Rising America

Chapter 798: I still have a chance, right?

In the luxurious presidential suite of the five-star Whiston Hotel in Panama City, Jin Xiantai met what the deputy ambassador called the "group member", and this was an old acquaintance.

She is also a girl from the San Juan Orphanage, but now she is a member of the CIA's S.H.I.E.L.D. and is already a senior officer of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although Jin Xiantai had heard about Selena's departure from Laguna's Dream Castle and becoming a member of SHIELD, he was still shocked after seeing Selena with his own eyes.

Selena, who is of Latino descent, is still so beautiful, and it has not been seen in more than a year that Kim Hyun-tae finds that her figure is more bumpy, and this girl, who is still slightly young, has begun to exude a kind of something like nothing. Temptation, I don't know how many men will be crazy for her if I want to come for a while.

In front of Kim Hyun Tae, Selena was very natural and relaxed, after all, she was an old acquaintance.

A pair of hot pants and a **** camisole. The girl's dress perfectly reflects her youth, vitality and enthusiasm. God knows if she knows that Jin Xiantai is about to become her temporary leader, so she deliberately dressed like this.

Sometimes the scheming of girls cannot be underestimated.

"Long time no see, you have become more and more handsome."

Selena greeted Jin Xiantai enthusiastically, and then walked over to hug him.

Feeling the girl's fullness, Kim Hyun Tae's heartbeat couldn't help speeding up.

He kept reminding himself from the bottom of his heart [Don't get me wrong, European and American girls are more enthusiastic, don't be passionate about yourself], and then he also gave Selena a hug.

Selena is very sensitive. She noticed that Jin Xiantai's body was a little stiff, so the corners of her mouth curled up, revealing a slight smile.

"I really didn't expect that this time the academy's assessment would actually meet you."

Kim Hyun Tae blushed and walked to the small bar to the side, opened the glass sliding window of the bar, took out a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses from it, and spoke to Selena at the same time, so as to hide his previous little embarrassment and shy.

But all this can't escape Selena's eyes.

It's still so easy to be shy, really.

Selena felt a little funny in her heart, but she didn't show anything. Instead, she walked straight over, and followed Kim Hyun Tae's words in response: "It was really unexpected. I just received the news that the superior had a task, and then When I came to Panama, the task was to cooperate and protect an important person, and to do something in Panama, then obviously that important person is you."

Putting the red wine aside, gently pushing one of the wine glasses in front of Selena, Kim Hyun-tae smiled and said, "Yes, it's quite unexpected, but I am still very happy to see people I know."

Selena picked up the wine glass naturally, then raised it up and gestured to Kim Hyun Tae, and responded to Kim Hyun Tae: "I am also very happy."

The two took a sip of the red wine in the glass, and then took the wine glasses and walked to the sofa in front of the French window to sit down.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can enjoy the golden color of Panama City Beach, underneath it are full of green coconut trees, and tourists with small black spots on the beach. The blue water extends far away, which makes it easy for people to indulge in. The Presidential Suite at the Whiston Hotel is still very good.

Shaking the red wine in the glass, Selena had a playful expression on her face, and at the same time she looked like she was jealous. In short, her expression was a bit wrong.

Kim Hyun-tae couldn't find the beginning for the time being, and Selena didn't mean to speak, so the atmosphere in the room seemed a bit awkward for a while.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Selena to finally break the dull and awkward atmosphere, but the words she said made Jin Xiantai not know how to answer her.

Without saying anything about the task, or any details, Selena raised a very personal question.

"You are going to marry the old woman named Annie? If I'm right, then this hotel is also the property of the old woman, right?"

Selena, sitting on the sofa, gently shook the wine glass in her hand, and the red liquid in the glass began to rotate with her shaking.

At this time, Kim Hyun-tae discovered that it seemed that the girl did not bring Bra, so she could see two bumps on her chest very lightly. This discovery made Kim Hyun-tae's embarrassment all of a sudden.

He quickly looked away, and at the same time, Kim Hyun Tae felt a bit hot on his face.

Seeing Kim Hyun-tae who was embarrassed, Selena kept the kind of playful smile on her face. It seemed very ambiguous and had some content...

"Do you know everything?"

Kim Hyun Tae walked to the French window, turned his back to Selena, and pretended that he was looking at the beach scenery outside the window, so as to hide the fact that he saw the bump.

Selena's hot pants are tight, which perfectly shows her roundness, and also shows her slender and **** legs.

The skin of Maizi and the appearance of her Latina girl, although Serena is still very young now, but at the age of 16, but she is also very attractive, which can make men be moved by it. .

Let's just say it, Latin girls and European and American girls have developed very well. Except for Japanese girls, Asian girls seem to be truly incomparable.

