Rising America

Chapter 873: The Wonders of One Thousand and Eleven

The situation in Shanghai is weird and has become a battlefield for the major black forces. Bayi Chinese=≠=≤=≤≥=≤

Because I heard that the Green Gang has now sunk to the west, the news caused all parties to be eager to take this opportunity to invade the colorful world of Shanghai Beach.

And such a move inevitably caused a strong counterattack from the Green Gang.

So for a while, street fights were seen everywhere in Shanghai, and the people of Shanghai were panicked.

However, in the face of the challenges of various forces, the Green Gang has exploded with stronger combat effectiveness than before, and some very unimaginable phenomena.

In the past, it was not without power to challenge the status of the Qing Gang in Shanghai.

There was once a big force fighting against the Qinggang. It was even difficult to get a foothold in Shanghai. The scene at that time was also very big, but the Qinggang has not yet performed so that it makes people feel that it’s a titanium alloy. Dog eyes'.

Where is it like this time, every time I fight with people, I will behave so strangely and chant ridiculous slogans.

What is even more surprising is that after shouting the funny slogan that makes people endure the laughter, the Qinggang disciples have greatly improved their combat effectiveness, which is really confusing and puzzling. thing.

This is simply more effective than taking "Dali Pill"!

At the same time, as the Qinggang disciples must call the name "Little Aunt Grandma" before they stand, the "Little Aunt Grandma" spreads out following the fight between the Qing Gang and the major forces.

After meeting the members of various force organizations in Shanghai, they must ask the last sentence, "Who is Granny Aunt?" or "Have you seen Granny Aunt?"

The disciples of the Youth Gang are even more laughable. After meeting the members, they all have to say "Grandma, my sister, bless you, the weather is really good today." "Grandma, my sister, bless you to be healthy. Yesterday, the great power of XX will fight against the **** forces...", this The scene and the way of saying hello are simply unbearable.

Such news naturally reached Cocoa's ears.

If Cocoa were an adult, she might be a little unacceptable to such a thing, but she is a little kid with a very strange thinking, so she can say this separately.





None of the above reactions, but Coco feels that he is cool now.

That's right, it's cool!

When I thought that the disciples of the Youth Clan would chant their ‘Granny Aunt’ before fighting with others, not only didn’t feel embarrassed, but felt that it was so cool.

All the children in the world will not be ‘cool’ like themselves, they are unique.

Although she is no longer in the arena, there are already her legends in the arena.

Isn't this a cool thing?

Anyway, Cocoa and his friends thought this thing was very dazzling, no one thought it was very funny.


This is the thinking of bear children, completely different from adults.

The headquarters of the Qinggang has now become Coco's private residence, and the young and old people have moved the headquarters to a western-style building next to the newly bought Haru Bank.

According to Coco's words, [the green gang must keep up with the times and must take the route of being tall, not always like this, and you will have to wear a suit and tie when you go out], which completely imitates the style of modern transformation underworld.

However, Coco lived a leisurely life for a while. The turmoil on the rivers and lakes and the chaotic underworld situation in Shanghai seemed to have nothing to do with her.

Counting how many faith points are earned every day, and calculating when he can save enough to buy faith points to expand the realm of the underworld, Xiao Keke feels that his life is very fulfilling.

As for the gang and other forces fighting for life and death, she didn't care much.

Perhaps in the eyes of Coco, the natives classified by Andrew as the o1 plane are all like those in online games; anyway, the mind of a kid is unpredictable to most people.

Especially the mind of a kid who is less than three years old, even if the gods come, they can't see through.

Gothic style black lace dress, specially painted gothic smokey makeup, dressed up in a European and American non-mainstream appearance, Coco took a group of attendants out, she was going to go shopping.

To be honest, this costume of Coco seemed so different and weird in the 1911 era. In short, walking on the street made pedestrians look at it, even if foreigners saw it, they couldn't stand it.

My mommy!

Where is the monster that came out!

Coco didn't care about the gazes of others at all. Instead, he raised his small face and walked proudly on the streets of old Shanghai in 1911, looking like no one else.

Behind her followed Pitrowanda sister and brother, Krypton girl Kayla, and Andrew, the butler in a robe and jacket and even a melon hat.

And there are more than one hundred liquid metal robots guarding the mighty.

And these liquid technology robots are all affixed with the bionic appearance and skin of the oriental appearance, and one by one is fierce. They are all wearing black singlets, bloomers, and walking clothes, and they are all in the middle of the head. , The dressing of traitors and doglegs throughout the First Anti-Japanese Period...

Therefore, when Cocoa took to the streets, it was like a big boy going out.

Andrew still carries a birdcage in his hand, but what he raises in this bird is not a starling, magpie, or golden bird, but a crow...

People laugh at me too crazy, I laugh at others and can't see through.

