Rising America

Chapter 888: Cocoa will roll

"Hehe, Ensha, is this the routine of using a sickle and axe?"

After receiving the contact from the liquid metal robot, Andrew knew what Ensha wanted to do, so he couldn't help but feel happy. ?? Bayi Zhongwen? W? W? W. 81ZW. COM

But Andrew's attitude towards this matter is very serious and cautious.

Because Andrew knows very well that what Ensha is going to do, if it is done, will be of great help to Miss Coco's faith plan.

But the problem is that doing so will push many middle-level members to the opposite side and become their own enemies.

But Andrew felt that these people had nothing to fear.

On the contrary, what Ensha is going to do, he can fully support.

After all, it can allow the vast number of poor people to unite around the religion and be more religious to their own ladies.

It is especially important to give them land in the name of the religion, so these people will be more pious to the religion in the future, and they have not yet carried out all kinds of resistance to any forces that slander the religion, and consciously defend the religion.

It can be said that using this method is equivalent to binding these poor people and the religion together, and the interests have become a whole.

It goes without saying of the benefits.

Although there will be some minor flaws, this is just a disease of ringworm.

So in a very short time, Andrew made a decision.

That is to let Ensha implement this plan, and Andrew will provide him with strong support, whether it is in human hands or in materials.

With this reply from Andrew, Ensha immediately launched an action.

From this moment on, the landlords and bullies in the surrounding villages and towns of Shanghai have fallen out of blood mold... But the majority of the poor people have reaped the benefits, so the results of Ensha's road have expanded rapidly, far beyond what Pietro did not know. Times.

Coco, far in the French Concession of Shanghai, has no idea about these things outside. The little guy is talking about it all day. It is Yuan Bawang in the north and Sun Yixian in the south. Who will let him come? Become the Supervisor of Shanghai.

That's right, the little guy has been whimsical lately and wants to be a warlord and enjoy it.

The name of a gang’s ‘grand aunt’ is no longer enough to satisfy the little guy. Now the little guy has a higher pursuit.

However, Coco is still not clear. Whether it is Yuan Xiangcheng in the north or Sun Yixian in the south, both sides have appointed the governor of Shanghai, and there is nothing about Coco at all.

So the little guy is having a headache every day about this, but in fact, this is completely wasted.

After Andrew replied to Ensha, he found Coco.

He saw Coco sitting in the courtyard, muttering something with a nagging expression, so he slowed down and walked over quietly.

"Oh! Why didn't Yuan Bawang send anyone? Sun Yixian's people have never been here since they left. I want to be an overseer. I can't tell if they don't send someone. It's a headache."

This little guy's muttering was heard clearly by Andrew.

Seeing the little guy worrying about this, Andrew felt it was necessary for him to tell the little guy something, such as the fact that the Shanghai Warlord had already done so.

The little guy in the province talks about this all day long.

So Andrew walked up to Cocoa, leaned down and said to Cocoa in a low voice: "Miss, it has been rumored that Yuan Xiangcheng has appointed Wu Jiabao as the superintendent of Shanghai.

Sun Yat-sen from the south also appointed Huang Qingwu as the overseer of Shanghai and claimed that he would go to Shanghai to assume power soon.

So, miss you, don't worry about this thing every day, okay? "

what! ?

Ke Ke Hear, who was struggling with words, raised his small face in surprise, and looked at Andrew in surprise.

Obviously, the little guy was surprised by what Andrew told him.

"When did it happen? How come there are people from the Shanghai Overseer? I haven't even been an Overseer yet, so why are there people!

Little Coco suddenly looked like a kitten with its tail stepped on, jumping three feet high on the spot, and his expression was very excited.

Watching Coco ‘jump his feet’ in front of him, it made Andrew feel a little funny.

But at this moment, Andrew didn't dare to laugh out loud, because once he laughed, he would definitely arouse the little guy even more.

"Miss, miss, don't get excited." Andrew squeezed a smile to comfort Coco, hoping to calm the little guy's persuasion.

But the cocoa at this time can still be soothed.

After a few days of entanglement, I was going to accept the appointment of which force to make myself a little fellow of the Shanghai Warlord who was addicted to officials. Suddenly I heard that someone from the Shanghai Warlord had done it. How could this little fellow bear it?

"I want to be the governor of Shanghai! I want to be an officer! I want to wear a military uniform! I want to be an officer!"

What Andrew didn't expect was that Coco actually lay on the ground and started rolling... This was something the little guy had never done before, so Andrew was dumbfounded.

