Rising America

Chapter 814: Miss, let's go play


Civilized species call themselves iron-blooded, humanoid life form, and their attack methods are basically the same as humans. Most of them will be supported by assistive technology tools, and they like to kill other civilized creatures to prove their power

The poor iron blood was sliced ​​by Andrew, and after a series of experiments, it finally became a data record of the time Andrew spent in prison.

Although iron blood is a more advanced species of life for the people on earth, in Andrew’s eyes, iron blood is no different from ants, so if you use it to slice for research or something, there will be no psychological barriers. .

The surveillance spacecraft Intellectual Brain, which absorbs energy supplements far near the sun, is linked to the consciousness of the prisoner Andrew, the underground laboratory in West Point, the United States, and continues to communicate.

"This is a red flag. This low-level civilized creature has accepted the appointment of a superior to spy on the Earth through the teleportation array on the British side. Therefore, I have reason to believe that the invasion will be in the near future, so I hope to remove it. The blockade of some technologies allows me to better protect the safety of Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter. I don’t want them to be harmed in the crisis."

While recording the experimental data, Andrew communicated with the surveillance spacecraft Intellectual Brain that links his consciousness. He really hopes to unlock some of the technology locks.

Because of the many sturdy technologies on the surveillance spacecraft, Andrew can't use it at all due to restrictions. This is also a thing that makes Andrew very unhappy.

But this matter is not without a solution.

If you want to open some restrictions on surveillance spacecraft, you must first meet the standards of some scientific and technological levels on the earth, or the technology of some alien creatures can meet the standards. In short, as long as the standards are met, the surveillance spacecraft will open the restrictions to Andrew Jean. He went to play.

But if it doesn't meet this standard, I'm sorry, but the brain that monitors the spacecraft will handle it in accordance with the rules and regulations.

"Punished person 9527, you should clearly tell me that these are useless, and you also understand Namek's system. I am just a small brain, so I have no authority to open to you those restrictions, unless certain factors can meet the target."

Zhi Nao's tone of business is official, and Andrew can't do anything about it.

But as soon as his eyes rolled, Andrew still thought of a little bit of something, so he made a data record. After a few flicks of his finger on the instrument, the sliced ​​hapless egg was treated with special treatment and all traces were destroyed. , "Can the technology rights of Stonehenge in the UK be opened up?".


When Andrew asked this, he immediately praised himself from the bottom of his heart.

Stonehenge in the United Kingdom was left by the Arthurian clan in ancient times. Its main function is to transmit the apex of the universe over a long distance, and this technology is simply overbearing and unsurpassed in terms of the technological level of the earth in different time and space.

But in Andrew's eyes it was just a plaything.

Although I look down on the technology of Stonehenge, the technology involved in Stonehenge can affect the surveillance spacecraft to open some technological rights to itself, so it should not attract Andrew's attention.

Otherwise, if a small planet locates a long-distance transmission point, how can it attract Andrew's attention?

Zhi Nao was silent for a while, but Andrew was very clear that this was the Zhi Nao on the surveillance spacecraft being evaluated, so Andrew waited patiently for Zhi Nao's reply.

In the process of waiting for a reply, Andrew did not take time off.

Because he came into contact with civilized creatures on different planes of time and space and cut them into pieces for research, Andrew seemed very excited at this time.

It's like the reaction of a child in a human kindergarten after catching a frog and dissecting it.

As for the predator's genes, Andrew has not surprisingly retained it.

After all, iron blood is also considered a humanoid life form. Although it looks different from humans, it is ugly when it grows up, but there are many similar counterparts.

So Andrew felt that using the gene of this species to improve, and then see what interesting things can be made.

As for whether or not it will make strange things, it's not Andrew's scruples, and it won't scruples so much, right.

The mutant genes of the mutants, the normal human spirochete optimization genes of the superpowers, the different genes of vampires and werewolves, and even the genes of people like Annie who inherited the strange energy godhead of the first era of life.


There are too many choices, which is not a good choice.

For this, Andrew Little felt a headache.

Each of the above genes has its own characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, and they are not perfect genes.

In the same way, the genes of the hapless iron-blooded civilization that has evolved higher than humans on Earth in different time and space also have its strengths and weaknesses.

It can be seen that no creature is so perfect.

But the potential contained in human genes is greater.

In the laboratory built in the basement of this villa in West Point Town, there are several corpses placed in container troughs, and these corpses are not normal humans.

For example, this one who has a beautiful and well-proportioned figure and a handsome face, but has a pair of red eyes that looks very bloodthirsty, and the corner of his mouth has lost his life and two fangs. Obviously, it is impossible for a human to come before his death. of.

