Rising America

Chapter 891: Break smoothly

Ensha brought a group of believers into the Zhang family compound. It can be said that it went smoothly, and even said that it did not encounter any obstacles. Bayi? Chinese Web W=W≤W≤. ≠8≤1≠Z≠W≤. ≈C≈O≈M

Originally, there were watchtowers on the periphery of the Zhang family compound, and there were also nursing homes on the watchtowers. It is a pity that these nursing homes were already shocked by the'miracles' displayed by Ensha. Everything they have seen is really beyond their own cognitive category.

Therefore, Ensha took the believers to take advantage of the thunder bombardment of the Zhang family compound, and the prosperous age began to attack. The guards who had been sluggish upstairs did not stop Ensha and the others. After taking the believers into the Zhang family compound smoothly, when these nurses came back to their senses, they were already irretrievable.

"Believers! Revenge for the faithful Li Honshi!"

Hulala led a group of people into the first courtyard, Ensha constantly agitated the believers behind him.

At this time, the entire Zhang family compound has become a mess. The servant girls are scurrying in the corridor, or the whole person is shuddering and hiding in a certain corner, and what is more like It was the house running around like flies, crying for father and mother.

Especially when Ensha rushed into the yard in front of a group of villagers, the servants of the Liushen Wuzhu Zhang family who had been frightened by sudden thunder bombardment suddenly became more panic and uneasy.

Due to the bombardment of the thunderbolt, the exquisite buildings in the Zhang family compound have been damaged a lot. Ensha can clearly see that the rockery in the center of the first courtyard has been bombarded by thunder. The top of the rockery is gone. Part of it became dark.

And the eaves on the left corner is also missing a piece, while the little girls under the porch who look like Zhang's maids are just huddling together, looking at Ensha and the others with anxious and frightened expression, as if they were They are cannibalistic monsters.

"The servants of Zhang's family have their own debts, and the servants of the Zhang family are also from a difficult background. Let's ignore such people. Let's find the Zhang family!"

After Ensha saw the frightened and uneasy maids, he immediately added another sentence to the believers who were already in a state of excitement behind him.

Obviously Ensha did not want to harm the innocent servants of the Zhang family.

And in order to ensure that such problems do not occur, Ensha will also follow her liquid metal robots into several teams, let these liquid metal robots lead a group of believers, and start to arrest Zhang's family in the Zhang family compound.

And as an excuse used by Ensha this time, Li Laoshi has been arranged by Ensha to follow him.

As the ‘fuse’ of the Cult’s attack on the Zhang family compound, Li Laoshi’s role cannot be ignored, because after catching Zhang’s family, Li Laoshi still needs to count the crimes committed by Zhang’s family.

Ensha is not a fool, on the contrary she is very smart.

Because she had been a saint, she was very easy to use this set of beliefs. She even liked to learn and absorb new knowledge. After reading a series of history books in a certain time and space, for example, she learned a lot.

And these things learned are very practical in Ensha's eyes, so Ensha decided to apply these things in this time and space.

And now it seems that the effect is far from expected.

After Ensha arranged the things, the liquid metal robots led the believers into the inner courtyard of the Zhang family compound, while Ensha herself stayed in the first courtyard. Obviously she did not want to participate in the next ones. It's up.

It's nothing more than catching those Zhang family members in the Zhang family compound, and then coming to a public trial.

These little things don't need her to do anything.

At this time, basically the destruction of the Zhang family was already a certainty, and then it was up to Ensha to continue performing.

In this regard, Ensha already has a draft.

At this time, the Zhang Family Courtyard had long no resistance.

Therefore Ensha is very relieved about the next thing.

Not to mention that those believers are led by liquid metal robots. With those liquid metal robots, even if the Zhang Family Courtyard wants to resist, they can't do it.

What's more, with the Zhang family's state at this time, even if they wanted to prevent resistance, they couldn't do it.

Especially those believers who were instigated by Ensha, at this moment they are completely in a state of fanaticism, and believers in this state are obviously the most terrifying, and also the most frightening.

Ensha showed them a ‘miracle’, which made these believers fully believe that the ‘coco god’ believed by the religious sect was a true god, completely different from the gods and fairies he had seen in the past.

Not to mention that Ensha is still fooling them. The "Koko God" everyone believes in now is a **** who controls the underworld, but all his followers can be returned to the underworld of their chief after death, and they can be reborn in the next life. This is the good of others.

