Rising America

Chapter 872: Coco's Mystery Shop

Coco inherited from one of the three major gods of Olympus in the myths and legends, and Hades’s underworld domain, which is in charge of the homeland of the dead, is correct, but this domain is very small. The underworld described is completely different. ?August 1 Chinese ≤

When he first inherited the realm of the underworld, Coco brought Andrew, Annie, and his father there. At that time, the underworld was deserted and there was nothing but the eternal loneliness.

And after Andrew's inspection, it was found that the Hades was actually only ten square kilometers in area, which was far from the endless endlessness in myths and legends.

What is even more strange is that if you want to expand the area of ​​the Hades, you have to use belief points!

Well, this explains why ‘gods’ need believers in the past.

Therefore, Coco, who inherited the Godhead of Hades, now wants to expand the realm of the underworld, so she has to start looking for believers to believe in and provide faith for herself.

But this matter is full of weirdness and mystery.

Where is the place to sell ‘items’ with belief points?

What kind of existence is there to sell such things?

For all this, Andrew was very curious, and gave birth to a heart of inquiry.

Only Cocoa doesn't think so much.

"Miss, have you thought about it, where will those faith points go in the end?"

Andrew tentatively asked Coco, intending to learn something from Coco.

After all, that weird place where you can buy things using belief points can only be touched and seen by Coco, and Andrew can't even notice the existence of the ‘other’.

So, Andrew can only inquire from Coco.

Coco took a sip of the juice, then put down the cup, looked at Andrew and said, "Giving to the small shop is the same as paying for things, except that the small shop collects points of faith, not us. You don’t even need gold jewelry for the usual banknotes."


A message appeared.


Andrew's eyes flickered.

"Miss, what is the small shop you are talking about? Why can't I see it?"

Andrew asked.

Coco shrugged and said, "Where do I know? Anyway, I can see it, and I can also go in for shopping. As for why you can't see it, I don't know."

This is equivalent to saying nothing.

But Andrew was not discouraged and continued to ask Coco: "Then miss, tell me, what can I buy in that [small shop]?"

Cocoa is still very easy, at least this is not difficult for Andrew.

After all, Coco is a child, so it's easy to deal with it.

Sure enough, Coco didn’t think too much, and he answered Andrew directly: “Wow, there are many things for sale, but I also need a lot of credits. Of course, not all goods are expensive, such as some food that I have not eaten. They are very cheap, like fried monkey brains..."

When he said this, Coco paused, then mysteriously lowered his voice: "That monkey has a mark on his brain, saying it's Monkey King."

The taste of cocoa is very heavy. She dared to eat other children who were afraid to eat. God knows if cocoa can eat everything except not being able to eat people.

Andrew's eyelids twitched.

Coco continued to say to Andrew: "There are also Zhu Bajie's ears, which are marinated in brine. I bought one and tasted it. Well, it tastes very good."

Coco clicked his mouth when he finished speaking, and an endless aftertaste appeared on his face. Andrew really didn't know what to say.

"Miss, let's not say whether these foods are good or not, you can open my eyes by telling me some other products."

The little guy always talks about the food bought by the mysterious shop, which makes Andrew spit in his heart.

Moreover, according to Coco's statement, the food sold in that mysterious shop does not seem to be serious. After all, it looks like Monkey King's brain and Zhu Bajie's ears. This is too weird, isn't it?

Will the serious store sell these!

Will it be sold!

Cocoa said that his face strained and he became very unhappy.

"I didn't look at other products, I like to look at food products. Isn't it okay to like to eat? Why do you want to say that to me? Be careful I go back and tell my father that he will not pay you!

Obviously Coco was unhappy because of Andrew's words, so the little guy threatened Andrew.

Faced with the threat of Cocoa, Andrew was a little bit dumbfounded.

And he still can't have general knowledge with Cocoa.

Therefore, he had no choice but to comfort Coco: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I said the wrong thing, miss, you like to eat and there is nothing wrong."

After coaxing for a while, the unhappy expression on Cocoa's face gradually faded.

The little guy hummed at Andrew, then pouted his mouth and rolled his eyes. Then he said to Andrew: "I wanted to buy a bowl of white dragon horse meat for you next time, but now I Decided not to buy it for you."


