Rising America

Chapter 850: Village chat

Jin Xiantai and his party were resting in the valley at about 11 a.m., and almost an hour later, the guerrillas that the guide said appeared.

Dressed in plain Afghan national style, with a long beard, each of them looks a little malnourished, but this is understandable. After all, the Soviets have a very strong blockade, and it is normal for the guerrillas to eat and drink well. Things.

If they can eat a lot of meat, then they are called a ghost.

Although there is a large amount of secret aid from the United States, those materials are really inadequate. The reason is simple. There are too many people in the resistance organization here in Afghanistan.

At the same time, some of the supplies have to be allocated to the Afghan refugees who enter the refugee camps in Pakistan. Therefore, the guerrillas will get one point, and the refugees will get some more, so how much aid can be left.

Regarding the distribution of limited supplies to fellow citizens in Pakistani refugee camps, all the guerrillas did not object, because they also came out of the refugee camp, and many of their families are still living in the refugee camp.

So who doesn't want family members to live better?

The beard of the guerrillas is not very talkative, far less talkative than bin Ramadan. He just introduced Kim Hyun-tae briefly and exchanged a code with Kim Hyun-tae. When everything was in order, he immediately took it. With Jin Xiantai, they cleaned up and left the valley.

It's not bad to talk too much, and Jin Xiantai doesn't want to communicate too much with the other party.

In this way, Jin Xiantai and the others accompanied them to a small village under the control of the guerrillas, and were arranged to settle here. At the same time, the other side also left a few women to take care of the group's dietary problems, which was considered very thoughtful.

Of course, these women may also be responsible for monitoring Kim Hyun Tae and the others, but Kim Hyun Tae and the others did not say anything about it, and they readily accepted the arrangement.

After he settled down with Jin Xiantai and the others, the bearded man wanted to take people away, but before leaving, he confessed to Jin Xiantai that he would arrange a battle to attract the Soviets' air power to appear. Now all Jin Xiantai needs to do is to wait patiently for notification.

So far, what can Jin Xiantai say, all he can do is nod his head.

The small village where Jin Xiantai and the others were settled had a small population of only dozens of households, and most of the young and middle-aged people ran out. Therefore, the villages left behind were old people, or women and children.

The houses in the village are all made of a local kind of yellow mud. At most, there is a layer of yellow mud on the outside of the wall. There is no running water or even electricity in the village.

But Jin Xiantai and the others don't care about these inconveniences. After all, they won't live here for too long, as long as they have completed the weapon test they will leave.

But the barrenness here still left a deep impression on Kim Hyun Tae.

The village is located halfway up a hill. Standing at the entrance of the village and looking around, there are bare Huangshan mountains all around. I asked the old people who stayed in the village to know that they are only a hundred miles away. In this village, the nearest village is more than 160 miles away from their village on the mountain road. It takes two days to walk.

I'll take it!

Kim Hyun Tae has absolutely no interest in this place.

But such a desolate village has one advantage, that is, it is very quiet.

Yes, it was so quiet that the sound of a fart at the entrance of the village could spread throughout the village.

There are no animals in the village, no chickens, ducks, geese, or even dogs. Because of the war, the entire village has lost its source of income while also losing the way to buy necessities from outside.

Fortunately, this place in the photo of the guerrillas nearby, and used this village as a secret rest station, so the villagers can get some living supplies from the guerrillas to keep themselves alive.

Of course, the hardship of life is nothing more than narrative.

Although they had some care from the guerrillas, they only guaranteed that they would not be starved to death.

Kim Hyun-tae went around in and out of the village and basically got a preliminary understanding of the village. The people here are very simple, but they are very alert and hostile to outsiders. Fortunately, they are with guerrillas. People came, so this hostility was hidden by the people in the village.

If there were no guerrillas to lead them and they came to this village recklessly, it would be hard to say what would happen then.

Moreover, Jin Xiantai found that every household in the village had weapons. After understanding, he knew that these weapons were given to them by the guerrillas.

The children in the village are very dirty, and they are totally different from those children seen in the United States themselves, but the children's eyes are very pure.

Unfortunately, these innocent children don't know that their country is caught in a war, and this war is likely to spread to their small village.

I really don't know if these children will retain their present innocence after they have gone through the war.

Turning around and returning to the entrance of the village, Jin Xiantai was secretly meditating.

