Rising America

Chapter 781: Worried by a woman, ha ha

Annie had expected that the French fire dealers would return to the international arms market after France announced its withdrawal from the Vietnam War, but she did not expect the French to be so fast.

After decades of fighting in the Vietnam War, the French fire dealers can make a lot of money every year, but once the French people withdraw from the Vietnam War, these guys can't sit safely at home and make money, so they need to return to the international market. Seek profit points.

But these are the few that have a demand for arms in the world.

Iraq and Iran, several countries in the melee in Africa, the Afghan resistance group, and several small countries in South America.

But among these countries that have a demand for arms, not many have the ability to pay and have good reputations.

The two highest-quality arms buyers, Iraq and Iran, are in Anne’s hands. The French in Africa look down on them, Afghanistan has no money, and there are problems with the ability to pay in South America. Therefore, the French will of course want to get them from Anne. Robbed of food.

Especially the French think that Anne can be a woman, how capable is it that so many of them can't deal with a woman?

Annie is a bit famous internationally, but she is a woman after all.

The merchants in the arms market will not be frightened by a woman.

So they began to contact Sam and promised a generous return. They also promised to sell him more powerful weapons than they are now. In order to gain Sam’s trust, the French even provided a batch of weapons to Iraq free of charge. For this reason, Sam slowly leans towards the French.

As the French and Sam's "friendship" grew deeper and deeper, and their mutual trust gradually increased to the apex, then there was the scene of Sam molesting Annie.

And it can be seen from Sam's attitude that this guy is ready to abandon Annie and go to buy arms with the French instead.

Sam feels that he is a buyer and should be offered like a grandfather, just like a Frenchman who compliments himself every time.

And Annie has always been on business, which made him always criticize.

In any case, you are also the supreme person of the country. You Annie is just a stinky business woman. Why do you look so arrogant in front of yourself? I really can't bear it!

If it were not for fear of Anne's deep ties in American politics, Sam would not have been pretending to hide his true nature.

But now that with the further support of the French, Anne can no longer have to deal with it.

The above is Sam's true thoughts now.

And he also believes that even if he cooperates with the French, it will not make the United States feel bad about him. After all, he is fighting the Iranians.

In particular, the Iranians and the Soviets have a good relationship, so it is tantamount that Iraq is fighting with the socialist camp countries, and the Americans can't play a ghost behind them.

If Americans moved Iraq because of a woman, Americans in the world would not be able to explain it.

All the factors before and after Sam was consciously transparent, so he became a little unscrupulous.

It's just that Sam underestimated Annie's revenge, he didn't even know how much trouble he would cause this time.

"Do we have any trouble with the oil industry in Iraq now?"

Annie called the subordinates dealing with the oil industry in Iraq to ask questions in this regard.

The answer she got was inevitable. The oil mines that were originally used to offset arms accounts have now been harassed by the Iraqi military and police without exception, and production has been suspended.

After comforting his subordinates a few words, and instructing him to take the entire team out of Iraq as soon as possible after handling the affairs on the Iraqi side, Annie ended the call.

[It seems that I did the right thing to let Thius go to Iraq to find Sam for revenge. 】

Annie knew that Sam had torn his face now, and acted very intensely and ugly.

He doesn't even want the most basic demeanor.

I don't know what the French promised to allow him to do so without regard to affection.

While hating Sam, Annie certainly hated the Frenchman who was behind her.

However, to retaliate against the French, Annie needs to take a long-term view and cannot rush for a while.

It's just that she can't retaliate back to her heart's content, but she can still do it to mess with the French.

In fact, she let Thius go to Iraq to add to the chaos.

It’s a bit unrealistic to assassinate Sam, and the security forces around Sam cannot be ignored. Even if the frost giant Tius is very strong, it’s true, but after all, he has not fully recovered his power now, so assassinating Sam has Very difficult.

With this in mind, Annie asked Thius to go to Iraq to do sabotage. Although he couldn't kill Sam, it was easy for him to do it, right?

When she thought that Tius was about to go to Iraq to do sabotage, Annie felt a little overwhelmed.

