Rising America

Chapter 848: More unscrupulous

Anne has no objection to being friends with Coco and Pitro, and the little girl Krypton, and even encourages Coco to make friends with the three children.

Pitro and Wanda are not ordinary people, and their parents are also not ordinary people, so being friends with such a person will benefit Cocoa in the future.

Even if they will not be used in the future, it is always right to be a friend.

Krypton girl Kayla obviously admires Cocoa, which is a good phenomenon.

The so-called three gangs of a hero, three piles of a fence, Coco always grows up, she can't always be under the wings of her father and herself, after all, she has to face this cruel world and survive in this world by herself.

If you don't even have friends, wouldn't it be too lonely.

Once you encounter any problems, you won't even have a helper.

It is true that Coco is very rich, at least materially, she will not have any shortcomings, but sometimes money does not necessarily solve all problems.

At this time, Coco needs the help of friends to help each other in the same boat.

Pietro looks a little greedy for money now, which is a good sign.

At least in Annie's opinion it was good.

This shows that Pietro is well controlled. As long as he spends a long time with Cocoa, he will have more demand for Cocoa, and Cocoa can obviously satisfy his demand for money.

So in the future, Pietro must be a good follower and a dog.

In that way, if Cocoa had any problems that couldn't be solved, he could leave it to Pietro to deal with.

Kayla admires Cocoa very much.

Annie feels that Coco can completely turn Kayla into her own fan. In the future, she will be more loyal than Pietro and can help Coco deal with many difficult problems.

And with Pietro with Coco, his sister Wanda can't escape, after all, she needs to look after her younger brother.

In this way, Wanda is also equivalent to being tied to Cocoa, even if she doesn't want to, she has to help Cocoa for her brother.

Basically, the small circle around Coco has begun to take shape, and all that needs to be considered in the future is how to manage this small circle.

Fortunately, Coco's small circle now centers on her.

As long as this situation is maintained, there will be three subordinates (friends) in the future.

And such people are more at ease to use, and the probability of betrayal will be smaller. As long as Coco is not stingy and satisfied in all aspects, then everything is not a problem.

Adults must think differently from children.

In Coco's view, Pietro and Wanda sister and brother, and Krypton girl Keira are more friends than subordinates, but in Annie's view, the three little guys can be cultivated and used.

This has nothing to do with whether Annie is scorned, but because of practical problems.

Besides, Annie only cares about Coco. As for what other children have to do with her, why should she care.

If it wasn't for the three little guys to have a good relationship with Coco, Annie wouldn't even pinch them.

"Should you pay for mercenaries and killers?"

Annie's previous words caused Coco to fall into contemplation, and the little guy really started to think about it, wondering if he would ask these people to help him solve the trouble in the future.

However, Cocoa has no experience of dealing with these people, so he can only use his brains to fantasize about all this, so there is a big deviation from people's perception.

"Most of the time, it's really appropriate to do this, but sometimes these people don't need it. For example, when someone threatens their privacy, it's impossible to find such a person."

Coco tilted his head to look at Annie, blinking and blinking his big cute eyes.

Annie smiled and said: "For example, if we want to solve Aaron, then we must not find outsiders, because this will make the matter leak out, and even cause some greedy guys to blackmail us, so we You need someone you can trust, such as Andrew, your father's butler."

Coco answered at this time: "That's why you will hand Aaron to Andrew butler."

Annie nodded: "Yes, for this reason, of course Old Nord can also."

Coco let out a ‘um’, showing a seemingly understanding expression.

Annie adjusted her posture while holding Coco to make her sitting more comfortable, and then continued to say to Coco: "Do your friends trust it? Did the three kids see it all the time? In case they still call the police. , Although we will not be so good, there will be a little trouble in the end."

Coco quickly responded: "They are all my good friends, they won't talk nonsense everywhere, I promise!"

Annie fixedly looked at Coco: "Do you trust them? Why is this?"

Coco was stunned by Annie's question. Yes, why did he trust the three of them.

Oops, this question is so difficult to answer.

But Coco still found a reason.

"Because they are my friends. Since they are friends, shouldn't I believe them?"

There is plenty here, but it is naive.

Only a child like Coco can say it, but it is obviously hard to say if an adult answers.

Annie warned Coco seriously: "Do you know? Sometimes betrayal often comes from a friend. The knife stabbed in the back by a friend is the most hurtful, so you must keep this in mind."

In the business world, Annie listened a lot and saw a lot of mischief.

Don't talk about friends, even if relatives are for the benefit, sometimes they will turn against each other, and even if they are behind the scenes, there are many people.

As long as the benefits are sufficient, the hearts of the people really cannot say.

Anne immediately calmed down, she was afraid of frightening Coco.

After all, these things that I warned the little guy were too dark.

