Rising America

Chapter 787: Barto

At the junction of northeastern California and Nevada, there is a prison that is well-known in the United States in different time and space. The reason why this prison is famous is that there is frequent violence in this prison, so some news is always broken. It's just known to people.

April 14th is an unlucky date in the eyes of the Orientals. If anyone cares about this, it is quite annoying.

Of course, for Americans, this is just a very ordinary day, and it is not surprising.

The Los Angeles court has pronounced that 56 suspects involved in the kidnapping of Coco will be escorted from the detention center to the notorious prison on this day.

For the place they are going, everyone including Barto is not too excited. As a gang member, they have been prepared for this a long time ago, so their mentality is very calm.

In particular, Barto and the others are confident that they can survive well in that prison. The black criminals there are very powerful, so they are the same-skinned guys serving their sentences there. If they don’t make mistakes, they should be able to. It's been pretty good.

It was really because of such confidence and knowledge of the prison that Barto did not react too violently.

Originally, Barto and the others should not be sentenced to serve their sentences in one place. Normally, they should be separated and sent to different prisons to serve their sentences.

But what makes everyone very strange is that Barto and the others are actually arranged to serve their sentences in the same prison, and even if someone is very puzzled, no one raises any questions.

If Barto and the others were alert and clever, they might have seen something from this paradox, but it is a pity that Barto and the others did not see the problem.

Therefore, their fate has since been frozen.

Of course, perhaps Barto should be used to put bad ideas on Cocoa, his fate has been fixed.

The Goddess of Destiny is on the side of Jin Xiantai, and perhaps has a leg with him, in short, it is several planets farther away than luck Jin Xiantai.

So, Barto actually used such a lucky person, so how good is his end?

In particular, Coco's luck is even stronger than that of her father, Kim Hyun Tae. You must know that the little guy has won the Powerball super jackpot and won billions of dollars in prize money.

This is even the envy of Kim Hyun Tae, the father.

This shows how much Jin Xiantai and his daughter are favored by fate and luck, so the father and daughter are free to move?

Obviously Barto didn't know the truth. At the time, he had been dazzled, thinking about how to kidnap Cocoa, and then asked Jin Xiantai for a ransom.

Since Barto and the others have 56 people, one **** vehicle is definitely not enough. Therefore, the Los Angeles Detention Center can only arrange two vehicles to **** them, and more than a dozen police officers with live ammunition are also arranged to accompany them. The police take it very seriously.

And this is not without reason.

Jin Xiantai donated US$30 million to the Los Angeles police. At the same time, he found a real estate developer in Los Angeles, through which he bought a piece of land in the northern suburbs of Los Angeles and developed a welfare house for police officers’ family members there for the police officers in Los Angeles. We gave a big gift.

Therefore, how could the Los Angeles police not take care of Kim Hyun Tae?

Americans in different time and space also "accept bribes," but you have to be smarter. For example, Kim Hyun-tae’s method is very good, and people will not be caught a little bit. The result is a happy situation.

A group of outstanding police officers from the Los Angeles police have benefited, and Kim Hyun-tae himself has gained a good reputation and has an aura of "Los Angeles police friends" on his head.


This is great!

It can be said that Jin Xiantai is not a small investment in order to make Bator.

Although it's easy to ask a killer to kill them, and it's easy to kill them, Kim Hyun-tae didn't want to use that way to make Barto and the others hang up so easily.

Since he dared to beat his daughter's bad idea, how could Kim Hyun Tae let him die so easily.

Of course, Barto's final result must be death, but he must suffer the cruelest torture in the world before he dies.

It's not that Jin Xiantai is cruel, nor does it matter whether he is a cruel person.

For a single father, it is understandable for Kim Hyun Tae to do so.

Some people may say [killing but nodding], will this be excessive?

But with Kim Hyun Tae, he felt that doing so was not too much.

Because if Barto succeeds and hurts Coco, then he will live forever in the pain of losing his daughter, and every day he will live in pain in the memory of his daughter’s smile, until he can't even remember the appearance of his daughter. .

So which one is cruel?

So Kim Hyun-tae didn't want Barto to get better, he wanted to make this guy suffer.

At the same time, this is also a signal to the outside world invisibly. Anyone who provokes his own daughter or makes a bad idea will definitely take revenge as a father.

