Rising America

Chapter 799: I just treat you as my sister...

From Selena's mouth, Kim Hyun-tae learned of the code name of his mission, ‘Boy Brother’, which made him very painful.

God knows which comma gave it.

But think about it carefully, in fact, this code name is quite appropriate.

Although Kim Hyun-tae is tens of thousands of miles away from "Gong Zi Ge Er", considering the wealth situation he currently holds, it seems that the code name of this "Gong Zi Ge Er" is really appropriate.

But after all, this is a trivial matter. It doesn't matter if Kim Hyun Tae hurts, he won't be too entangled at all.

Working with Selena, the ‘old friend’, in this mission, Kim Hyun Tae is still quite happy, after all, he is more willing to cooperate with acquaintances than those strangers Kim Hyun Tae.

Only he realized that S.H.I.E.L.D. in different time and space occasionally helped the CIA, and it was not the whole world to defend justice and fight evil.

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the CIA have an unclear connection, so Serena, who is a subordinate of S.H.I.E.L.D., came to Panama to explain it.

Although I am very happy to see Selena, there is a little bit that makes Kim Hyun Tae a headache.

Because Selena has an inexplicable affection for herself, this is something that Kim Hyun Tae struggles with.

But Kim Hyun-tae can’t say anything about it, so I can only hope that Selena can take this mission seriously, instead of always thinking about becoming his own girlfriend.

Of course, there is less temptation to tempt yourself, it is even better.

Whiston saw Kim Hyun-tae in the presidential suite rejecting Selena. Although he was not as decisive as he said, it was said clearly.

And Kim Hyun-tae also hopes that Selena can open up and try to make a boyfriend. Maybe then she will find that there are actually many good men.

Jin Xiantai felt that he was kind, he didn't want to ruin a girl's life, or leave any emotional shadow in her heart.

After all, Selena's love cannot get any response from her.

Like yourself, there is really nothing left except endless pain.

He didn't want to delay Selena's youth. The outside world was huge. She should have more choices instead of hanging herself on this tree.

To be honest, Kim Hyun Tae is really kind.

But the problem is this kindness, Selena can't accept it.

He hugged Jin Xiantai tightly from behind and pressed his plumpness to the back of Jin Xiantai wearing a thin shirt, so that Jin Xiantai could clearly feel the girl's plump warmth and softness.

If it's an ordinary man, maybe this time it might be out of control.

Once he was the kind of guy who used his lower body to act, maybe he would turn his head and hug Selena now and give a long wet kiss, then the next thing would be a matter of course.

Unfortunately, Kim Hyun Tae is not that kind of person.

His reaction was stiff, tight, and very unnatural.

Seriously, except for his daughter and his deceased wife, he is not used to getting along with any women, especially in such an ambiguous atmosphere.

Of course, Kim Hyun-tae is not physically problematic, but psychologically difficult.

Whether you say he is an idiot, he can do anything. In short, Jin Xiantai has his own rules of life.

"What's so good about me? You will feel painful if you like me, because your love won't get any response to me. My heart has already been given to another person, and I will never get into anyone."

Tightening his body, Jin Xiantai just said such a sentence, and did not give Selena a little physical response.

Selena, who hugged Jin Xiantae tightly from behind, burst into tears, and suddenly wetted the blue-bottomed white coconut tree print summer shirt that Jin Xiantai bought at the airport after getting off the plane.

Jin Xiantai actually said that he only had his dead wife in his heart, but Selena thought that Jin Xiantai was telling herself that he only had "Sister Xiaoxiao" in his heart.

Although there are some deviations in the middle, the meaning is the same anyway.

"You can accept that old woman Annie."

Selena pressed her face against Kim Hyun Tae's back, and then retorted with a bitter voice.

The girl couldn't say anything about "Sister Xiaoxiao", because she also admired this girl who had never met Kim Hyun Tae, but had passed away.

Because she is so good, so perfect.

In the eyes of Selena and all the children of the San Juan Monastery, Xiaoxiao and Jin Xiantai are really a match made in heaven.

It's just a pity that Xiaoxiao's life was not good, and she suffered a car accident.

That's why Kim Hyun Tae became a "single dad".

Selena can't be jealous of the excellent Xiaoxiao, but she can talk about Annie.

Kim Hyun-tae felt a little wet behind his back. He knew that Selena might have left tears now. He tried his best to control his urge to turn around to comfort the girl, and replied hard-heartedly: "That's different. I have a verbal agreement with Annie. We just form one. The temporary family is for Cocoa, but for the two little babies who are related to me. After all, the children need a normal home."

