Rising America

Chapter 797: Are you "Brother Son"?

Panama is located in the middle of the American continent. Its territory is long and narrow, but its geographical location is very important. It borders Costa Rica to the west and Colombia to the east, and to the south is Cuba and other countries. And because of its domestic excavation of the Grand Canal, Panama’s shipping industry It is very developed.

Of course, it is precisely because of this canal that can traverse the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, which led to the fierce competition among various countries in Panama. Every country wants to control this important shipping channel and grasp the huge benefits contained in it.

On the other hand, Panama has been unable to resist the turbulence caused by the agents supported by other countries because of its small size. Therefore, it is also a very sad country.

However, because of its location in the tropics, the scenery and climate here are very pleasant, which is suitable for people to travel and live here. Therefore, Panama's tourism industry is very developed, and the prosperity of tourism also drives the prosperity of the service industry.

Because Panama has no mineral resources, tourism and service industries can be regarded as the pillars of the domestic industrial economy and the main source of income for Panama.

If the situation is changed to a period of stability, Panama can also rely on these two industries to live very well, but once the domestic situation in Panama is turbulent, these two industries will be finished.

After all, no tourist wants to go to a place full of crises and dangers. This is a truth that everyone understands if a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Only a madman can approach danger regardless of it.

Jin Xiantai is not a lunatic, let alone an idiot. The reason why he came to Panama is really helpless. Who asked the senior officials of West Point to give him such a task.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai had to arrive in Panama as a business investigation.

Panama is already very hot in April, and the temperature has always been around 28 degrees. If it enters summer, the temperature will be even higher.

Those who came to pick up the plane were people from the US Embassy in Panama, as well as a team of Panamanian military police and an official from the Panamanian Ministry of Economy and Trade.

After all, Jin Xiantai is a super rich man. He came to Panama for a business investigation, and it is worthwhile for Panama to send a qualified official to receive him.

How long has it been before Jin Xiantai can enjoy such treatment, after some greetings, after boarding the Hummer bulletproof car that was carried over at random, Jin Xiantai still felt a little dreamlike.

After all, he was an ordinary diaosi father in his previous life. He never dared to think about the reception of a ministerial official in a country.

Although Panama is not a big country, it is also a country.

The embassy in Panama came to pick up the plane by a deputy ambassador, who also boarded Jin Xiantai's personal bulletproof Hummer.

When there were no outsiders around, the deputy ambassador finally spoke.

"The situation in Panama is very unstable. There is intelligence showing that the Soviets supported the current government here through the Cubans. The purpose is to control the Panama Canal, while at the same time using Panama as a base to influence neighboring South American countries, adding a little trouble to our backyard. Let us divert our attention from Afghanistan."

The deputy ambassador is a white man in his thirties. He looks a bit like the one with a zipper door, has a big nose, and speaks with a thick Texas accent.

The information that the other party told him Jin Xiantai had already inferred when he was on the plane, but now after listening to the other party, Jin Xiantai can be absolutely sure that his judgment is correct.

These are trivial matters, and Jin Xiantai doesn't want to pay too much attention.

Whether it is the Soviets or the Cubans, it is obvious that the Panamanian puppet regime they support has not really grasped power and has stabilized Panama, so the Americans are not without opportunities.

At this time, Kim Hyun-tae showed a thoughtful appearance, and asked solemnly: "What role does the French play in this? Don't tell me that the current situation is that the French are not participating. I suspect that this is the French agitation. of."

Compared to the Soviets and Cubans, Kim Hyun-tae is actually the French who most suspect.

The Panama Canal was originally controlled by the French, and Panama was originally a colony of the French, and the original government has always received assistance from French figures.

And because of the erosive situation in Vietnam, the French in Vietnam could not support the relationship alone, so at the expense of the Panama Canal, the Americans participated in the mess of the Vietnam War.

If you say that the French willingly give up Panama, it is absolutely impossible.

It's just that under the circumstances at the time, the French really had nothing to do.

If they don't pay the right price, how can Americans be moved?

But since the French are very unwilling to pay the price, they will definitely play a trick behind their backs, because this is the French style of behavior.

Whoever thinks that French people are just going to have **** and romance, then that person must be an idiot. In fact, French people are also very sinister and insidious. There is no doubt about this.

The deputy ambassador sitting next to Kim Hyun Tae turned his mouth up. Obviously he was satisfied that Kim Hyun Tae was able to think of the French. Then he responded to Kim Hyun Tae saying: "When the French handed over the management of the canal, they left a lot of loopholes. And after we took over, there was a wave of strikes and all kinds of troubles, so God doesn't believe that there are no French people in the process."

The response of the deputy ambassador once again confirmed Kim Hyun Tae's judgment.

It's just that the deputy ambassador didn't say too clearly about this, and Kim Hyun-tae could only keep asking.

