Rising America

Chapter 860: Heavenly King Covers the Tiger

French Concession

Huaxi Building

Annie and her party chose this Chinese-style restaurant as a place for lunch. August 1 Chinese ≥=

As for the previous episode of touching porcelain, no one took it seriously.

Even if Laipiasi said cruel words before being released, they were not taken seriously.

Green Gang?

Ha ha!

Eat, drink, and what can the mere gang do.

If even this time and space gang were to be afraid, then what time travel did Andrew and the others do, and how did Annie carry out her plan.

You know, once Annie's plan is implemented, the forces that will be faced are much more brutal than the youth gangs, and they may even be against a country.

I packed a three-chapter table and ordered a lot of signature dishes. Unfortunately, this shop only sells the gang (Shanghai cuisine). There is no Northeastern cuisine that Annie likes. This makes her a little bit disappointed.

Soon, the dishes began to be served on the table, and everyone began to eat as the dishes were on the table.

Annie and the others are sitting on the second floor, and they can admire the view of Shanghai’s old streets outside. While eating exquisite local dishes, they admire the streets with the charm of the special era. It is very unspeakable.

Such an environment and flavor is absolutely powerful for petty bourgeoisie.

But for a woman like Annie, it just makes her look fresh.

After all, it is different from the busy steel jungle city.

Coco was ‘offensive’ against a cage of Xiao Long Bao Tang Bao, and he was eating happily.

Pietro was eating hairy crabs, and the juice made him look.

Kaila and Wanda are very interested in braised pork.

‘Stand on! ’

A rush of footsteps sounded, and then a group of people wearing black undershirts with a fierce face holding axe walked up to the second floor. The head of the group was with an iron ball in his hand, and his face looked uncomfortable. A big fat man who weighs at least 2oo catties.

After these people walked up to the second floor, their eyes were locked in the direction where Annie and her party were.

And behind this big fat man, followed by an acquaintance.

It was the Laipia Si who was known as a disciple of the Cyan Gang who had dozens of big mouths drawn by Andrew.

At this moment, Ah Si’s face was extremely swollen, and it was obvious that Andrew’s big mouth was drawn not lightly. His eyes released vicious eyes, staring at Andrew who had just started twitching his mouth, and then in the big fat ear. Bian whispered something.

Then the fat man's yin-yin eyes turned around, and he stared at everyone fiercely.

But when the fat man stared over and saw Annie, his small eyes burst into a stunning look, and then he put out his tongue and licked his lips very wretchedly, which made people feel sick after seeing it.

Right now the fat man brought people over, and the subordinates holding the axe were bluffing along the way, and even drove away the original dining guests.

Of course, not so much that the guests were driven away, it was not that they were scared away.

When he came to the front, the big fat paper smiled and said without a smile: "Is it because everyone embarrassed me before?" He took a stool on the side and sat down. It was more than a pie. Be arrogant.

Tius put down his chopsticks and stood up, walked to stand in front of the big fat paper, reached out and took the iron ball he was playing with under the shocked eyes of the fat man, and then he applied force... the iron ball was given by Tius. Squeezed into a small iron tuo.


Tius didn't use his full strength. If he used his full strength, the iron ball would have turned into powder. Obviously he didn't want to waste his strength on such a person.

In Tius's opinion, doing this by himself can already make the other side retreat.


The pupils of the big fat man shrank.

He could see that the people that Laipiasi offended were obviously not ordinary people.

Maybe it's those foreigners who have special power.

But even if these foreigners are not simple, so what?

This is Shanghai!

This is where the Green Gang has the final say.

Even the strong ones among the foreigners, in the boundary of the Shanghai Youth Gang, they must be honest and obey the rules.

So this big foreigner, playing this trick in front of him is too a bit pediatric.

You know, I am not Laipiasi.

The big fat man smiled, his smile was brilliant.

Because he smiled, the flesh on his face suddenly piled up, but it also made him look a lot more vicious, without a bit of kindness.

Those who are familiar with Fatty must know that Fatty is about to do this.

Usually when he wants to kill someone, he will smile like this.

It can be said that anyone who has seen a smile like Fatty is already dead.

"Good strength, you foreigners will do this trick, thinking that with this kind of power, you can go wild, but you know how to use the power to reach the extreme. This is what we Orientals are much stronger than you. Up."

The big fat paper sitting in the chair smiled and raised his right hand, and extended his index finger, then seemed to slowly point to Tius' lower abdomen.

Faced with the pointed finger, Tius didn't take it seriously.

In his opinion, this seems to have no sense of power, and what danger can a lethal finger bring to him.

How could this ordinary human being in front of me hurt me?

Even though he has been defeated by the Nordic gods, he is a demigod.

So Tius didn't dodge, letting the fat man in front of him poke his belly, and he wanted to see what he could give birth to.


Do you look down on my skill at the Eagle Claw Gate?