So if there are people who dare to play Coco in the future, they will think of Barto's end, and then they will probably stop because of fear.

In mid-April, Los Angeles was sunny during the day. Barto and the others slouched and boarded the **** vehicle at the urging of the police. When everyone boarded the vehicle and sat firmly, the vehicle started slowly, and then Drive north along the main road.

Barto, wearing an orange prison uniform, sat in a position by himself. After all, he is a leader, so he still has some treatment.

Sitting in his seat, Barto was expressionless.

The same goes for his comrades around him.

Although they are confident that they can live well where they are about to go, they are also worried about accidents.

But what makes everyone breathe a sigh of relief is that if these 56 of them are united, they can be considered a force in the prison, and others have to weigh them if they want to move them.

In this way, Barto and the others were in trouble for a while.

The journey from Los Angeles to the destination Ossade Prison took about eight hours. Along the way, Barto and the others had only been to the bathroom, but they were only given a clown burger in the car.

To this end, Barto and the others also protested to the police officers accompanying them, saying that they violated human rights or something, but the accompanying police officers simply ignored them.

In the evening, Barto and the others finally reached their destination, the Ossad Prison, which is located in a desert area on the border of California and Nevada.

Prisons in the United States do not have high walls, but they do have very high and energized barbed wire.

The prison sent a group of twenty people early warning, and they waited early at the entrance of the prison to receive prisoners.

These warnings have long hoped that Barto would come soon.

Because Kim Hyun-tae also bought the ups and downs of Ossad prison, from prisoners to guards, in short, he never let go of them, all through the green US dollars to open up the relationship.

Therefore, Barto and the others are money for activities for the people in Ossad prison.

Jin Xiantai listed a list of prices through Tony Stark. The list ranges from how much money you can get from Tony for a beating (at least bleeding) to how much money they can get. It can be said to be very detailed. Up.

So, up and down the Ossad prison, from the guards to the prisoners, are looking forward to the arrival of Barto.

Because only after Barto and the others arrive, these guys can make money through their own efforts.

You know, there is still money to be made by torturing people, which is a good thing in the sky.

So everyone in Ossad was gearing up and waiting.

The prison guards were very enthusiastic and their smiles were very friendly, but their eyes flashed a strange light from time to time, but Barto and the others did not notice.

Even Barto and the others have some doubts, this is the notorious Osad prison?

Shouldn't the prison guards here be fierce?

Why do they seem really friendly and friendly?

Or is it that Osad’s notoriety is misrepresented?

Barto and the others were puzzled for a while.

But Barto and the others were relieved soon.

Because these guys thought that if Osad was not as dark as the outside world rumors, this might still be an opportunity for them.

An opportunity to build its power in this prison and then dominate it.

I have to say ~lightnovelpub.net~ Barto, they really think too much.

Osad's prison guards were so enthusiastic because they saw the active banknotes.

As for friendliness, it is even more impossible.

Can't you give some sunshine before the storm?

Because Barto and the others will be extremely dark in the future, at least let them enjoy the beauty of the world at least before they fall into hell.

The police officer in charge of the **** and the prison guard who was in charge of receiving were busy, but Barto and the others were taken over by the Osad prison guard, and they were sent into the prison one by one with live ammunition.

Buzzing! Cang Dang!

The electronic gate of the prison closed behind the Bartos.

"Undress, routine inspection!"

Prisoners will have this experience. Take off your clothes and knelt down and cough, and let the prison guards see if you are carrying contraband.

There was also such a check in the detention center, so Barto and the others are not surprised.

And they didn't see anything wrong, so they lined up one by one and started to follow the instructions of the prison guards.

After all, it is not the act of brave people to confront the guards in the prison.

56 people were divided into several batches for inspection.

Barto and his three companions walked into the examination room painted with light green paint, and then took off his orange prison uniform, revealing his dark body with black hairs.

"Bend down! Expose your xx, then cough loudly!"


The four Barto did as required.

After finishing the work, the four of Batol straightened up and turned their bodies slowly.

The prison guard!

Barto and his three companions who turned around were taken aback.

Because the four of them discovered that the prison guard was missing, and instead of the prison guard standing behind, there were dozens of prisoners who also wore orange prison uniforms and looked bad... (To be continued.)