Rising America

Chapter 825: conflict

[The situation in Panama is chaotic, the new government is unable to stabilize the domestic situation, and because of the * problem, it has caused extreme dissatisfaction among the people, which has led to massive demonstrations and rallies. The relatives of the President returned to China and also asked the court to retry the case. CNN's Panamanian correspondent Murphys will report for you. Let us conduct street interviews. 】

My boss is conducting business inspections in Panama. How could cnn not send someone over here, whether it’s pretend or whatever, anyway, cnn must send someone here.

It's just that Panama is a small country with a population of just over 20 million. What kind of hot news can there be?

The cnn reporter team originally sent to Panama all thought so.

What they didn't expect was that when they arrived in Panama, they suddenly discovered that there was a lot of news that seemed to be able to report on this place.

Therefore, the members of the cnn reporter team who were still complaining were all excited.

The new regime in Panama is not stable!

News materials are collected when they are unstable.

For journalists, the more chaotic the place, the more they like it.

As for the serious problems in Panama, this is also a good thing for journalists.

Although the media always say that they want to report the positive news to the public, in fact the media still like to collect and report the dark side news, because only such reports attract the public.

As for shouting slogans or something, no one will take it seriously.

"Excuse me, what made you take to the streets to conduct such a massive demonstration?"

A white male reporter named Morpheus, who belongs to the cnn media and was stationed in Panama, brought a cameraman to the street, and politely stopped a young man holding a placard "We want to be fair". Started a street interview.

The young man looked at Murphys and saw the cnn logo on the microphone that Murphys handed over, so his eyes lit up.


American media?

For people like young people who participate in demonstrations, they are not very interested in accepting interviews with domestic media. What interests them most is being able to accept interviews with foreign media and let them tell their own opinions to foreign reporters. Some thoughts.

As for the negative impact of what I said on my country, hehe, I won't think about it so much.

Of course, I should tell the truth, not exaggerating.

"The reason why we took to the streets was to seek a just social environment. After the fall of the former government, we thought that the country would change a bit, but we found that after the new regime came to power, they did more than the original regime, which also made us Domestic issues have become more prominent.

But compared to the problem of rampant lawlessness by the powerful and powerful children, these are even pediatrics, and this also makes us, as ordinary people, feel that if these problems of the country are not addressed squarely, then major problems will arise in the future. Only when the country becomes better will we stand up. "

The parade was very long. When Morpheus was conducting interviews, the cameraman pointed the camera at the parade from time to time and gave several close-up shots.

At the same time, the photographer also captured the immature and young people in the parade, and gave a long shot that was five seconds long.

Of course, the cameraman not only photographed the parade, but also photographed the people on both sides of the street in his own lens.

The reactions of those people have all been faithfully recorded.

Including most people cheering on the parade.

Not far away, a team of anti-explosive special police officers raised their shields to form a wall of people, and quarreled with the group at the beginning of the parade, and the atmosphere became a little tense for a while.

Morpheus quickly ended the interview with the young man, and hurriedly greeted the cameraman to run towards the explosion-proof SWAT team.

At this time, the parade had been forced to stop and could no longer proceed.

After learning of the situation ahead, some guys with masks or towels covering their faces appeared in the parade. Each of them was holding iron rods, simple wine bottle burning objects, and bricks in their hands. The child squeezed forward without showing a trace.

"Please disband immediately! Warning! Please disband immediately! If you don't disband for five minutes, we will take tough measures."

On the roof of a police car behind the explosion-proof special police wall, a middle-aged man wearing a Panamanian police uniform stood. From his epaulettes, he was definitely not a low-level police officer.

The police car has been specially modified, and several tweeters are installed in the front of the car. Therefore, the police officer standing on the roof can transmit through the tweeter on the front of the car without saying a word, so that everyone in the parade can hear clearly. .

"Why disbanded! This is a peaceful demonstration, and there is no violation of the law and order, and this is also our right!"

Someone in the parade shouted aloud.

Immediately this guy screamed, and many people agreed and echoed.

"Yes! Why did we dissolve? Did we violate any regulations?"