After all, I don't seem to be a person who doesn't understand anything. I have to ask everything, which would give people a very bad sense.

This task is his assessment at West Point, so he needs to leave a good impression on the relevant people.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai pretended to have a clear look, and nodded as if he knew everything.

But in the eyes of the deputy ambassador, Jin Xiantai's behavior made him think that Jin Xiantai is a decent young man, who knows everything and doesn't ask questions casually.

Compared with some of the excellent pastry students he has received before, Jin Xiantai is obviously very special and outstanding, and also mature.

It’s just that the deputy ambassador knew that Kim Hyun-tae just pretended to be invisible.

Of course, Kim Hyun Tae didn't pretend to be x, he just pretended to be.

Fortunately, many of Jin Xiantai's judgments have been confirmed, so there is no need to explore too deeply.

"You will be very busy for some time in the future. I am the examiner of your mission. I will record and report some of your performance to the West Point Institute. I will not provide you with any help. Everything is required here. It's up to you."

The deputy ambassador was very frank with Jin Xiantae and directly told Jin Xiantae not to look for himself if there was nothing wrong with him, and at the same time to seldom contact him, but he would observe him secretly and then evaluate him.

Let me go, what is this.

Jin Xiantai spit silently in his heart.

Everything in Different Time and Space is so different, but Jin Xiantai still has to get used to it all.

Looking out of the car window, the roadside scenery is still very good.

There are also many sisters in cool clothes on the street, and all of them are very hot. It can be seen that this may be the talent of Latin American girls.

Panama was a Spanish colony in the early days, but in the end it fell into the hands of the French. Therefore, there are many Spanish and French mixed races in Panama, and most of the mixed races are very beautiful. Therefore, there are many handsome men and women on the streets of Panama. This is not a surprising thing. .

Before World War II, Panama was a part of Colombia, but after World War II, the French instigated independence from Colombia, and this is where Panama is now.

This point is different from another time and space.

In another time and space, Panama’s separation from Colombia was instigated by the Americans.

But in this different time and space he became a Frenchman.

"The girls here are very enthusiastic. I promise you can have a good time here, but I still want to remind you not to forget what you have to do. Of course, I don't care so much about private life."

When I caught a glimpse of Jin Xiantai's eyes on the beauties outside the car, the deputy ambassador who was responsible for the assessment gave a ‘clear’ smile on his face, and then said something to him.

Obviously, I was misunderstood.

But Jin Xiantai didn't bother to explain.

Instead, he asked: "If I have important intelligence information, should I call you or? And am I acting at will, or do I want you to assign me some tasks?"

Well, these are two very important points, and Jin Xiantai must ask clearly.

"We have a CIA team. They will be managed by you from now on, and they are all members of your business investigation team. If you have information or something in the future, you can handle it through them. I don’t have a task for you here. Everything is free. What do you do, I am only responsible for evaluating."

Obviously, the West Point Institute used Panama as a ‘testing ground’ for themselves to test.

Or the Americans don't care what Panama becomes at all now, anyway, the Americans will eventually intervene by force, so even if Kim Hyun Tae is making trouble, there is no problem.

I haven't thought of these Jin Xiantai temporarily.

But when he heard the other party say that he was completely free to do things ~lightnovelpub.net~, he was first in a daze, and then he felt mixed.

He thinks this kind of thing is like a house wine, which is too joke.

At this time, the deputy ambassador handed a card to Jin Xiantai.

Jin Xiantai took a look at the card and found a phone number on the card.

"Dial this number, and you will be able to meet your temporary subordinates. Here I wish you good results in the assessment. After all, your identity has brought you a great advantage. These are some of the pastries I have seen in the past. Excellent students have never had it, so I am optimistic about you."

The car arrived at the U.S. Embassy, ​​and then the deputy ambassador got out of the car.

Jin Xiantai's Hummer started, ready to go to the hotel he had booked.

Kim Hyun-tae pondered for a while about what the deputy ambassador said before leaving.

It took a long time for Jin Xiantai to understand what the deputy ambassador said.

It is true that his identity gives him a considerable advantage. This is not wrong.

After all, doing business research as a rich person is not something everyone can have.

Especially he is not fake, but really rich.

Therefore, it will obviously become very convenient to do things in Panama with such an identity.

"I hope that Panamanian officials will compare it, so that I can do things more conveniently." After comprehending the deputy ambassador's remarks, Jin Xiantai shook his head very dumbfounded, and then said to himself.

At the same time, Jin Xiantai took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone number on the card.

Toot toot!

After a busy tone, the phone was connected, and a girl's voice came over there.

"I'm Selena, and you are the son brother?"


Who is the son?

Kim Hyun Tae froze while holding the phone.

At the same time, he was surprised by the name that the opposite person reported. (.)