I'll take it!

Miss, what are you doing!

Cocoa was lying on the ground rolling back and forth, his hands and feet were still pulling indiscriminately. In short, the Xiong Jiner of the bear child was presented at this time.

"Miss, get up quickly, the ground is cold and dirty."

Andrew hurried over to help Cocoa.

But how can the little guy give in so easily.

"You don't need your help! I'll be an official! I'll be the governor of Shanghai!"

The dancing of the bear children made it impossible for Andrew to start.

It's just that Andrew didn't notice. The little guy was rolling and watching Andrew's reaction from the corner of his eye.

Obviously, this kind of behavior of the little guy is for some small purpose.

It's a pity that Andrew didn't notice this.

"Miss, you get up first before talking, isn't it the Shanghai Warlord, I promise you, Andrew."

Andrew, who has little experience with children, certainly doesn't know how to deal with the current cocoa noise, so he can only pat his chest to ensure that he will let Coco be the governor of Shanghai, so that Coco will not continue to make such noise.

Sure enough, after hearing Andrew made this promise, Coco no longer rolled all over the floor. Instead, he rolled over and stood up, as if he had never given birth to anything. Andrew opened his mouth. It's big, and his expression is very dull.

"Speaking counts, it's a puppy."

Restored the usual cocoa look like a good girl, walked up to Andrew and reached out to Andrew who was sluggish, and then reminded him not to forget his promise to let himself be the governor of Shanghai.


No wonder people on the earth describe in many books that children are little demons!

I, Andrew, can be considered as an instructor today!

Miss, you are so good!

Andrew twitched the corner of his mouth ugly, he knew he had fallen into Cocoa's calculations.

But even now that he knew he was caught in the trap, Andrew couldn't do anything. Who would let him be caught in the trap of Cocoa.

"Miss, don't worry, I, Andrew, will definitely let you be the Overseer."

Andrew, who was dumbfounded, promised again.

Coco went to sit down on the recliner in the courtyard and asked Andrew: "The North and South have appointments. What can I do?"

Andrew walked up to Coco and placed a small stool next to him under his hips. Then he sat down and responded to Coco: "Strength! As long as we have our own army, then we can be a veritable emperor of Shanghai, regardless of the north and south. There is nothing we can do.

As far as I know, whether Yuan Xiangcheng in the north or Sun Yixian in the south, their power has not yet reached Shanghai, so we still have a chance. "

Sitting on the recliner, Coco spread out his hands and looked at Andrew: "I don't have an army? Only Lao Hong and the gangsters."

The little guy told the truth, where did she come from the army.

Moreover, the more than 1,000 liquid metal robots under Andrew's are too small to form an army. Moreover, a large part of these liquid metal robots have been assigned to carry out the recruitment of believers.

So where do I get people to form an army?

Faced with Coco's inquiry, Andrew confidently responded: "You can have an army! I can use the existing liquid metal robot as a grassroots officer, and then we will recruit troops in the Shanghai area. Are there officers who are afraid that there will be no soldiers?

We have no difficulty in both materials and money.

I have now produced a lot of counterfeit banknotes, and also stored a large amount of gold and silver ore, enough to support us to maintain an army of about 100,000 people. "

"Will there be war?" Coco asked again.

Andrew nodded: "Maybe there will be war. After all, Shanghai Bund is the financial and economic center of this country, so it is a must for both the North and the South.

Once we have an army and call ourselves the Shanghai Supervisor, what we will face is military pressure from both the north and the south.

Maybe even an assassin will attack you, Miss you. "

Andrew combined some information he knew about this time and space and this era, and made a little judgment about Cocoa.

If the average child listens to Andrew's words like this ~lightnovelpub.net~, maybe they will be afraid, and then give up their strange ideas.

But Cocoa is different.

The little guy unexpectedly showed excitement on his little face.

"Oh! There will be assassins?"

Andrew nodded: "There is a 80% chance that the North will not do this, but Sun Yixian in the South is hard to say."


The little guy stood on the recliner, pinched his waist with his hands and laughed.

"That's fun! Butler Andrew, you won't let the assassin hurt me, right?"

Andrew nodded solemnly: "Of course! Miss!"

After receiving Andrew’s response, the little guy jumped off the couch, turned his head and shouted at Andrew: "Then what else do I have to worry about, Andrew Butler, let's start implementing this plan, I will be the Overseer. !" (To be continued.)