Rising America

Chapter 904: If you don't support me, just take the c

O1 China in time and space was also overthrown by the Manchu Dynasty and entered the Republic of China era, and because of this and other reasons, it was humiliated by the great powers. ???

This point is somewhat similar to the history of a certain time and space. The difference is that in o1 time and space, martial arts and technology coexist, and martial arts are very destructive.

It is quite different from the point that a certain time and space has been reduced to a ‘dance technique’.

It is precisely because of the relationship between martial arts in China in this time and space that there will inevitably be ‘Jiang Hu’, and with Jiang Hu, the so-called master ranking will appear.

Generally speaking, the ranking of masters in the arena varies greatly, and many factors must be considered to be on the list, but usually there are factors that are very fixed, that is, the skill of the list must be strong enough.

How else can you be called a master?

Obviously, you can't get on the list by lip service. At least the players on the list have to have a good skill, or you won't be able to do anything.

Therefore, it is normal that Yuan Xiangcheng, who inherited the magic of the ancient powerhouse, and Sun Yixian, who created his own line of martial arts, are famous.

Yuan Xiangcheng’s “Purple Thunder Magic Art” is a great success. He has never encountered an opponent since his debut. With this skill, he has won a reputation in North Korea and killed the provocative Dongying master in North Korea at that time. Kojiro therefore entered the court's eyes. From a small soldier to an officer, he began his glorious promotion, and has now become the overlord of the north.

Although Sun Yixian's resume is not as dazzling as Yuan Xiangcheng, he is also a wizard. When he studied in Dongying, he learned the best of Dongying's martial arts. He also taught himself the concentration of the European powerhouse Montesquieu, and created his current five-punch magical skill. He is famous.

And compared to Yuan Xiangcheng, Sun Yixian pays more attention to the influence of the media, and constantly brags for himself through the media, so Sun Yixian's position in the arena is second only to Yuan Xiangcheng.

Therefore, these two were rated as the two masters of contemporary rivers and lakes, and because they were located in the north and south of China, they were leaders of the military forces in the north and south. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, they were the two benchmarks in the Central Plains competition. These two attracted everyone's attention, and they also became the talk of many people.

Under the two, although there are some masters on the list, such as the four guardians of Yuan Xiangcheng, the eight kings, and the master of ice drink and the king of fighting under Sun Yixian, these people are famous, but they are far behind. Both of them.

But this situation is not static.

After the reprinting of the first issue, it immediately aroused people's ideas, because in this issue of reprinting the free pie, turning over the first page of the entire page, it focused on introducing a new contemporary arena.

Green Gang... Granny Aunt!

This can really attract people's attention.

The introduction of others in the previous issue only used a few lines of words. The introduction of this sister-in-law's grandmother did not take up a whole page. It has reached the level of several pages.

It can be seen that the Ta Kung Pao Office has not been cleaned up lightly.

But ordinary readers and the public are not clear about this inside story.

What they saw was that a person who was not well-known in the rivers and lakes, and whose name sounded obediently, was honored, and was also ranked first. He looked better than Yuan Xiangcheng and Sun Yixian. .

And as the readers continue to watch this issue, they suddenly feel that Wu Jiabao, who ranked in the top eight, has been removed and replaced by a woman with the title of "Rose Knights".

Similarly, although the fifth-ranked fighting king, Huang Qingwu, was not removed from his name, he fell out of his rank and thought he was ranked sixth. The one who replaced his fifth place was someone from the "Coco God" called Li Laoshi. Guys.

And in the introduction of these two, the relationship between the two and the "grand aunt" was introduced emphatically, as if these two were the subordinates of grandma.

This now caused a sensation.

Not to mention the little-known sister-in-law's grandmother on the list, even with two of her men on the list, and in one fell swoop into the top ten, it is not unbelievable.

And the careful person also found that in the introduction of the women of the "Rose Knight Order", Wu Jiabao had been killed by them, so this also made people understand why Fatty Wu was removed, and Huang Qingwu just lost one place.


, Fatty Wu, who was also the most vicious, was actually killed.

This is definitely big news.

As for the woman who killed him, people have never heard of her name, especially since this woman is still a big Yanma.

Therefore, this matter has aroused heated discussion and concern among the people.

For example, Barbara, the leader of the ‘Rose Knights’, and Li Hon.

In addition, there are many people in the world and sects who have begun to collect information about the two, analyzing and understanding how powerful they are.

However, the one that attracts the most attention is of course the ‘Granny’.

In the article, the martial arts used by my grandmother did not describe in detail, but was described by the Ta Kung Pao as ‘very powerful! Out of the category of human cognition! "Wait for vague descriptions, the people who make it are clouded.

