Vietnam after the French withdrew from the Vietnam War.

Although the arms companies under Anne's name have entered the US military procurement list, Anne feels that she can go further.

As an arms dealer, if you don't sell weapons to enemies who are attacking your country, will you still be a qualified purchaser?

It would also be said that what Annie thought of at this moment was how to contact the North Vietnamese People's Army to see if she could get the arms orders from the other side.

If an ordinary person knows Annie's thoughts at this moment, she will definitely think that she is crazy, but for people in the arms business or involved in this industry, Annie's thoughts are perfectly normal.

First of all, a qualified arms dealer should sell weapons to his enemies to attack his country. Only in this way can you prove that you can survive in the arms industry. If you can't even do this, then don't Mixed into the arms industry, that is definitely not for you.

Because this shows that you are a principled person, then there is also a weakness, this weakness will let your enemy grasp and then find a chance to kill you.

Only those who do not have principles and only believe in money can make a good deal of it and become the ultimate winner.

How can ordinary people think about it?

Annie is a leader in this industry, and she also has a unique advantage.

First of all, she has a family bank under her name. It is very convenient to transfer money and can easily provide loans to arms buyers as long as the other party can get the collateral.

Therefore, in the arms industry, with the backing of the bank, Annie is doing well.

The Whiston Bank, which had been declining, was pulled back from the precarious environment at the time, and it became stronger and stronger.

In addition, she and Kim Hyun Tae had an intersection, and according to some information disclosed by Kim Hyun Tae, a huge amount of money was retrieved from Japan. This has laid a strong foundation for Whiston at the moment, and also gave her peace The veteran black-hearted capitalists DuPont, jp, and Cloffey are the capitals of the family.

Therefore, even if a woman like Annie is attached to Jin Xiantae, the nature of capitalism in her bones will not change.

Maybe she is a little woman here in Kim Hyun Tae.

But once she left Jin Xiantai, she would revert to a qualified black-hearted female capitalist, plus the real face of an arms dealer.

There is no tenderness in the capital world, nor can it tolerate any innocence.

Those who have such illusions have long been annihilated in the clouds, and have become stepping stones for the superior.

Putting down the Washington Post in her hand, Annie picked up the mobile phone on the table and dialed the number of Old George.

After a busy tone, the call was connected.

"Annie, what's the point of calling me?"

Old George's magnetic voice came from the other end of the phone.

Sitting on the soft chair under the eaves of the porch, Annie focused her eyes on Fenrir who was still fluttering at the butterfly in the courtyard, and responded: "The French are going to withdraw their troops from Vietnam, so Spain, Italy, and Greece are very likely. The army will also withdraw, and then only the United States will be left, so does the military think we can support it?"

Old George didn't know what Anne meant by asking, but he still replied: "The military has evaluated it, and according to William's judgment, failure is inevitable, but we have no problem supporting Vietnam for eight years."

After getting an answer from George, Annie confessed her thoughts to George: “Behind the North Vietnamese People’s Liberation Front, there are Chinese and Soviets who are supporting me. I also want to join in it. After all, I have a lot of arms in my hand. Need to be cleaned up."

Listening to what Annie said, old George still didn't understand what Annie meant.

If Annie didn't do this, then she wouldn't be a qualified black-hearted capitalist.

Of course, Old George would never spread Anne's remarks, and Anne also trusted Old George, otherwise she would not have said so directly.

"As long as the firepower is not great, I think there should be no problem. But you should also be mindful. Don't sell heavy weapons to North Vietnam, because this will cause trouble for the US military in Vietnam."

Old George's answer made Annie confirm that this can be done, and she also took the old George's reminder deeply.

Of course Annie knew that it was okay to sell weapons to North Vietnam, but as for selling heavy weapons or something, Annie would definitely not do it in a silly way.

Anyway, some light weapons are fine.

After finishing the call, Annie contacted the person in charge of her arms company and told her to go to North Vietnam as soon as possible and contact the North Vietnamese People's Liberation Front to see if they could get their arms orders.

At the same time, she also prepared the heads of arms companies. As the French withdrew from the Vietnam War, the French arms collectives and giants will definitely turn their attention to other areas.

Therefore, the possible future competition is inevitable.

At the same time, as an arms dealer, the most troublesome thing is the competition with the same industry, because every conflict between arms dealers is conducted in the mode of proxy war, and there is no shortage of weapons supplies on both sides... so this is very Troublesome thing.

So Annie needs to prepare for the worst in this regard.

The French arms groups and giants are also cannibals and do not spit out bones, so Anne dare not ignore each other lightly.

After arranging everything, Annie also contacted the highest authority in Iraq and Iran respectively.

Annie is now the biggest winner in the Iran-Iraq war and an arms supplier to both sides. Therefore, she does not want these two customers to be robbed, so some contact from time to time is still necessary.

Especially under the premise that anticipation law* fire dealers are likely to enter the market.

Iran's attitude is very friendly, and said that it will maintain the current relationship with Annie, and may increase its arms orders at any time to continue to support their war with Iraq.

For this attitude and intention of Iran, Annie certainly expressed her personal welcome and approval, and Annie promised someone on the phone that she would appropriately sell them some unconventional weapons, such as long-range missiles. .

So the Iranian who got it got excited for a while.

Until the end of the call, even if it was just a call, it could make Annie feel the excitement of the other party.

But the Iraqi side looks a little weird.

Four years ago, through a coup d’état, the Iraqi President Sam, who had his uncle inherited authority, was very frivolous when talking with Annie, and there was a hint of subtle teasing, which made Annie's face holding the phone pretty. The anger was pale.

If Sam stood in front of her now, maybe Annie would kill him.

But Annie was not dazzled by anger.

Sam has always been very disciplined to himself, but now that Sam has changed so much and has become so frivolous, there must be something behind it.

Or Sam would risk losing his arms supply to do this to himself?

Obviously, it is possible that even if he leaves himself ~lightnovelpub.net~, there are people who can top him in this respect. That's why Sam removed the disguise he had always been and restored himself to his true colors.

And Annie didn't expect that Sam's true character was so vulgar.

"Miss Anne, if you can come to Iraq in person, I will be very honored. I will arrange a luxurious mansion for you as a residence in Baghdad, and I can continue to sign the next arms orders with you... "

While holding the phone listening to the other's nauseating and disgusting words, Annie was expressionless.

At the same time, she typed a series of characters on the tablet with one hand, and someone quickly responded to her. This is a very secret message.

When Annie saw this message, the cold expression on her face became stronger.

"Put away your ridiculous thoughts. What promises did the French give you that gave you the confidence to say such things to me and generate such awkward thoughts. Or do you think you have the strength to insult me?"

That’s right, the content of the message in the tablet tells Annie that the French has a secret agreement with Sam. So when Annie saw this message, she knew that Sam had revealed his true nature in order to reveal his true nature. What's the basis for his confidence?

"You female cousin..."

After Sam was exposed, he immediately looked a little bit irritated.

However, Annie didn't give him a chance, and said sullenly on the phone: "I will let you remember the price of insulting me."

After speaking, Annie ended the call.


After finishing the call, Annie called the leader of the frost giant.

In the next second, Tius, who was dressed up as a bodyguard in a black suit and black super sunglasses, appeared strangely beside Annie, and bowed at Annie: "Queen, please give orders." (To be continued.)