Rising America

Chapter 903: It hasn't risen yet, but withered


Due to the negligence of our newspaper, which resulted in the negligence of the contemporary strong men printed in the last issue of Jianghu Strongman, this newspaper hereby apologizes to all readers, and after accepting the point of the "enthusiastic" readers, the newspaper promptly We have made corrections and adjustments, reprinted a new issue of Jianghu strongman, and sent it to readers free of charge. We hope that through this method, we can make up for the inconvenience caused by our negligence. Finally, please forgive me, thank you!

Ta Kung Pao newspaper published the apology on the front page of its own newspaper, and pointed out the loopholes found by a certain'enthusiastic' reader in the content of the apology, and also came to the newspaper'enthusiastically' to tell Thanks to them, this gave Ta Kung Pao a chance to make corrections.

This is very nice. At least people who read the headlines of the Ta Kung Pao's front page can't see anything.

But in fact, is this really the case?

Ha ha!

There are enthusiastic readers, and there are also enthusiastic readers who go to the Ta Kung Pao newspaper.

But the problem is that the method used by this ‘enthusiastic’ reader to point out the problem is quite unbelievable, and it also frightens the people at Ta Kung Pao.

Well, the Ta Kung Pao newspaper was smashed into the sky. At that time, someone who dared to stand up and speak up to the perpetrators was really beaten, and they were beaten not lightly.

Therefore, this apology from the Ta Kung Pao newspaper is so grand on the front page.

Nothing, this is what the ‘enthusiastic’ reader strongly requested.

So in order not to be beaten again, even the "Uncrowned Kings" of 1911 can only pinch their noses to recognize them.

It's strange to say that these uncrowned kings of 1911 were all masters who even Yuan Xiangcheng and Sun Yixian dared to use their pens and not to abuse them.

But this time they have somersaults in the hands of the ‘enthusiastic’ readers, and it’s really going to make people drop their jaws to talk about it.

Especially in this time and space in China in 1911, Ta Kung Pao was also a well-known newspaper. It was especially famous for its daring to criticize and was not compromised by power. It was regarded by readers as the first newspaper to tell the truth.

But this time, how could it become like this?

In fact, this is not surprising at all, who let them meet the bear child.

Regardless of their ability to scold those contemporary celebrities unscrupulously, even big figures such as Yuan Xiangcheng and Sun Yixian are not mistaken, making themselves seem to dare to speak out.

In fact, they understand the psychology of the big people, and know that even if they scold them like this, it will be fine, so they are so bold.

Of course, people like Yuan Xiangcheng and Sun Yixian would not pay much attention to some abuse in the newspaper, let alone care about the people who wrote the article, because only in this way can they show their magnanimity.

That's right!

It is to let people see how big they are!

Therefore, this has caused a misunderstanding among outsiders that the uncrowned kings dare to speak out what they think.

But then again, if these uncrowned kings meet someone who has no mind, then they will be out of luck.

So these guys are clever and clever. Generally, if they write articles and scold a big man, they will choose those who have the mind and generosity to scold them. As for the guys whose flaws must be reported, they would not write at that time.

It can be seen from this that these uncrowned kings are the same thing. Whatever words of justice, what kind of human heart, they are all imaginary.

So, when these guys meet bear kids, what can they do?

Especially when this bear kid has a vote of vicious thugs and doglegs, he really dared to hit people, and when he really dared to hit the newspaper office, people have to recognize the situation and bow their heads.

The original founder of Ta Kung Pao and the editor-in-chief of the newspaper wanted to resist, but when he was also beaten, everyone was honest.

After all, a pen holder is not as good as a fist.

Not to mention that the instigator of all this is a bear kid, and they can't let adults like them care about a bear kid, right?

Besides, talking to a bear kid who is less than three years old, do you think it makes sense!

So, tragedy!

So that in the end, what the bear kid said is what he said. In short, it is true that he will not be beaten by doing what the bear kid wants.

Therefore, the next day's Ta Kung Pao published such an apology, and many readers also got a new issue of Jianghu strongman published overnight for free.

It's just that everyone will not know, this is only the hidden inside story.

It's tears when you say it!

The big men are afraid of face and reputation, so they can let these uncrowned kings do whatever they want, and sometimes they are even threatened by these fears.

