Rising America

Chapter 895: Huang Qingwu is just a fame

cigarette! fruit juice! Ham sausage!

In o1 time and space in Shanghai Railway Station, there are also a row of busy scenes. The vendors on the platform greet travelers to patronize their business, while travelers gather in twos and threes and chat quietly. ?? Eight? One Chinese? W? W ㈧ W?. ? 8㈧1㈠Z?W㈧. ?C㈠O?M?

Due to the relationship of the times, the goods sold by the hawkers at that time, of course, cannot be compared with the 21st century, but they can always satisfy the travelers of this era.

With the sound of the sirens, a train from the capital slowly drove into the station, and the white gas rose up, covering the platform all at once.

There was no such thing as a ‘motor car’ in 1911. An old steam-powered train was already very good.

The people on the No. 3 platform became agitated, raising the small colored flags they had prepared in their hands and dancing. At the same time, the Shanghai police officers in black uniforms began to pretend to maintain order.

The people on this platform are all elites from all walks of life in Shanghai. Judging from his (her) behavior in coming here to pick up the station, it is obvious that there is a big man on this train.

Indeed, on this train from Beijing, there really is a big man here.

One of the Eight King Kong under the command of the Northern Hegemon, Yuan Xiangcheng, has been appointed as the Warlord of Shanghai. He will soon extend Yuan Xiangcheng's tentacles to the area of ​​Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Wu Jiabao is the pawn.

Compared to Huang Qingwu in the south, the Shanghai business class clearly recognizes Wu Jiabao a bit more. This can be seen from the fact that people can ‘take the initiative’ to pick up the station.

Of course, we don’t know what promise Yuan Xiangcheng and the tycoons in the Shanghai industrial and commercial industry have made behind this. Anyway, now that Wu Jiabao is obviously very popular.

Wu Jiabao's pomp is very large. Perhaps this has nothing to do with the fact that the northern forces have to pass the south in terms of financial or military strength.

Therefore, Wu Jiabao came to Shanghai to take up his post. The entourage and guard he brought with him were much larger than Huang Qingwu, who had encountered the fault-finder of the "Nan Dou Shengquan.

As the train slowly stopped, the people on the platform became more excited. Although you can see at a glance that these people are very excited, it does not prevent this from really making the atmosphere warm.

"Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to Governor Wu to take office in Shanghai. I am looking forward to it in Shanghai's industrial and commercial industry. I hope that Shanghai will be in the position of Governor Wu..."

As the car door opened, a bunch of famous Shanghai tycoons rushed up, and the flattery when they opened their mouths was like a torrent of rivers.

A big fat man in a uniform appeared under the support of the guard.

Looking at this fat man's weight, how can it be more than two hundred jins or more.

With the help of the guards, this fat man would be out of breath without walking, even dripping sweat on his greasy face, which made his greasy face even more greasy. It makes people feel a little disgusting.

And this fat man is no one else. It is Wu Jiabao, the Shanghai Supervisor appointed by Yuan Xiangcheng.

The guard on his side worked hard to support the fat man, and at the same time, a maid with a delicate face and a very slender figure took out a handkerchief and kept wiping the ‘oil stain’ on his face.

Faced with a crowd of Shanghai tycoons who said they don’t want money and slapstick, Wu Jiabao’s face was full of smiles, and he looked as kind as a Maitreya Buddha.

But if anyone really thinks that this guy is a kind person, that would be a big mistake.

This Fatty Wu is not only not a kind person, but the only person in Yuan Bawang's power who has a bad personality and a cruel personality. And this fat guy also has a very disgusting hobby, that is, he likes to kill young girls.

And when the northern black dragon was guarding Yuan Xiangcheng's frontiers, this guy in the local area was often ruined because of this hobby.

Xianza came to Shanghai... This is really worrying.

At the same time, besides this bad hobby, this guy is also very cruel to the enemy.

Anything that fell into his hands, Yuan Xiangcheng's enemies, he would use various methods to torture the other side, destroy the other side, and let the other side take the initiative to plead for a death.

In other words, it fell into the hands of this guy, basically it is better to die than life.

Because he was loyal to Yuan Xiangcheng, because of his notoriety, and more importantly, he still had a strong strength, so when a Shanghai governor was appointed to the south, Yuan Xiangcheng pushed Fatty Wu out and asked him to come to Shanghai to deal with it. Huang Qingwu sent by the southern forces.

In Yuan Xiangcheng's view, "Using Devil Wu" to deal with "Fighting King Huang Qingwu" basically has a high win.

It’s just that Yuan Xiangcheng never thought that Wu Jiabao’s opponent was no longer Huang Qingwu from the southern forces, but the grandmother of the Qing Gang who had become a representative of the local forces.

This is where Yuan Xiangcheng made some mistakes.

It is precisely because of this mistake, so...hehe.

"Okay! Very good! It can be seen that you all respect and support President Yuan Da. I think President Yuan Da will be very happy when he learns of this example from all walks of life in Shanghai."