And beside the container holding this guy, there is another corpse with long hair and a huge wolf head. It has Kong Wu's powerful body, but also lost its life.

Like these two non-human corpses, there are several more in this underground laboratory.

"How about the vampire fusion with the predator gene? Abandon the elegance and demeanor, and become like a cold butcher. I think this must be very interesting."

Andrew's eyes slowly swept across the corpse in the container, while muttering to himself in a low voice.

"Or to make an iron-blooded werewolf? In this way, the bloodthirsty werewolf's raging will be amplified, which is the best choice for cannon fodder."

Andrew has the predator gene in his hands, so he can play whatever he wants, but he can't make a choice for a while.

But after thinking about it, Andrew reluctantly gave up this plan.

Because he suddenly thought that he had to accompany Coco to Egypt.

So it's obvious that I can't take care of experiments or something.

"Oh! Let's wait until I come back from Egypt, the laboratory can't escape anyway."

At the thought of taking care of Cocoa and going to Egypt with Cocoa, Andrew had to dispel the thoughts in his mind.

At this moment, the silent brain finally responded.

According to the status quo given by the prisoner 9527, Zhinao 2980678 conducted a detailed assessment and finally believed that according to the Arthurian civilization and judgment left on the earth, the lowest-level space-time positioning shuttle function can be unlocked, but considering the existence of some considerable factors Relationship, so we need to remind that this technology after 9527 unlocks will have a limit on the number of uses.

"What's the matter with the usage limit? You can explain it to me? And you have to tell me how open the technology is, so that I have a bottom line."

This answer still makes Andrew happier.

Just as he was happy, Andrew also had a lot of questions.

Wisdom brain linked Andrew's consciousness and began to give answers.

The number of times of use refers to the uninterrupted use, and in order to prevent some unexpected situations, this limit was established.

Wisdom Brain’s explanation Andrew understood a little and asked: "You tell me directly that it will take more time to use this technology once and then use it again."

Half a year

This time, Zhi Brain responded quickly.

It's just that after Andrew listened to Zhi Nao's answer, his face suddenly twisted together.

It can only be used once in half a year. Such openings and restrictions really make Andrew a little weak to complain.

At this time, the brain once again linked to Andrew’s conscious thinking and said: “And what I need to remind you is that the technology that is open to you has a little accident, so it will be a little different from the technology you know. It is no longer a simple planetary fixed-point transmission technology, but is mixed with some other functions, such as the space-time shuttle function of the earth on the plane."


Andrew suddenly became excited.

To be honest, space-time shuttle is really not an extraordinary technique for the Namekians.

For those high-level civilizations, basically every civilization will master this technology. The difference is the speed and the timeline of the shuttle, as well as the safety rate of this technology.

"Why is this?"

Although very happy to unlock this technology, Andrew still needs to ask some questions.

Based on his understanding of the intellectual brain, it is obvious that the other party cannot unravel the technical function given to him ~lightnovelpub.net~ for some reason.

"The Arthurian civilization is no longer on this plane of the universe timeline. According to my judgment, it is clear that the Arthurian civilization is active in the universe of other timelines. This event is likely to be an aggressive war. Based on this judgment, I will open it. Give you the additional features of this technology."


Andrew didn't care about the invasion of other planes by Arthur civilization.

Anyway, there is an answer and explanation, which is enough for Andrew.

As for some other things important?

"Okay, I see."

Immediately Andrew ended the thought link with Zhi Nao.

After disconnecting the link, Andrew's face was full of smiles, but the smile on his face looked so wretched.

"The timeline of traveling through the earth is equivalent to saying that you can go back to the past of this earth. I think Coco must like this very much, haha, I don’t know what it was like to play with the little guy 100 years ago, but this will be given by Andrew The toys for Cocoa are ready."

As he spoke, a dark blue light flashing with an arc appeared behind Andrew, and he slowly swallowed Andrew's body.

From West Point to Los Angeles, this low-level positioning transmission technology allows Andrew to easily get to Anne and Coco.

After dozens of seconds, Andrew found Coco, Annie and others.

"Miss Anne, I think we can start."

Annie has been waiting for Andrew's arrival, because it was requested by Kim Hyun Tae.

Otherwise, she would have left with Cocoa.

A polite greeting to Annie, and then Andrew beckoned to Coco: "Miss, Andrew has a very interesting thing here, which can let us go to any point in 100 years, which may increase your knowledge and knowledge. "Insight" to be continued.