Rising America

Chapter 871: The truth about capacity gains

When Coco made a decision, Hong Tianyang and others saw Coco. ≈

And the next thing became much simpler, because they were'brainwashed', and Hong Tianyang added that they really believed in the so-called'history of the underworld' and'the gossip of the immortal world', so they were very unhappy with Coco I believe in my identity.

After all, everything in the realm of the underworld has given them too much shock, and it may also be ‘fake’!

At least Hong Tianyang felt that such things could not be faked.

It's no wonder that Hong Tianyang and the others think so. After all, they are in a certain time and space in the 1911 era, and the technology in this era is indeed not very good, and they do not have much insight.

Speaking of their experience, even if they are changed to a 21st reality, people who have received modern education, and have extensive knowledge, they are not necessarily better than them.

After all, it can only be said that what Coco and the others have is too abnormal #.

Therefore, when Coco asked Hong Tianyang whether they could believe in her as the only **** of faith, Hong Tianyang agreed with them without even thinking about it.

Of course, before letting them believe in themselves, Coco told Hong Tianyang some of the benefits they can get by believing in themselves.

You see, you don’t have to go to the eighteenth level of **** and suffer, but you can still have the daughter of a primitive demon as a backer, and after you believe in this little girl, you can go back to the sun. That is to wait until the end of life to return to this place. , But because you are a believer in the governor of the underworld, you don’t have to suffer, maybe you can vote for a good family when you reborn.

So how could Hong Tian raise them not to agree?

Of course, the situation is better than people, if they don't agree, God knows what will happen to them.

Everyone in these youth gangs is better than monkeys, and it is impossible to even see this problem.

So, when Coco said the good and the bad, Hong Tian raised them immediately and made the ‘right’ choice.

They had long forgotten about the second brother Guan, and later they believed in the ‘coco god’.

As for the statue enshrining a little girl in the future, will it be a joke after being seen by outsiders? Hong Tianyang and the others have never considered this question.

Even Hong Tian raised this guy, and said that'Coco God' doesn't sound very domineering and mighty, so that Coco can think of a resounding name, which is very appreciated by Coco, and then let Andrew reward him with a so-called'Leopard' Ti Yijin pills' eat.

And after eating the so-called "Leopard Tire Yijin Pills" made from waste products of genetic medicine, Hong Tianyang made a breakthrough in his golden bell jar skills, which he hadn’t broken through until he was old. This really made him very personal. It was an accident, but at the same time ecstatic.

At the same time, it also made the envious jealous of the youth gang.

You know, although Hong Tianyang has not yet reached the realm of refining the gods and reversing the emptiness, and has not broken through the Rendu two channels, which is the top level of the second-rate in the arena, he can still be called the name.

But now he actually broke through the two lines of Ren and Du, reached the level of innate, and ranked among the top masters. To be honest, it is really enviable.

More importantly, after breaking through the Ren Du Meridian and reaching the innate realm, Hong Tianyang's life span can also be greatly improved. At least another twenty to thirty years will be no problem at all.

So how could it not be enviable.

People, they all hope that they can live longer, especially those who have a high status in the youth gang and have a wealth of money in the family, so they will think so.

Regarding this, Hong Tianyang and the other youth gangs all believed that it was the effect of the domineering pill given by Cocoa, and they became more determined and determined to follow Cocoa.

In fact, they didn't even know it, but the so-called "Leopard Tire Yijin Pill" in Cocoa's mouth was not as powerful as Hong Tianyang thought it was. It was just that such an effect appeared, which was beyond Andrew's expectations.

But anyway, it turned out to be very happy.

And after some discussion, Coco officially got the nickname "Little Aunt Grandma", and after everyone returned to the Yang room, the scene at the beginning appeared.

After about a month of preparations, Coco officially took over the Qinggang, and at the same time became the only **** believed by the Qinggang.

It's just that the Cyan Gang didn't believe in the second brother Guaguan, and changed their belief in something about ‘Grandma Aunt’, which really made many people and forces laugh out loud.

I have never heard of any primitive demon.


A little girl who is less than three years old is actually the master of the underworld?

Hahahahaha! You are not making an international joke with me, this is not funny at all!

Those people in the Qing Gang have had water in their heads, or else they have taken the wrong medicine, otherwise how can they explain it!

Brothers, the members of the Qinggang are all stupid. Now is a good opportunity for us to enter Shanghai. Let us defeat the Qinggang and take over Shanghai!

There are jokes from the gang!

It's said that the people of the Qinggang are brain-stricken!

Some people even feel that the members of the Qinggang have become fools, and they are greeted by Shanghai, a place of drunken beauty in the colorful world, and they have begun to clashed with the Qinggang, leading to various violent incidents in Shanghai.