"Of course, I am not against you making friends. I just hope that you can keep your eyes on yourself and don't be honest about yourself so that people can see what kind of person you are. This is true for strangers and friends.

Because if you are too frank, people will see your shortcomings and weaknesses. Once this person has evil thoughts, then these shortcomings and weaknesses will become weapons they can use to attack you. "

But I didn't know what was thinking at this moment, the little guy fell silent, and looked like thinking, I don't know if she understood the meaning of these words that Annie said.

Annie didn't go on, she waited patiently for the little guy to digest.

After a while, Coco looked up at Annie and said, "I understand, should I have reservations, right?"


Annie gave Cocoa a bite, the little guy is really smart.

"Yes! That's it, you understand it right." Annie's eyes were full of appreciation.

But the little guy pouted his lips, thinking it was meaningless.

"Pitro is a bit greedy for money. You have to take advantage of his weakness and give him some small favors from time to time, but don't give too much. At the same time, you must do things for you to get those benefits."

Annie taught in a low voice how to get along with the three children. The first mention was Pietro.

"Under such a subtle influence, he will become a qualified dog leg in the future. If you encounter the trouble Mommy said, you can let this guy deal with it, and all you need to pay is some money. A great deal."

Andrew didn't know when he stood beside Old Nord, and he also heard what Annie taught Coco.

But Andrew didn't mean to stop him, and he still seemed to agree.

Obviously he also thinks that what Anne taught Cocoa is very useful.

Although I still don't see much, but we need to look to the future.

"Kayla admires you very much, then you need to let her keep this admiration of you, and it is best to make her a fan of your brain, this little girl will be more loyal than Pietro in the future, and even willing to go for you Death, this is the confidant and direct line. You will also need someone like this by your side in the future."

Old Nord, who had been standing by the side, grinned. He felt that his own lady was thinking too far away, and who could see so far in the future.

It's just that Annie has learned a sentence since she has learned Eastern culture, that is, "People who have no far-sighted must have near-worries", and she believes in this sentence.

And the appearance of Aaron made Anne see some shortcomings around Coco, so she felt that she should let Coco know something and start to learn something.

The first is to expose the cruel reality and darkness of this world.

Next is to tell Coco, don't trust others lightly.

Then it is to let her understand that there should be some people around her who deal with problems, and these people have to be cultivated since childhood, so that they will be faithful in the future.

Obviously Coco's three friends are good choices.

They are capable, and they will definitely have strength in the future.

After all, Coco is not like her younger brothers. There are Spartan child daughter-in-law and Greek literature Loli child daughter-in-law. Therefore, it is really a headache for Coco to have no trusted people around him.

But now it's all right, there are candidates.

"That's not good?"

Coco felt that this was wrong.

[Perhaps I'm a bit too extreme? 】

Annie saw that Coco was a little bit emotional, so she reflected on it in her heart.

To be honest, the little guy's mind is very simple, and it is normal to resist such things. After all, children are naive, and their minds will not be so dark.

So I just went too far.

After reflecting on it, Annie felt that she should relax.

If you let the little guy have a rebellious mentality, it wouldn't be great.

So after thinking about it, Annie said to Coco: "Well, you should do it your own way. After you have experienced some things in the future, just remember what Mommy said. .lightnovelpub.net~ Mommy would rather you be domineering and terrible in the future than let people think that you are a bully."

At this time, Ensha, who didn't know where she had gone before, ran over and knelt down in front of Annie and Coco, and took off Coco's shoes, holding Coco's little feet and kissed her.

"I am willing to be your sword, I am also willing to be your dog leg, I want to be a confidant, and I want to get a salary like Pietro, I also want to join Hydra."

Pitro has no morals, but Ensha is even worse, and she is still a woman...Annie and Coco looked at Ensha, both of them are black lines.

Old Nord's mouth twitched.

Andrew chuckles heartlessly.

Anne regained her consciousness and said to Ensha: "With a salary of 50 dollars a week, I will leave the murder and arson to you. Do you not?"

Ensha looked surprised and looked straight at Annie nodding her head: "Fuck!"

Old Nord raised his hand and covered his face. He didn't know how to evaluate Ensha.

For the mere US$50, I would dare to kill and set fire. This is so brainy.

But as everyone knows, Ensha feels that her choice is correct...that's fifty dollars...

When a ‘child labor’ started, Annie smiled.

Perhaps Ensha is more comfortable to use than Pietro.

Immediately, Annie pointed to Ensha and said to Coco: "Remember, this guy will be your number one thug in the future. If someone provokes you, let her take action. If you have trouble, look for her. You should find her if you are fighting."

After thinking about it, Coco thought it would be nice to have such a person, so he nodded.

Unexpectedly, Ensha suddenly asked at this time: "In addition to a fixed salary for one week, do I have to give extra tips for doing things?" (To be continued.)