Rising America

Chapter 849: They have no hope for this war

On the winding mountain road in the mountainous area of ​​Afghanistan, Jin Xiantai and his team, led by the guide, walked along the mountain road very hard, with a few small donkeys behind them.

In this place in Afghanistan, donkeys are a means of transportation, and having a few donkeys is a very luxurious thing and a symbol of the rich.

The guide will take Jin Xiantai and his party to a secret guerrilla base, where Jin Xiantai will teach them to use the [Poison Stinger] and follow a series of data.

And these data are related to the future CIA, whether there will continue to be arms orders to Frankstein Lab.

[Poison Stinger], which was worth only tens of thousands of dollars, was now sold at a sky-high price by Frankstein. This is something that Jin Xiantai never thought about along the way.

Of course, the original cost of [Poison Stinger] could not be so low, but it was impossible to make it out of the way that Frankstein Lab used improved technology while reducing costs.

After all, the genetic man Frankstein is a so-called ‘technical’ person cultivated by Andrew, so it’s not difficult for him to make cheap weapons here.

Who would let the technical level of Namek star be there?

So, if low-level weapons like the Earth in Different Time and Space are made, it shouldn't be too simple, OK?

In addition to Selena and her team members Matthew and Frost, there are a few strange CIA members among Kim Hyun Tae and the others, and these strange CIA agents who have not met are obviously In order to detect the data of 【Stinger】.

After all, the Frankstein laboratory is under the name of Jin Xiantai, so it is safe to send several people to follow Jin Xiantai to monitor it, which also avoids fraud.

Kim Hyun-tae himself did not have much reaction to this.

The mountainous area of ​​Afghanistan is very barren. There are stone mountains everywhere. There is no or even very little bare green vegetation on the mountains.

Because of the season, the sun in the sky is very scorching.

If you don’t pay attention, you might get sunburned.

Mountain roads are very rugged, and people need to be careful when walking on mountain roads. If you don’t pay attention, you will fall down the mountain and throw something bad.

Moreover, the mountain road is not built, and it can be said that it is not a serious road. At the same time, there are many small stones on the road, which caused Jin Xiantai and the others a lot of trouble.

People need to be very careful when walking in such a place, not to mention the donkeys carrying arms boxes.

It is also very strange to say that the donkeys in Afghanistan are not afraid of walking on such rugged mountain roads. They are self-assured and walking on the ground, which makes people surprised to see.

The guide is an old man from an Afghan tribe, about 50 or 60 years old, but his is very energetic.

Jin Xiantai's private plane was parked in Pakistan and entered Afghanistan under the leadership of this guide at the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

After all, they need to escape the Soviet blockade.

Fortunately, this old man was a guide who led them into Afghanistan without any trouble and walked for three days.

It has been almost a year since I visited Afghanistan last time.

Jin Xiantai, who originally thought that he would not be in this country, never expected that he would visit the same place again, and also shouldered a task.

On the back of a valley, after the guide told everyone that they could rest, the group stopped and began to build a simple camp.

Selena came to Kim Hyun Tae's side, handed over the tablet in her hand, and said to Kim Hyun Tae: "The situation in Afghanistan is not optimistic. Online news says that the Soviets have defeated the three guerrilla forces and seized the guerrilla forces. The leader of the team, now the Afghan resistance forces are very panic."

Kim Hyun-tae didn't look at the tablet that Selena handed over, and directly responded: "The Soviets are just playing public opinion. No one knows what the actual situation is.

To say that the current situation of the Afghan resistance forces is very difficult, after all, their weapons and organizations and resources are not as good as the Soviets, but to say that the Soviets really control the situation in Afghanistan, this is a big talk. "

Obviously, Kim Hyun Tae didn't believe the news published by the Soviets on the Internet.

In his opinion, this is just a psychological warfare played by the Soviets.

Selena took back the tablet and asked Jin Xiantai: "How long do you think the Afghans can resist? I don't think the Afghan guerrillas can defeat the Soviets unless we directly intervene in the United States."

It's not surprising that Selena has such thoughts.

It's not just her thinking. All military observers in other countries in different time and space don't think that the Afghan resistance forces with Xiaomi and rifles can defeat the Soviets.

Think about it, the Afghan elementary school is very poor, even without the basic defense industry, so what they use to defeat the powerful Soviet army, this is simply a fantasy.

Although the Afghan resistance forces now have American assistance and support, American support is also very limited, and they are all supported by light weapons.