But the bear children have no burden at all, and they act more unscrupulously than these uncrowned kings. At the same time, they are illogical and unpredictable.

It can be said that the bear children are their nemesis, and they will die to death.

Coupled with the fierce thugs of Xiongzi, who can't tremble at the sight.

Therefore, it is normal for all Ta Kung Pao newspapers to be soft.

Only a brain-disabled person can stand against a bear child who is unreasonable and unpredictable. It will only find himself uncomfortable. As an adult, it is impossible to not understand this principle.

Of course, although these guys dare not show anything in front of Coco, they are all curses in their hearts. At the same time, even parents who are thought to have educated such a lawless bear child are silently cursed by these uncrowned kings. It's choking.

So that Jin Xiantai sneezed several times in different time and space.

But what is funny is that these uncrowned kings are just cursing silently in their hearts, and they dare not show any dissatisfaction in front of the bear children.

Even when the bear kids said something, they had to do their utmost to flatter them one by one, for fear that they would make the bear kids unhappy and let the fierce thugs fight.

This is really funny.

However, the bear boy hit people and smashed the newspaper office, but someone had to clean up the mess, so the inevitable Andrew appeared.

When Andrew, dressed in a robe and jacket, with a foreign face and a nondescript appearance, went to the hospital to visit the injured newspaper employees, the injured reporters of Ta Kung Pao were shocked by him.

What the hell!

What is this appearance?

Especially when Andrew's fluent Beijing film made these people spartan.

"Everyone, I will accompany you here for my lady, and please don't care about a child. As for your losses and expenses, I will bear it here. In short, I won't let you suffer."

Andrew changed his usual arrogant manner, now incarnate as a kind housekeeper, full of apologies.

After all, Coco did let the liquid metal robot hit someone at the moment. This is not right after all. You have to apologize if you are reasonable.

Andrew's usual bully stewardship is actually just for fun, but also to cooperate with Coco, the bear boy, it's not that he is really that scumbag.

So, Andrew will be very kind right now.

It's a pity that Andrew's mannerism made the people beaten by Ta Kung Pao mistakenly think that he was a soft persimmon.

"This is endless! Why is your tutor so bad? This child is a bully nurse. At a young age, he knows that relying on the power of the family to behave, he can't become a scum when he grows up!"

"Yes! Yes! You tell us who her father is. We want to know who has educated such an uneducated child. This is simply a typical example of having parents and no upbringing. It is a shame to China Education!"

Seeing that Andrew was so talkative, these people immediately became enthusiastic, seeming to regard Andrew as a soft persimmon, and thought that Andrew was really here to calm things down.

But when these people were bluffing and their words became more and more disrespectful, Andrew's expression gradually cooled.

Give some paint, and you will start a dyeing workshop!

Andrew also has a temper, especially when these people say that Coco ‘has a father and mother, and UU reading www.uukahnshu.com does not have a parent’s education, which means there is no father, mother or child’, it ignites the anger in Andrew’s heart.

Lucky is that Coco is not here, otherwise the little guy will be sad by these people's words, because Coco is indeed a child without a mother.

It is precisely because of knowing this and knowing what the little guy really cares about, so Andrew was made angry by these people's words.

"To shut up!"

Andrew yelled!

The strong aura caused the bluffing people to shut their mouths and looked at him in astonishment.

"Good guys, do you really think I'm good to talk? Give you some sunshine and you really dare to be brilliant. If I don't let you know why the flowers are so red today, you really think my family is so bully, come on People!"

At this time, Andrew changed his previous appearance of a good gentleman, exuding a strong aura, and the town’s Ta Kung Pao reporters were dumbfounded.

"Butler, what do you call us?"

A group of liquid metal robot doglegs flooded into the ward, crowding the huge ward.

"Beat me! They dare to say that the young lady is born without parents, and she is a child without parents."

The liquid metal robot thugs all responded, and then each looked for a target on the hospital bed and walked over.

Seeing the bad-looking dogs coming towards them, these wounded people felt that the prospects were not good.

"Tell you, my master and young lady, how can you say it! You can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. If you say something wrong, you will pay the price. Today, you will have a long memory! Give me a fight!"

As the bully butler came back out of the arena, all the injured people who had been admitted to the hospital suddenly fell unlucky.

There was a sorrowful howling over the entire hospital