Rising America

Chapter 806: The threat of the mafia

In Los Angeles and San Francisco in the United States, a Chinese force called the Hua'an Gang is rising rapidly, and they have done a lot of sensational things when they appeared in front of the world.

The Chen family, notorious in the Chinese circle in San Francisco, USA, was completely defeated and destroyed in less than four days under the blow of the Hua'an Gang. Not one of the entire family was left. The ending is very embarrassing and emotional. .

Of course, Zhang Xinzhe did not do too much in dealing with the problems of the Chen family.

Some of the minors and juniors of the Chen family were still let go, and some of the female relatives did not move. He merely retaliated against the men of the Chen family. It can be seen that Zhang Xinzhe is not so radical.

Because of the problems of the Chen family, the Huaan Gang also formally confronted the veteran underworld organization, the Italian Mafia, and the Japanese organizations that had business dealings with the Chen family. Therefore, the Huaan Gang in San Francisco and Los Angeles launched a rush with them.

For Italians and Japanese forces, the Chen family are their own'friends', and Huaan's help to the Chen family means that they are not giving face to themselves, and the outside world will think that they cannot cover their'friends'. This is a Very fatal thing.

And this will make people think that they have begun to weaken, so these two forces have to give Huaan a bit of color anyway, and at the same time need to prove to the outside world that they are still strong.

So, it's normal for Rush to appear.

But for some reason, the Huaan Gang was always able to detect the actions of the two forces first, and did a good job of ambushing, and when the gunmen of the two forces were killed, they were attacked by fire, for the Italian and Japanese. The forces have suffered considerable losses.

But how can the Italians and Japanese forces know that the Huaan Gang can get some inside information from the police because of a certain ‘big man’.

Therefore, no matter what plans and arrangements the Italians and Japanese forces have, the Huaan Gang can be informed accurately in advance and immediately formulate countermeasures.

And after repelling the gunmen of the two major forces, the Hua'an Gang could even counterattack calmly, attacking some secret strongholds and secret cargo warehouses of the two major forces.

For a time, the Italians and Japanese forces, whether in human hands or money, suffered a lot from Huaan's help. For this reason, the two major forces also suffered a lot.

However, because this is the beginning of the'war', although the two major forces have suffered considerable losses, they have not yet thought that it is time to talk about a truce.

What's more, many forces and organizations are also watching.

Once the two powers show their timidity, God knows that those guys waiting for an opportunity will take the opportunity to rush to eat their own territory.

Therefore, both Italians and Japanese-American organizations are now preparing to expand this ‘war’, and strive to solve the hidden danger of Huaan Gang at one time.

The emergence of such a force in the Chinese circle not only made people blind, but also shocked the strength of other ethnic groups.

The Chinese American who has been behaving very harmlessly all the time, no one would have imagined that once it broke out, it would not be too much and the methods would be very intense.

Therefore, the underworld war between the Italians and Japanese forces against the Hua'an Gang has caused many people to think deeply.

And let some people begin to think about how to come in contact with such a newly emerging power in the future, and what kind of attitude and method are the most suitable.

The United States in a different time and space is a country that pays attention to strength and strength.

As long as you can show strong power, then you can be respected.

But this is cruel real life, after all, this is not a fairy tale.

With one hand dealing with the problem of scumbags in the Chinese community, and still dealing with the war of revenge between the Italians and the Japanese, Zhang Xinzhe still has spare capacity to rectify the ‘prohibited drug proliferation’ in the Chinese community.

The Chinese community has always had the problem of ‘drug banning’, and every Chinese family is worried about this, for fear that their family members will also be infected with those things.

But no matter how worried you are, sometimes what should happen happens.

Zhang Xinzhe now intends to solve this problem.

The method Zhang Xinzhe chose was also very simple and rude. The first step was to drive away the banned drug dealers who controlled the Chinese community, and if he did not listen to persuasion, he would kill him.

Through this kind of profiteering method, the problem of ‘banned drugs’ will be well controlled, and at least it will not be as blatant as it is now.

Therefore, after a period of time, the "drug-prohibition" problem that has been plagued by the Chinese community will slowly begin to be controlled and then slowly disappear.

Although Zhang Xinzhe's method is simple and rude, it is still the most suitable method for the current and somewhat out-of-control problem of'ban drugs' in the Chinese-speaking community.

After all, many Chinese teenagers are ruined by the ‘drugs’, which makes family and friends feel distressed and ruined their beautiful life. For this reason, there are many more tragedies that should not have occurred.

Zhang Xinzhe has been struggling at the bottom, so he has seen too many such tragedies.

So he had this idea for a long time, but if he had the ability, he must solve this headache that caused all Chinese families.