Fatty Wu glanced around the people around him with a smile, then panted and praised him.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, we still have to say something about the scene.

Moreover, this welcome scene now fits Wu Fatty's expectations.

"Sun Yixian and the others are just a mob, a stumbling block to national reunification. President Yuan is discussing loan matters with other countries. Once this matter is settled, then it will be when our Beiyang takes action against the southern forces. When the country is unified, we will You can concentrate on burying the country."

Standing on the platform, Fatty Wu revealed a piece of news to the Shanghai industrial and commercial business operators who came to pick up the station. Before he came, Yuan Bawang specifically told him to tell him at this time.

"We absolutely support President Yuan Da's unification by force!"

"Follow President Yuan to the death!"

"Defeat Sun Yixian and the others!"

The Shanghai business elites around Fatty Wu raised their fists and shouted.

Fatty Wu just kept the smile on his face, but he thought [These people really can act] in his heart.

The scene of welcoming Fatty Wu was very grand, but this was not the highlight.

After all, the current Fatty Wu has just arrived in Shanghai, and has not really grasped the political and economic power of Shanghai. The so-called warlord is just a name.

Therefore, it will take a little time for him to really control Shanghai completely.

Fatty Wu didn't understand this question.

An adjutant came quietly to Fatty Wu's side and said something to him in a low voice. This made Fatty Wu narrow his eyes slightly, and a hint of cold light burst into his eyes from time to time.

Although he still has a kind-looking smile on his face, this kind of smile can be regarded as a skinny smile.

At this time, anyone who knows Fatty Wu is very clear that this is when Fatty Wu feels the worst, and at this time he likes to kill.

"Huang Qingwu was blocked in Jiaxing?"

A few guards flashed to his side, and after dispersing the surrounding crowd a little away, Fatty Wu looked bad and asked the adjutant who had come to report the matter.

The adjutant nodded heavily, and continued to lower his voice and said to Fatty Wu: "The news is absolutely reliable. Our people stationed in the south have followed Huang Qingwu all the way, so he can't hide things from us."

Although Fatty Wu's voice was very low, he could tell the unpleasant taste in it as soon as he opened his mouth. As soon as he turned his conversation, he whispered and asked: "Huang Qingwu's name is blown out. Don't look at what people call him. 'Fighting King', in fact, he learned his kung fu from Dongying, and he is really a side-by-side approach.

Originally, when I arrived in Shanghai, I wanted to discuss with him, but I didn’t expect this guy to be so unbearable, worse than I expected, but those people who are "coco gods" are really too much. What does it mean, do you use Huang Qingwu as a disagreement? "

The adjutant watched Fatty Wu's reaction, carefully wording words in his heart, because he knew very well that Fatty Wu now is very dangerous. If he doesn't deal with it well, he will lose his life.

"It is said that the'Coco God's Sect' has a deep connection with the Qing Gang, and the recently renowned'Little Aunt Granny' in the group also intends to become the Superintendent of Shanghai. Therefore, it can be inferred that Huang Qingwu's experience is deeply rooted in this. "

Fatty Wu raised his eyebrows, "Oh, according to your opinion, maybe the Cyan Gang will also attack me after Huang Qingwu?" Although Fatty Wu is cruel and ignorant, he is a person with an exquisite heart. Hearing what the adjutant said, he thought of a lot and made a very accurate judgment.

From this point, it can be seen that it is not unreasonable for Fatty Wu to become the Eight Great King Kong of Beiyang.

At least he is not so obstinate and stupid in appearance.

The adjutant nodded heavily: "It is not unreasonable that the warlord is worried about this issue."

Fatty Wu was silent for a while, then laughed wildly.

"Wow! Hahahahaha! These are just some clowns, that is, Huang Qingwu, a mere nameless guy, will be defeated by those guys, but I am not Huang Qingwu!"

Fatty Wu has strong confidence in his own strength.

And this kind of self-confidence was accumulated by Fatty Wu's life spanning decades.

He was completely different from Huang Qingwu, who had gained such a reputation by relying on a bunch of friends to brag about after he had learned the Dongying martial arts.

"Let’s go first~lightnovelpub.net~ After I get things done, I will visit the Youth Gang."

After receiving the laughter, Fatty Wu let his guards clear the way, squeezed the crowd to greet him, and walked outside the train station platform.

The reason why Fatty Wu said so was because he had a secret confession from Yuan Xiangcheng before he came.

The Green Gang is a local force in Shanghai and is quite powerful.

At the same time, the Youth Gang still holds a lot of wealth, so how could Yuan Xiangcheng not spy?

Therefore, Wu Jiabao arrived in Shanghai to serve as the overseer of Shanghai, and he was also responsible for plundering the wealth of the Qinggang for Yuan Xiangcheng and returning to the Qinggang to do things for Beiyang.

That's why Fatty Wu said, "Go to the Youth Gang to visit".

It’s just that Fatty Wu didn’t expect that his contact with the Qing Gang would come so quickly that even he himself was very surprised.

And the result is still so... (To be continued.)