It’s just that Japanese girls have some ‘deformed’ development. They have very strong breast growth. As for the figure... then the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

But Latin girls and European and American girls not only develop breasts, they also develop very well overall.

This is perfectly reflected in Selena's body.

"Can you tell me what you think? Have you forgotten Sister Xiaoxiao? Or did you see the wealth of the old woman? But you are also rich, I don't think you seem to be watching Money from that old woman."

Selena's words are full of mixed flavors of temptation, ridicule and so on.

It also exudes a strong sour taste.

After all, Selena also likes Kim Hyun Tae, and she still has a crush.

So when she knew that Kim Hyun Tae was walking with a woman who was ten years older, how could you make Selena not uncomfortable and how could you feel comfortable.

Although facing the pleasant scenery outside the window, Jin Xiantai really did not put his mind on enjoying the scenery. At this moment, he was struggling with how to respond to Selena.

Although Jin Xiantai is relatively dull, but after so much contact, he can feel the common feelings that the girl has for him, after all, he is not a real wood.

But it is precisely for this reason that Jin Xiantai is a little afraid to get along with Selena, because he can't give the girl any promise, and his heart can't hold anyone, including Annie.

So, Kim Hyun-tae has been evading, avoiding contact with the girls.

It seems that only this way can it not hurt the girls.

But Jin Xiantai knew that the more he was like this, the more the girls couldn't help themselves.

Coupled with the particularity of the mysterious energy in him, he also made Selena and the others trapped in it.

It's just that the girls are unaware of this kind of thing.

They just thought that they loved Kim Hyun Tae very much, and would never think that it was caused by a special reason.

I have to say, this is really a sweet burden.

"I am for my daughter, Coco. She needs a mother. I don't want her to be laughed at by the bad kids in the kindergarten. All this is for her."

After thinking about it, Kim Hyun-tae felt that it was better for him to be honest with Selena.

After all, there is no point in hiding it.

Perhaps Selena can still understand that she is not necessarily.

After the daughter sitting on the sofa heard that Jin Xiantai said it was for her daughter, the jealousy on her face disappeared a bit, but it did not completely fade away, but she could be regarded as accepting Jin Xiantai's reason.

Indeed, the fact that Coco doesn't have a mother is really painful for the little guy.

Especially after entering the kindergarten stage, when there is a conflict between children, it will become a reason for others to attack her.

"On your terms, you can find a better one. Why are you looking for that old woman? Do you know that she is ten years older than you, and how do you guarantee that she can treat Cocoa well? Or you slept with her, I think she can make you cool..."

Jin Xiantai had no idea that Selena would explode such vulgar words, which was completely like Selena in his impression.

"Please don't say that, Anne and I are very pure, nothing like what you said has happened, and there are complicated reasons for me and her coming together."

After all, Selena didn't know the weird things that happened to Annie, so she thought that Jin Xiantai was a kind of showing that she cared about Annie, so this made the girl feel more jealous.

"Why? I said she feels bad for you? I also said that you don't care about him. I think you are caring. I am surprised that if you are willing, many young girls are willing to be with you. Why are you not? Find that old woman!"

Selena's words also began to become intense.

God knows if it was stimulated.

The girl got up from the sofa and approached Kim Hyun Tae.

Even if Kim Hyun Tae is facing Selena, he can still feel the girl approaching him~lightnovelpub.net~ If you want Coco to have a mother, can't I think about it? Compared to the old woman Annie, don't I deserve your trust? In fact, I can also be coquettish in bed, as long as you give me a chance, I can show it to you! "

Jin Hyun Tae turned his head abruptly, after all, the girl said more and more.

But he only noticed that the girl's face was flushed red, and the whole body was trembling slightly because of excitement. In fact, the girl was just pretending to be so, she was far from being so bold.

Why bother.

Kim Hyun-tae sighed in his heart, and then said to Selena: "You are a bit too much, but I still have to explain to you. Actually, I am together with Annie mainly because..."

When she heard Kim Hyun-tae explain the reason, Selena’s expression gradually became more exciting, especially when she heard Kim Hyun-tae say that the reason for her socializing with Annie was actually because of the'donation#精', Selena’s It was even more shocked.

Do you want to be so bloody! ?

"You mean, she uses your...that...that, two babies have already been born, and the babies are related to you!?"

Kim Hyun Tae nodded with a wry smile, and admitted this.

Selena raised her hand to support her forehead, which made her think a little confused.

To be honest, she never thought that it would be such a complicated reason.

Think about it, who can think of it.

Suddenly, Selena raised her head and looked at Jin Xiantae with a serious face, and stretched out her hands to hold Jin Xiantai's arms tightly, and grasped firmly.

"So you do not love her, right? I still have a chance, right? William, you know, I am willing to do cocoa mother, I would also like cocoa to beat her bully kid actor ......" (unfinished to be continued.)