Of course, with the solution that Zhang Xinzhe can choose, he can only do so now.

He can't control the source, nor can he control the transportation of forbidden drugs, and what he can control is not to forbid drug dealers to enter the Chinese community.

As for matters outside the community, it is beyond his control.

But even so, this is a good thing for families in the entire Chinese community.

Today's Hua'an Gang has also begun to recruit people, but even if it starts to recruit people, there is still a big gap in the Hua'an Gang.

After all, unlike the veteran forces that have operated for some years and basics, the Huaan Gang has risen quickly, so it is normal for such a disadvantage to appear.

Everything in the world cannot be so perfect.

However, the American media has also paid great attention to the conflicts between Chinese organizations and Italian and Japanese organizations. After all, the conflict will also affect some ordinary people, and even involve some innocent people and make them suffer. hurt.

Of course, I have also paid attention to the "war" between the gang# factions, but it is different from the focus of other media reports. The focus is that every report will mention the history of bullying by some Chinese, as well as the Italian forces and Japan. The disgraceful history of the Chinese descent forces, in order to give the public a good impression of the Huaan Gang as much as possible.

And this is what Qiao An signaled, the people below would do it.

Otherwise, it will also report like other media.

From this point, it can be seen that there is a media channel as a mouthpiece, and it is indeed beneficial to exist at some point.

The Huaan Gang is a beneficiary.

Because of the focus on reports, many ordinary people are psychologically inclined to sympathize with the Hua'an Gang, a Chinese-American force, and regard the Hua'an Gang as a'lone hero' who fights against injustice and seeks justice for their ethnic group. .

This is really a very dramatic development, which Qiao An never expected.

The public has a good impression, but the intangible benefits that the Huaan Gang has gained are definitely a lot.

The Italian Mafia’s reputation has always been poor, so the public will not sympathize with them. Instead, the public’s trips make up that the Italians are the bad bosses in this war, and the Japanese are Italians’ doglegs.

The Huaan Gang is the lonely and just person fighting against the forces of these two badass organizations.

The American public in different time and space is not small, and it is also very funny.

However, after seeing the impression of the public, they even more exaggerated this aspect, which greatly increased the sense of the public.

But it also caused trouble.

As an old black organization in different time and space, the Italian Mafia has a lot of reputation.

The tentacles of its network can even connect members of Congress and star politicians in some states. They have a strong political power.

This is also an advantage that other black forces in the United States do not have.

In addition, the Italian Mafia has also supported political agents and strengthened their political power.

But now they have been provoked, so for the Italian Mafia, this is simply intolerable.

Retaliation is necessary.

It is also certain to catch the people from the Huaan Gang and throw them all out of the wood chipper, and pour the cement slurry and stir it to let them evaporate.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it tell the world that the Mafia is easy to bully?

So how do they collect protection fees in the future, how to threaten people with violence to make money, and how to protect their own interests!

Therefore, they have to show Hua'an some colors for reasons.

But the Huaan Gang is described as the righteous side against the bad guys, and the Mafia has become a very bad and very bad boss. This is simply Chi Guoguo's face of fighting the Mafia.

You must know that the Mafia has been low-key for a long time, and tried to maintain a good image in the public as much as possible, but this time it was all exposed, letting the true face of the Mafia be exposed to the public~lightnovelpub.net~ Let All their efforts have been in vain.

So the Mafia is really angry.

Qiao An was sitting in his office, staring at a white envelope on the desk. This white envelope had been opened, and there were two yellow-orange-orange bullets on the envelope.

Obviously, what the guy who sent this letter wanted to express was obvious, whether she, Qiao Ann, was going to'eat bullets'.

As for who sent this letter, the answer is obvious, the Italian Mafia.

Why would Joan know?

Because the other party was very blatantly left behind the famous leader Safiodi Renzi.

At this time, the female secretary opposite Qiao An suggested with a worried look: "President, I think we should call the police."

Call the police?

Qiao An thought for a while, then shook her head to the female secretary, obviously she didn't want to do that.

You must know that Qiao An is no longer what it used to be. Since Annie acquired the godhead, she has also risen with the tide and became the sea general under Annie.

So how could she be intimidated by the little mafia.

"You go down first, I will deal with this problem."

After letting the female secretary go out, Qiao Ann called Anne, told her about the problems she was facing, and asked Anne to authorize her to carry out force operations.

After all, it is the sea general under Annie's command, so if you want to use force to deal with this matter, then it is bound to get Annie's authorization.

So Joan had to obtain Annie's consent in advance so that she could start acting.


Perhaps they are scary in the eyes of the general public.

But for an existence like Qiao An that is no longer an ordinary person, the Mafia is actually a joke!

Times have changed after all. (.)