Anyway, how did Coco and the others come from.

"Go away, walk away, walk so slowly to die!"

"What do you look at, what is good, I want to be beaten!"

The oriental-looking liquid metal robots perfectly performed the role of doglegs, shouting and shouting on the street.

Andrew was carrying the small cage where the crows were raised, and following Coco step by step, his face was triumphant and wicked.

To tell the truth, Andrew would be blind if he didn't act.

At least judging from the steward he played, he is still very talented.

Because he played with this dog-legged butler, it really makes people feel awkward.

"Miss, you were very successful in acting as a bully today. You see those people are about to be scared to death." The pedestrians on the street, regardless of Huayang, were all scared away by the liquid metal robots.

At this time, Andrew speeded up his pace, came to Coco's side, lowered his head and said to Coco in a low voice.

I was dressed in a modern European and American non-mainstream outfit, with a big chest and a cocoa like me, and after listening to such a whispered word by Andrew, my mouth suddenly cracked and laughed.

"Really? Hahahaha, have a lot of fun."

Andrew was in a good mood when he saw Coco, and suggested: "But miss, your bully is not in place, after all, the real bully always bullies men and women, and you just scare and scare people. This is a bit..."

But Coco raised his little hand and shook it, and said to Andrew: "I'm not a real bully. I just want to play Erbao to play a prank. Besides, I'm a girl again. What do you do to bully boys and girls?"

The little girl didn't really want to be a bully, she just stayed boring at home, so she came out to scare people into pranks, but she didn't really want to be a bully girl.

Therefore, for Andrew's suggestion, Cocoa did not accept it.


What is good about being a real bully, Coco wouldn't do that.

At best, she just played a prank.

After all, she is not a real bad boy.

"Boss, let me be a bully. I'm very interested in bullying men and women." Before Coco's words came, he was wearing a Japanese kimono and carrying a samurai sword and Pitro wore a blindfold. I recommended it.

By the way, why did Pietro wear a Japanese kimono and carry a samurai sword?

This matter has to mention Cocoa.

Because it was Coco's whim.

I'm not mainstream anymore, so how can Pietro, Wanda and Kayla, who are my friends and subordinates, be special.

After all, they have to cooperate with themselves, right?

Therefore, at Coco's request, Pietro changed into a Japanese kimono, and he also carried a katana, dressed as a Toyo no samurai.

Well, wild samurai, this is what Coco said.

But the question is, is there any golden-eyed wild samurai in Japan?

And Pietro’s sister Wanda was also stunned by Coco, and like her younger brother, she put on a different outfit. She wore a cat ear headdress and a short maid costume as Coco requested, becoming a cat ear. Maid.

The little Krypton girl was made into a German-like military uniform by Coco, and she played the so-called ship mother of Cocoa.

Nowadays, the God of Apocalypse, the Maid of Coco, did not receive this ‘special honor’, and she was still wearing that little Eastern maid’s jacket. Ensha was very unhappy about this.

In short, Coco and her friends are almost like playing cospay1.

I didn't even bother to play like this at all. For people in the 1911 era, is it a bit too different and a bit older?

"You come back to me! What do you think about all day long, do you really want to be a bully?"

Wanda couldn't help but reached out his hand and grabbed his brother's ears, took him back from Coco's side, and constantly yelled at his unscrupulous brother.

Faced with his sister's scolding, Pietro didn't dare to say anything.

Because he is really afraid of his old sister.

"Admiral Kayla, how far are we to the Shanghai department store?"

Glancing at Pietro, after Coco retracted his gaze, he pretended to call out Kayla who played the role of the ship girl.

Kayla quickly walked up from behind Coco, and at the same time dubbed herself "toot toot" in her mouth, then raised her hand to her right eye and made an action as if she was detecting something. It took a while before Coco answered: "Report, there is still fifty meters to the destination."

It can be seen ~lightnovelpub.net~Kayla is very involved in the role.

Coco nodded pretentiously, and then put on a passionate tone: "Ahead of us is the sea of ​​stars and stars we desire. Go ahead, friends, let us take risks!"

Before Kayla could cooperate with Coco, the crow kept in the bird cage in Andrew's hand yelled twice, and then he uttered the authentic Mandarin "Coco boss Wencheng Wude, dominate Galaxy, all men kill. Fall, all the women grab the harem! Boys, let’s take risks, let’s fight hard, let’s run against the sunset, I’m waiting for the diao silk counterattack today, Kouhu! The last youth is poor, one library, one library, Elegant butterfly..."

How can a crow talk?

The reason is simple, because this crow is also an intelligent robot.

It’s just curious, who taught what the crow said?

Following the crow's nonsense, Coco's children all looked at Andrew.

Andrew twisted his body unnaturally. Well, the answer seemed obvious. (To be continued.)