The big fat man didn't dodge when he saw the other party. He sneered in his heart and decided to give the other party a bit of power to let him know what pain is.


This finger pricked Tius' lower abdomen, producing a sound of metal humming.

The imaginary scene of the foreigner wailing in pain did not appear, but the big fat man’s finger was broken.

Fatty was also a character. Although his fingers were broken, he was stunned that he was able to withstand the intense pain. Even with cold sweat on his forehead, he could still maintain a fierce appearance.

Alas, it's really hard for this fat man.

You know, ten fingers connected to the heart, even one finger is very painful.

"Practicing Kungfu horizontally? No wonder you dare to be so confident, so please report your name so that I can help..."

The fat man is now tantamount to having a somersault, and he can see that the guard has suffered a loss at a glance, so he has to quickly say something about it and get some information about the other party's heels and feet.

Only in this way can it be convenient to find places in the future.

As for continuing to do something, Fatty no longer has such an idea. He has suffered a lot from a guard here, and he is obviously not the opponent of these people.

If you continue to come sideways, then you are going to die.

Although the members of the Green Gang are horizontal, they do not say that they have no brains.

Especially for a small boss with a status like Fatty, he is not a fool even if he can get this status.

Tius grinned and did not respond, but waited for Annie's signal.

And Annie didn't mean to care about the fat man at all. She continued to look at the streets outside, admiring the streets of old Shanghai, sipping Huadiao wine in small mouths.

But Andrew whispered to Coco who ate Xiaolong Tangbao: "Miss, the Green Gang is dedicated to Guan Erye. If you accept these guys and let them convert to you, then you can have a place to collect sources of faith. ."

I don’t know why Andrew made such a wonderful suggestion.

The Qinggang believes in Guan Erye because Guan Erye represents loyalty and loyalty. But if it believes in Cocoa, what could it represent?

bad boy? naughty? Still funny and weird?

Oh my goodness!

I really don't know what Andrew thinks.

Although this suggestion sounds weird, the bear child is tempted.

Pietro turned his head to look at Coco, with a very agreeable expression on Cocoa and said: "These guys are not good at first sight. They seem to be members of the local gang. If we can subdue these guys, this is a good idea. A cool thing."

For children, it's cool and dazzling, enough to make them make many decisions.

So Coco nodded: "You are right, it is really cool to subdue a gang organization. But how can I make them believe in me?"

Pietro didn't know how to answer this question, but Andrew smiled mysteriously and asked Coco: "Miss, what kind of ability can your underworld domain provide believers? I think since there is a need for faith, Then it is certainly not possible for believers without a little benefit."

Andrew's question reminded the little guy.

To be honest, Coco has never paid too much attention to this aspect.

Since he inherited the Hades godhead and was obliterated by the mysterious power of Hades's consciousness, Coco has not carefully explored all the information left in the Hades godhead at all.

Therefore, when Andrew asked, Coco remembered this matter.

"Wait until I check the knowledge left by the Godhead. Haven't I read and studied it carefully?"

Coco quickly told Andrew the truth.

After hearing Coco's answer, Andrew's mouth twitched.

Oops, it's worthy of her own wonderful lady, who is so indifferent after inheriting the godhead.

Pitro was also speechless to the extreme, turning his head and attacking the hairy crabs again.

Soon, Coco raised his head with a weird expression, and at the same time a confident expression on his small face, he looked arrogant and a bit pretentious...

At this time, it happened that the big fat man was asking the ‘threshold’, and then he shouted at the big fat man: “The king of heaven covers the tiger!”

Coco's voice, this sentence, the big fat man who suddenly shouted was shocked?


From the north?

Immediately, the big fat man's eyes rolled, and he quickly glanced at everyone.

Then there was a judgment in my heart, thinking that Annie and others might come from the northern bear country.

With this judgment, the big fat man stopped being wordy, he stood up and clasped his fists: "Tomorrow at noon, Public Concession No. 18 is waiting for you."

Then the fat man asked again: "Today is the expert who said that my gang is a fart?"

Standing behind Coco~lightnovelpub.net~ A pair of Andrew, dressed as a dog-legged butler of this period in China, smiled, bowed and replied trivially: "It's me."

An old foreigner wore such a suit, this dress is really... the corners of the fat man's mouth twitched.

"You have a kind, see you tomorrow."

Andrew nodded and bowed, how wretched and wretched he was, and the smile on his face was mean.

"Good drops, good drops, see or leave, prepare more delicious drops."

The big fat guy thinks Andrew is a silly brain.

When the big fat man left with his subordinates, Coco turned his head and said to Andrew: "I just checked and it seems that if you believe in me, those believers can get a terrifying aura blessing, and at the same time, the strength and physical defense will be small. The increase in magnitude is just a short period of time for holdings."

After listening to Cocoa said these things, Andrew put away that wretched appearance, and kindly smiled ridiculously: "This is enough, miss." (To be continued.)