"I can see that those in power are scared. When they see us ordinary people unite, they are still scared, so they came up with such a trick, hoping to make us scared and force us to submit."

Frost was also in the parade, and was still very far ahead.

Because only in this way, it is convenient for her to better grasp the situation.

Behind Frost, a few guys wearing masks followed, and steel pipes and other equipment were hidden in the sleeves of their clothes.

"You still have four and a half minutes, please disband immediately, if you don't listen to dissuasion, we will take tough measures!"

It is impossible for the person in charge of the explosion-proof special police team to explain to the protesters.

Due to pressure from the upper echelons, although he does not want to take drastic measures against these people, what can he do?

It’s normal to make a ‘wise’ choice between yourself and the people.

The organizer of this demonstration was a mathematics professor from the University of Panama. At this moment, the professor walked out of the team and came to negotiate in front of the anti-explosion special police personnel wall.

"You have no right to let us dissolve demonstrations. This is the right granted to us by the Constitution. And our demonstrations did not violate any regulations or laws and regulations concerning public security this time. Therefore, I protest your practice and demand You make way so that our team can move on."

The heavily armed anti-explosion special policemen stayed behind the anti-explosion shield and looked at the professor coldly. No matter what he said there, no one paid any attention to him.

A little bit of time passed, and it seemed that it would be five minutes.

Frost used his abilities to control a SWAT team member and let this guy attack the old professor.

The old professor was severely smashed on the head by him with a baton, and the blood from the smash was also drenched, and the whole person fell into a coma.

And this behavior of the special police controlled by Frost immediately aroused the hatred and resentment of the protesters, and the anger in people's hearts was also ignited.

But at this time, everyone did not act excessively.

After all, the demonstrators are usually law-abiding people. Even at this time, everyone doesn't want to adopt any radical methods.

Simply put, although everyone is angry and angry.

But everyone can still suppress the anger.

So, at this time, someone needs to stand up and set an example for everyone.

Many things are actually not as simple as they seem.

There are also very responsible reasons behind demonstrations that will evolve into violent conflicts.

But if you get to the bottom of it, you will find that every time there is a violent demonstration, there will be a black hand hidden in the dark.

But this time, Selena, Frost, and Kim Hyun Tae are obviously black hands.


Inspired by the professor, a young student who participated in this demonstration ran to the professor, then squatted down and reached out to hold the unconscious professor in his arms, and covered the professor's **** forehead. The expression was very sad and angry.


The student was also knocked down with a shield by the special police officer controlled by Frost.

At this time, I don't know who threw a brick at the special police officer, and the brick hit the special police officer with great accuracy, staggering it.

"We can't be silent anymore! They came here prepared ~ lightnovelpub.net~ obviously they are going to take military measures against us. Instead of being the lamb to be slaughtered, why don't we unite and resist!"

The Panamanian scum who took Frost's dollars and participated in the parade began to agitate at this time.

As for the special police, the high-level police officer who was standing in the front of the police car shouting at this time also changed drastically and jumped off the roof.

"That guy made that stupid thing work!"

The small and medium-sized captains below shook their heads. To be honest, they didn't know how that guy would hit someone.

"The implementation of plan b, the situation is very bad now."

The atmosphere on the parade side became very scary. This high-level police was sensitively aware of this, so he quickly ordered his subordinates to lead the team.

"Molotov cocktail!"

Suddenly a ignited Molotov cocktail was thrown over in the parade, and the direction and landing point was exactly on the side of the human wall composed of explosion-proof police officers.

In addition, many young people in the parade began to learn from each other, bending over to build things that could be thrown from their feet, and beginning to throw them towards the police.

At this time, Frost took control of a police officer with a gun and controlled him to shoot at the parade.

After doing all this, Frost squeezed to the side of the line with a look of fear, then quickly disappeared among the onlookers, and walked through a few streets into a building.

In a room on the eighth floor of this building, Frost came to the window, took a binoculars and looked at it, and told the people in the parade through the walkie-talkie: "Do it."

Immediately after looking through the binoculars again, Frost saw that the parade and the anti-explosive special police were like waves, colliding together... (to be continued.)