For these superstitious villagers, the allure of this article is not small.

Especially Ensha promised that after breaking through the Zhang Family Courtyard and regaining justice for the believers in the teachings, she would even divide the land under the Zhang Family's name.

So how could these believers who followed Ensha not be crazy.

Especially now that the Zhang family obviously has no resistance, like a big girl who has been stripped naked, completely picked by Ren Jun.

The Zhang family’s reputation has always been bad, and it has always been to oppress the local people and plunder the villagers’ land, and some of them are ruined.

Since there is such a chance for revenge today!

You said how much energy these believers will explode.

Especially these believers are not afraid of death!

Because you can go to the underworld even if you die, and the gods you believe in are still in charge of the underworld, you are considered to be a member of the line, so there will certainly be a little benefit.

So the power that these believers can explode is quite terrifying.

A large group of people rushed into the inner courtyard, and Ensha took a few liquid metal robots who also wore Taoist robes and wore the name of'priest', and wandered around in the courtyard where she was. .

It is hard to imagine that Ensha is still wandering around and admiring the interior architecture and decoration of the Zhang Family Courtyard.

But thinking about it is understandable.

For a person like Ensha, she certainly has the confidence to be so calm.

After all, for the earth people in this world of time and space, a mutant like Ensha is really too powerful.

The Zhang Family Courtyard building is very luxurious, after all, there is money.

It's just that the source of the Zhang family's wealth is obtained through clever, so it is not so glorious to say it.

The entire Zhang Family Courtyard occupies a large area, and the style is a typical Jiangnan style pattern, which is very different from the northern courtyard. At the same time, there are various buildings, rockeries, and small ponds in the courtyard. Not small.

Ensha just wandered around in one of the yards and was already shocked by the luxury of the yard.

Although Ensha is not someone who has never seen the world, and has been a saint in the past, she was in an era, because of technology and various reasons, it was impossible to make such a luxurious building.

At the same time, Ensha has not been exposed to Eastern culture, so she is an ancient Egyptian.

Therefore, when Ensha visited one of the courtyards of the Zhang Family Courtyard, it was not surprising that she was shocked by this typical Jiangnan style luxury manor.

Regardless of the time and space in Ensha's eyes, the people in the 1911s are very local, but in some respects she is not a local.

In her memory, Egyptian buildings are all in that silly, big, and crude style. They are completely different from the Jiangnan style and extremely luxurious mansion that she is currently in. The difference is not even the slightest.

If Ensha chooses herself, Ensha will choose Zhang Family Courtyard as her residence without hesitation. There is no doubt about this.

[Oriental people will really enjoy it. Compared with them, I used to live as a dog. 】

After strolling around, Ensha repeatedly felt emotion in her heart.

It’s no wonder Ensha feels so emotional. It’s really because the Zhang Family Courtyard was built too luxuriously. After all, the Zhang Family Courtyard has passed through several generations of the Zhang family, and it took almost a hundred years to slowly build. The current scale.

And after almost a hundred years of precipitation (predation), it is no longer necessary to imagine how brilliant the Zhang Family Courtyard will be.

The local people's balm in Changshu is basically stored in the Zhang family compound. This alone shows how rich the Zhang family is.

As for the tens of thousands of fertile fields, it is only a small part of the wealth for the Zhang family.

"All the old and young in the Zhang family have been caught, and we have also found a place where they hide their gold in the inner courtyard of the Zhang family."

At this time, the big landlords would bury the gold and silver in the ground of their home ~ lightnovelpub.net~ So it is not surprising that the gold and silver in the Zhang family's cellar were found in the inner courtyard of the Zhang family.

Ensha didn't care about gold and silver.

What really made her care about was the Zhang family who had been caught.

"Those gold and silver treasures are all taken care of, and immediately screen out those people in the Zhang family who have often bullied men and women who have done some evil things, and then we will come to a public trial. And as soon as possible to find those real estate deeds hidden by Zhang family.

The Zhang family is basically finished now, and there is only one destiny waiting for them.

But for Ensha, this matter is not over yet.

Because she has received the news that the county has sent troops to kill them these so-called ‘chaotic people’. Therefore, if this matter is to come to an end, Ensha must resolve the threat from the county.

Ensha didn't worry at all about this.

"Open the Zhang family's arsenal and distribute it to the believers." (To be continued.)