Kim Hyun-tae tried his best to defend the matter between himself and Annie, after all, he had a good excuse for this matter.

Selena's forehead was on Jin Xiantai's back, and her nasal voice was a little heavy and she said, "This kind of family is not normal, but you think it is normal, because you know all this is fake."

Kim Hyun Tae was silent for a while.

Selena is right, after all, all this is an illusion.

But even if it is an illusion, it would at least be able to confuse the children.

"I hope you will stop mentioning this matter, and I don't want you to say anything to Coco. I think you can understand my painstaking efforts. I am willing to do anything for my daughter."

Feeling Jin Xiantai's broad body, Selena let go a little bit reluctantly, how much she wants to hold her forever, but Selena also knows this kind of thinking, at least it seems very impractical now.

Slowly letting go of her hands and wiping the tear stains from the corners of her eyes, Selena lightly hammered Jin Xiantai with a punch.

"Am I just so unbearable? Anyway, I am also the second most expensive flower in the San Juan Monastery. Although I am a little bit worse than Xiaoxiao, I am still pretty good in general."

In all fairness, Selena is more than good. She can be regarded as a beauty with 99 points. The reason why she is not a perfect score is to avoid pride.

This shows how beautiful Selena is.

Especially her exotic appearance brought an intangible bonus to her charm.

At the same time, her figure is still very good.

Even if she is only 16 years old and less than 17 years old, it can be seen from this point how charming Selena will be when she matures.

Kim Hyun Tae finally turned around, no longer facing the girl.

He raised his hand on the girl's shoulder, and touched Selena's head with his right hand, like he usually teases Coco.

"Don't think about it. In fact, you have always been a little sister in my heart, and Sister Xiaoxiao also thinks so, so how can I think about my sister?"

Kim Hyun Tae is very tall. Due to the mysterious energy, his height has reached 1.9 meters. Although Selena is not short, she can't compare with Kim Hyun Tae.

If there is a long-term view, then Jin Xiantai really looks like he is teasing a child now.

Selena plucked up the courage to meet Kim Hyun Tae's gaze, her eyes were filled with dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction.

"Why can I only be a younger sister? You know that I don't just want to be a younger sister, but after more than half a year of experience with S.H.I.E.L.D., I am not the same I used to be. I already have the courage, I want to sleep with you!"


The gentle little flowers in the past have changed, and they seem to have become ‘piranha’.

I want to sleep with you!

How emboldened this remark is!

The average girl is afraid that she can't speak such sturdy words.

If a man says this to a woman, then it feels normal.

But when a girl says this to a ‘boy’, it feels a bit different.

Of course, if it is an ugly woman, it may be explainable.

But a big beauty said something like this... it was very difficult to understand.

But everything in the world is incomprehensible.

If all can be explained and understood, there are still so many scientific and logical problems for Mao.

One of Kim Hyun Tae's face flushed, and his embarrassment made Selena finally laugh.

The atmosphere finally changed, which also let Kim Hyun Tae breathe a sigh of relief.

To be honest, Kim Hyun Tae couldn't stand the always ambiguous atmosphere.

Because he is really not used to ~lightnovelpub.net~, Jin Xiantai changed the subject cunningly, "Are you S.H.I.E.L.D. starting to use child labor now? You are not 17 years old yet, so they can also recruit you? ", Jin Xiantai raised questions about this.

Selena raised her hand and twisted Jin Xiantai's arm slightly, it looked like she was acting like a baby, but Jin Xiantai knew that Selena was venting her anger for herself.

It’s just a girl. Why is your venting strength so small, what can you venting?

Obviously, the girl does not want to really hurt the boy, because the boy's uncomfortable make her feel more uncomfortable.


Things in the world, especially between men and women, are so complicated and difficult for people to understand.

And this question, maybe even God can't give an answer.

Selena replied to Kim Hyun-tae with a sullen face and said: "If it is from the CIA, of course I can't get in, but S.H.I.E.L.D. only looks at your ability, regardless of your age or gender. of."

Hearing that Jin Xiantai nodded slowly, he was able to understand a little bit now.

"Let's talk about this task. After all, this is related to my assessment results. Do you have any suggestions and useful information here?"

Kim Hyun Tae started talking about business as much as possible, instead of being misled by Selena on the male and female issues.

Selena grinned and gave a hum, apparently seeing through this little trick of Kim Hyun Tae.

However, although the girl saw Jin Xiantai's "conspiracy", she did not intend to expose it.

Instead, he followed Kim Hyun Tae's words and said: "I think your mission is very simple this time, but I don't know how much you plan to pay..."


What is this saying.

Hearing this, Jin Xiantai looked curious. (To be continued.)