With those light weapons, how can the Afghan resistance forces fight against the Soviet army with planes, tanks, artillery, and various heavy weapons.

Not to mention that in the recent period of time, the Soviet army has adopted a special combat method against the guerrillas of the Afghan resistance organization. After using powerful and secretly experimentally manufactured genetic warriors, it has brought a lot to the Afghan resistance organization. Loss.

Therefore, none of the military observers from various countries who secretly observe in Afghanistan is optimistic about the Afghan resistance organization.

Even everyone believes that the resistance of the Afghans is only temporary. Sooner or later, Afghanistan will fall into the hands of the Soviets, and the resistance organization will be wiped out at that time.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Selena has such a view.

But there is one exception. He and everyone have different opinions, and this person is Jin Xiantai.

After all, he had a life in another time and space, and in that time and space, the military operations of the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.

So Kim Hyun Tae has a reference, which is different from what most people just speculate.

The progress of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in another time and space is basically the same as that in another time and space. Therefore, Jin Xiantai believes that as long as the Afghan resistance forces in another time and space are copied, it is very likely that the Soviets will fail in another time and space.

Didn’t the Soviets suffer from various guerrilla warfare by the Afghan Resistance Organization and suffered very, very heavy losses?

Obviously, this approach is correct.

In addition, the Soviets in different time and space used the same counterattack method for this guerrilla warfare as in the other time and space. They all used air force to strike.

There is only one difference, that is, the Soviets in different time and space have also dispatched genetic warriors under secret experiments.

Therefore, upon hearing Selena’s words, Kim Hyun-tae responded: “It is impossible for the United States to intervene in Afghanistan to directly confront the Soviets. You must know that the United States is still fighting in Vietnam and does not have so much energy to take care of Afghanistan’s side. It’s the stupid way the Soviets went around doing things like this, and the United States could not learn it too."

"As for you saying that the Afghan resistance organization cannot defeat the Soviets, I personally disagree. It is true that their weapons, equipment and training are very backward, and even many soldiers were farmers or ordinary people before they took up their guns, but please Don’t ignore one thing, that is, they are really fighting the invaders."

Selena blinked and looked at Kim Hyun Tae: "Is there anything different? Weapons, equipment and training are so backward, they can't fight the Soviets at all, so how can they win, even if they are fighting the invaders? ."

Kim Hyun Tae smiled: "It's hard to make it clear for a while, but you can watch it slowly, I promise you will be surprised."

When Kim Hyun-tae and Selena were chatting, the others had already done what they should do.

Selena curled her lips, in short, she had a look of [I don't believe that the turtle can win], which made Jin Xiantai very helpless after watching it.

After all, he can't tell Selena that in another time and space, it was these turtles who defeated the powerful Soviets, and even because this war dragged down the Soviet economy and bought hidden dangers for its disintegration. .

Even if he said that to Selena~lightnovelpub.net~, it is impossible for a girl to believe what she said, after all, it sounds like a fantasy.

Ha ha!

Will the powerful polar bear collapse?

This is simply a big joke.

So Jin Xiantai didn't plan to say anything, anyway, at the end, I will see the result.

"William, why do you have a laboratory?"

Selena still knows something about the company under the name of Kim Hyun Tae.

But she couldn't think of it. Now another Frankstein laboratory had appeared, and this laboratory was still playing ammunition.

Hearing that, Jin Xiantai smiled bitterly and replied: "Yes, a laboratory invested in early last year was just developing some medicines and the like. Even I did not expect that the laboratory actually produced weapons this year. Up."

At this time, the tribal guide came over: "Here we rest for an hour, and the guerrillas will come over in a while. Then you can follow the guerrillas, and I can only send you here."

Jin Xiantai took out a small cloth bag and handed it to the tribe guide.

"Thank you so much these days, a little meaning is not a tribute."

The guide was not polite, and reached out to take the small cloth bag that Jin Xiantai handed over, then opened the mouth of the bag and looked inside.

There were two stacks of US dollar bills in the small cloth bag, and some canned food, all practical things.

"Thank you Americans, we will defeat the Soviets!"

The guide who was satisfied with Kim Hyun Tae’s gift approached Kim Hyun Tae and just hugged him and said in his ear.

I don't know if it is because of the dollars and cans in the bag, or because he really thinks so?

Ha ha!

Only God knows this. (To be continued.)