But it is precisely because of this vague description that people have misunderstood this matter one after another. Everyone who got it really thought that "Little Aunt Grandma" was a master.

But then again, in fact, Ta Kung Pao's description is correct, because Coco is indeed very powerful, and at the same time, it is a powerful existence in the cognitive category of this time and space.

Perhaps these people at the Ta Kung Pao newspaper originally intended to use this description to secretly make Cocoa a little trouble, but who knew they had written it correctly.

However, because the Ta Kung Pao newspaper used this description in the media, it was indeed successful in the end and caused trouble to Cocoa.

It’s just that these troubles didn’t make the little guy suffer in this matter as expected by the people of Ta Kung Pao. Instead, they let the little guy go through these troubles and completely established his position in the arena. I have to say this. One result is that they didn't expect it.

As the saying goes, Wen has no first, Wu has no second!

Cocoa is not like Yuan Xiangcheng. He has a lot of practical examples, and his hands are stained with the blood of countless figures, thus establishing his name and status.

At the same time, it is not like Sun Yixian, who is good at using the media and network, and there are not so many friends around to help him.

Therefore, she was listed as the number one name in the contemporary era, which inevitably aroused the dissatisfaction of many people in the rivers and lakes, and was regarded as a big joke-like clown.

Especially when a rumor spread quickly in the arena, it was said that Da Kung Pao listed Auntie's grandmother as the top of the list of masters of the rivers and lakes. The main reason was that Grandma's aunt threatened the people of Ta Kung Pao with a gangster.

Originally, the people of Ta Kung Pao were not threatened at all and wanted to continue to maintain the truth.

However, my sister-in-law's grandmother was born in helping Lu Shu, and she didn't care at all. She used the family members of the Ta Kung Pao newspaper to coerce and forced the Ta Kung Pao to submit to it. That's why the reprinting of such a matter ignited a large part of the situation. People's hearts are angry.

Therefore, it naturally brought trouble to cocoa.


Coco fell a tabloid to the ground and said bitterly: "These guys said that I was taking advantage of the youth gang and threatened them with the family members of the Ta Kung Pao newspaper. Only then did they establish their reputation on the rivers and lakes, and they also made up many things. What annoyed me!"

Andrew, who was standing next to Coco, picked up the newspaper, turned to a certain page and looked at it.

To be honest, this tabloid is a bit too much, especially some of the content contains personal attacks, and the description is also very unbearable.

Even in this article, Coco was actually described as an unbearable woman, and at the same time, he was described as being more irritating than Pan Jinlian.

Andrew held the newspaper and looked up at Coco: "This newspaper is run by a newspaper in Peking. It cannot be said that it has nothing to do with Yuan Xiangcheng and the people. Maybe it was he who instructed it, so miss, do you want me to send someone? Go to Peiping and show the people at this newspaper a little bit more."

Ke Ke heard the words and nodded his head heavily, "Of course! Of course, I have to show them a little bit of power. I actually wrote me so unbearable, and said that I am the same woman as Pan Jinlian~lightnovelpub.net~ but Pan Who is Jinlian?", Coco's words were very childish, and people couldn't help but want to laugh.

Andrew did not explain the question of'Who is Pan Jinlian?', but diverted Cocoa's attention, "Miss, I recently received intelligence, Sun Yixian's revolution #命# army has been assembled in Fujian, and the leading troops sent by him have already left Ningde. , Heading towards Wenzhou.

Yuan Xiangcheng's troops were also assembled in Xuzhou, and their troops had already passed Huai'an. Obviously, they both planned to enter Shanghai by force after failing to take over Shanghai peacefully. "

Sure enough, after listening to Andrew talk about it, he was immediately attracted.

"Can we beat them?"

Coco asked at this time.

Andrew Old God in Coco said: "There is no problem at all. Today we have 50,000 people in Shanghai. Pietro and Ensha have also organized a force of over 300,000 people. Therefore, even if they fight with the North and South at the same time, We can definitely stand it."

Andrew was not talking about boasting.

It's easy to come to this conclusion by thinking about who Andrew is.

"In terms of international public opinion, the United States supports us. The French and the British have some unclear attitudes. The Dongying people explicitly announced their support for Yuan Xiangcheng and secretly used weapons and equipment to support Sun Yixian."

Andrew, who succeeded in diverting Cocoa's attention, began to talk to Cocoa about the international situation.

When Cocoa heard about the attitude of the Dongying people, he immediately smirked: "Since the Dongying people do not support us, then what are you doing with their concessions? Let our people take back the Dongying concessions, the British and the French. The attitude is not good..."

Andrew immediately answered: "Take it back together!" 8

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