Monkey King’s fried brains, Zhu Bajie’s brine ears, and now there is another ramen of white dragon horse meat. Dare to Journey to the West, these people have become food on the table.

Now I have to send two monks and monks to Tang.

If this is even the two of them, then it will be complete.

Andrew didn't think much about it either. He felt that the mysterious small shop must be a guy who sells dog meat with sheep's head. He just gave some food weird names to fool people, and he didn't take it seriously.

But Xiao Ke Ke is very convinced.

"Let me tell you, Monkey Brain is not delicious, and the taste is still faint. It is far less delicious than Zhubajie's brine ears. The ramen of Bailongma meat is okay, but you have to put some vinegar when you eat..."

Speaking of my own food experience, Coco is really talkative.

Watching Coco speak more and more crookedly, and further and further away from the situation he wanted to inquire, Andrew could only stand in place and listen with a wry smile.

"Miss, is there any food named by Drifting Monk and Tang Monk?"

After listening for a while, Andrew finally couldn't help but asked.

Unexpectedly, Coco nodded unexpectedly.

Yes, she nodded!

Dare to love that mysterious shop, it really sells.

"Yes, Tang Seng bean paste buns and Sha Seng barbecued pork buns are still available in limited quantities."

Andrew looked up at the sky, he wanted to say bad words now.

"Miss, have you met the owner of that small shop?"

In the end, Andrew didn't say foul language, but asked a new question, which diverted Cocoa's attention from food.

Coco shook his head: "I haven't seen it. The small shop sells goods automatically. Choose what you want to buy. The small shop will automatically deduct the points of faith. I think this is very convenient."

The little guy's answer disappointed Andrew.

Originally, I planned to see if there were any flaws in the people who ran this mysterious shop, but I didn't expect that this mysterious shop would be sold automatically by Tema.

Strange shops, weird goods.

This is what Andrew now knows about that shop.

"Miss, miss, you can tell me what else is there besides delicious ones, I am very curious about what else is there."

Andrew continued to ask about the mysterious shop goods.

"Okay, let me tell you that. Why are you so curious about those things." Coco raised his hand to support his forehead, looking very helpless to Andrew, "I don't know there are many products. What is it, but it’s just that the introductions on the products seem to be very powerful, such as Pangu’s mud dirt, Nuwa’s Yue#jing# belt, leftovers from the sky, the second-generation otaku soul..."

Cocoa finally introduced products other than delicious ones.

But why do the names of these products sound weird?

Listening to Coco, he said a lot of the names of the mysterious shops selling goods, and Andrew's mouth kept twitching.

To be honest, for the names of those products, Andrew has been unable to complain.

"Seaman's pants, Xirui's bra #, Skeleton King's cloak, Calabash Brothers headdress..." Cocoa was a little thirsty after talking too much, so she finally stopped and took a squeeze of juice on her side. He took a big mouth and took a big breath and took a break.

"There are many more. I may not be able to finish it in a few days. Do you want to listen?"

After putting down the juice, Coco looked up at Andrew and asked.

The little guy didn't talk nonsense at all. The mysterious shop that only she can enter is indeed sold with countless strange goods. Even the inside of the mysterious shop seems to be endless and endless.

Imagine how many commodities are sold in such shops.

After all, Andrew is not a cocoa, he hasn't and couldn't enter that shop, so how can he understand this?

"Forget it, miss, I don't want to listen."

I don’t know if it was bought by the strange goods in the mysterious shop~lightnovelpub.net~ Andrew, who originally wanted to inquire about relevant information, is really out of mood now.

Coco shrugged indifferently, and said: "Next time I have the opportunity, I will get you some cheap and good things back. Last time I saw something called [Liu Bei's Tears]. The product introduction says This is a great thing, but the price is very cheap as long as it is a point of faith, so I plan to get it back and play with it."

Hehe, tears of Liu Bei!

I'm still shouting from Zhang Fei!

Andrew spit about the brand name mentioned by Coco in his heart.

But he can get Coco's kindness, after all, Coco is kind, he can't chill the little guy's heart.

"Then I would like to thank the lady in advance. When you buy that [Liu Bei's tears] back, you must open your eyes to me." At the same time, Andrew thought in his heart [After the lady bought the product, I can It has to be used for research and research, and maybe you can see from it that nothing is necessarily... (To be continued.)