Originally, Annie was still in a good mood today. The TV series planned by Kim Hyun Tae did not achieve popular ratings. Of course, she herself was happy for Kim Hyun Tae, and she also felt proud of her. After all, Kim Hyun Tae was the man she liked.

Damn Sam and the French, they both made their mood worse, so they had to add a bit of blockage to them, or else they would not be able to think well.

Neither Sam nor the French thought that they had been worried about by a woman now, and this kind of "concern" is obviously not a good one.

As time passed a little bit, the hands on the clock had stopped at 11 o'clock, telling people that it was about noon.

After reading the political and economic news in the Washington Post, I got the news that the French are about to withdraw from the Vietnam War, and I was also affected by Sam's good mood. This morning, Annie's time was really fulfilling.

Fenrir on the lawn in the backyard no longer fluttered at the butterflies, but stupidly lay on the ground with his tongue out and basked in the sun lazily.

Cerberus, who was dozing off at Anne’s feet, didn’t know when he ran to his cousin and leaned his three heads on Fenrir’s belly as pillows. At this moment, he slept very sweetly, even Still snoring.

It has to be said that since these two goods became dogs, their lives have been very comfortable.

At least compared to many humans struggling below the poverty line to live better.

They eat Kobe beef every day, drink mountain spring water from a place in France, and even occasionally get cocoa, and they will find the only veterinarian in the town to give them a massage. For these two goods, one month's expenses The annual income is higher than that of a middle-level company in a large company.

So Fenrir was initially resentful, but he quickly became as depraved as his cousin, and gradually got used to the life of a dog.

To be honest, if he is still uncomfortable with this kind of life, then he is really dying.

"Being a dog is sometimes more comfortable than being a human being."

Annie looked back at her lazy cousin and spit out.

Putting the newspaper aside, Annie stood up the tablet, then opened the instant playback software, ready to watch the noon news.

Now Annie has slowly got used to staying at home. She herself hasn't even noticed this, nor has she realized that she has the potential of being a housemaid.

Of course, if anyone can be as rich as Annie, to be honest, there is no problem in being an otaku.

Basically, most of the current corporate affairs are managed by the senior management members. Only when large amounts of money and large transactions are involved, will they be reported to Annie for processing.

Annie only needs to control the direction of her own company’s aircraft carrier and financial power.

In addition, she has turned her business focus back to the United States and completely abandoned everything in Europe, so she will inevitably have more leisure time to stay at home, or stay with Jin Xiantai and Coco.

Perhaps, for all of this, Annie actually had a plan for a long time, and now it is just a step-by-step implementation.

As far as the results are concerned, Annie's plan is quite smooth.

The instant broadcast software was opened, and Annie chose the cnn instant news channel ~lightnovelpub.net~ At this time, the cnn instant news newsletter was broadcasting an African news report.

It is nothing more than a lack of food and medicine. At the same time, the people over there are living in a difficult situation. At the same time, the warlords in the country are fighting for a lack of livelihood. The United Nations and the International Red Cross have all gone to that place for shows.

Basically, as long as you turn on the TV to watch the news, there will be some reports like this when it comes to news from Africa. Therefore, people all over the world know that Africa’s turbulence will never stop.

That's right, Africa in different time and space has been chaotic since the time of World War II until the 21st century.

The smoke of war on that ancient continent has never subsided. Wars between tribes, wars between countries, and proxy wars for European countries. All of these have made people on the African continent not Have a good day.

Even South Africa, which claims to be relatively stable, has become less stable due to the wave of racial discrimination, and the domestic turmoil has repeatedly caused public security problems to be very prominent. Conflicts between white and black South Africans have erupted frequently and are on the verge of war.

[Africa is so messy, the French will certainly not be idle, although the African French look down upon them, but no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat. I can't make the French live so well! Since I dare to dig my corner, then I can learn everything! 】

Such a piece of news reminded Annie a lot.

And one also made her think of a better way to retaliate against the French, that is to make trouble for French agents in Africa.


If the puppet regime supported by the French in Africa falls, it will definitely hurt the French, especially the arms dealers.

When she thought of this, Annie couldn't help her joy in her heart, and the corners of her mouth curled up. (To be continued.)