Selena did not know when she appeared from behind, and walked to Kim Hyun Tae's side and stopped.

"Those women are actually watching us. It seems that the guerrillas are not very friendly to us, or even say that they are not very trusting. This is not a good phenomenon."

Selena seemed a little worried about this question.

Jin Xiantai didn't care at all, because he knew that Afghanistan and the United States would become enemies in the future, so these Afghans are not too friendly. What's weird about this.

There are no idiots in the world!

The Afghans are not stupid!

Although the Americans provided supplies to the Afghan resistance team, they were meant to exchange their lives to fight the Soviets.

Therefore, after more than a year, the Afghans gradually understood this, and when they understood this, they did not appreciate the Americans much.

After all, the Americans provided help for their own purposes, and the Afghans were only used, but they could not refuse such use.

But it is truly impossible to talk about gratitude to the United States.

There may have been such thoughts in the early days, but once you understand it, it will be impossible.

The Afghans now clearly understand this and understand the plans of the Americans.

Thinking of this, Kim Hyun-tae, of course, would not be as worried as Selena, so he explained to Selena: “We Americans use them and the Soviets to work hard, and we only pay some supplies. Here Obviously there is some unfairness.

However, even if it is unfair, the Afghans have to accept it. After all, we are the only one who provides them with aid and supplies.

At the same time, the Afghans are not stupid, don't they know our plan? Obviously, after almost a year, the current leadership of the resistance forces has already figured out these issues, and it is clear that we are just using them.

So how can they be grateful to us and be kind to us from the heart?

In fact, both of us are just using each other. In the distant future, it may not be necessary for us to turn our heads into enemies, but I guarantee that in this situation, the things you worry about will never happen. "

Speaking of this, Kim Hyun Tae paused for a moment, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

After a while, Kim Hyun-tae opened his mouth and continued to say to Selena: “So put some eyeliner to monitor us. In fact, this is understandable. After all, the heart of defense is indispensable.”

Does Kim Hyun Tae make no sense?

At least Selena thinks it makes sense.

But it makes sense, and she feels uncomfortable with it anyway.

Therefore, Selena said to Kim Hyun-tae: "Although you said that they have no malicious intentions, I will still do a good job of safety. I don't want any accidents here."

Kim Hyun Tae nodded, he also agreed with Selena's idea.

The heart of harm is not allowed, but the heart of letting others cannot be without!

This is the most logical saying left by the ancestors of China.

"You are right. You need to strengthen security matters. I am also very worried that in this stressful environment, there will be some traitors in the Afghan resistance organization, which will sell us to the Soviets at that time."

Kim Hyun-tae was not unconcerned about this matter.

People have weaknesses!

Not all Afghans are tough guys.

Faced with the temptation of survival and sufficient interest ~lightnovelpub.net~ Who can guarantee that it is really that firm.

Especially the situation and situation in Afghanistan are very bad now. Therefore, some people feel that they cannot see tomorrow and desperately join the Soviets.

According to the intelligence provided by the CIA before coming, the Soviets had already begun to prepare for the establishment of a puppet regime in Afghanistan, and many people had already begun to rely on the Soviets and were very active in working for the Soviets.

It also includes many people in the middle and senior positions of the original resistance organization.

Therefore, it is really hard to say what Jin Xiantai was thinking about.

Seeing that Kim Hyun-tae agreed with her, Selena suddenly burst into a bright smile.

Xu is a girl who is happy because of Kim Hyun Tae's approval.

"Don't worry, my main task is to ensure your safety. This is why Director Jonathan asked Fury to ask me to continue to follow you. I can see that they still care about you, but I don't understand why Jonathan is like this. Concerned about you, is he an old glass?"

Selena and Kim Hyun Tae, who were in a good mood, made a joke.

Kim Hyun Tae smiled and shook his head, then raised his eyes and thought about the stretch of the valley: "Of course they care about me because I have value. If I have no value, do you think they will care about my safety?"

After thinking about it, Selena felt reasonable, and nodded: "You are indeed valuable, and you are also very rich. Have you paid a bribe?"

Hearing that, because of Selena’s words, Jin Xiantai suddenly thought of Frankstein and Andrew and asked the old George to give Jonathan the price, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

What surprised Kim Hyun-tae even more was that according to the old George’s message to himself, people like Jonathan actually agreed to accept the rebate offer. This is really Tema’s...