And every time the street youth gang disciples fight with other forces, people can often see a very strange scene and listen to those youth gang disciples shouting some slogans that make people laugh.

For example, "Kill! Auntie grandma bless me!" "Kill them for me, and believe that Auntie grandma will be resurrected on the spot!" "Auntie grandma will give me strength!" These words are similar to the words of the second man in the blood.

Therefore, when the Green Gang is fighting with other forces, it can always attract a large number of Shanghai citizens to gather, stand on the side and kowtow with melon seeds to watch the excitement, as if they are enjoying a brain damage show.

However, all Shanghai residents who have watched the so-called brain damage show suddenly realized that the slogan of the Qinggang disciples was not as simple as shouting, but it was really effective.

This situation suddenly spread among the people of Shanghai.

After all, those scenes were too magical, and too unimaginable.

But no one who has seen those scenes is not attracted.

For example, in the French Concession, when the Qing Gang disciples and the Axe Gang rushed, the number of Qing Gang disciples tended to be inferior. At the beginning, a large area was cut down by the Axe Gang, and it was not long before the entire army was wiped out.

But at this moment, I don’t know who suddenly yelled: "Sister-in-law, grandma, give me strength!"

Immediately, a thick black mist enveloped the green gang disciple. In the next second, the green gang disciple’s eyes shimmered like chicken blood, and his body became much stronger than before, like The madman recoiled the axe gang.

What is even more shocking is that the situation of the Green Gang, which was at a disadvantage and about to be wiped out, was reversed by this guy alone.

The axe helped hundreds of swordsmen, and was rushed by one person.

When I saw this companion show off his power, the other Qinggang disciples also followed suit. The end result was that the Axe Gang was defeated, and the defeat was miserable.

And when the rally was over, the onlookers even discovered that the disciples of the Green Gang who had been chopped down by the Axe Gang had become vigorous one by one, and the injuries on their bodies disappeared without a trace. It seems that he was not injured at all before.


This is amazing now!

Therefore, after word of mouth by these onlookers, it spread throughout Shanghai in a short time.

Even the "grandmother sister-in-law" began to be known.

It’s just that people still don’t know exactly what sacred "Little Aunt Grandma" is. Only a few forces and organizations outside the Qing Gang understand that "Little Aunt Grandma" is the daughter of a "primitive demon".

But for those who believe in this matter, no one in the outside world believes it at all except those in the Youth Gang.

So here comes the problem.

After believing in cocoa, how can the members of the Qing Gang really be blessed?

Is it possible to believe in cocoa, and really get strength from her?

The answer is of course ‘not right’.

Shanghai, the French Concession, and the back garden of the Qingbang headquarters have now become Coco's private residences.

When there was a lot of fighting all over Shanghai, and the youth elders went out to sit in town, Coco's small life was very moist, and the outside affairs did not affect her at all.

At this time, Andrew accompanied Coco in the sun in the back garden, Pietro and his sister Wanda were playing badminton, Kayla was sitting on the grass looking through the book, and Ensha, as a maid, stood respectfully beside Coco. , Ready to serve Cocoa at any time.

Annie and Old Nord were not seen, because she and Old Nord went to the United States in this time and space to prepare for her mineral resource plan.

Because there are a few bear kids with Ensha and Andrew with Coco, Annie doesn't have to worry about anything, so she can go to America in this time and space with confidence.

Coco wore a small dress from this era, and replaced the eastern jacket he wore before. He dressed up as cute as a doll and wore a pair of small leather shoes on his feet.

It's just that her dress has been changed, and her style is similar to the dark gothic style, and she also painted a very strong gothic makeup, which makes people of this era think it is different.

The dark gothic dress is pure black ~lightnovelpub.net~ The small leather shoes on the feet are also pure black, coupled with her gothic smoky makeup, saying that she is the daughter of the original **** No one will believe it.

Putting down the squeezed juice in his hand, he turned his head ridiculously and said to Andrew: "Just now there are 8oo faith points, but in order to bless those people, I spent another 18 faith points."

Andrew responded with a smile when he heard the words: "Miss, don't pay too much attention to these. After all, there are 782 points of faith."

Coco nodded: "You are right, anyway, I'm not at a loss. These guys are so innocent. They thought they were so powerful after believing in me. They didn't even know that they were actually consuming their own vitality."

Andrew smiled brighter: "Miss don't need to pity them, these guys are not good people in the first place, and now they can provide them with points of faith, in my opinion, it is tantamount to using waste."

Cocoa Rinse took a sip of the juice, and then said to Andrew: "I am not pitying them, I am just a pity that they provide too few points of faith, you must know that expanding the area of ​​the underworld by one square kilometer, but it will cost 1 ooooo Some faith." (To be continued.)